These are NOT the rooms that I paid for! 3 Resorts in 10 days - Trivia Answers 9/3

That is sooooo cold for Florida!! That shot of GF is awesome though, with all the fog. Gorgeous!

We did CRT for breakfast when we went with my cousins. I still get teary eyed watching them on our video making their wishes! Also, your breakfast looked amazing! Clearly, we ordered incorrectly. The Snow White you met is absolutely gorgeous! Jasmine is cute too. I love the princesses.

I keep going back and forth on narcossees. We went to a place on Coronado that looked just like it during our honeymoon. The dish you ordered sounded really yummy, but didn't look too yummy. Boo. You're a good mom to let E sit where she could see the fireworks easily! It looks like such a nice place with a great view...

Aaahhhhh!! DCA, I will be there today! I love the animation building. If money were no object, I'd want my husband & I to have a party there. That place is so gorgeous and such a nice place to relax.

By the way, I have decided I love E's wardrobe. That Snow White shirt is the best! I'm sad to see your TR come to an end! :(
I was so happy to read your positive review of Restaurant Merrekesh as Nancy and I are having lunch there in October. You don't see many reviews of this restaurant so I really appreciated your thoughts and pictures. Everything looked delicious! How nice they made a fuss over Em for her birthday. :goodvibes

I can't get over how cold it was during your trip! 33° is rather nippy, even here, LOL. Those are brave souls wearing shorts IMO, definitely not my wardrobe choice when the mercury dips that low!

How sad to see the ME envelope on your door. Not exactly a magical way to start the day. :sad2:

Your breakfast at Akershus looked delicious, even though they were initially very stingy with the Mickey waffles, lol!

"I went for the soft princess hand in my photo with her but I just look like I have arthritis." :lmao:

Beautiful pictures around WS! I love near-empty days in Epcot, it's lovely feeling you've almost got the park to yourself.

Love the photo of the monorail taken from your CR living room. Awesome!

I've never eaten in the castle, but your photos and experience there are making me regret that omission. The menu has never appealed to me in the past, and since you have to remortgage the house or sell a body part to afford a meal there, I've always passed. But that apple-stuffed french toast is calling my name ...

Great updates Brenda! So sad your trip is almost over but I know you're getting ready to return soon. Guaranteed you won't be facing chilly weather this time. :thumbsup2
I'm all caught up just in time for this TR to end! What a bummer. I'm loving it as usual!

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That is chilly for Florida, yikes! Although in these parts (Ontario, Canada) that is warm lol ;) At least there was no snow lol!

Was great to see a positive review of CRT. We ummed and awwed on our last trip and decided on Akershus instead. CRT looks pretty good though I must say.

Again so sad that your TR is coming to an end. Our last trip was last year and don't see us going again in the foreseeable future but your report keeps me coming back to Disboards.

Thanks again for sharing your experience with us Dis-ers! You could say you are Royalty (Dis Board Royalty) princess:
Yum, I looooove Akershaus breakfast! I am addicted to their potato casserole thing. YUM! I have never even been to the cold buffet, which is probably good...I get enough calories from those multiple servings of potato delight! :lmao:

You are too cute posing with Bruce. I am so that way. Why should the kids have all the fun?! My last trip, Landon was too small to do a lot of things still, but that didn't stop me from becoming a pirate, making a music video with Phineas & Ferb, etc! I'm sure that will continue, as Landon is incredibly shy and easily embarrassed already! :rotfl:

I love seeing Buzz & Woody in Andy's room! Sorry that all the other kids made the experience less than enjoyable...It is one of my biggest pet peeves when parents don't say anything! Oh well...what can you do besides raise your own the best you can?

That's a shame you didn't enjoy your entree at Narcoossee's. It sucks to go out on a limb, not like it and then have to pay for it, and then know it's your last Disney dinner that trip. :sad2: Oh well. At least there are always a million other delicious restaurants to go to! :upsidedow

Yay a Denver shout out...Orlando was colder than us! :cool1: :lmao: Too funny! I always compare the weather to Orlando's...of where I wish I really was! :beach:

Oh CRT...I have always wanted to dine there. But alas...I've gone the Akershaus route when I could've swung princesses in past trips, and this upcoming one, I'm outnumbered by 3 boys. Sigh. ONE DAY!! :rolleyes:
I was so surprised to see the Mickey waffles at Akershus. I've been told repeatedly that they don't have them and this has been a concern since my son will not eat eggs, sausage or bacon. We have never done the breakfast before because if this but want to do it next year format young niece. Thanks for posting this!'
I was also surprised they don't verify reservations for early entry at MK.

I just love all the princess meals during your trip. Good job on the restaurant choices, Em! :thumbsup2 I need to try to read through her dining report, it's really long now.

I think you dressed wisely considering the weather. I just can't believe that was in March!
Record lows, aw man, am I ever glad we left when we did!

Oh my gosh Snow is beautiful! Wow! Also, I can’t wait until she gets her new dress, I know they didn’t change a whole lot of it, but that velvet like top is just not nice baha!

Glad that you guys enjoyed breakfast, I’ve always been hesitant about it since the cost is not that much more for dinner and I may as well just go for that instead! However for the Jan trip I’m thinking we’ll do breakfast instead!
All caught up on your TR! Sad to see it finished. The last time that we were at CRT was in April 2012 when Jason proposed to me...needless to say I was quite surprised. Here is a picture of the event:


Can't wait to read more and of course read about your upcoming trip to WDW! Oh what I would do to head back to the world! We're actually thinking of making a quick trip down there...flying of course because I don't feel like driving. But if not we'll be heading down next year hopefully with my sister in law and her family and my mother in law and her hubby. Then we have a free sitter to come watch the girls while we go have some adult time!
Haven't posted much but have been reading along and all caught up to departure day. Always so sad when that envelope shows up on the door. Love all the photos.

Thanks so much for reading and stopping by to comment! I'm glad that you did. :)

Don't you know it!! That envelope could at least come with a great bounce-back offer tucked inside or a few tissues or something!

Thanks again! :goodvibes

Brenda, I know I've not posted in a few days, but we've had some family issue arise that has been taking a lot of my time. I caught up on your updates. Can I just say that some of those princesses are a little scary looking. ;)

Hi Kathy! It's been crazy for you I know. I hope things are working themselves out.

I'm with you... not sure how some of those princesses passed the audition process... that or they were circulating the understudy princesses. :confused3

Looking forward to seeing you soon! I need to get caught up on TRs since I've been off the boards for a couple days.

Still catching up!

Love cookies, pie, ice cream, crème brulee, chocolate, baklava- lots of sweet stuff- so no worries there!

That's funny about the foods you are associating with me. The coffee is right on! The lack of coffee is the sole reason I will never be a contestant on Survivor.

I had the sushi at Japan, which was good, but a mistake because 1) I had already had sushi earlier in the trip and 2) it wasn't included with the meal voucher I had but I didn't realize it until after I ordered. :headache:

I'm sure I have mentioned that I share your love for Kona's Pineapple Macadamia pancakes. Favorite thing in the World!


But enough about me.

I love the pictures of an empty EPCOT and the cute Monsters Inc. pictures.

It looks like they had the princess B-team in that morning. Snow and Ariel were ok, but not the best Cindy or Belle I have seen!

Nice Bruce photo! As long as you didn't push any kids out of the way to get the photo, you are perfectly entitled to get one.

Your comment about watching the track at Ellen's cracked me up.

Walking and Taking Photos- my kind of afternoon in the World Showcase!

Mark and I used to eat at the Marrakesh on our trips, BK (Before Kids) but we haven't taken them there yet. Love the Tangierine Café takeout place now.

Can you share the website address for the recipes???

Still need to catch up, but all off this talk about food... I'm off to lunch!

Oh yeah, now I remember our mutual love of the best breakfast food in all of WDW! Those pineapple macadamia pancakes are definitely legendary status for me!

Ha ha! Yes, the "B" team was out that day. :lmao:

As for the website that Em was given by the Marrakesh hostesses, she can't recall where she put it. Oops! However, this site looks like it has some of the dishes that I saw on the menu.

Now I'm caught up! For now! :cool1:

I like your character pictures with Pooh & Tigger, the Toy Story gang and the Incredible dudes. Too bad there was a lot of suffering involved in getting them.

We don't really meet characters on our trips- but the pictures I have seen from the Toy Story meet queue always look adorable. Glad you have set me straight on the "dark side" of character and public interaction.

However, your picture with Bo looks uncomplicated. BTW- I may have helped keep him company during my trip.

So sad about your last day and amazed about the cold! :mad:

But it looks like you are going out with a bang- empty pre-opening breakfast at MK- the meal and location just look wonderful!

Argh! The Buzz/Woody queue was not fun but for the most part we only hop in line for characters if the line is short or if it is character dining. I'm just glad that Bo doesn't usually have a line!

Thanks for getting caught up! :)
:rotfl2: negative 100 Celsius. Actually that's shorts weather in these parts.

Wow that's cold!. I remember being in Tampa on Christmas day when I was a kid and woke up to frost on the car. I assumed it was to make it feel more "Christmassy". I think your day was colder! Just... wow.

NOOOOO you need to share the Monorail wake up video!!!!!

Come to think of it you're right. When I did KTTK, they didn't ask for conformation or anything. :confused3

Haha, see... Shorts weather.

What lovely photos at your breakfast. You know something that always amazes me (although in no way surprises me) is the excitement that comes with getting little "Disney Things" like wishing stars and wands. In reality, these are things you could probably get at a dollar store, but when you get them for free at Disney, they're absolutely priceless.

See, I knew you Canadians could handle a mere 0 degrees Celsius. But frost on Christmas morning would be so cool! (literally!)

NOOOOOOOO, not sharing the video.. too lame. :eek: Here's a transcript of the narration. "There's the greeeeeen monorail waking up. We have the yellow, the blue and now the greeeeeen monorail out on the main track. " The end. (The tone is an inside joke so no one would get it anyway. ;))

You are absolutely 100% correct about the magical touches with the Disney swag. I don't think I've ever wanted a cheap plastic .99 cent item before walking though those castle doors. :)

Fab updates Brenda :)

Firstly, wonderful photos from DL and DCA, I soooooo want to get back there!!

What a lovely way to kick off the last day of your vacation - French Toast and Cinderella :)

When are you heading back to WDW? Not long now right?

Hi Linda! Thanks! I know your past DL/DCA trips were awesome!

It's always a great way to end our trips by dining with Cinderella. The stuffed French toast is just a bonus. :)

I can't get over how cold it was there! Good thing you came prepared. Do stores carry winter coats in Southern California or do you have to order online?

CRT sounds like a great way to end a trip! I thought the wands were just for kids. Good to know everyone gets one and the wishing stars.

Hi Annie. Ha ha! Yes, we do have winter coats for sale here in winter. We need them for when the thermometer dips into the 40s!!! :rotfl2:

Yes, they give the wands and wishing stars to everyone, not just the kids. They have a little wishing star ceremony that is adorable.

I live in Buffalo and I love the cold weather and I rarely get cold. But even I don't wear shorts when it's 33º outside!

You definitely know cold!! Because it was bright and sunny that last day it warmed up quickly so even though it was about 35 degrees below what I would tolerate for shorts many others are heartier than me!! :rolleyes:

Finally all caught up! I think I am more impressed by the princesses at CRT. They look a bit better to me! I'm in love with that castle view. Must have been so nice to wake up to each morning. Makes leaving that much harder!

Hi KristinAnne! I thought Snow White and Jasmine were great! Not sure why we didn't get Belle.

The Theme park view is so lovely and not just because of the castle. I love seeing the GF across the way too.

I'm behind… so I'm hoping to remember everything I want to say!!

BOG- SO sad that Emily's dish was fishy smelling… I LOVED that dish in November. I'm so confused. YAY for the Grey stuff and the private tour!!

Woohoo DL!! And Sweet Potato Rolls?? Um… YES PLEASE!!! :banana:

That Jas- I mean Belle does look a little different… :laughing: I didn't know that Akershus served Mickey Waffles!!!! How did I miss that?:confused3

We loved Marrakesh and the Belly Dancer! You ordered the same thing I did… although EWWWWW to the olive salad! Yuck!

Sigh… I know kids will be kids, but PARENTS must be PARENTS!!!! :confused:

I would love to try a Signature meal at some point… but I won't be taking my kids and standing them up at the windows! ;) Emily's steak looked really good though! Sorry about your meal.

Boo to bad peach cobbler… how is that even possible???

NO NO NO!!! I'm not ready for it to be over!!! How did that happen!?!?!

What a neat picture of the GF in the fog?

The CRT meal looks amazing… I think I need to add that to our list for March! They have changed the wands from when we went in 2010… So, you know, we need new ones!

Okay, how did I do?? :rolleyes:

You did great Christen! Good memory!

They don't automatically bring out the waffles at Akershus - you have to ask for them. The first time we went Em pointed them out to me and we asked the server. I'm not sure why they don't automatically bring out a plate of them.

You and my hubby - he doesn't like olives either. I LOVE them so I'd eat your olive salad for you! ;) Didn't your girls dance at Marrakesh?? Or am I making that up?

Yes! You must return to CRT so you can get some updated wands. I'm sure there's some type of expiration date on them anyway... they lose their magical power after a certain amount of time. :thumbsup2

Oh I would love to see the Disneyland fireworks! Hmm sorry your room service dessert was awful. An awful dessert is 10x worse than an awful meal, IMO!
Hahaha I looked up the actual Celsius conversion and anywhere from 30-35 would be cold enough to have me in my winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, etc. at the beginning of the winter! (Although in February a 0 degree day would see me out in a light sweater! Rofl!)
Still, no ,after how you slice it, WAY TOO COLD for Walt Disney World!
Early MK entry is the most magical feeling, really like you somehow landed the park all to yourself! I love your CRT breakfast so much I just went to see if there were any to be had for my trip! That stuffed French toast looks really good. Love all the princess pics!

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Hi Wendy!

That was odd about the peach cobbler... I like your logic!

Since the sun was shining that last day I'm sure you would have left your winter jacket at home! ;)

I'm glad that CRT reservations seem to be easier to book than a couple years ago.... hopefully you will be able to book something! Johnny gets a sword!

That is sooooo cold for Florida!! That shot of GF is awesome though, with all the fog. Gorgeous!

We did CRT for breakfast when we went with my cousins. I still get teary eyed watching them on our video making their wishes! Also, your breakfast looked amazing! Clearly, we ordered incorrectly. The Snow White you met is absolutely gorgeous! Jasmine is cute too. I love the princesses.

I keep going back and forth on narcossees. We went to a place on Coronado that looked just like it during our honeymoon. The dish you ordered sounded really yummy, but didn't look too yummy. Boo. You're a good mom to let E sit where she could see the fireworks easily! It looks like such a nice place with a great view...

Aaahhhhh!! DCA, I will be there today! I love the animation building. If money were no object, I'd want my husband & I to have a party there. That place is so gorgeous and such a nice place to relax.

By the way, I have decided I love E's wardrobe. That Snow White shirt is the best! I'm sad to see your TR come to an end! :(

I agree! CRT is such a great breakfast - the princesses just make it even better!

I'll probably try Narcoosees again but they may need to change the menu a little. It just wasn't to my preferences but a lot of people rave about it so what do I know? :rolleyes1

I hope you are having a wonderful time at DLR/DCA and the expo!! :woohoo:

On behalf of Em, thank you for complimenting her style! That Snow White shirt was from a shop on Main Street at DLR.
I was so happy to read your positive review of Restaurant Merrekesh as Nancy and I are having lunch there in October. You don't see many reviews of this restaurant so I really appreciated your thoughts and pictures. Everything looked delicious! How nice they made a fuss over Em for her birthday. :goodvibes

I can't get over how cold it was during your trip! 33° is rather nippy, even here, LOL. Those are brave souls wearing shorts IMO, definitely not my wardrobe choice when the mercury dips that low!

How sad to see the ME envelope on your door. Not exactly a magical way to start the day.

Your breakfast at Akershus looked delicious, even though they were initially very stingy with the Mickey waffles, lol!

"I went for the soft princess hand in my photo with her but I just look like I have arthritis." :lmao:

Beautiful pictures around WS! I love near-empty days in Epcot, it's lovely feeling you've almost got the park to yourself.

Love the photo of the monorail taken from your CR living room. Awesome!

I've never eaten in the castle, but your photos and experience there are making me regret that omission. The menu has never appealed to me in the past, and since you have to remortgage the house or sell a body part to afford a meal there, I've always passed. But that apple-stuffed french toast is calling my name ...

Great updates Brenda! So sad your trip is almost over but I know you're getting ready to return soon. Guaranteed you won't be facing chilly weather this time. :thumbsup2

Hi Carol! Em and I were just talking tonight about how we may ditch one of our current lunch ADRs to return to Marrakesh. Glad you are looking forward to dining there again soon.

If we didn't use our TiW for a discount, I'm not sure if we would keep coming back to CRT. The price does make me pause a bit before booking but to dine inside the castle is too much to resist!

I think it should be 40+ degrees warmer than when we left WDW! I'll definitely leave my winter coat at home! ;)

I'm all caught up just in time for this TR to end! What a bummer. I'm loving it as usual!

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Hi Marissa! Glad you are caught up! :thumbsup2

Just a couple more updates left and then it's a wrap!

That is chilly for Florida, yikes! Although in these parts (Ontario, Canada) that is warm lol ;) At least there was no snow lol!

Was great to see a positive review of CRT. We ummed and awwed on our last trip and decided on Akershus instead. CRT looks pretty good though I must say.

Again so sad that your TR is coming to an end. Our last trip was last year and don't see us going again in the foreseeable future but your report keeps me coming back to Disboards.

Thanks again for sharing your experience with us Dis-ers! You could say you are Royalty (Dis Board Royalty) princess:

Can you imagine if it had snowed? I would have been so excited since I don't see that type of weather in Southern California! :upsidedow

I'm a fan of Akershus too - especially the food - which I prefer to CRT.

Thanks for hanging in there and reading this whole thing! The Disboards are a great way to get through to that next trip.

Yum, I looooove Akershaus breakfast! I am addicted to their potato casserole thing. YUM! I have never even been to the cold buffet, which is probably good...I get enough calories from those multiple servings of potato delight! :lmao:

You are too cute posing with Bruce. I am so that way. Why should the kids have all the fun?! My last trip, Landon was too small to do a lot of things still, but that didn't stop me from becoming a pirate, making a music video with Phineas & Ferb, etc! I'm sure that will continue, as Landon is incredibly shy and easily embarrassed already! :rotfl:

I love seeing Buzz & Woody in Andy's room! Sorry that all the other kids made the experience less than enjoyable...It is one of my biggest pet peeves when parents don't say anything! Oh well...what can you do besides raise your own the best you can?

That's a shame you didn't enjoy your entree at Narcoossee's. It sucks to go out on a limb, not like it and then have to pay for it, and then know it's your last Disney dinner that trip. :sad2: Oh well. At least there are always a million other delicious restaurants to go to! :upsidedow

Yay a Denver shout out...Orlando was colder than us! :cool1: :lmao: Too funny! I always compare the weather to Orlando's...of where I wish I really was! :beach:

Oh CRT...I have always wanted to dine there. But alas...I've gone the Akershaus route when I could've swung princesses in past trips, and this upcoming one, I'm outnumbered by 3 boys. Sigh. ONE DAY!! :rolleyes:

Hi Kimmy!

Oh my gosh!!! I LOVE the cheesy potatoes at Akershus. Between those and the Mickey waffles and I'm in heaven!! Glad you know what I'm talking about with that one. yeah.... I wish I had as much self control as you with the cold buffet. ;)

How adorable and fun for Landon that you were a pirate and made a music video. Your exuberance and playfulness may have a positive influence on your DS and draw him out of his shyness.

That was funny that the news made it a point to say that Orlando was colder than Denver that day. I suppose you must have been having a downright balmy day!

Hi Brenda! When are you heading out to WDW this month? I think it's getting close, right?

Hi Dave! 126 hours from now but whose counting? :rotfl2: We will be there Friday.

I was so surprised to see the Mickey waffles at Akershus. I've been told repeatedly that they don't have them and this has been a concern since my son will not eat eggs, sausage or bacon. We have never done the breakfast before because if this but want to do it next year format young niece. Thanks for posting this!'

Now that I think about it I've never heard it announced that they serve the Mickey waffles. We always ask for them and they bring as many as you can eat. Sounds like this may be a good option for your son since they also have a cold buffet that offers breads, pastries, bagels, fruit, cheese/meats, and some Norwegian fish dishes.

No problem sharing our experience!

I was also surprised they don't verify reservations for early entry at MK.

I just love all the princess meals during your trip. Good job on the restaurant choices, Em! :thumbsup2 I need to try to read through her dining report, it's really long now.

I think you dressed wisely considering the weather. I just can't believe that was in March!

I suppose if someone walked in the event entrance and didn't have a reservation they wouldn't be able to do much since they have CMs "guarding" the lands.

Agreed! Em did a great job planning this trip. :)

Yeah, crazy cold weather in March - in Central Florida! Not sure we'll see those lows again there. :rolleyes:

Record lows, aw man, am I ever glad we left when we did!

Oh my gosh Snow is beautiful! Wow! Also, I can’t wait until she gets her new dress, I know they didn’t change a whole lot of it, but that velvet like top is just not nice baha!

Glad that you guys enjoyed breakfast, I’ve always been hesitant about it since the cost is not that much more for dinner and I may as well just go for that instead! However for the Jan trip I’m thinking we’ll do breakfast instead!

Hi Katt! Ohhh you have hearty Canadian blood in you - you'd be fine! :p

Snow White was particularly lovely, I agree!

We are trying dinner at CRT this next trip. I'll have something to compare now. Whichever meal you end up booking - I hope you really like it!

All caught up on your TR! Sad to see it finished. The last time that we were at CRT was in April 2012 when Jason proposed to me...needless to say I was quite surprised. Here is a picture of the event:


Can't wait to read more and of course read about your upcoming trip to WDW! Oh what I would do to head back to the world! We're actually thinking of making a quick trip down there...flying of course because I don't feel like driving. But if not we'll be heading down next year hopefully with my sister in law and her family and my mother in law and her hubby. Then we have a free sitter to come watch the girls while we go have some adult time!

Awwwww thanks so much for sharing that special moment!! That is so awesome that you have a photo of your DH proposing!! :goodvibes

Yay for a trip in the queue!! Heck even better if you have built in baby-sitters. :)
Monday March 4, 2013: Day 10, Part 3​

We were finished with breakfast by 9:30 which meant that we still had some play time before we had to go back to the hotel to get our luggage to airline bag check. We hadn’t seen Merida this trip so we got in line and spent the next 20 minutes chatting with a nice couple in front of us. The line keepers had the faux archery going for the kids which appeared to be a hit.

Or Miss! Ooops!

Merida was as cute and adorable as ever. Em used her best Scottish accent to ask, “Why Meridan, have you changed your fate by being at Disney World?” Merida kindly responded that indeed she had. Both times we've seen Merida it has been a great interaction. Last year they had the cart with the 3 brothers as bears in it - it was gone this visit. They were interactive which was a lot of fun but for whatever reason they decided to have Merida fly solo without her side-kicks.



And the photopass version

Since it was now after 10am we wanted to get back to the room to get our bags squared away with the airline check-in. We took the monorail back to CR/BLT where we cleared out the room and hauled our 3 bags down to airline bag check. We received our boarding passes when we they gave us our luggage receipts. Since we didn’t need our jackets we stuffed those in our bags which made my big bag 49.8 lbs! Sweet!


Heading out


After retrieving our last few belongings from the room we walked back to MK while enjoying the sunny day that was warming up very nicely. See all those people in shorts earlier knew what they were doing. I wasn’t ready to shed my sweater quite yet; however, I wouldn’t have froze! With all the fuss I’ve made about the weather despite it being record setting cold, it was warming up to one of the nicest days in the last week.

Once back inside MK we said hi to Bea Star on Main Street:



Space Mountain was beckoning us. Who doesn’t like a thrill ride through space? This version doesn’t have the pumped up sound track right? I get my East Coast and West Coast parks confused sometimes.



We still had one more meal at WDW – gluttony had no bounds this trip. Plaza Inn Restaurant was a great way to end the trip and we had a 1pm reservation.


Constance, one of the Citizens of Main Street posed with us… I think this was the 5th time we had run into her so we felt downright chummy! (We learned her real name since there was a family friend eating at the table next to us at Plaza Inn and the little boy kept calling her by her non-stage name.) In fact, when we were eating, since the Mayor was on vacation, Constance welcomed the milestone guests dining at Plaza Inn and treated them to ice-cream. I’m not sure if they do this at dinner as well or how often but we’ve seen “reward” a family to dessert more than a time or two so it must be a daily occurrence.



As for lunch, Em and I split the burger and fries. It is always so delicious – especially the fries! We shared a banana split as well with me mostly trying to eat the banana with whip cream. One thing I noticed about eating here this time is that they had temporarily swapped their usual white plates with fancy looking paper plates. They were indeed paper so maybe someone hadn’t done dishes??



We said our goodbyes to the ladies of Main Street, then said hi and posed for a photo with Mary Poppins, had one last ‘see ya real soon’ photo and that was it. We walked out the exit for the last time and I’m sure there was a moment of silence being observed in honor of our departure somewhere within those walls!

Good-bye Castle




And a final wave good-bye!



Our ME pick up was scheduled for 3pm so we retrieved our carry-on bags from bell service and waited for our bus to arrive which it did shortly. We also made stops at WL, Poly, and GF before it deposited us at the airport.

Monday March 4, 2013: Day 10, Part 4

The line to get through security was long and slow which allowed some travelers to be a bit chatty. There was an older gentleman in line behind us that struck up a conversation us - or rather mostly Em. He had several hours before his flight so invited us for drinks with him at the airport bar. I politely declined for the both of us. Not sure what he was thinking…..let’s just go with assuming innocence and he was a nice lonely old guy.


And a final reminder of what we were leaving behind


I had time to grab some snacks at one of the kiosks before our flight boarded. Bugles looked yummy! I hadn’t eaten those in nearly 20 years and I couldn’t stop eating them!! By the time we made it to DFW my bag of bugles that I thought would last days was gone! Oops!




Our Orlando to DFW flight arrived at gate D31 and we de-planed and walked a ways to check the monitor for our next flight – Em pointed out that we were back at the gate we just left. Oh, that was easy! We had over an hour before our flight and I was getting the munchies so I went to the nearby McDoanlds while Em headed off somewhere else.


Our flight to Orange County was uneventful since I think we snoozed. We had the row to ourselves since no one was seated in the third seat. We were back in the OC by 10:30pm.

My jacket got to fly for free!


We were greeted by Michael who made it known that he was thrilled to have his girls home.... From looking at the condition of the house I think he was more thrilled to have maid service back on duty!! (Ok a bit of an exaggeration but he's not one to be tidy when we're home so why would he when were gone? Since cleaning and being organized is one of my obsessions he needed to give me some therapy for my return home!! )

No one would be surprised to know that during our short drive home I was already plotting and planning when our next return trip would be.

Which leads me to my next post.....

Continued Next Post

Oh my gosh wow what a cold day!! It is so funny to see you guys wearing coats. Crazy that those people are wearing shorts in 35 degree weather!

What an awful Buzz and Woody wait!

Sad your trip report is over but looking forward to hearing about the next one
Oh my gosh wow what a cold day!! It is so funny to see you guys wearing coats. Crazy that those people are wearing shorts in 35 degree weather!

What an awful Buzz and Woody wait!

Sad your trip report is over but looking forward to hearing about the next one

Hey Rachel! Good thing for those shorts wearing people that the sun was out!! They must have been from MN or somewhere!! ;)

After this trip we will have the same countdown to December!!! :cheer2:
So...About Those Plans.....

Since there is no big revel to our plans because I’ve been talking about it enough….here's where we will be staying and some highlights of how we plan to occupy our 15 days at WDW:

8/16: Wilderness Lodge Courtyard view x 1 nite - New WDW resort for us even though we have visited many times.


8/17-8/20: Animal Kingdom Lodge Club Level x 2 nites - we only stayed 1 night last trip and NEED more AKL so we expanded it to 3 nights.


8/20-8/24: Yacht Club – CL deluxe room x 4 nites - a new favorite of course!!


8/24-8/30: Bay Lake Tower – 1 bedroom Lake View x 6 nites - My all time favorite villa!



Our Premier APs are still good so that’s our ticket situation and our TiW card doesn’t expire until September so we’ll use that as well which should come in handy with nearly 40 ADRs. I will definitely be packing clothing that will accommodate the addition of a few pounds! Certainly a few may fall off our schedule as there’s almost zero probability that we can eat that much food!


We have a few tours and events planned that will be a first for us including the Sunrise Safari tour at AK, KTTK tour at MK, and mother/daughter afternoon tea at the Grand Floridian. We may also try a waterpark for the first time…. Not sure which one. Anyone with suggestions on which is better? I would opt for whichever water park that doesn’t have the huge plunge since I prefer my bathing suit to stay intact! I hope they don’t have photopass photographers at the drop zone! Eeek!

So Thank You to all who joined in and read, commented, and made this thoroughly enjoyable! We shall return with a fresh TR soon! :)

Bonus Content and a little Trivia to follow....

I so need to meet Merida. You know... redheads and all.

I so wish we Canucks could use that airline check in.

I absolutely do believe that a moment of silence was observed upon your exit. No doubt in my mind at all.

See now, normally I'm always sad when everyone reaches departure day on their TR, but since you're heading back in just a few days AND then heading back just a few months later, I'll reserve my tears until then. :)

I know it wasn't a big reveal, but I don't think I was aware (or just forgot) that you'd be there for 15 days. WOW!!! You know you'll be missed. :sad1:

I assume the December trip is still on as well? I'm so hoping to book for that time as well, just have to figure some things out. It was intended to be the parent trip, but my father's not sure he'll feel up to it. If not, I may just have to go solo again. :laughing:
So...About Those Plans.....

Since there is no big revel to our plans because I’ve been talking about it enough….here's where we will be staying and some highlights of how we plan to occupy our 15 days at WDW:

8/16: Wilderness Lodge Courtyard view x 1 nite - New WDW resort for us even though we have visited many times.


8/17-8/20: Animal Kingdom Lodge Club Level x 2 nites - we only stayed 1 night last trip and NEED more AKL so we expanded it to 3 nights.


8/20-8/24: Yacht Club – CL deluxe room x 4 nites - a new favorite of course!!


8/24-8/30: Bay Lake Tower – 1 bedroom Lake View x 6 nites - My all time favorite villa!



Our Premier APs are still good so that’s our ticket situation and our TiW card doesn’t expire until September so we’ll use that as well which should come in handy with nearly 40 ADRs. I will definitely be packing clothing that will accommodate the addition of a few pounds! Certainly a few may fall off our schedule as there’s almost zero probability that we can eat that much food!


We have a few tours and events planned that will be a first for us including the Sunrise Safari tour at AK, KTTK tour at MK, and mother/daughter afternoon tea at the Grand Floridian. We may also try a waterpark for the first time…. Not sure which one. Anyone with suggestions on which is better? I would opt for whichever water park that doesn’t have the huge plunge since I prefer my bathing suit to stay intact! I hope they don’t have photopass photographers at the drop zone! Eeek!

So Thank You to all who joined in and read, commented, and made this thoroughly enjoyable! We shall return with a fresh TR soon! :)

Bonus Content and a little Trivia to follow....

How exciting to be doing split stays! I would love to stay at Yacht Club and BLT! It's my ultimate dream to stay in a 1 bedroom at BLT and hoping we can next year if I can talk my sister in law in staying there. :)


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