Working on Weight Loss and getting Lean!

Jackie -- I am so proud of you! You persevered, you rocked it out, you DID IT!!! :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :stitch:

Thank you for sharing with us -- I know how badly you wanted this, and I'm so glad you had a fantastic time, in all ways! :dogdance:

Enjoy that recovery -- 'cause I believe you have a really fun race schedule just waiting for you! :Pinkbounc

Maria :upsidedow
Jackie - WTG!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! :banana::banana:

Vicky - I'll round up some veggie hiding recipes and PM them to you unless others want them as well and I'll post them here.

Kim had mentioned wanting to do Chicago but didn't know if she could swing it this year. I have accommodations if you guys need.

Weekend was pretty good and spent Sunday cooking up a storm. Banana muffins, fried rice, chicken rolls with ricotta and chevre, black bean soup, chicken and rice mix for wraps. Sets us up pretty good for dinners and lunches.

Anyone have breakfast ideas that I can bring to work? Leave too early to eat before I leave the house and I'm getting bored with yogurt, cottage cheese and oatmeal.
Kim - come on down! :goodvibes I generally cook like that every Sunday to set us up for the week.
So, no sooner than I say that I think I'm almost on top on things than the train derails off the track slightly....

Jackie: Big WOO HOO :woohoo: and HAPPY DANCE :dance3: for your marathon! You did it, and you did it in a big way. You're awesome! And of course you're going to run another full! You had a great experience. You just know you want to replicate it! And congrats on getting to meet Galloway of the course! You were able to enjoy the best of both worlds - your PR and meeting the man himself!

Question: How did the 5:30 pace group catch up with the 5:15?

Vicky: I'm trying to talk DOOD into a trip to Stratford and then to Toronto this summer. The Stratford (his work) is easy; the convincing him to go off the university time and spend extra time...not so much. But I'm working on it!

Dropping your gym membership - you too, Liz - is such a big deal. I know you're dedicated to working out, and can do it. But I wanted to mention how much that's a sign of your very strong willpower! (And, if I may say, the good influence of HK and other friends.)

I also noticed you've almost sewn up your DL 1/2 plans. I'm very jealous, again. One of these years. It would actually be one Disney race I'd be awake for, given the time change.

Vicky & Liz: Hiding veggies? They're meant to be flaunted! :rotfl2: (I want want Liz had this weekend - well, the vegetarian stuff!)

Liz: Congrats on signing up for the century ride. I don't think I knew it was a fundraising event. I've always been intimidated by that aspect of such races. And I'm like you - I run solo 100% of the time, but often think it would be fun to train with someone.

And yes, DOOD and I are actually doing ToT. I *so* didn't think he'd go for it, but he didn't even need my full rationale. I think it's because the old ToT was the first WISHer event we did - that is, after WISHers knew who I was. (I was a lurker for my first Disney race...because everyone intimidated me back then. :rotfl2:)

We sometimes get to Chicago. DOOD's parents live west of Chicago, so we fly into Midway before heading to their home. It's often a summer trip, as they're snowbirds, so maybe I can coordinate something with him. Post-June travel is a bit up in the air because of spring trips - WDW, Ogden, Boston (hear that, Maria?), D.C., Oxford. And I may be missing one in there. Still, it's worth thinking about spending an extra day or two, sans ILs, in Chicago.... :thumbsup2

I'm totally breakfast boring. I eat oatmeal every day. But...I do make a little cheese/spinach frittata in muffin cups for evening meals. They might be easily imported to work and headed up in a microwave. They're good with salsa. You could basically take any frittata recipe, I think.

AFM: Okay, it's been a rough week or so. My toe was actually worse this last week than the week before. I think it's because I amped up my workouts. And I did my first official run yesterday - one where I tried to stick to regular intervals. I managed 3 miles, but with discomfort. Far less than the stress I was feeling from not being on the road, though, so I hope the physical gets easier in the next couple of weeks. The feeling was...distracting.

Our big stress in the house has been looking for new digs. We rent now, we'll be looking for another rental in the same area. Just better. It's a weird market here - tight for rentals, cheaper to buy a house - so we're spending a lot of time right now touring places and thinking, "Slumlord." And having odd conversations about our mildly divergent priorities.

Thus, this week's not been great for posting. Or for eating/drinking. I've avoided a major meltdown, and am eating fairly clean - but way too much. And more than my regular amount of nightcaps. I was down a total of 3 pounds last Tuesday and hoping to maintain that this Tuesday.

But to make it a focus to end on an up note. The best thing about my toe is that I've had to re-incorporate other workouts than cardio. That's going well. I've got 3x/week for strength training in a time slot that fits with a near-perfect (if early a.m.) WO schedule. (No crowds.)

Goal this week: Hmmm...since it's been stress eating on an erratic schedule (we've been seeing duplexes/houses after work hours) I'm going to say no dinner after 8 this week. Cross your fingers on that one. And I'm going to try to stick to a nightcaps only 2x this week!
Question: How did the 5:30 pace group catch up with the 5:15?

That is one of the big mysteries of the day. I attribute it to good karma. The marathon gods knew how stressed I was, and somehow altered the time continuum so that they were able to catch up. :lmao: In reality, I think the 5:30 group started a corral ahead of the 5:15 (just a little confusion at the start!), and we were probably passing them instead of them catching us. However it happened, I bow to the marathon gods!

Btw, I thought of you at the pasta dinner. We were talking to Chris Twiggs, who is the national Galloway program director (and a really fast runner - 3:39 marathon last weekend.) When he was in Raleigh last summer, he was wearing really unusual shoes, and I asked what they were and then started researching them. Ended up buying a pair, so Bill told him that he cost him a small fortune since he had to buy them for me for Christmas. Chris said that the reason he was wearing them was because he had a broken toe and was looking for the most cushioning he could get. I almost laughed out loud!

Hi Leanies! Happy President's Day! It's Family Day in Ontario which is a made up holiday but I think a day off is a day off. So I'll take it :thumbsup2

Jackie - Congrats on your amazing finish time!! I am so proud you! Glad to hear they delayed the start time because of the difficulties getting to the start. I wonder sometimes if they just throw the drivers in without an explanation of how to get to the start. I've heard stories at Disney where the driver gets lost and needs directions from the passengers on the bus to get to the start. Sounds like you got to meet a lot of running world celebs! How awesome is that :)

Debra - Tell DOOD that you want to cross back into the US through Buffalo and then you'll have to come through Toronto :) That would be really awesome if you guys got to come through!

Yep I dropped the gym membership because it was so mild in December and January. I figured I could get away with running outside. Naturally, as soon as I do that, it starts snowing every Friday night :rolleyes: But I'm still there for training once a week so I'm ok with that.

And if you go to Chicago in the summer, you should go on the weekend for the RnR half! Just sayin... :angel:

Sorry to hear about the toe :( Have you been to the doctor for a xray?

Liz - You can post the veggie recipes here whenever you get a chance. The chicken rolls with ricotta and chevre sound yummy! How about a smoothie with protein powder for breakfast? You can make it the night before and then just give the container a good shake before you drink it. I also like making hard boiled eggs to eat on their own. I don't have a recipe but I'll bet you could make a frittata that you could cut into square pieces and take to work with you.

Maria - How are you feeling about the Princess? Hope everything is going well with your training! I can't wait to hear about the race when you get back :)

AFM - I'm a little embarrassed to say that I haven't really dropped any weight since coming back from Disney. I guess the bright side to that is that I haven't really gained any more. But I haven't had an easy time kicking the sugar. It always seems to be a problem this time of year - Maybe the cold weather :confused3

I suppose the baking doesn't really help either. This weekend, I made a Meyer lemon cheesecake and lemon cheesecake muffins. I really love lemon flavoured things! But you'll be happy to know, I took one slice from the cheesecake and gave it away and only ate a two muffins (not all on the same day).

I seemed to have gotten my sleep schedule back on track. The few weeks of dragon boat practice really threw me off. My trainer ended up giving me a massage at the gym after our session last week and then that seemed to help a lot. I said I'd have to start bringing him with me to all my races LOL (I wish!). He also lent me a relaxation CD which seemed to work as well. I told him the voice on it was creepy LOL

But I'm still keeping up with my running and workouts for the most part. If I could get rid of the sugar, I'd actually be dropping weight. I'm going to work on that this week AND getting more sleep :)

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Happy Monday leanies! Back to back posting but I thought we could use a bump back up to the top! :thumbsup2

I've managed to clean up my eating (except for the lone cheat day). I eliminated most carbs and refined sugars from my diet. So I feel pretty good! I'm mostly eating clean except for a few canned soups here and there. I also started making my tuna with olive oil and dijon mustard. It's definitely not the same as mayonaise but I kind of like it. I also add a bit of cilantro, green onions and salt to it. So that's my lunch along with some veggies - celery sticks usually and an apple.

I've also been trying not to eat anything after 8PM and to make sure I'm in bed by 10:30 at the latest. So the sleeping is slowly getting back on track.

I had a really good 6 miler yesterday. I managed to do that continuously an ran the last 0.5 mile at about 7.2 mph. I really want that 2:00 hour half LOL

Hope everyone is doing well - running, walking, swimming, cycling, eating clean, taking their vitamins, stretching, getting 8 hours of sleep, etc. :cutie: And I can't wait to hear from Maria about the Princess Half!

Have a great day! :wave2:
Vicky - try using fat free Greek yogurt in tuna salad with the mustard. I do that for tuna and chicken salad. Adds a nice zip. I add green onion and a little smoked paprika, sometimes a little celery seed (not salt).
Hi ladies. I don't have any time to post but just wanted to say Hi! I will post this weekend, I promise!:)
Just a quickie, before I fall into some bad non-posting habits.

Jackie: I'm dying to hear about your race - didn't it go very, very well?

(And I'm flattered you thought of me during your marathon, even if it's because of the broken toe! :lmao:)

Vicky: What is this doctor of which you speak? :rotfl: I avoid them whenever possible. Given how active you are, how strong, I hope you're not too upset about dropping those few pounds you feel you want to lose. It'll come, I have no doubt.

And the sugar craving....that's a personal battle of mine, too. Perhaps because we both enjoy baking? I think it's a balance to find between eating, baking, running, life. As always, I suppose, that balance is delicate. If anyone can find it, it's you! :thumbsup2

I don't eat tuna, but DOOD likes his without mayo, too. He uses curry power for a kick. I also like Liz's suggestion of Greek yogurt - one of my favorite foods!

Maria: How did your Princess go?

AFM: No movement on the scale, except for a dip with the body fat. I'll take it. I've been eating like xxxxxx :scared1:, and have failed to avoid eating late at night. Still have an erratic schedule for working/eating. We're still looking for a new place, and thinking it won't happen until we have to renew our lease. Plus some other things. And the running is still minimal due to continued discomfort.

On the upside, I'm finding a good routine with weights and I feel more balanced in my WOs than I have in a year. Plus, I may have found a window of time where the circuit room at my gym isn't packed with people who would rather socialize than work out.

Annoying story: I actually had one woman jump on a machine right before I was going to use it - that is, if I was to do the circuit in order. She did this despite signs posted everywhere that circuit users have right of way.

It wasn't a huge deal, but she'd asked two other people if they minded if she cut - she didn't ask me. I don't know why, unless she thought they were representative of everyone. Or maybe it was their ages; they were all the same age (60s or 70s). It was annoying, but nothing drastic.

Anyway, when I passed her by to do the circuit, I stopped and gave her "the look." One eyebrow raised. Yeah, it was a message, a mild one for me. And it wasn't worth taking off my earbuds for a confrontation when I just wanted her to realize that she did disturb my workout.

So after she finished, she "apologized" to me by saying, "I'm sorry if you got bent out of shape, but I was only going to take a couple of minutes." I wasn't bent out of shape until she said that - I really dislike such "apologies." So I replied, "You saw I was doing a circuit."

She tried to repeat that she only took couple of minutes, so I repeated, "You saw me working the circuit." She then scuttled out of the room. I should feel guilty, as I've been taught to respect my elders, but really, her apology...wasn't one. She just didn't like her behavior being called out.

And despite the length of this anecdote, I'm not still annoyed. It's actually kind of funny - I think I like telling stories about poor behavior at gyms because it makes me feel like a gym rat. Does anyone else feel that way?

(Not Vicky, because she's dropped her membership - but you have memories, too!)
Jackie: I'm dying to hear about your race - didn't it go very, very well?

It MIGHT have... the group that I run with midweek all went to the beach for the weekend to stay at a condo that one of the guys has, and run a very small half marathon (around 400 people - definitely the smallest race of any kind that I've ever run.)

Brenda, my running buddy, was going to try for a 2:15, and my previous best time was a 2:26, so I decided to just fly solo and see what happened. Hit start on the Garmin when I crossed the line, and didn't look at the watch again until the finish except to check the mileage at around 7.5 when the mile markers had fallen over due to wind. Just ran my intervals, and started increasing the run segment when I realized I was feeling really good. At mile 8 we turned around on an out and back segment, and ran straight into a 25mph headwind. :scared1: OMG - it was like running in quicksand. Lots of effort, nothing to show for it! That lasted for 2 miles, and finally we turned and only had half the wind as we crossed the bridge. Somehow, by this time, I'd caught Brenda and the friend she was running with, and ran the last 3 miles with them, or at least I ran with them until the last half mile, when I LEFT THEM! I was feeling strong, and they weren't able to keep up the pace that I was running, so I went for it and crossed the finish line in 2:14:52 (only 17 seconds ahead of them, in the end, but still ahead of them. No, I'm not competitive at all!)

Absolutely the best race of my life. When I looked at the data on my Garmin, I saw times that I never, ever imagined possible. I think I have to accept the fact that I'm in a new league now, and definitely fully recovered from last year's surgery!

Now the challenge ahead is to take it easy for the next few weeks and let my body recover from two very intense races in two weeks. I'm going to run at least two of the next three halfs for fun - not time. I also have a 5K the end of April, so I'm going to train for a new time in that as well.

As for eating, I saw a number on the scale last week that I've never seen. Or at least not in the past 3 years. And then I went to the beach. :sad2: Apparently running faster makes me really, really hungry. I'm looking at it positively in that I know I can get there; now I just have to get BACK there. :confused:

Vicky - I have a tuna salad recipe that uses celery, carrots, tomato, apple, and Greek yogurt. Definitely different, but I really liked it.

Maria - Waiting on Princess stories...

Debra - Unbelievable gym story. I probably would have gone with the look too. And yes, she did interrupt your workout, and that's not okay.

Hi Ladies!

This was not my best race, and I came back to a you know what storm at work. Honestly, it will be this weekend before I can post. Just wanted to let you know I made it back, I have a lovely medal with purple jewels, and as God is my witness, I will never stay in the All Stars again....

I also got really upset when I saw my race photos this afternoon, because I don't feel like I am that big, but I certainly look it. Sigh. Since never leaving my bed is clearly not an option, I'm just going to go to work, get through the rest of this week, and regroup.

Maria :upsidedow
Hello leanies!

Maria - First off, congrats on the Princess Half!! I saw the medal and it's awesome! I wish I could have been there :) I know very few people who look good in their race photos - I believe I usually look constipated if it makes you feel any better. Also the camera adds weight because it's hard to get a good angle on runners and you have to use the right lens. The good news is that you can Photoshop yourself thin if you really want to. I've done it before :blush: Heck just because I know sometimes the photos were taken at a bad angle. Sounds like there's a story about All Stars...

Jackie - Congrats on an awesome time for the half! And running into the wind! Yikes! At least the wind was on the turn around so you weren't completely zapped on the way back! So what's the goal for the next PB! You definitely have made some amazing progress since your surgery last year! WTG!!

Debra - Thanks for the words of encouragement! I've been pretty good the past week or so at keeping sugar to my cheat days. Yeah the baking :blush: It's just fun and like running, I find that it helps me to take my mind off stuff. When I get stressed, I like to run or I like to bake. I don't eat every crumb that I make but I suppose it doesn't help. :upsidedow

What I can't be a gym rat? :goodvibes I'm still in the gym twice a week (unfortunately) LOL I can't believe that woman said that to you. :mad: Some people have a lot of nerve trying to make something sound like an apology. Personally I wouldn't go spouting off "apologies" at the gym - you never know who's going to kick your butt. It will catch up with her I'm sure. I actually don't know what the protocol is for machines at the gym. My trainer is pretty good at kicking people off or working around them.

I think the most recent gym story I have is from a couple of weeks ago. I was doing weighted squats and my trainer let another trainer and his client use the same rack. As we came back to the rack, the other trainer had added a little more weight onto the bar and started to take it off. My trainer said "No. Leave it on, she's going to squat with that weight." I think the three of us looked at him like:faint: But I always like to think I can keep up with anyone else in the gym so I did - it was tough but I did it.:thumbsup2

Liz - I love smoked paprika! I use it in everything! I haven't tried celery seed before ... what does it taste like? I see a lot of chefs use it when they're making BBQ rubs.

AFM - So the tuna... I don't use Greek yogurt because I was told by a few people to avoid dairy when trying to lose weight. Something about dairy containing hormones that can interfere with weight loss. Same thing with GMO soy. I've never Googled to see whether that's true or not but I was told that by both my physio and trainer so I'll take their word for it. I still have chocolate milk after a LR ... but that's usually on my cheat day.

I was at the gym training yesterday and today. Yesterday was with my trainer and today was with my chiro. It's interesting to see the different training styles. My trainer Josh does more metabolic exercises - squat jumps and exercises with weights - lunges across the gym with a barbell, barbell squats etc. ... Marco (my chiro) does a lot of body weight exercises - planks, pushups, lunges, one legged squats...

Yesterday I did some speed work on the TM - 6x400m so I'll run 400m and walk 400m. I started the first interval at 6.5 mph (9.14 m/m), worked my way up - 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 and finished the last interval at 7.6 (7.54 m/m). I just wanted to see what it was like to run a sub 8:00 m/m pace. It actually wasn't that bad because by the time I thought I was out of gas, I was actually done! :rotfl: I had planned on running tonight but my knee was a bit sore so I'm going to wake up and run tomorrow morning (hopefully)!

Have a great night ladies! :wave2:
Hi gang can I join you all again?

Have had some small successes down about 20 pds total but have along way to go.

Got my trainning working for me but need to clean up the eatting big time. I have a family dinner Sat night and will make good choices but it is at the Keg which is our local steak house and I am sure there really isn't anything too low cal there.

I have mad some good changes, have cut out pop again...I was off it for awhile then had some at disney but back off it, I don't put sugar in my oatmeal or tea or Tim Hortons coffee but if I have coffee out I usually do sugar but that will go as well on Sunday.

Gotta run to work but will check back on you all later.

Hello all,

I just wanted to check in and let you know I am still around. Unfortunately, I am still seeking answers and feeling worse then ever. I am totally weaned off the prednisone, which is good thing but doesn't make me feel any better. Worst of all, I can't sleep at night and it is really taking a toll on me. I am tired all the time and have to drag myself to do anything. I don't have the energy to check FB anymore, much less the boards. I am starting to panic big time because my grand baby is due this month and I need to go to MI in 3 weeks for an entire month. My daughter has asked me to be her birth coach, so there is nothing in the world that will keep me from that. My doctor has promised to administer some cortisone shots the week before if I am not showing improvement by then. I just want to feel like my old self again and be well for the baby's arrival. It's so frustrating not knowing what is wrong.

Jackie: congrats on your amazing times in both the full and half marathons! You are becoming quite the speed demon. I wish those days when you were recovering and we could train together.

Maria: sorry your Princess weekend was a little bit of a disappointment. You will always be a hero to me. What was your beef with All Stars?

Kim: good to hear from you.......and 20 pounds is not a small success by any means! Great job.

Vicky: WTG with the training and your speed work. You're getting faster and stronger all the time.

Debra: sorry about your unpleasant gym encounter. I wish I could have seen you give her the "look"! :rotfl: I also wish I could have spent more time with you during Marathon weekend, but it wasn't meant to me. Did you ever see my previous post asking you about Ishmael? I know you're quite the literary specialist and was wondering about your impression of the book. I can honestly say that I am glad I read it, but did not find it to contain any earth-shattering revelations. My discussion is tomorrow and I am interested in the group's opinion.

Everyone else: (and whatever happened to our leader Beth?) hugs to all of you!
Hi guys. I'm sorry I've been MIA. I don't know where my days go anymore. I've been keeping up with everyone, but just not responding. Plus, I have so many things to say and it seems that I'm writing a paper a day for school.

Jeanne: I am so sorry to hear your news. I wish you had some answers and you would think, after all this time, that you would know something! :hug: I hope that you can just experience the joy of the grandbaby being born and not have to deal with pain and exhaustion. Let us know how things go.

Kim: Congratulations. 20 pounds if fantastic! :cheer2: And I'm so glad to hear you're cutting out the soda again. I know how hard it was for you last time, so I hope you don't have to suffer too much!

Vicky: Fantastic time on your run! You kicked butt! I never knew how fast I could run until I pushed it on the TM. Then, I figured if I could do it there, I could do it on the road. Next time I was on the TM, I pushed it faster. I think all trainers are a little different. Some love the machines, some love free weights, some love body weight exercises. I like a combination of the three for myself.

Maria: Congratulations on your race! :cheer2: Don't worry, I look horrid, and I mean horrid in every running picture ever taken of me (well, except the 10k last year where I totally hammed it up). I always feel thinner than I look in a pic. It's just the way it goes. I can't wait to hear the story of All Star!

Jackie: I am so proud of you! You just had the best 2 races ever! First off, I think it's amazing that you finally got your marathon PR that you've been trying for. And, then the great half. WOW! :cheer2:

Debra: How's house hunting going? I absolutely love doing it, so wish I could handle it for you? ;)
Good story about the lady at the gym. I don't go to the gym, but I find this kind of behavior pretty much everywhere I go anymore. It really doesn't matter if you're only inconvenienced a little bit, because it's just too much inconvenience for her to do the right thing! God forbid!

Liz: All that food sounds so good. I am a huge fan of greek yogurt, since I'm a mostly vegetarian. I get my protein anywhere I can, so adding yogurt really helps.

AFM: Well, a lot has been going on, but it's just the same old stuff. School is CRAZY! But, I have 6 As, so I can't complain. I thought I bombed my Social Problems test on Tuesday because I didn't study AT ALL, but instead I got a 97.5! It's all common sense and I get it, but I was afraid that due to the fact that I never opened my book, I would be negatively affected.
I am trying to get my summer schedule worked out now, because of the Europe trip. I'm meeting with professors to find out if I can skip the last 2 weeks of lecture and take my finals early.

Running hasn't been happening much. I'm lucky to get 3 short runs a week in. Still hitting zumba class once a week, but haven't lifted until today for the last 3 weeks! Yikes.

Harrison's baseball is already going twice a week now. I'm not ready, but oh well. He's doing great and has a new job picking up doggy poo for a neighbor. He earns a whopping $5 a week. It only takes him 30 minutes, so it's good. He's thinking of putting up flyers around the neighborhood.

Now, the really great news. I got my letter from the nursing program telling me that I made it to the interview round! Then, on Monday, I had my interview. I think it went really well, but won't hear anything for almost a month. :guilty: 110 people make it to the interview and they take 64 of those, so I have a better than 50/50 chance!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Hi Tandy:

Congrats on acing your exam. Anyone who can pull such a fabulous grade without studying can surely make an excellent impression on an interview. I feel confident that you will make the cut but will continue to keep my fingers crossed so as not to jinx things.
Good Morning, Lovely Lean Ones!

Jeanne -- I am so sorry to hear you aren't feeling better, and so excited about the new little Greek! I can't wait for the arrival! Do we know the gender or will it be a surprise? Either way, we'll have a new little mouseketeer! :mickeyjum

Tandy -- Wow, you are a stellar student! I have no doubt you are well on the road to making your nursing dreams come true ::yes:: I hope everything goes smoothly working out your absence for your European vacation. How awesome does that sound?! :yay:

Vicky -- Thanks for making me feel better. I always feel at least decent about the races until I get the photos. I just don't see myself as that big. It helps that you have the same issue -- because you are fit, my friend! :goodvibes

Kim -- You know you are always welcome here! :hug: Great job with 20 lbs gone! :cheer2:

Jackie -- :woohoo: I am so psyched you had the best race of your life! After watching a million 20-somethings pass me all day during Princess, and then seeing someone on the thread posting about being amazed a 44-yr. old woman could do Princess (I am ever so close to that mark), it's good to see that 40+ doesn't have to = rocking chair :scared1: I am so proud of you, you are an inspiration! :thumbsup2

Debra -- Now you know one other reason I stay out of the gym. Too rude!

Liz -- You are a woman in motion! :cool1: Hope you're having a great weekend!

I am going to do a mini TR, so I'll be posting more about my trip later. I will tell you about my frustration with the All Stars. It wasn't even too bad for regular park touring, but some longer waits than seemed necessary. The part that was just not cutting it for me was the wait after the race. The All Stars line (and of course it's one line for all three) snaked from the front of the port-o-potty gate where it began all the way back and around to almost the stage. It was ridiculous! I saw fellow WISHers and their nice, short lines, and that was it. This was my second WDW race in a Value, and my last. I am not dealing with that line again. My dh and I usually stay in a Mod, and that is where I'm going, unless I have a deal for a Deluxe -- or they make Pop/AoA a race hotel -- I would also consider that. After 13 miles I am fried, and standing in that long line is just too much. :headache:

I flew back Tuesday, and all day I was getting e-mails from senior management about a new proposal I'm working on. They continued Wednesday, but I stayed home as planned because I was so exhausted, I knew it would be worse to try to work. I spent Thursday and Friday just compiling my 40-page narrative. I'm halfway through my first edit, and I need to do another one before Monday, when I distribute the proposal for further review. It is due next Friday. It is going to be a rough week, with a ton of meetings plus getting this out. It is worth over $6M, and the most valuable opportunity I've ever applied for. I usually bring in about $10M annually (over 15 or so proposals), so this would be huge. I am nervous, stressed, and all the things one would wish not to be after a vacation. So, anyway, that is my excuse this week if I don't get back here like I intend to. Once this is over, I'm taking Monday the 12th off (I do not Spring forward well), and I'm going to relax and catch up with all my friends next weekend! :dance3:

Maria :upsidedow


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