Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

That sounds amazing! I really hope you will be able to go to the dedication. I can't imagine how difficult it has been for you and Megan. I truly admire your strength to turn something so negative in your life to a spring of hope for others. I can't wait to see the pictures of this wonderful home!

We will be there for sure, its to important for us not to be :goodvibes
our journey has been hard, but learning each day how to get through it the best we can! thank you for your sweet words, this is helping us heal our hearts and knowing we are making a difference in Jim's name is so wonderful !

I will add the two blankets you made to our count! thanks again for doing that for us Flora :)
So my 8 yrs old has decided she would rather me make her a Cinderella dress out of the plisse using the same pattern I just made the last 2 dresses out of than to rebuild the satin dress we have already. It is a very easy pattern so I am ok with it.

My youngest wants a Pocahontas dress and I have no idea how I am going to do that. I cannot find a pattern. Any ideas?
not much sewing going on here lately but i have plans for Easter dresses for the g'girls...5 of them ,so simple dresses! it's beautiful here in north ga. spring is here and soccer started today for my oldest grandson...and something happened today and i was gonna ask you ladies what you thought...my dd has been having legal probs with her ex and his new wife,new wife wanting lots of things that were settled 2 years ago changed....won't go in to the crazy details except to say they have driving dd nuts with petty issues like when is soccer practice/games etc...the dad knows all this info but insist on sending emails almost dailey asking/demaned things,even conacts his layer about when game was today! wouldn't be crazy except he is the asst coach!!!! and hie's buds with the coach...and to top it off they put the boys name son their jerseys last night and the new step mom shows up with my grandson's name n her shirt!!!!! did they offer his MOM a shirt NO!!! just so disrespectful i think...anywyas whats your views on the shirt,i think she should do last name and ask Brendi is she wants one with Blaze's name on it...
anyways on a nicer note...here's dd at 23 weeks preg with Liberty elayna...catch ya all later
I posted this in another spot, but this seems like the better place...

You all seem to be much better seamstresses than I am!!

My girls want princess dresses for our upcoming trip to DLR. I have made them princess dresses for Halloween several times, so we have a few that only need slight modifications to fit/repair. We (the parents) are concerned that the satin dresses will be to hot and bulky in the parks or simply be uncomfortable on the rides and activities. What are your experiences on this?

I have also chosen to make them Snow White and Rapunzel dresses out of alternative spring/summer fabrics. I have the Snow White dresses done and I think they are adorable and the girls are happy with them. I am working on the Rapunzel dresses now. These dresses look so much more comfortable than the satin dresses. We have also had issues with the satin dresses pulling apart when they play in them, so that is another concern at the parks.

I am also going to make a Jasmine outfit, but I am making it out of interlock knit fabric. I hope that it has enough stability to look cute.

So my 8 yrs old has decided she would rather me make her a Cinderella dress out of the plisse using the same pattern I just made the last 2 dresses out of than to rebuild the satin dress we have already. It is a very easy pattern so I am ok with it.

My youngest wants a Pocahontas dress and I have no idea how I am going to do that. I cannot find a pattern. Any ideas?

I was going to suggest cotton broadcloth, but plisse or seersucker would be good too. When I made a Sleeping Beauty dress for DD for Disneyland (in 2009), I used cotton and shortened the dress to knee length and the sleeves to short sleeve length. With the iconic Sleeping Beauty details still there, the dress looked fine.

I bought some fabric that looks like a Star Wars comic book to do a shirt for one of my older boys - really wild - just their style.
We are up and running! thanks to Wendy for starting a new thread!!!

If you'd like to help make some comfy fleece blankets for our little kiddo's please sign up on the Big Give Site....under Special (Non Wish) Gives

We appreciate all your help in making our goal of 132 blankets!!!

Lisa and Megan


Off to check it out now! I know I have some fleece and even if not, it goes on sale often enough :)
Here are the 2 dress I mentioned previously. The colors didn't come out great...The Rapunzel dress is more lavender and the yellow on Snow White is much brighter that shows up.


very cute dresses i love them both but especially the repunzel,i haven't done her yet...thank you for sharing with us all...~Beth~
Here are the 2 dress I mentioned previously. The colors didn't come out great...The Rapunzel dress is more lavender and the yellow on Snow White is much brighter that shows up.


Very pretty. They turned out great!
So my 8 yrs old has decided she would rather me make her a Cinderella dress out of the plisse using the same pattern I just made the last 2 dresses out of than to rebuild the satin dress we have already. It is a very easy pattern so I am ok with it.

My youngest wants a Pocahontas dress and I have no idea how I am going to do that. I cannot find a pattern. Any ideas?
I think that the cotton dress will be much better than the satin. It will be so much cooler! For the Pocahontas dress maybe you could do a sundress with brown knit fabric. Make one strap on the sundress out of that clear stuff that they use on costumes so that the straps don't show. Then you can cut some fringe on the bottom. Or make it out of some brown cotton, do the straps the same way and sew some fringe to the bottom. I am sure you can find some kind of geometric trim or ribbon that seems to mimic Native American beadwork. You could use that to trim up the dress.

So we have been talking a lot about knits the last few days. The knit fabrics tend to be so much more expensive than cottons so I decided to re-purpose one of my old shirts for my first experiment in sewing a knit dress. This was a shirt that was in good shape but I hadn't worn for over a year. I thought it would make a perfect summer outfit for my niece. It already had the button front. I used a purchased knit dress for my cutting guide to figure out how long and wide to make the dress. I decided not to do sleeves to make it a little easier this time. Plus the idea I had in mind was very beachy so sleeveless fit that. The little shorts were the sleeves.


I am not a skinny little woman so my shirt had plenty of fabric to work with.;)
Very pretty. They turned out great!

I think that the cotton dress will be much better than the satin. It will be so much cooler! For the Pocahontas dress maybe you could do a sundress with brown knit fabric. Make one strap on the sundress out of that clear stuff that they use on costumes so that the straps don't show. Then you can cut some fringe on the bottom. Or make it out of some brown cotton, do the straps the same way and sew some fringe to the bottom. I am sure you can find some kind of geometric trim or ribbon that seems to mimic Native American beadwork. You could use that to trim up the dress.

Great ideas! Thanks. I saw some brown knit in the red tag section at Joann's today. I didn't check the price but the color should be about right. I'll have to look at sundress patterns.
I posted this in another spot, but this seems like the better place...

You all seem to be much better seamstresses than I am!!

My girls want princess dresses for our upcoming trip to DLR. I have made them princess dresses for Halloween several times, so we have a few that only need slight modifications to fit/repair. We (the parents) are concerned that the satin dresses will be to hot and bulky in the parks or simply be uncomfortable on the rides and activities. What are your experiences on this?

I have also chosen to make them Snow White and Rapunzel dresses out of alternative spring/summer fabrics. I have the Snow White dresses done and I think they are adorable and the girls are happy with them. I am working on the Rapunzel dresses now. These dresses look so much more comfortable than the satin dresses. We have also had issues with the satin dresses pulling apart when they play in them, so that is another concern at the parks.

I am also going to make a Jasmine outfit, but I am making it out of interlock knit fabric. I hope that it has enough stability to look cute.

I use Symphony, which is thin and super cheap. Cotton Poly blend. It helps a little bit with the wrinkles. Or a cotton knit.

Here are the 2 dress I mentioned previously. The colors didn't come out great...The Rapunzel dress is more lavender and the yellow on Snow White is much brighter that shows up.



Super cute!!

Kirsta was asking about a Pocohontas, and I started to give it some thought. Modifying a cap sleeve peasant. Doing the one arm in a sheer flesh color fabric. Fringe around the top and hem. But that's all the further I've gone with that.
Wow, nothing like finally meandering my way back over to the DisBou thread 229 pages in! :rolleyes1

May trip on the horizon for us and I just finished the first custom! :) I need to get a dress form. These hanger pictures aren't doing a kindness to the skirt and my DD was already in jammies when I finished.


Here is my dilemma, I booked a trip with free DDP in Oct 2012, when I was planning on Oct 2013. I have 6 months to get outfits done for 4 kids and I am not even a novice sewer. :confused3 I have fabric purchased and know what I want, but no realistic expectations of being able to accomplish them. :sad2: Anyone have any ideas of what to do? As I said, I already have fabric purchased and know what I want, nothing fancy mainly some elastic waist skirts, and the sewing ability of a drunk monkey with no real time to practice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Here are the 2 dress I mentioned previously. The colors didn't come out great...The Rapunzel dress is more lavender and the yellow on Snow White is much brighter that shows up.

They are both really nice! Your dd will be so much more happier in those than an itchy princess dress.

She also has a Sleeping Beauty version of her Simply Sweet. I've seen people use the portrait peasant dress for a Snow White dress and it has turned out very cute.
:rotfl: The link I entered was directly to Sleepy Beauty!

We will be there for sure, its to important for us not to be :goodvibes
our journey has been hard, but learning each day how to get through it the best we can! thank you for your sweet words, this is helping us heal our hearts and knowing we are making a difference in Jim's name is so wonderful !
I totally understand the need to be there. I would have to do the same if I were in your circumstances. I think it is an important step in healing.

So we have been talking a lot about knits the last few days. The knit fabrics tend to be so much more expensive than cottons so I decided to re-purpose one of my old shirts for my first experiment in sewing a knit dress. This was a shirt that was in good shape but I hadn't worn for over a year. I thought it would make a perfect summer outfit for my niece. It already had the button front. I used a purchased knit dress for my cutting guide to figure out how long and wide to make the dress. I decided not to do sleeves to make it a little easier this time. Plus the idea I had in mind was very beachy so sleeveless fit that. The little shorts were the sleeves.

I am not a skinny little woman so my shirt had plenty of fabric to work with.;)
That turned out fabulous! I first saw the Izod tag and knew you didn't sew that in there! Smart idea though b/c knits are expensive. I love how you repurposed the sleeves too. I so want to do some knit shopping on etsy, but I am not supposed to be buying fabric. I want to make some more Olivias -- I also saw another knit pattern I want and I really can't be spending $$ right now (dang house needs to sell!!!).

Wow, nothing like finally meandering my way back over to the DisBou thread 229 pages in! :rolleyes1

May trip on the horizon for us and I just finished the first custom! :) I need to get a dress form. These hanger pictures aren't doing a kindness to the skirt and my DD was already in jammies when I finished.

That is adorable -- love the fabric choices.

Here is my dilemma, I booked a trip with free DDP in Oct 2012, when I was planning on Oct 2013. I have 6 months to get outfits done for 4 kids and I am not even a novice sewer. :confused3 I have fabric purchased and know what I want, but no realistic expectations of being able to accomplish them. :sad2: Anyone have any ideas of what to do? As I said, I already have fabric purchased and know what I want, nothing fancy mainly some elastic waist skirts, and the sewing ability of a drunk monkey with no real time to practice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I would look at patterns on youcanmakethis.com for ideas and also look for free on line tuts -- they are east "drunk monkey" :rotfl2: projects. Are you on pinterest? I have a bunch of free tuts marked on there. I started sewing 5 months before our trip and got everything done and that is when I first started sewing (Of course, I only have two children so it was a bit more manageable -- but they had two outfits each per day).
Very pretty. They turned out great!

I think that the cotton dress will be much better than the satin. It will be so much cooler! For the Pocahontas dress maybe you could do a sundress with brown knit fabric. Make one strap on the sundress out of that clear stuff that they use on costumes so that the straps don't show. Then you can cut some fringe on the bottom. Or make it out of some brown cotton, do the straps the same way and sew some fringe to the bottom. I am sure you can find some kind of geometric trim or ribbon that seems to mimic Native American beadwork. You could use that to trim up the dress.

So we have been talking a lot about knits the last few days. The knit fabrics tend to be so much more expensive than cottons so I decided to re-purpose one of my old shirts for my first experiment in sewing a knit dress. This was a shirt that was in good shape but I hadn't worn for over a year. I thought it would make a perfect summer outfit for my niece. It already had the button front. I used a purchased knit dress for my cutting guide to figure out how long and wide to make the dress. I decided not to do sleeves to make it a little easier this time. Plus the idea I had in mind was very beachy so sleeveless fit that. The little shorts were the sleeves.


I am not a skinny little woman so my shirt had plenty of fabric to work with.;)
I just love this outfit... so i am hitting the ladies shirt rack at the thrift store...mens too! very cool repurpose...i am all about the thrifty..
thank you for sharing ~Beth~.
Wow, nothing like finally meandering my way back over to the DisBou thread 229 pages in! :rolleyes1

May trip on the horizon for us and I just finished the first custom! :) I need to get a dress form. These hanger pictures aren't doing a kindness to the skirt and my DD was already in jammies when I finished.


I love this!!!! so MiCkEy! thanks for sharing ~Beth~
Wow, nothing like finally meandering my way back over to the DisBou thread 229 pages in! :rolleyes1

May trip on the horizon for us and I just finished the first custom! :) I need to get a dress form. These hanger pictures aren't doing a kindness to the skirt and my DD was already in jammies when I finished.



That turned out really cute!

Here is my dilemma, I booked a trip with free DDP in Oct 2012, when I was planning on Oct 2013. I have 6 months to get outfits done for 4 kids and I am not even a novice sewer. :confused3 I have fabric purchased and know what I want, but no realistic expectations of being able to accomplish them. :sad2: Anyone have any ideas of what to do? As I said, I already have fabric purchased and know what I want, nothing fancy mainly some elastic waist skirts, and the sewing ability of a drunk monkey with no real time to practice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Elastic waist skirts are easy - you will be able to do those. Once you get through the first, the others will go quickly.

I posted this in another spot, but this seems like the better place...

You all seem to be much better seamstresses than I am!!

My girls want princess dresses for our upcoming trip to DLR. I have made them princess dresses for Halloween several times, so we have a few that only need slight modifications to fit/repair. We (the parents) are concerned that the satin dresses will be to hot and bulky in the parks or simply be uncomfortable on the rides and activities. What are your experiences on this?

I have also chosen to make them Snow White and Rapunzel dresses out of alternative spring/summer fabrics. I have the Snow White dresses done and I think they are adorable and the girls are happy with them. I am working on the Rapunzel dresses now. These dresses look so much more comfortable than the satin dresses. We have also had issues with the satin dresses pulling apart when they play in them, so that is another concern at the parks.

I am also going to make a Jasmine outfit, but I am making it out of interlock knit fabric. I hope that it has enough stability to look cute.

Interlock should be fine since it is more stable than a jersey or rib knit.

I just finished my first Disney top for ME - McCall's 6512 in a cotton voile I found really cheap through Fabric Mart (one of my biggest online weaknesses). Here is the result:


I have more pictures and info on my sewing blog.

Aside from a Buzz Lightyear tee I applique for my youngest son (need to take a picture of that), this is actually my first trip garment.:banana:
I just love this outfit... so i am hitting the ladies shirt rack at the thrift store...mens too! very cool repurpose...i am all about the thrifty..
thank you for sharing ~Beth~.
Beth- when I was making this, I thought it was right up your alley! You are so great about repurposing things!


Super cute! I have some of the same Mickey head fabric. I love how you used the fabrics and colors.

Here is my dilemma, I booked a trip with free DDP in Oct 2012, when I was planning on Oct 2013. I have 6 months to get outfits done for 4 kids and I am not even a novice sewer. :confused3 I have fabric purchased and know what I want, but no realistic expectations of being able to accomplish them. :sad2: Anyone have any ideas of what to do? As I said, I already have fabric purchased and know what I want, nothing fancy mainly some elastic waist skirts, and the sewing ability of a drunk monkey with no real time to practice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Some simple elastic waist skirts are very easy to sew. A lot of people on here get started with Easy Fit pants (or shorts) from CarlaC on Youcanmakethis.com. They are super easy to make. If you keep your plans simple you should have no trouble making some cute things for your 4 kids.

I just finished my first Disney top for ME - McCall's 6512 in a cotton voile I found really cheap through Fabric Mart (one of my biggest online weaknesses). Here is the result:


I have more pictures and info on my sewing blog.

Aside from a Buzz Lightyear tee I applique for my youngest son (need to take a picture of that), this is actually my first trip garment.:banana:
That looks great! And the fabric looks so light and breezy too. It should be perfect to wear in the Florida heat!
I am indeed on pinterest. I am sitting here looking at one of the first sewing projects I took on and it makes me want to laugh hysterically, due to the drunk monkey factor. I am so tempted to call my Memaw and ask if I can come over for a weekend of non-stop sewing tutorials. LOL If only it weren't for those 4 kids that won't allow me to get anything accomplished. Thank you for the vote of confidence!
Here is my dilemma, I booked a trip with free DDP in Oct 2012, when I was planning on Oct 2013. I have 6 months to get outfits done for 4 kids and I am not even a novice sewer. :confused3 I have fabric purchased and know what I want, but no realistic expectations of being able to accomplish them. :sad2: Anyone have any ideas of what to do? As I said, I already have fabric purchased and know what I want, nothing fancy mainly some elastic waist skirts, and the sewing ability of a drunk monkey with no real time to practice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I echo CarlaC's patterns on YouCanMakeThis.com. Easy Fits, Portrait Peasant, Simply Sweet, and of course online tutorials for elastic waist skirts. You'll be feeling sewing confidence in no time!!!!

That is adorable -- love the fabric choices.

Thank you!!! The yellow and black I had been saving for a Winnie the Pooh and Tigger quilt I meant to do before Kaity was born! Now that she's practically two and a half, I finally came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to get the quilt done in a timely fashion and decided to repurpose/reassign the fabric for outfits.

I love this!!!! so MiCkEy! thanks for sharing ~Beth~

Thank you!!! :)

That turned out really cute!

Thank you!! :)

I just finished my first Disney top for ME - McCall's 6512 in a cotton voile I found really cheap through Fabric Mart (one of my biggest online weaknesses). Here is the result:


I have more pictures and info on my sewing blog.

I love it!! And now I need to check out your blog!!! I'm hoping I have time to make a top for me for our trip!

Super cute! I have some of the same Mickey head fabric. I love how you used the fabrics and colors.

Thank you!! :)


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