Donald's Defiant Dashers 2011

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Hey Tim!

I'll be staying at BLT! :woohoo: Coming in on Friday. Flight lands just before noon. Will take DME to Contemporary and try to check in. Either way, will drop my bags, then head to the expo. When are you planning on heading to the expo? Wanna try to meet up?

Good luck this weekend, Ducks! Wish I could be there, but will live vicariously through everyone's reports.

We will be back at the expo tomorrow for DW race. We'll be around there for awhile then we are planning in going back to the room and them to the pool. But I'm up for meeting sometime. I'll pm you my cell number in just a minute.

Jessica, Robyn, and all other sitting Ducks - :rotfl:

Keep the pond warm for us. We'll be back soon! Talk amongst yourselves. Here...I'll give you a topic...Peking Duck! :laughing:
Best of luck to all you out there this weekend!!

After being sick for 3 days and out of town for Christmas, I ran 5.5 miles today with no problem. By Friday I should be up to 8 miles.
Felling better and positive.

I miss WDW very much
Hello Ducks, Liz, Maddy, Carissa, everyone. Sorry i never met anyone.
First Half ever in my life and I did it. Not the time i hoped for but I had to settle with 15 minute mile walk pace. Found quite a few areas bottle necked throughout the the course. I also had to use bathroom 3 times. Definite too hydrated.
Don't even get me started with the bus trip from heck just getting there driver had no clue where he was going!!! Finally got dropped off by 4:40 AM!! Then waited 25 minutes for potty break b4 starting to get to corral F. Got into wrong corral had to step over a few fwnces to finally be in correct spot. Had 30 minutes to strech. whew!!

Yes I would do it again!! LOL. Thank you all again for get there.

I'm sitting at the airport ready for the flight home. Debbie and I had a great weekend. It was nice to meet up with the Ducks before during and after the race. Sorry I missed you Tim, Vic and Colleen and anyone else I might have forgotten.
The half went Pretty good, I didn't have any bus issues like others had. The course seemed to be more congested with people this year but that have more to do with starting in the wrong corral before the race. Am I the only one that didn't know the corral entrance flags were at the back of the corrals and not at the front? The plane is boarding so have a good week everyone.
Hello Ducks! Had a great weekend at DW running the Half. Had some bus issues, but I guess it was my fault for not getting to the bus stop on time. Though there were no busses for 45 minutes. But did catch up to my corral so it all was good. Working at the water stop for the Full was kind of cool, and I didn't realize until it was over that I also got a park ticket out of it. Glad I saw Liz and Tanya as the were doing the first leg. And dinner at Raglan Road was fun!

Congrats to all that ran! I am pretty sure that I will go for the full next year. Though I have to say, my legs are really sore right now. it is painful to walk the first few steps after sitting at all. Getting off the plane was fun. Yet my legs had no pain while riding to work.

So, I am pretty sure my next race will be the Tot ten miler, will probably skip the W&D this year.

Have a great day! And enjoy the rest of your stay if you are still in Disney! (like Renee!)
Hey Ducks! I got back home last night. I am thrilled to say I ran both the half and the relay with no trouble at all!! I was so worried that my body wouldn't be able to handle doing two, especially since I was undertrained, but all went well with both. Actually, I think for some reason the relay was easier for me! Maybe I was warmed up from the half?! My time for the half was about 3:05 and for the relay about 2:55.

For the half I stopped for lots of character pics and really enjoyed myself. Took my usual long potty break in the bathroom by Pinnochio' that bathroom during the races as I usually have it to myself or there are only one or two others in it.

For the relay it was kinda crazy, I don't know why but the miles went by so fast. It was great! I think part of the reason it was easier was that I am so used to MK being in the middle of the race. This time it was near the end. So once I got to MK at miles 10-11 I knew I was almost done and I just took lots of character pics, enjoyed "my" bathroom...I had a smile on my face my entire time in MK. The finish line for we first leg relayers was very different than what I'm used to as well. Of course it wasn't as big and exciting as the real finish line, but it was such fun crossing it all by myself. I felt so special! Lol!

I had a great time spending the weekend with Carissa, Tanya, Augie, Renee, Joe and his wife and Karin and her husband. You all are wonderful people and I'm SO happy to have you in my life!! I am very thankful for this group.. :grouphug: :donald:

I wish I could have met with those of you who were also there, I hope it was a wonderful weekend for you!

And now with this weekend behind me and feeling good about everything, I am going to commit to doing the Goofy in 2013. It is very scary saying that..Lol I know it will not be easy at all...lots of training and a tough weekend of running. But I am ready to commit and give it my best shot. Life is short and there's no reason for me NOT to go for it. Everything I do or don't do exercise/health-wise will be with Goofy on my mind. :goofy:
Colleen~Congratulations! Way to go!!

Joe~Yes, you are the only one. ;)

Augie~WooHoo the full!!
Colleen - Congratulations!!! :) Sorry we didn't get to meet up with you.

Augie - Yay for going for the full! All of us are very confident that you can do it. :thumbsup2

Joe - Had a great time with you guys and nice to finally meet Debbie. :goodvibes

Liz - I'm sure it's a scary thing committing to Goofy, but I really think you can do it. :hug:

As for me, I had a great weekend. My half during the relay was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it more than the half last year. I felt great for most of it except for the final 3 miles or so when my legs started cramping on me and my body said, "Uh uh, girlfriend! We've had enough!" I walked most of it but felt really good when I did run (except for the final 3 miles - darn calf cramps). A highlight of the race was when I posted on Facebook at mile marker 21 that I was starving and wanted someone to bring me a burger. Right after I posted that, we got into Hollywood Studios and they were handing out candy. I grabbed two mini chocolate bars, a bag of gummies, and a banana and chowed!

Our dinner at Raglan Road was awesome and getting to meet Renee, Tanya and Karin was wonderful. (Also meeting Laura -- although she wasn't at dinner.) :love: I feel the same as Liz -- we have such a great group here and I loved spending time with you all. After dinner, Liz, Tonya, Augie and I headed to the bus stop. As we were standing there we all spotted Aerophile in the air and we decided spur of the moment to go for a ride. It was something I'd been wanting to do since it opened. That was a special moment too.

I've said I'm done with long distances. But...something about these Disney races that sticks with you and makes you want to go back and do it again. I don't know what's going to happen at this point but I guess I won't say never just yet. ;)
Hope you don't mind, Joe, but not only did I steal your picture on Facebook, but I'm too anxious to wait so I'm going to post it here. pirate:


Renee, Tanya, Carissa, Liz, Karin, Joe, and Augie
Congratulations to everyone! I think it's safe to say we all had a great weekend, with great weather, and great company. :thumbsup2 When leaving Wisconsin, I thought I was headed towards a solo getaway, but I ended up spending almost the whole weekend with my Duck friends. :flower3: It was waaay more fun this way!

I finished my part of the relay with a new PR of 2:44!! :woohoo: Not bad considering I only just had an ingrown toenail fixed the previous Thursday! My faster time allowed my relay partner to take it easy, and she did! She finished her half in just over 4 hours. (she also ran the Donald on Saturday) But we both finished standing up, so that's all that matters. ;)

Next year, Goofy. Gotta get that elusive medal! Nothing says crazy like wearing the Goofy medal around your neck on Sunday evening. :laughing: Thanks for opening your feathers up to one more duck and welcoming me into your pond, everyone. I truly appreciate it - you guys are great! :)

I leave you with one of my favorite sayings from a shirt I spotted once during a race: "Any idiot can run. It takes a special kind of idiot to run a marathon." ;)
Carissa~Thanks for posting Joe's pic! I think his was the best one..of the ones I've seen so far. :)

Tanya~Congrats again on your PR!
That saying...scares me! Lol I am already nervous about next year!
Colleen - Congratulations!!! :) Sorry we didn't get to meet up with you.

Augie - Yay for going for the full! All of us are very confident that you can do it. :thumbsup2

Joe - Had a great time with you guys and nice to finally meet Debbie. :goodvibes

Liz - I'm sure it's a scary thing committing to Goofy, but I really think you can do it. :hug:

As for me, I had a great weekend. My half during the relay was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it more than the half last year. I felt great for most of it except for the final 3 miles or so when my legs started cramping on me and my body said, "Uh uh, girlfriend! We've had enough!" I walked most of it but felt really good when I did run (except for the final 3 miles - darn calf cramps). A highlight of the race was when I posted on Facebook at mile marker 21 that I was starving and wanted someone to bring me a burger. Right after I posted that, we got into Hollywood Studios and they were handing out candy. I grabbed two mini chocolate bars, a bag of gummies, and a banana and chowed!

Our dinner at Raglan Road was awesome and getting to meet Renee, Tanya and Karin was wonderful. (Also meeting Laura -- although she wasn't at dinner.) :love: I feel the same as Liz -- we have such a great group here and I loved spending time with you all. After dinner, Liz, Tonya, Augie and I headed to the bus stop. As we were standing there we all spotted Aerophile in the air and we decided spur of the moment to go for a ride. It was something I'd been wanting to do since it opened. That was a special moment too.

I've said I'm done with long distances. But...something about these Disney races that sticks with you and makes you want to go back and do it again. I don't know what's going to happen at this point but I guess I won't say never just yet. ;)

Hi Carissa I have been dising much for a while but I've just started biggest loser and am about to start C25K again!! and poppedf on here to see you have managed another disnet race:thumbsup2 Well done to you- Glad to see you all met at Raglan Road - hope you got your "wee half un of the black stuff "
Hi Carissa I have been dising much for a while but I've just started biggest loser and am about to start C25K again!! and poppedf on here to see you have managed another disnet race:thumbsup2 Well done to you- Glad to see you all met at Raglan Road - hope you got your "wee half un of the black stuff "

Moira! :goodvibes (Did I get your name right? I hope???) So happy to see you post! I was thinking about you recently when I was looking back through my PTR/TR.

Good for you! Keep me posted on how it all goes. :thumbsup2

And I did have a wee tiny glass of Guinness at Raglan Road the night before the race thanks to Renee who got a sample of beers. It was divine! :drinking1
Moira! :goodvibes (Did I get your name right? I hope???) So happy to see you post! I was thinking about you recently when I was looking back through my PTR/TR.

Good for you! Keep me posted on how it all goes. :thumbsup2

And I did have a wee tiny glass of Guinness at Raglan Road the night before the race thanks to Renee who got a sample of beers. It was divine! :drinking1

Yep you got my name right:thumbsup2 You're looking great in the photo with all you fellow ducks! I was trying to figure out when I'd started last time-do you remember I was toilet training my youngest (read nightmare:rotfl2:)! Well he's now a big boy:thumbsup2 He is in P1 at a great school (after many hiccups along the way) that really is pupil-lead and embraces alot of the things that you would approve of:thumbsup2 Do you still home-school? Glad to hear you're still running (and drinking the guiness:rotfl:). Take care
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