2 Castles, 2 Send out 2011 & Ring in 2012...12 Days of Christmas

I am so glad you are joining in. I love following your PTR! Yep, I am an overplanner to a fault...if those pesky park hours would just come out then I could really be using my time! :rotfl:

I am by no means a super mom...just want to make some lasting memories for my children...and with my dh that is not so easy (he likes being a pretty boring family and not get into the silly stuff like a movie night...give him his recliner and the remote or a fishing pole/shot gun now that makes him happy).
I normally do not shop at World Market (only been in there a few times), but after today I am wondering why I have not shopped here more. DD and I went to find some beignet mix for an upcoming dinner and a movie night...and we found a ton of neat things to make for movie nights!

I think she was having more fun roaming the isles and thinking of movies that went with the products on the self. I was so worried about her embracing the idea of watching all these movies, but when she found out that I would let her do the cooking and planning, she has totally got into it. Here is what we found...keep in mind I had to stop her at $20 with the promise that this would get us started and we could come back after we get these things used!


Beignet Mix & Jambalaya Mix: Princess and the Frog
Crepe Mix: Aristocats, Sleeping Beauty, or Beauty & the Beast
Guinness Beer, Malt Vinger (to make English Fish & Chips) & Scone Mix: Mary Poppins
Our first dinner and a movie night is under way at the moment. The kids are settled down watching Toy Story 2 currently as I upload photos and write this entry into our PTR. Overall it was a huge success in the kids point of view, and they are already looking forward to next week and making it a weekly thing (although next week it is going to have to be on Sunday since I am spending the day scrapbooking next Saturday).

I wish I could decorate for the theme...we have never gotten into the Disney merchandise and characters (the two oldest have always been into books, art supplies, legos...they never wanted the toys). The only time I really will be able to decorate is when we have CARS night...ds#2 has every CARS toy I think there is!

Toy Story 1 & 2

Menu: Pizza Planet Pizza, Woodys Rootin Tootin Rootbeer, and Alien Cupcakes
Activity: A little friendly toy story mania competition on the wii before hand, along with reading in my passporter about all the Toy Story things (Toy Story Mania, Buzz Lightyear, and Pizza Planet) at WDW and a little google search for pictures on the internet of these things

Some Friendly Toy Story Mania Competition...


Making the Alien Cupcakes

Alien Cupcake
Hi there, I just caught up on your report. LOVE your plan to surprise them on Christmas, you are so creative. I am still trying to figure out how exactly I'm going to surprise mine. Happy to see someone else doing the movie theme nights, my DS15 isn't exactly thrilled when we do them either so maybe I should get him involved in the cooking like your DD because he also loves to cook. Can't wait to read more!

Glad you are subbing along too...most of my inspritation for family movie night is coming from you PTR! I love following your family and planning!
My dh cousin and his family just returned from spring break at WDW/USO. He and dh were talking about their trip during coffee and donuts after mass today. So dh cousin had to come and track me down to tell me all about their trip...starting the conversation off with "I hear you guys are planning a trip at Christmas...here is what you need to do." I shot him my best teacher look :mad:to try and quiet him down and drug him away...mind you dh is loud...very loud. I am not sure exactly what the kids overheard and I kept telling him it was a secret but he kept on going about how crowded it was at spring break and why would we want to go when it is even more crowded at Christmas. I swear I wanted to kill him...if the kids did pick up on what he was saying they did not let on to it. I tried to recover and cover up what he said....can we really keep this a secret?! I am doing my best...only 9 more months to keep this quiet or about 278 days.
I love that you are doing a surprise trip for your kids. I would love to do one for DH but I don't have the willpower not to blab about it lol. The scavenger hunt is a great idea. I can't wait to read more!
Our first dinner and a movie night is under way at the moment. The kids are settled down watching Toy Story 2 currently as I upload photos and write this entry into our PTR. Overall it was a huge success in the kids point of view, and they are already looking forward to next week and making it a weekly thing (although next week it is going to have to be on Sunday since I am spending the day scrapbooking next Saturday).

I wish I could decorate for the theme...we have never gotten into the Disney merchandise and characters (the two oldest have always been into books, art supplies, legos...they never wanted the toys). The only time I really will be able to decorate is when we have CARS night...ds#2 has every CARS toy I think there is!

Toy Story 1 & 2

Menu: Pizza Planet Pizza, Woodys Rootin Tootin Rootbeer, and Alien Cupcakes
Activity: A little friendly toy story mania competition on the wii before hand, along with reading in my passporter about all the Toy Story things (Toy Story Mania, Buzz Lightyear, and Pizza Planet) at WDW and a little google search for pictures on the internet of these things

Some Friendly Toy Story Mania Competition...


Making the Alien Cupcakes

Alien Cupcake

This is all too cool! I may have to steel this idea from you. Life has been so crazy that I have really had to force myself to plan meals so that we are not eating on the run. I love the items you got at World Market too!

My dh cousin and his family just returned from spring break at WDW/USO. He and dh were talking about their trip during coffee and donuts after mass today. So dh cousin had to come and track me down to tell me all about their trip...starting the conversation off with "I hear you guys are planning a trip at Christmas...here is what you need to do." I shot him my best teacher look :mad:to try and quiet him down and drug him away...mind you dh is loud...very loud. I am not sure exactly what the kids overheard and I kept telling him it was a secret but he kept on going about how crowded it was at spring break and why would we want to go when it is even more crowded at Christmas. I swear I wanted to kill him...if the kids did pick up on what he was saying they did not let on to it. I tried to recover and cover up what he said....can we really keep this a secret?! I am doing my best...only 9 more months to keep this quiet or about 278 days.

OH!! :headache: I can't believe he almost spilled the beans!!! Hopefully, the secret can be kept for the remaining 9 months. I have got to hand it to you though... :worship: I know I would not be able to do it.

I am so glad you are joining in. I love following your PTR! Yep, I am an over planner to a fault...if those pesky park hours would just come out then I could really be using my time! :rotfl:

I am by no means a super mom...just want to make some lasting memories for my children...and with my dh that is not so easy (he likes being a pretty boring family and not get into the silly stuff like a movie night...give him his recliner and the remote or a fishing pole/shot gun now that makes him happy).

I have to about drag my dh kicking and screaming to anything we do. Sometimes I feel bad for him...and other times I feel bad for me. ;) I guess it is just part of beign mom to organize and push our families toward together time.

BTW, I totally agree... I need park hours!
I found you! I'm so glad you're doing a PTR! I bow down to your planning skills and creativity!

Can't wait to read more! popcorn::
Joining in! have to read up yet, will do that tonight after all the kiddies are in bed, but im loving what i have seen so far!
If I were having a baby, today marks 9 months until our trip!

Wow, I am humbled that others are wanted to join in on my planning obsession...Welcome to blairbear, NOLAdisney, and lfwhipp! Would love to know "real" names so I could address you!

We are in the mist of our next dinner and a movie night. I was going to skip this weekend since I was gone Saturday scrapbooking...but the kids were disappointed and begged to have one...soooooo....check back later for tonights Dinner and a Movie update.

I am about to post my USO/IOA touring plans. With being only 2 parks and planning on purchasing park to park hoppers (as well as having the EXPRESS pass for staying on site), I can pretty much set a touring plan. The only problem with my plans is we are still not sure of our departure date. I would really like to leave Christmas afternoon, but we have to wait to see what SW schedules are like. the last time I looked they will not release the dates I need until May 26...2 months away!
Pirates of the Caribbean
March 27
Menu: Cannon Ball Sandwiches (italian meatball sandwiches) and Molten Lava Cake A la mode (Brownies with a molten chocolate inside and vanilla ice cream)

Activity: Read about POTC ride at WDW and the Pirates League & Treasure Hunts (both boys agree they need to be pirates...wanting the complete skeleton face...mom does not agree), then we gave ourselves pirate names using http://www.piratequiz.com/

DD:Dread Pirate Flint
Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

DS#1: Iron Harry Flint
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

DS#2: Captain Morgan Flint
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

POTC Night....ARRRR!

Cannonball Sanwiches

Molten Lava Cakes ala mode


Wow, I am humbled that others are wanted to join in on my planning obsession...Welcome to blairbear, NOLAdisney, and lfwhipp! Would love to know "real" names so I could address you!

My name is Laurie and i have to tell you, after seeing the pics on this page, i want CHOCOLATE!!! YUM!!! and awesome ideas!!!
Love The Pirates of the Caribbean night! That cake your DD made looks delicious! I'm totally going to steal your idea for the cannonballs sandwiches and the pirate names.:lovestruc
Love The Pirates of the Caribbean night! That cake your DD made looks delicious!

Thanks...I am not sure how "lava" goes with pirates but we decided that tropical volcanoes and pirates have to fit somehow.:rotfl:

DD was a little disappointed in the cakes...she had mad them earlier in the day and then we warmed them up...the molten center was not as "flowing" as she had wanted. They were yummy though!

Steal away any ideas...goodness knows I stole them from somewhere (and stealing lots of your ideas in the future).
My name is Laurie and i have to tell you, after seeing the pics on this page, i want CHOCOLATE!!! YUM!!! and awesome ideas!!!

Okay, so I am a little slow this week...if I would just read the signature lines I would answer my own questions! :rotfl2: Is this the same Laurie as in the facebook group planning the photoshare that I can't figure out?!

The cake was yummy...I only allowed myself a little bite since we have a biggest loser contest going at work that has a pot of $525 and I am in second place right now...sure would come in handy for this trip!
I downloaded the Disney Vacation Planner...not sure if I like it or not because it seems to lock down the computer sometimes. But, according to the suitcase we are 270 days away and the weather at WDW is 82 degrees (which seems a lot better than the overcast/grey day we are having at 43 degrees).

Last night we welcomed a new member into our family....


Her name is Cami and she is a 8 week old German Wirehair Pointer. I forgot what having a baby was like in the house...I am so tired today! When she is mature she will have a beard, mustache, and eyebrows...we love the breed as they are wonderful family dogs and easy natured with the kids. They like to "talk" to you and are good bird dogs (will see if she becomes and expensive pet or will actually get trained). Right now she is an indoor dog, thanks to the yucky weather we are having and we are afraid she will slip up under the fence....potty training is not fun! We have an older male, Jake, who is 9 years old...who is quite the character!
I downloaded the Disney Vacation Planner...not sure if I like it or not because it seems to lock down the computer sometimes. But, according to the suitcase we are 270 days away and the weather at WDW is 82 degrees (which seems a lot better than the overcast/grey day we are having at 43 degrees).

Last night we welcomed a new member into our family....


Her name is Cami and she is a 8 week old German Wirehair Pointer. I forgot what having a baby was like in the house...I am so tired today! When she is mature she will have a beard, mustache, and eyebrows...we love the breed as they are wonderful family dogs and easy natured with the kids. They like to "talk" to you and are good bird dogs (will see if she becomes and expensive pet or will actually get trained). Right now she is an indoor dog, thanks to the yucky weather we are having and we are afraid she will slip up under the fence....potty training is not fun! We have an older male, Jake, who is 9 years old...who is quite the character!

Awwwww, How adorable is she? How is Jake getting along with her? Good luck with the training, we had to give our last dog to another home because after 1 1/2 years he still was not fully house trained. He was just so stubborn, but we found a good home so it did have a happy ending. My kids have been asking alot lately for another dog, DH said we'll see when we get back from Disney :)
Okay, so I am a little slow this week...if I would just read the signature lines I would answer my own questions! :rotfl2: Is this the same Laurie as in the facebook group planning the photoshare that I can't figure out?!

Thats me :cool2: Message me on FB and ill help you with the figuring out bits :cutie:

that puppy is precious!!!
How is Jake getting along with her? Good luck with the training, we had to give our last dog to another home because after 1 1/2 years he still was not fully house trained. He was just so stubborn, but we found a good home so it did have a happy ending. My kids have been asking alot lately for another dog, DH said we'll see when we get back from Disney :)

Jake is tolerating Cami...at 9 he is pretty set in his ways. We lost our last lab last fall and he has been so lonely. Wirehair pointers are very social dogs and like company...he "talks to us" a lot.

I am so ready for Cami to get just a couple of weeks older so she can go in the backyard and then probably by summer be ready to go in the side yard with Jake. I am not an indoor animal type of person (I can handle fish and hermit crabs inside)...in fact the cat stays outside during the day and only comes in when we are at home...she is trained to go outside for her liter box! Cami will be a working dog...hunting so she is not all entirely pet....LOL, just like the 2 worthless labs and Jake...supposed to be hunting dogs and ended up with little hunting and lots of petting. :rotfl:

DD has been taking Cami to bed with her at night (okay after the first night) and has done a great job getting up in the middle of the night when the call of nature arrives for Cami. I forgot what it was like to have a baby in the house!


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