First Trip Home - An AKV Value Room With a Potty Training Toddler(Trip Cost Added!)


DIS Veteran
Oct 20, 2011
Hi! Welcome to my third trip report. I'm beginning to get really excited about our upcoming Disney trip, so I'm channeling that excitement by starting my trip report a little early. September 22-28th we'll be headed to AKV and staying in a 1 bedroom value room in Jambo House. We own at AKV, and although this is our 3rd DVC stay, it will be our first stay in our home resort. I'm nervous and excited. Nervous because we just stayed at BWV and I loved it. It would be a little frustrating to like BWV more than AKV since it would have been a heck of a lot cheaper to buy points there. I'm excited because AKV is one of those resorts that I always dreamed of staying at, but never could rationalize the high cost to stay there before owning my DVC.

So let's meet the cast. Our family is a family of three. We have the DH aka Grizzly. He's been a Disneyaholic ever since I took him on his first trip in 2003. He's been providing the daily countdown for several months now. There's me, the narrator of this tale, fellow Disneyaholic and chief operator of the lines ap. Finally there is our 2.5 year old son Tigger. We follow his lead and typically do whatever it happens to be that makes him happy. Our current challenge with Tigger is potty training. The training is going extremely well, but as a recent trek to NH taught us, he is TERRIFIED of the loud noises in public restrooms. The hand driers and flushing toilets scare the little guy to death, or at the very least scare him into high pitch screaming and shaking and wide eyed shock. I think we will be spending an enormous amount of time on this trip coaxing Tigger into using the bathroom, hunting down companion bathrooms, and generally worrying about various toddler potty training issues. Any tips along these lines would be appreciated. Post-it notes on the auto flush sensors won't help us much because all the other toilets flushing scare him even more than the toilet in the stall he is in.

This will be our third trip this year, so I didn't feel the need to make any plans. There are however, a few things I would like to do. On the to do list is to check out the pools at AKV and start teaching Tigger how to swim. We'll probably spend copious amounts of time in the Magic Kingdom, and I can't wait to see what Tigger thinks of the new water fountain in Fantasy Land. Oh, and Tigger is tall enough for the Great Goofini now, so we'll begin roller coaster training on this trip as well.

So we're off in a few weeks. No drama to report, just a plain old family vacation which will hopefully be filled with lots of fun.

Every trip I wonder if Tigger will remember anything, and if he does, what it might be. He remembers riding in a honey pot last trip, but doesn't ever mention the tea cups even though we rode them at least 15 times.

What are your kids earliest Disney memories?:confused3:confused3
The first time I took DS to WDW after he was potty trained I was terrified. But after a fairly trip I can now look back and laugh. But I told everyone that "Disney without diapers is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute".

I just make sure to carry extra clothes and underwear in a ziploc bag.

Oh yea and I'm joining in on your TR!
"Disney without diapers is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute".

Love this quote! I hope it goes okay, but I'm actually pretty terrified. I would definitely be embarrassed to have to point out a pee covered seat to a cast member. That's my worst fear. Hmm...maybe I should bring a shamwow or a towel for quick discrete clean up. Wet pants I can deal with, but I don't want to inconvenience other people. We'll definitely be bringing even more changes of clothes than usual with us into the parks.

Also, thanks for joining along.
Oh my goodness, we're headed out tomorrow at 7am and I haven't packed anything yet. I still need to work until 6pm tonight, which means I won't be home until 6:35. And that's only if I manage to get out to the grocery store at lunch time to buy some laundry detergent sheets and ear plugs, the latter being way more important. Yikes! It's been the most stressful week at work ever, starting off with working the ENTIRE weekend last weekend. I so need this vacation. That's my update for now wish me luck on making it out the door and getting some sleep tonight.

Also, Tigger my 2.8 year old son, thinks that Mickey Mouse lives in Cinderella's castle. He is soooooo going to hate Cinderella someday when he finds out that she kicked Mickey out of the castle.

We've spent the last week or so training him to wear ear phones so he can play with the ipad on the plane. It actually went way better than I expected. Handy Manny and Angry Birds can get this kid to do ANYTHING!
Have a magical trip! Make sure, however, that you don't put *too* much pressure on either of you if there are "accidents". All the excitement, change of surroundings, schedules being different, noises, etc. can all cause issues, especially with him being so little.

While at WDW, I would encourage him to continue his training, but I would also throw a pull-up on him. This will relieve the pressure you may feel to have him stay dry and clean while out in public. He may do great! But if he doesn't do quite so well, his more "formal" training can always start again when you get home.

I started potty training with both of mine when they were two. It was not until my daughter turned 3 that I could say she was 100% potty trained, day and night. With my son, I'd say that didn't come until he turned 4! .:rolleyes1
Surprise! Your direct flight goes through chicago! Thanks southwest. Good news is we used the airplane bathroom. We may survive this trip...

We have the pullups in our arsenal incase he doesn't want to go in any of the bathrooms. A potty training set back won't be the end of the world, but we're going to try diaper free. One flight down.
So the travel day started out bright and early at 4:00 am. When I woke Tigger up and asked him if he was ready to go to Disney he told me he didn't want to go and buried his head in his pillow. I investigated a little bit and when I asked if he was scared of Mickey he responded "No, I'm not scared of Mickey Mouse, I'm only scared of Donald". Poor little guy is terrified of Donald. Once I assured him that we didn't have to meet Donald he was raring to go. We made it out the door by 4:45, and despite my best attempts to get everything into one check through we ended up having two. As I'm sitting here curled up on the couch I'm so glad that I brought my fleecy couch blanket with me.

Tigger in the back seat channeling his inner blues brothers on our way to the airport:

I dropped Grizzly and Tigger off at the airport and then went to park my car at my office. This is a great benefit of working so close the airport, but this morning I was struggling to find the bright side of saving 80 bucks on parking as I trudged back to the terminal in pouring rain. Once at the gate we went to get a stroller check tag. We asked the gate agent for a tag for the Orlando flight and she responded "the one through Chicago?" We responded "the one at 7:10am?" "Yes, the one through Chicago," she confirmed. What? I don't know what was going through my mind when I booked non-direct flights. It must have either been one heck of a savings, or they just failed to advertise that the direct Orlando flight went through Chicago. Grrrrr....I was so aggravated. One flight with a toddler is long enough never mind two. Even though we didn't have to switch planes I was still stressed about the surprise flight.

Grizzly and Tigger eating breakfast in the airport:

When we boarded we chose the second to last row of the plane to be close to the bathroom. While our son is pretty much day time potty trained he rarely tells us he needs to go. If we ask him if he has to go he always says no. However if we place him on the toilet and bribe him with Angry Birds or watching home movies on my phone he will go everytime. I'm not sure if this counts as being potty trained, but we haven't worn diapers in over a month while awake and accidents are very rare.
Our first trip to the bathroom proved tricky. The stall was tiny and the second I got him seated we hit some ridiculously bumby turbulence that even I would have had trouble peeing through. We gave up and decided to wait until landing. One the next flight I accidentally closed his fingers in the door so that attempt didn't go so well either as all he wanted was his Daddy at that point. Sigh...Somehow we made it to Orlando with dry pants. Yippeeee.

So we got our rental car and were driving to Disney by 1:30. Thus began the epic "to nap in the car or not to nap in the car debate". Tigger needs his naps or he is a complete bear. If we waited for a hotel nap we might not actually get a room until 4:30pm which would require us to rangle the bear in the backseat for over 3hrs. If we let him nap in the car we would have to drive around for at least an hour to make it worth it, and we were both starving at this point. One hour was about 59 minutes to long got us. We decided to gamble on checking if our room was ready. It was! Up next...what will we think about our first trip home and our value 1 bedroom.
I swear I'm going to add pictures later when I'm no longer working just off my phone....My immediate reaction to the room was dissapointment. It felt tiny. Tiny tiny tiny. Also a large part of me was really hoping for a Savannah view and we got roof view and partially obscured pool view in room 5004. I don't know why this bothered me, I knew what I signed up for with a value room, but ever since learning that some had Savannah views (about a week ago) I had had my fingers crossed. I tried to nap with Tigger in the big bed but that didn't go well. About an hour after arrival we finally set up our air mattress on the floor of the bedroom, and about an hour after that he finally fell asleep. So did the rest of us. In hindsight we should have just let him sleep in the car, but at least with this route Mom and Dad got to nap too.
While waiting for Tigger to wake up we sat on the couch and sulked about our room. The room was too small, we felt cramped. The lighting, which I always pictured as part of the overall ambiance seemed too dark. Now I understood why people complained about the lighting. We reminisced about the amount of space we had at Old Key West. What I found most surprising was that while at OKW I hated that the resort felt like an apartment complex, but now that I was at AKV I hated that the resort felt like a hotel. So odd. The loud pool trivia contest going on outside while Tigger napped bugged me. Plus they never told me the answers so I was left wondering just how many bricks were in Cinderella's castle?
We finally woke Tigger up at 6pm and went down to the pool. This really redeemed our day. We had such a blast, first playing in the wading pool and then venturing into the larger pool. We took turns letting Tigger 'swim' to the other parent and he thought this was sooo funny. After swimming we went to look for the playground while Dad ordered him some mac n cheese. At one point in the playground hunt we came to an overlook full of flamingos and Tigger announced "there's no playground over there, just flamingos" in such a tone that sugggested he sees flamingos daily. So we continued on and finally found the playground. I liked this playground. So did Tigger. When putting him to bed later that night he remarded "I think someone took the swings from the playground because the playground didn't have any swings, somebody must have taken them". I LOVE having a very verbal toddler because you get to hear all the funny things they think. I assured him that there never were swings and that there wasn't a swing thief running around Walt Disney World.
This day marked the first day of Tigger's fast. He didn't eat any lunch and only ate the jello from his mac n cheese meal. Hmmm...not too sure what is going on with this boy, just the day before he ate 2 two egg omelets (that's 4 eggs total), 1/2 a quart of strawberries, 1/2 a container of blueberries, and most of a container of raspberries all for dinner. Not eating, is not a good sign.
After Tigger was in bed Grizzly ran out to the store for food and we joined Tigger in the bedroom by 11pm.
The only place we could fit the airmattress was at the foot of the bed, and at that part of the mattress is under the bed. I guess that is one benefit of the high beds at AKV.
Up next...our alarms are set for 7am in order to get to MK for rope drop. Will we make it? Will Tigger continue his fast? Will our value closet room grow on me? More to come...
Our alarms didn't get a chance to go off because Tigger woke up at 6:27. So we got up and had a leisurely morning including our daily eggs and sausage. Tigger loves eggs and sausage and he maybe took two bites. Hmmm...why is my vacuum child not eating? Right now I'm chalking it up to stress. He was in good spirits so we headed off the to the MK.
Here's the little beast before we headed out:

We let him decide between the train (monorail) or the boat from the TTC and he chose boat. He was so anamored with this boat that even at the end of the day after begging to ride Dumbo 4 times when asked what his favorite ride was he said it was the boat. I swear we don't even need to buy park tickets we could just ride the monorail, parking tram, and boats and he would have a great day.
Before the opening show:

Tigger spotted Daisy on the train during the opening show and I think that made his day. When we got into the park he spotted her walking down the stairs so I waited to stalk her but she dissapeared. Tigger was clearly dissapointed that he couldn't meet Daisy(by far his favorite character) so thus began the lying about the characters. This time Daisy 'had to go eat breakfast'. Later on when we spotted Chip and Dale the wrangler actually told us we couldn't get in line because they had to go in and get a snack. Man poor Tigger got a day when all the animals were hungry! We started with the Tomorrow Land Speedway because that is what our Lines Ap told us to do. It was fun but I really wasn't able to let Tigger steer too much because he got thrown all around the car too violently and got scared when he steered. After the speedway we hit our first companion restroom in Tomorrowland. It was a success. I used the post-it trick on the toilet so it didn't flush on us. Ooooh funny side story. I first showed Tigger the post it trick in the Buffalo Airport. When we finally got to our room at AKV he was refusing to go the bathroom. I finally suggested putting the 'magic post-it' on the toilet so that it wouldn't flush. Once I did that he happily went pee. So now everytime he pees at the hotel we have to put a post-it on the handle. Okay so back to Tomorrowland...we conquered Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. I got a terrible score because it's impossible to play while you are constantly spinning. Grizzly on the otherhand managed to get over 700,000 points through some sort of cheating maneuver. Grrr... Tigger said this was fun, but you could kind of tell by his face that it was really just 'meh'. He had spied Dumbo while on the Speedway and was by now requesting over and over to ride the elephants. It was fun and also different to have a child with us with actual opinions about what to do next. Last trip we could basically drag him wherever we wanted and he was fine. We had fast passes for 9:50 and it was only 9:26 so we killed time by riding the tea cups and the Barnstormer.

I love the teacups because we get the biggest smiles out of Tigger out of all the rides:

And a horrible self portrait, but dad was busy spinning us:

Tigger LOVED the Barnstormer. We got the front row and he did great. This kid is going to love coasters. Such a strange child, loves roller coasters, but is terrified of Donald Duck and children his own age. It was now time for Dumbo. Dad rode while I fetched fast passes for Peter Pan and Winnie the Pooh. I opted for one of each and we could take turns riding a ride with Tigger. When I returned to fantasy land Tigger and Dad were just getting off and Tigger wanted to ride the 'other' Dumbo. So off I went. Except I chose the wrong direction and ended up on the same Dumbo, Tigger didn't notice though. We then decided to go through the standby line in order to check out the playground. Tigger and I roamed all around the ropes. They were pretty awesome. It was only after I got back on the ground that I noticed the sign that said for ages 4-8. Hmm..Tigger is 2.8 and I'm 30. I didn't mean to break the rules, I just didn't see the sign. We checked out the area for ages 2-3 and I really think it would have been better for ages 18 months. Tigger so desperately wanted to sit in the fire truck but he was WAY to big and just didn't fit. He kep trying and trying and eventually basically had to do a full on split to sit in it.

Here's the tiny fire truck:

There were some paw prints on the ground that made a tiger growl from under the bench. Tigger thought there really was a tiger under the bench and it was awesome. We rode Dumbo 2 more times, headed to the bathroom again, and then it was off to Winnie the Pooh. Pooh was great until we got caught in the hefalump room. It wasn't so bad getting stuck, but the ride never recovered after that and for the remainder of the ride we would move 10 feet and then stop, move 10 feet and then stop. IT WAS BRUTAL! Tigger however didn't seem to mind too much. He then rode Peter Pan with his dad while I sat down and waited by Philharmagic. Dad reported that he LOVED Peter Pan.
Our last stop for the morning was Mickey's Philharmagic. Tigger is notoriously finicky about what he wears, so getting him to wear the 3d glasses was a big IF going into this attraction. After about 2 seconds of looking at a fuzzy Mickey Mouse he agreed to wear the glasses. SUCCESS!!! Tigger thought the first part of the movie was hilarious and you could hear his laughter even above the loud show. Unfortunately the tornado that started shortly after terrified him and you could then hear his SCREAMING over the loud show. I pulled him onto my lap and when the scene changed he calmed down. This was good because I had no idea how I was going to get out of there, the theater was pitch black. He stayed on my lap most of the remainder of the show and kept wondering wear Donald Duck was whenever he left the screen. All was going well until the final scene where Donald comes flying out at you. Cue the high pitched terrified screaming. He was so loud, EVERYONE could hear him, but in a way it was also kind of funny (I swear I'm not heartless, it was just the perfect terrified scream, almost like he was paid to do it) . When we pointed out Donald's butt sticking out of the wall he ended up thinking it was pretty funny, but then when Donald fell down into the wall he really wanted to know where Donald went. I told him Donald had bumped his head on the wall so he went to the doctor. For the remainder of the morning he kept talking about how Donald had to go to the doctor. This turned out not to be the best choice of lies because Tigger is really empathetic and it actually made him sad that Donald was hurt. I tried to patch it up by saying that he only needed a bandaid, but I could tell he was still feeling bad for Donald. And this is the character that he is scared of! We headed out of the park and made it home by 1:00pm. Now throughout our morning Tigger ate every snack I brought with me, but when I offered him a grilled cheese, sweet potato fries, and fruit for lunch he didn't eat a bite. Hmmmm....still not eating. We put him down for a nap around 2pm. It's almost 9pm right now and he's still sleeping!!!!! Uh oh. Believe me we've check on him. Even got him up at 5:30 but we just got screamed at until we put him back in bed. Really not sure what is up. The plan for tomorrow is Blizzard Beach, hopefully he won't wake us up at 3am. What will tomorrow bring? A sick beast? A fun day at Blizzard Beach? More potty training success? We shall see. Up next though...what to do while your toddler takes an endless nap.
So Grizzly was in charge of getting Tigger down for his nap. I went out to see what the standard rooms looked like in Jambo house. The DVC guy was more than happy to show me a room which was great because I felt a little odd asking. To my surprise I didn't think the standard rooms were that great either. The conclusion I came to was that if you are staying in Jambo house you might as well get a value room. This made my value room a little more palateable. I then hiked over to Kidani and asked to see a room there. Fairly similar, but definitely more roomy. Kidani is definitely the place to be. I checked out the pool. Sooooo coool. I couldn't wait to take Tigger over after his nap. I took the van back to Jambo house because even though it wasn't that long of a walk it was way to hot to walk back and way to sunny to walk back without sunglasses. Back at the room Grizzly and I fought over the couch and kept dozing off until I suggested we just pull it out and sleep on it ourselves. I woke up around 5:00pm and we decided to wake Tigger up at 5:30. Wait, prior to sleeping I ate a Klondike bar. Yum! The waking up of Tigger didn't go so well. As I mentioned earlier we got screamed at, painful aweful screams so we just put him back to bed at his request. Guess we weren't going to Epcot. As time passed our plans changed from Epcot, to swimming, to downtown disney, to finally at 8:50 we gave up on leaving the room and threw a lasagna into the oven. I can't believe that kid is still sleeping. This does not bode well. We've checked on him, doesn't seem to have a fever...Guess we'll just let him sleep and hope he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night. At least the extended nap let me get started on the trip reports. I'll go back and add some pictures later, but right now I'm working on my phone and it's just too much of a pain.
So will Blizzard Beach happen? Will he sleep through the whole night? More to come...
Also my room is growing on me. It's little, but really how much room do I need when I'm sitting on the couch?
Saw you were live & thought I'd join in. :). How's the munchkin today? Hopefully he was just a tired little guy yesterday.
Saw you were live & thought I'd join in. :). How's the munchkin today? Hopefully he was just a tired little guy yesterday.

I believe a better question would actually be 'how are Mom and Dad today?'.

Tigger slowly woke up from his 11 hour marathon nap starting at around 2:45am. It started with a request for water, then a request to be covered, then a request to be covered with another blanket, then a request to come up into the big bed. Between every request there was about a five minute moment of silence where I would pray that he would fall asleep, but during which Tigger was plotting his next form of attack. I finally pulled him up into bed with us and told him he had to be quiet and sleep. I am not a co-sleeping person. It's not for me. Tigger lied there relatively calmly for around 5 minutes during which time I decided to rename co-sleeping to 'only-one-of-you-will-sleep-and-it-probably-won't-be-you-sleeping' . Eventually Tigger just sort of started staring at me to see if I was awake and touching my face. I gave up, he was not going to sleep. We went out into the living room. I checked the time. I felll down on the floor in despair after seeing that it was 3:00am. Actually I didn't do any falling or despairing. I did the next best thing, plunked Tigger down on the couch and let Handy Manny entertain him why I wallowed in seft pity. We only let Tigger watch one tv show each weekend day so he was in his own mini heaven. He was also very happy and not at all sick. Every song he would get up and dance and I would have to get up with him. Getting up to dance every 10 minutes is really not my idea of fun at 3am. I guess if I had to look at the bright side I now know all the words to the Handy Manny songs.

Can you really be that upset at being up so early when you have this guy to keep you company?

Around 4:30 I fed him breakfast and got him to eat a half a grilled peanut butter sandwhich and half a banana. After 4 grilled sandwhiches I think I have finally mastered the stove, 5 minutes on medium for the first side, 90 seconds for the second side.

Tigger breaks his fast and eats half the sandwich:

At 6am I got Grizzly up and crawled into bed. My only instructions to Grizzly were to wake me up at 9am and we would go to Epcot. I guess my instructions weren't clear enough because what I really meant was "get West all ready so that when you get me up at 9am we can just leave". Instead I was woken up at 9am as requested and we set about the long tedious process of getting out the door. Tigger got to watch shows on the ipad for 6 hours!!!! We got out the door to Epcot around 9:50.

So good health, high spirits, very tired parents. Off to Epcot we go...
Grizzly just glared at me and said "Is that all you're going to do during his naps is write trip reports?" Yup! I sent him to go get a movie. He just returned with High School Musical 2. What a sweety! We got back from Epcot around 1:00pm. We decided to skip Blizzard Beach today because since we have to purchase water park tickets I want to be able to stay as long as possible. With Tigger being up since 3am I knew he wasn't going to last long.

As we pulled up to the best parking spot ever Tigger exclaimed " Look at that big big moon!!!!" Awesome, wish I had that on film. Upon entering Epcot Tigger started chanting 'lets ride rides, lets ride rides'. Oh boy. What have we created? We saw Daisy Duck, Tigger's absolute favorite, so we got in line to see her at Tigger's request. It was a long line and Daisy had to go get refreshed in the middle of our wait. She was speedy though and the promised three minutes was more like 90 seconds before she returned. Once it was our turn Tigger just glared at Daisy and wanted nothing to do with her. We ended up with yet another picture of him in my arms as far away from the character as possible. Darn darn darn.

The Daisy picture:

I was hoping it would be love at first sight so we could go to a character breakfast this trip, but it just isn't meant to be. By the time he's not afraid of the character's he's going to be old enough to know they aren't real. Woe. :(

We took our time and rode Nemo and Journey Into Imagination. After the Figment ride we went to the bathroom behind the Imagination pavilion. There was no companion bathroom but also no-one else back there so Tigger braved the real restroom.

Tigger returning triumphant from the bathroom:

He got his traditional 5 minutes of Angry Birds for using the bathroom. After he played on my phone I offered him a deal, if he would go into the bathroom and flush one of the toilets he could play 5 more minutes. That's a deal he said. But after about 5 attempts of getting close to a toilet and chickening out we called it quits and carried on. At least he actually went in the bathroom. I always wondered why most of the WDW bathrooms don't have hand dryers and I'm wondering now if it was a concious decision because they scare so many kids. Hmmm....

We marched over to Mexico in search of guacamole and margaritas. On the way we put Tigger's stroller back hoping he would fall asleep but this kid rarely falls asleep anywhere but the car and his bed. I was declined a margarita at Mexico because I didn't have any ID on me. This is the first time I have ever been carded at the World. To be honest I didn't mind too much because it saved me $20 bucks. :) We shared beef tacos and chips and guacamole and it was just the right amount of food. Tigger enjoyed the chips and the green salsa. There were crows around the restaurant and ducks in the water and every time a crow would come near us Tigger would shout "What's that duck doing?" I think he may think all birds are ducks. We headed out, but as we approach Future World Grizzly mentioned we had forgotten to go to the German caramel place and get a treat. I volunteered to go back while Grizzly took Tigger home to nap. I secured one salted caramel square and one rice crispy treat before heading back. I got side tracked by Mouse Gear on the way out and now have my eye on a sweatshirt. Oh glorious fuzzy lined sweatshirt I hope I see you again. I got back to the hotel just as Grizzly was finishing up Arther's Reading Race. Tigger was asleep in minutes.

The plan for this afternoon. Eat my caramel square while watching High School Musical 2. When the alarm goes off on the stove at 5pm I will put on my riot gear and go rouse the beast. He will get up. I will not be screamed into submission. From there I really hope to go check out the Kidani pool it looks so cool. Grizzly is out photographing creatures, and the daily loud obnoxious game is going out by the pool. Do they really need that loud PA system? HSM and caramel please cheer me up.
Maybe you'd be better off forgoing nap time and just trying to get your LO back & in bed by 6:30 or 7PM. Then if he slept for 12 hours, at least it is a more normal wake up time.

When you do try to wake him, maybe the promise of more rides will be enough to rouse him. Good luck!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards App, please excuse any typos.
I'm enjoying this! Our home resort is OKW, but Kidani is my second favorite place to stay. Keep enjoying!
DannysMom said:
Maybe you'd be better off forgoing nap time and just trying to get your LO back & in bed by 6:30 or 7PM. Then if he slept for 12 hours, at least it is a more normal wake up time.


Maybe we could skip nap, but even with a nap he goes to bed at 7:30. I'm so scared to try going napless as I much prefer well rested Tigger to beastly tired Tigger. Today's wake up went much better, and he woke up talking about the barnstormer. Hopefully well get there tonight but we're working on another situation right now.
Thanks! I think I may have home resort envy!

One of the times we stayed at Kidani, we had our 2 year old DGS w/ us. One of the things we were most grateful for that trip was room service (which you can't get at OKW). He would just get over tired and unable to sit through a TS meal, so we could go back to the room, fix him mac and cheese (or whatever) and still order something really good for ourselves.
Well I'd be lying if I said this evening wasn't completely dissapointing. Toddlers! Aargh! Nap wake up at 5pm went great. The beast woke up and immediately started talking about the barnstormer and the elephant ride. Talking about anything was way better than screaming at me and since he was talking about rides he was clearly a boy after my heart. I had wanted to go play in the Kidani splash area, but we could go to the MK if that is what Tigger wanted to do. So the plan was quickly switched from swimming to a quick jaunt to MK. Unfortunately Tigger's bowels had other plans and he kept writhing in pain and refusing to eat dinner. We ended up spending the entire evening trying to get Tigger to poop. Fun times! This is why I flew to Florida. Grrr. We eventually gave up and just put him to bed, hopefully he'll go in his sleep which is what he does 99% of the time anyways. But I'm pretty sure the lack of eating is heavily tied to his lack of pooping. Probably not what you want to be reading about on a trip report, but that's how I spent my evening. And it was lousy. Current plan (I don't know why I bother with plans anymore, but one has to hope) is to head to MK in the morning. I'm really hoping Tigger's tummy is feeling better because he wasn't in a good state tonight.

In one trip to the store Grizzly came back with Reeses Klondike bars. I was sooo excited about these but they were horrible. Very thin chocolate shell which is the best part, and they were scrawny. They were so dissapointing that we had to eat a regular Klondike bar afterwards to fulfill our craving.

Off to bed shortly although I'm surprisingly untired. Geez what a depressing post....sorry.


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