California Dreamin'-A 14 Day Odyssey to San Fran,Yosemite & DL! 8/2013 COMPLETE!1/9!!


SERIOUSLY!!! It was a GREAT start to a great vacation! Have you ever been to SF? You do need to go- it's very eclectic, and very beautiful. :thumbsup2

I've been once the year before the big earthquake. I loved it and really want to go back as an adult.

Jill in CO
Wow! Somebody knows how to treat you right!

Double wow! What a special gift...DIS'ers rock!


Some great pictures here. It really does look like a beautiful city.

It is one of those places that just offers SO much- love it!

I think I would have liked to hear Pods' take on it instead. It would have been like mine: "Um...they're shoes. They go on your feet...

...that's about it.":rotfl2:

LMAO!!!! That is EXACTLY what he would have said! "They're black. My other pair is brown. I put on the ones my wife tells me to." :rotfl2:


We do lots of research with that show, too!:thumbsup2

He does alot of shows in SF- lots of places there to check out- there was another one on my list, it was a diner that was mexican/korean fusion- the burritos looked amazing- but we were never in that area at the right time.

Sassy servers are the best servers.

Agree!! Much more fun to have a personality than a dud!

:sad2: Alcatraz? Why would you want that in the picture? I figured you just wanted the family in front of unrecognizable water.

Seriously! I prefer to have unrecognizable water, then put all the pictures up from various vacations in front of mystery water, then have everyone guess where we've been- :upsidedow

Really-Here we are in Chicago-

This is at Lake Michigan-

On the Italian Riviera-

Our quick jaunt to Nantucket-


Yeah, that's Clown-in-Poltergeist-level creepiness.

Right??? :eek:

Very cool!

Looks like I replied before you were finished updating...oops!

Glad everyone enjoyed dinner...looks like a neat place! I would have gone straight for the steak, though.

Or the PB&J- I know....;)

Beautiful sunset!

I cropped the pic- it's better now-

Thanks for replying- you always crack me up!!
What a fun day and great I am hungry for a nectarine!
Dinner looks fabulous.

To say that fruit was great is an understatement- it was EXACTLY what fruit is supposed to be- juicy AND sweet- not one or the other. Those little green plums illicited a 10 minute conversation, if you can imagine!

You are an updating machine this morning!

Scoma's looks amazing! Not a huge seafood lover but that all looked fantastic!

Jill in CO

Scoma's is a landmark- not that special to look at, but lots of yumminess inside. :thumbsup2

All subbed up Ellen!:wave2:

YAY!! :yay:

Hehe, good for you!

The pic of Tim in front of the Left Hand store...Timmy is a giant! A tall, skinny giant! When did that happen?

Crazy, huh? He loves it, too- always touching and reaching for things the rest of us can't- SHOWOFF!!:rotfl:

We passed by a Left Hand kiosk at Downtown Disney last month. I had never seen it there before, so I think it must be relatively new.

We will have to check it out! But it will be a while....

We just got back from a week at WDW...the Beach Club. I'm debating whether or not to do a trip report. On one hand, I want to. On the other hand, I doubt my ability to stick to it until the end!

Do it! They are so much fun to write- it's like going on the vacation a second time. :thumbsup2
I didn't realize until your lobby photo that thats where Michael Joshua stayed last December during their boys trip to see the Raiders game. :thumbsup2

Yes! We were chatting about that last year-

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Love every bit of this report from dinner (yum) to the sweet gifts. You are blessed my dear. :goodvibes

Don't I know it. :love::cloud9:

That's what I call an awesome day!

It sure was!

Great gifts (well deserved :thumbsup2), great hotel, being a TV celebrity, and then a walk through one of the most beautiful cities in the world, chowder in a breadbowl , and a delicious dinner ..... only to be topped by some great wine and an evening on the balcony.

You live THE life, Ellen! :thumbsup2

I am very blessed! :goodvibes

I miss SF. My college boyfriend and I spent many a fun spring break touring about the city.

Had to laugh, I am like you, I research the heck out of an intended vacation, make all my plans (wish list) then hand it over to a TA. That way I get to have the fun and they can handle the problems, if there are any. Most often everything runs smoothly. Also, I hate talking on a phone so if I cannot reserve something via the internet or handle an issue via the internet then I want nothing to do with it.

Exactly- then the TA can stay on hold, and you can do better things with your time. :thumbsup2

What a wonderful gift! I'm sure you enjoyed getting it almost as much as eating/drinking it! :goodvibes Nice first day in SF! How cool that you got to me a QVC celeb! I wish I had seen your interview - I'm sure you sold lots of shoes - they should have given you a free pair! I just love the way the sun gleams on the West Coast just before sunset!

We loved the mechanique museum too! What a hoot! Looks like a wonderful dinner - looking forward to your next day!

I don't even know if that QVC thing has been on yet- I looked at their shoes on the QVC website, and did not see them- they really were fall/winter shoes, so maybe it's still coming up. I don't really watch QVC, so I doubt I will ever know it was on unless someone else tells me they saw me on TV, lol. :rotfl:

And you are right- I enjoyed being on the receiving end of that generosity just as much as eating/drinking it!
Hi Ellen! Just found your new TR last night. Have started reading this morning but just wanted to comment on your first set of pictures. They are great of Sean, Tyler and Tim. Boy have they grown up. And Sean looks so happy.

Now, going back to read the rest!
I knew you were going to California after I read your last TR.
If you ever become a travel agent-I will be your first customer.
I posted very last on your Hawaiian vacation and I even commented if you would do my travel plans, without me even knowing about your TA plans.

Nice shout out to Wisconsin.
I had to look at the picture and I thought at first you were crossing the Mississippi, but then I realized you were crossing over Lake Michigan by Milwaukee. Me and my dh just came across the Milwaukee Express Ferry and I recognized the coastline. The Ferry was my big adventure this summer. My dh has to much work, we spent part of our vacation at a mechanic shop that is putting a new engine in a subway train. His company is putting a new subway tunnel in under Grand Central Station and it will go out to Queens. My youngest son is moving to NYC next week-he also works for Michels Corp, so maybe I will get to go and visit, but he already told me I can't stay with him, I have to get a hotel:rotfl2:

Back to your TR-please become a TA-you take the neatest vacations. I never knew you could buy a ticket and be able to use those different transportations.
I just found your TR and this is the exact trip that I have been thinking about planning!

My husband and I got out to SF last October for the first time and loved it. We would like to go back and take our girls but I can't imagine going to SF or DL without the other. Then I figured out how close Yosemite is and well, it has to be included too!

I can't wait to read along and take notes for my planning.

Loved your updates, Ellen! Made me a little homesick, but still...

What a beautiful gift you received. How nice was that?!

And it looks like y'all had a great day and evening in SF. :woohoo:

I am loving the pics of Timmy and the oysters! :rotfl2:
Oh, Ellen! The pleasure was all mine. You are always so incredibly sweet! Thank YOU for all the time and TLC you put into your trip reports. Its not just your wonderful trip reports and pictures, but you really have a way of connecting with your readers and making them feel special. I cant wait to read about the rest of your trip. The next time we have visitors in town, I will tell them to read your TR and Im certain that even if they only manage to do what you did in one day it would still be a very fun, full week! :rotfl:

LOL, Tricia, I have to keep those boys BUSY!! They go full tilt or they just lay around like vegetation! :rotfl: It's really a challenge. And as I said to you months ago, I was worried because there was no beach or pool part of the day here, so I wasn't sure how it would all go- fortunately, they LOVED their time in SF- they both were very impressed with your beautiful city.:thumbsup2 So funny that you would send your visitors to my TR- when YOU are the one who helped me plan it! :hug:

And thank you, once again, for even MORE kind words- love that I can be a part in anyone here feeling more special. :lovestruc You should know that YOU have a way of making ME feel special-Thanks.

I do so want to go to SF after seeing your photos! The night picture from your room was stunning!

We LOVED sitting out there every night, it was a fabulous way to end the day. :)

The box of fruit was like a treasure chest fill of jewels. Beautiful, I love fresh fruit. Then to also have that great bottle of wine, such a gracious lady.

She sure is! Your description is so accurate, too- it WAS like a treasure chest. AMAZING!

Timmy is growing up so fast. Tyler always looks so blasé, but that's the typical teen pose.

Ah yes- Tyler.... he is a sweetheart- he is so, so good with Sean. But he is also 16, and oh so very cool...:rotfl:

Nice choice! and what a lovely thoughtful gift! I really like Embarcadero/Financial District for stays. We have stayed in most parts of the city, including Fisherman's Wharf and we really loved being down at the Ebarcadero this time as well. SO many good options in the city though.

Yes, I agree- TOO many! It was SOOOO hard to choose- usually I can narrow it down pretty quickly (which hotel to stay in)- but this time? I just kept reguessing and stressing! Originally I picked a boutique hotel in Union Sq- it had a Ben and Jerry Suite, complete wioth a freezer filled with ice cream (that was included!). ::yes:: When I saw that, I was like I'm gonna be Mom of the Year!!! 4 in a room. Actually, no 4 in any rooms there- small rooms, and suites only for adults. I looked at sooooo many places- but once I found the Hyatt, I kept coming back to it. So glad!

I want to travel with you too!

Well COME ON!!!!!!!

We had brunch there yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did you have? The brunch pics looked great!

Fun to see pictures of the Musee Mechanique, we've never done it and I bet the boys would like it. The exploratorium is extremely cool. I didn't know it had moved from the Palace of Fine Arts, and was so shocked to see it down there!

We have a museum here in Nj called the Liberty Science Center, which we have been to with the boys- it looks really similar to what I saw for the Exploratorium. Loads of interactive stuff. It moved to the water just recently-

I've never been but have heard good things. There is not much right in Fisherman's Wharf itself that is for sure!

Yea- very touristy. Like when you go to Italy and restaurants have photos of their food outside- that's also a BAAAAAD sign!

Wow Ellen what awesome updates !!! Alcatraz, the seals , the flowers and the food !!! Those Bread animal were great !!! Hmm I have to check if San Franciscois a Free Trip!!!

You go, Rosie!!! How exciting would that trip be???:hyper:
Holy Mega Update! I can't even read it all now because, ya know, I gotta get ready for work.

Yea, well...I was on a roll, lol....

Love your arrival gift, your shoe interview, your entertaining lunch, and the cool museum. And thank goodness you told your stand in photographer how to take a correct picture!

Thank you!

I'll be back to read about dinner and, most likely, drool over it.

What a COOL city!

It truly is a beyond cool city- have you ever been?

I've been once the year before the big earthquake. I loved it and really want to go back as an adult.

Jill in CO

What year was the big earthquake? It is great as an adult- I hope you get to go someday soon!


You win the internet today!:thumbsup2

WOOHOOO!!!! I win! I win! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Hi Ellen! Just found your new TR last night. Have started reading this morning but just wanted to comment on your first set of pictures. They are great of Sean, Tyler and Tim. Boy have they grown up. And Sean looks so happy.

Hi Chris! It's getting close to double digits before our cruise!! :dance3: I can't wait! And yes- the boys have really grown up. So sad how quickly, ya know?

Now, going back to read the rest!

I knew you were going to California after I read your last TR.
If you ever become a travel agent-I will be your first customer.

Well, where do you want to go, lol? Because I am in business!!:thumbsup2

I posted very last on your Hawaiian vacation and I even commented if you would do my travel plans, without me even knowing about your TA plans.

I saw that, it was so funny that you said it! But it was late at night when I read it, and I meant to go back and type a reply- but forgot, no doubt because I was headed to CA. I'm sorry!

Nice shout out to Wisconsin.

It was very pretty there- the water was nice, and you could see, even from the plane, that there were waves to the shore- I pointed that out to the boys and they stretched over to see.

I had to look at the picture and I thought at first you were crossing the Mississippi, but then I realized you were crossing over Lake Michigan by Milwaukee. Me and my dh just came across the Milwaukee Express Ferry and I recognized the coastline. The Ferry was my big adventure this summer. My dh has to much work, we spent part of our vacation at a mechanic shop that is putting a new engine in a subway train. His company is putting a new subway tunnel in under Grand Central Station and it will go out to Queens. My youngest son is moving to NYC next week-he also works for Michels Corp, so maybe I will get to go and visit, but he already told me I can't stay with him, I have to get a hotel:rotfl2:

How exciting!!! When are you visiting? I do live near NYC, ya know......

Back to your TR-please become a TA-you take the neatest vacations. I never knew you could buy a ticket and be able to use those different transportations.

OK- I will- if you insist... :rotfl: :yay:

I just found your TR and this is the exact trip that I have been thinking about planning!

GREAT idea!!!! :idea:

My husband and I got out to SF last October for the first time and loved it.

Absolutely incredible, right?

We would like to go back and take our girls but I can't imagine going to SF or DL without the other. Then I figured out how close Yosemite is and well, it has to be included too!

I think I understand how your mind works....;)

I can't wait to read along and take notes for my planning.


There is really alot you could do with younger kids in SF- so many great parks to see! So many things to climb! And Yosemite is just breathtaking- well, I hope I can help you! I will certainly do my best!

Loved your updates, Ellen! Made me a little homesick, but still...

I don't blame you- I would be homesick always for SF if I had moved- have you ever taken Willow for a visit?

What a beautiful gift you received. How nice was that?!

BEYOND nice!!! It was incredible-

And it looks like y'all had a great day and evening in SF. :woohoo:

A very good first day- everything went as planned!Or better!

I am loving the pics of Timmy and the oysters! :rotfl2:

SOOO bizarre he will eat them....:confused3
.....your TR is already up to page 7!!:thumbsup2

Hmmmmm.....I have gots to get caught up.:worship:
(love the topic)

hey - Q: did you take the trolley?? how much of a challenge was it to take it or didcha walk??

I am going to China town from Pier 39 via the trolley (in early January) to Union Square and back & just a wonderin'.

Hi Ellen,
I am so excited for you and your California trip. What a nice gesture from your Dis friend to send you a welcome/thank you gift! You definitely deserve it for giving us all many hours of pleasure reading your trip reports.

I was very lucky to visit San Francisco in 2010. We planned an Alaska cruise for our 40th anniversary and I was sooo smart :rolleyes1 and found a Celebrity Alaskan cruise sailing out of San Francisco! So we had four fabulous days in San Francisco before sailing off to the beautiful scenery in Alaska. I'll never forget it.

Looking forward to seeing your photos and thoughts of Muir Woods. We thought it was amazing.

I don't blame you- I would be homesick always for SF if I had moved- have you ever taken Willow for a visit?
Sadly, I haven't yet. :( HOWEVER, I am heavily into vacation planning for 2014 right now. My mom wants to do something with us - we were going to do the DCL Alaska cruise again, but the family friend who would split a stateroom with my mom bailed on us, so that probably won't happen. I think it's a blessing in disguise, because the cost is :scared1:, and I'd rather put that off a year. So I am making a list of options for my mom and will be going over all of them with her shortly. Top of my list are Hawaii and .. wait for it .... fly to SF and spend a few days visiting friends and family and enjoying the city, then rent a car and drive the Pacific Coast Highway over the course of 4-5 days, and then end with a few days at DLR! OMG - I am LOVING this idea!!!
Wednesday morning, I was (of course) up before everyone, and it was mmmm...maybe 6:30? The time change made the possibility of getting my boys to do anything before noon a reality, but it wasn't a Hawaii time difference, so them getting up at 6:30 was a fantasy. That's ok- I went outside to quietly take a look-

It was looking grey and overcast. This I can tell you was pretty much the same view every morning we were in SF, except our last day. But on ALL of the days, this went away mid morning and we enjoyed beautifully blue skies while in SF.

I showered and whispered to Pods that I was going upstairs to scope out breakfast for us. He also needed to get up, because today we were getting a rental car (from the desk downstairs, right in our hotel- Budget, I think- $65 for the day in a small SUV) and heading to Muir Woods- and we needed to get there EARLY- the lots fill up, I had heard, and the tour buses all show up and it gets packed. Upstairs in the Regency Club, which is located on the top of the hotel and was their well known, rotating restaurant for year, but has since been reappointed as the RC, I was VERY happy to see the awesome spread-

Fruit, pastries, breads, granola, oatmeal, cereals, meats, cheeses, juices, yogurt with toppings, coffee, tea, cappucino & espresso and freshly made, still warm, hard boiled eggs. Something for everyone. Almost.

Apparently, this was the WORST for Timmy. Not one thing he would eat. Yes, the kid who was sucking down slimy sea creatures just the night before would not eat pastry, or hard boiled eggs, or any of the cereals offered.

Oh. Joy. Forgot to show you the view of the Bay Bridge from up there-

Well, we found something else for Timmy to eat, maybe he was ok with a couple of boxes of cereal, Pods went down to get the car and we followed behind when he called to say he had it. Here is Timmy, who HATES heights, enjoying the elevator ride down from the RC- the elevators are glass, and look out to the lobby, far, far below-

:rotfl2: Sorry, but we all found this hilarious!! A YEAR ago, on Kauai, Timmy stood on the edge of a 200 ft cliff with gale force winds and LAUGHED at me as I SCREAMED at him to get away from the edge while I clung to the wall of rock behind me. But a glass elevator? TERRIFYING!! :rotfl2:

We plugged in Muir Woods to Google Maps, and wonderful and accurate directions to Muir Woods followed. :thumbsup2 Our first glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge, appropriate amount of fog in tact-

On our way across-

Soon we saw-

And had our first taste of winding, un-railed roads-

Click to play-

We arrived at 8:53 am, and already, on a Wednesday, in mid August, the first parking lot was full- the second, however, had plenty of space, and we slid easily into one of the closest spots. (Just WAIT til you see how this changes later on!).

We picked up our day tickets at the entrance, and began to explore.....

I have grown to love that sign....

Back later for updates and replies- :goodvibes

Oh, all those great memories of vacations past! :lmao:

Love the update! Breakfast looks really good, sorry there was nothing for Timmy. I had to :lmao: seeing the elevator photo. How fun is that.
Muir Woods is beautiful. I cannot wait to see more of your photos, it has been a while since Tom and I were there, definitely will have to go back after seeing your pics. :thumbsup2
What a wonderful gift to welcome you to California. Joseph Phelps is definitely a great wine!

I've seen lots of people go to that Museum of old games and stuff, looks like a lot of fun.

I couldn't believe when you showed the picture of how touristy the area has become. I used to go up there on weekends when I first got my driver's license. Pier 39 was still relatively new and there were hardly any chain stores/restaurants there. The photo you posted was jam packed full of them.

I remember too not being able to afford to eat from anywhere but the little stands along the walkway where you get a shrimp cocktail or something in a paper container. We treated ourselves to Aliotos because that was a big name restaurant, the food was pretty good too, but I've heard that Scoma's is really the place to go down there. Everything looked great! Um that's a plate of oysters for ME! What would everyone else eat? :rotfl2:

The Exploratorium is so much fun, you don't even have to be a kid! I went there a few years back and had blast, just all those darned kids kept getting in my way to play with all the cool experiments!

The exploratorium is extremely cool. I didn't know it had moved from the Palace of Fine Arts, and was so shocked to see it down there!

I didn't realize that it had moved either!

What size is your screen? Maybe that's it- can you see all of your own sig? I think yours is the same as mine-

I can see all of mine, but I make sure that it all fits in my preview before I save it. I can't see it all when I'm on my phone. I'll have to try making my screen smaller and look again.

The SF Bridge looks very nice. I haven't been to Muir woods. Looking forward to hearing more!
Oh, I am LOVING all the pics from your SF morning. The Bay Bridge picture is truly gorgeous - and again homesick-making (I commuted across that bridge every day for quite a few years). Can't wait to hear about your time at Muir Woods and hear what you get up to next! :goodvibes


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