Childfree (by choice) Disney Lovers!

Anyone else out there??!

I am childfree by choice and a Disney FREAK!!

Me too!!! Disney is FUN, and so romantic!!!

My husband and I are going for the 4th time within two years. We're young at heart.

And there is so many activities that adults can do...
In about a week, I leave on a really cool trip to WDW with a bunch of other DISers. We've been planning this trip for a couple years and it should be a lot of fun.

The next week after one day at home we fly back to Atlanta for another fun trip.

Can't wait to hear all the details! I remember that you said you will be celebrating your anniversary down there - even more special now that you are legally recognized this year. So Happy Anniversary!
Can't wait to hear all the details! I remember that you said you will be celebrating your anniversary down there - even more special now that you are legally recognized this year. So Happy Anniversary!

Thank you! Actually we celebrated ou anniversary (5 years legally) out at DL last Friday. This trip is for meeting some ither DISers for a meet we have been olaning fir about two years.
Thank you! Actually we celebrated ou anniversary (5 years legally) out at DL last Friday. This trip is for meeting some ither DISers for a meet we have been olaning fir about two years.

Oops sorry I meant to say federally recognized!
As I mentioned earlier, I had two custom cakes made for us while we were on vacation. Here is a photo of the first cake (which is more elaborate than the second). Still working on a getting a photo of the second cake up and posted!

We had this delivered to our room at BCV and was made by the YC/BC pastry team. It was a chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream (under the fondant).

I also wanted to get caught up on other posts that I wanted to reply to!

My husband and I are in our mid 40's. We've spent 7 weeks in Orlando since 2009, which included a 2 week honeymoon in 2012. We are going back in January 2014. Call me crazy but I love it there. We never did family vacations like this growing up. My parents sent us to summer camp every year for 2 months. I loved that but feel I missed out on the family travel. We've meet some really dear friends who worked at the resort we stay at and now go back more to see them than mickey.

I'll be 70 and want to go back over and over.

:welcome: to the Childfree (by choice) thread. There is something relaxing about being on Disney property for us that is magical, so we will keep going until we can't travel anymore!

WOW, that is awesome! I wish I knew your tricks. We wore our ears and had pins that I had to buy on ebay because they don't give out wedding pins anymore....

Maybe we'll make it for our anniversary one year and get a do-over :)

Are they really not giving out Just Married buttons anymore? We got them but that was back in 2007. I have seen a lot of Happily Ever After buttons (maybe for just marrieds as well as vow renewals), perhaps those just replaced the Just Married buttons?

I am leaving Sunday to go from WA state to Disney World - spending 6 beautiful nights at BWV with my partner. I've never taken a big trip for my B-day (on the 12th) so I decided to go to DW for the completely random age of 27! After planning this trip for 18 months, I can't wait for Sunday!

Anyway, my tie in for this thread. I took my nephew, 12 years old, to Disneyland in April, and I think I rushed him too much. He still had fun, but I felt bad. So my partner and I are going child free to DW, and I am looking forward to doing what I want when I want.

Would love to hear your review of the trip especially BWV - DH and I thought about staying there for this last trip but we just couldn't give up SAB at YC/BC! What did you think of the pool at BW?

Of course we want to see pics!

Maybe we will wear anniversary buttons, it is our five year anniversary for being married on Sept 20, we leave the 29th. I could "call" it an anniversary trip, and since we are now federally legal it's even more cool!

Have you decided if you are going to wear your anniversary buttons while you are there?

Childfree and headed to WDW in December :) Super excited! Glad to see so many other CF couples and families (our kitties are all the children we ever want or need!!) - I actually feel better knowing that we aren't the only ones :)

I booked us for Tusker House on our last breakfast so I am super excited to hear they have tater tots!!!! Om nom nom nom nom!

When you get back, be sure to let me know what you thought of Tusker House!

My next Disney trip is not until September 2014. But in the next few months, we're heading to Singapore for a long weekend. Then we'll have a trip to SE Asia for our anniversary (Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, finishing up at the same hotel we stayed at on our honeymoon) :goodvibes

How exciting!!

WDW really messed up Le Cellier unfortunately.

It really did used to be a gem! Good food, great staff. Once management figured out how popular it was they kept tweaking & changing stuff until they messed it all up. It certainly isn't worth the price (OOP or Dining Plan) any more.

As for the rude staff, I notice that more at a lot of restaurants since the Dining Plan dropped the included tip. I think the staff is getting stiffed a lot more because of it & it shows in their attitude. We always make it clear when we sit down we are not on the dining plan & that tends to help. If we do have dining plan before they even ask we let them know we are on it, we intend to order extras & know tip is not included. Too bad you have to do that, but we find letting the staff know we have them covered if the service is good improves the quality of the service we get.

So do you think there is any chance they will change it back or do you think we are stuck with it the way it is?
Omgosh! That is so neat and detailed. I would almost be sad to eat it but I'm sure it tasted wonderful too.

We leave 6 days from today and I can't wait. We're meeting some friends and family down there and our days are so packed, I honestly say that I can't imagine having to go with children...having to take nap breaks and lugging around all of their stuff. :crazy2:

I would love to eventually take my nephews but not for a few years yet LOL

So do you think there is any chance they will change it back or do you think we are stuck with it the way it is?

The tips have been out of the Dining Plan a few years now, I doubt that will be put back. It is too bad. I don't think people are stiffing their servers on purpose, I think they just don't realize it isn't built in. Just like they don't always realize not all menu options are included.

As for Le Cellier I imagine now that upper management has tinkered w/it to the point of breaking it, they will have to fix some things. If bookings are dropping & it isn't full they may have to back off on the prices to get people back in the door. Then the upper management will find some other hidden gem in Epcot to break... er, I mean 'enhance' and while doing that they will ignore Le Cellier & then the restaurant's direct management can get it back on track.
Seems to me if you watch over the years that is just the cycle of how the Epcot restaurants work.
Omgosh! That is so neat and detailed. I would almost be sad to eat it but I'm sure it tasted wonderful too.

We leave 6 days from today and I can't wait. We're meeting some friends and family down there and our days are so packed, I honestly say that I can't imagine having to go with children...having to take nap breaks and lugging around all of their stuff. :crazy2:

I would love to eventually take my nephews but not for a few years yet LOL

We'll be there in two days and I believe that we are meeting up with some if the same friends. We decided at the last minute to do MNSSHP.
Can't wait to hear all about MVMCP - I have always wanted to go, so I would love to hear your review!

Also would love to hear your thought on 50's PT and Kona.

Also if you like BBQ, there is a highly rated BBQ place in Clermont, FL a little NW of WDW called Uncle Kenny's - the owner/head pit master is originally from St. Louis!

Uh oh! Joe will be all over the bbq place...thanks for the tip!
Biggest dining disappointment of the trip!

Tonight I thought I would share our biggest dining disappointment of the trip - lunch at Le Cellier. This was our first visit there since they changed to a signature restaurant all day with the same menu all day too.

In the past, I would pass on ordering a steak because I tend not to eat large cuts of meat often. Instead, I would order a bowl of the beer cheese soup with a side of cream cheese mashed potatoes (one of my favorite dishes in all of WDW). Imagine my disappointment when I found out you can't order those, I know it was partially my fault for not doing research beforehand, but I was still let down. In the past, I would also split a side of Mac and cheese with my husband and that is no longer offered either. So I just ordered a bowl of the soup while my husband ordered a steak. The waitress even later made a backhanded comment - oh did just the soup fill you up? I guess with all that bread we bring you could get full from that - obviously implying that she thought I was being cheap! My husband said the steak was NOT worth the high end restaurant price, a similar quality steak could be had at any national chain. We wouldn't mind paying if the steak was really good, but it wasn't. DH also mentioned that they seemed to be trying too hard to make everything fancy - his side was something along the lines of roasted Yukon gold potato wedges and they tasted awful. They took a restaurant with really great comfort food and turned it into a snobby restaurant with subpar food. Another example, even the poutine (which we didn't order) has been made fancy with seafood on it or on the plain version a red wine reduction - I am not from Canada but that sounds like a creative chef dish rather than authentic Canadian poutine. if they could pull it off and everything on the menu tasted great amd really high quality, then good for them, but really what they did was just ruin a really good thing. So unless they make major changes we won't be going back. We also noticed how empty the restaurant was - it used to be impossible to get a reservation... I am sure part of it is people on the dining plan no longer get to use one meal at lunch instead of two credits, but maybe others (especially those that pay OOP which we always do with the exception of our 2009 trip) have voted with their money and stopped going?
I agree, I have not been to le cellier since they changed their menu. I used to LOVE the maple beef filet, but now the menu has no interest to me.
I am so glad that there is a thread for people who love disney but do not have kids. My husband and I are childfree (not by choice) and have been trying for about a year and seeing a fertility specialist for about 6 months with no luck. For a while we were not planning any trips anywhere because i assumed their would be a child in our life soon. Recently I started having a new mindset that we just need to enjoy our lives without children. The first step in doing that was booking a trip to disney for a much-needed getaway and to enjoy all the food and alcohol at the food and wine festival. I have never been so excited for a disney vacation, this will be the first vacation to disney with just me and my husband (no parents, siblings, cousins, etc).
I am so glad that there is a thread for people who love disney but do not have kids. My husband and I are childfree (not by choice) and have been trying for about a year and seeing a fertility specialist for about 6 months with no luck. For a while we were not planning any trips anywhere because i assumed their would be a child in our life soon. Recently I started having a new mindset that we just need to enjoy our lives without children. The first step in doing that was booking a trip to disney for a much-needed getaway and to enjoy all the food and alcohol at the food and wine festival. I have never been so excited for a disney vacation, this will be the first vacation to disney with just me and my husband (no parents, siblings, cousins, etc).

Yes, this. After 3 years we've decided we don't want to waste the best years of our planning around something that may never happen. We used to call it 'not by choice' but more and more were thinking we're 'by choice.' We've since decided that while a Disney trip with extended family will be nice in the future, we actually prefer traveling as a carefree couple! We just got back from 2 days at SSR, followed by 7-nts on the fantasy. It was great! And we're already planning a trip this dec, and another cruise next year.
This is my first time popping into this part of the forum so I've never seen this thread before, but I'm glad I found it! DH and I are currently CF by choice. I say currently because at this point in time we have no desire to have children but who knows what will happen in the future? I'm only 24 so I could decide that I want them later on. Lately I've been kind of leaning more and more towards the feeling that I don't think I will change my mind though.

DH and I have been to WDW five times together and this upcoming October will make it six. We are going with his brother and his new girlfriend who I've never met so it will be interesting! :upsidedow

Anyways, nice to "meet" you all!
This is my first time popping into this part of the forum so I've never seen this thread before, but I'm glad I found it! DH and I are currently CF by choice. I say currently because at this point in time we have no desire to have children but who knows what will happen in the future? I'm only 24 so I could decide that I want them later on. Lately I've been kind of leaning more and more towards the feeling that I don't think I will change my mind though.

DH and I have been to WDW five times together and this upcoming October will make it six. We are going with his brother and his new girlfriend who I've never met so it will be interesting! :upsidedow

Anyways, nice to "meet" you all!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is CF!!!! I can't believe i've never found this thread before!

I'm having such a hard time lately. DH and I have been married for 3 years next week and I'm getting the question of "when". DH and I have no desire to have children. And through the magic of modern medicine we are in the clear for at least three years.

However given my age (27) all of my friends lately are either pregnant, trying, or ready to give birth. (My best friend is having a C-Section and they are due this wednesday which happens to be our anniversary). My question to all of you DISers who are CF is.... do you ever get the feeling like you're the odd one out? The out cast? DH and I know we are making the right decision to be CF but I can't seem to help feeling like there is something wrong with me....???.... :confused3

DH tells me not to compare myself to other people but it's hard not to. Any advice on how to deal with this?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is CF!!!! I can't believe i've never found this thread before!

I'm having such a hard time lately. DH and I have been married for 3 years next week and I'm getting the question of "when". DH and I have no desire to have children. And through the magic of modern medicine we are in the clear for at least three years.

However given my age (27) all of my friends lately are either pregnant, trying, or ready to give birth. (My best friend is having a C-Section and they are due this wednesday which happens to be our anniversary). My question to all of you DISers who are CF is.... do you ever get the feeling like you're the odd one out? The out cast? DH and I know we are making the right decision to be CF but I can't seem to help feeling like there is something wrong with me....???.... :confused3

DH tells me not to compare myself to other people but it's hard not to. Any advice on how to deal with this?

I feel a bit like this too - it's hard not to when all our friends are having babies! I try to put it in perspective by thinking about all the ways that other people are the 'odd ones out' too. For example, in our group, people who don't like dogs are also 'odd ones out'. There's nothing wrong with them. They're not terrible people. They're still our friends. They just don't enjoy spending too much time with dogs. Same with us and kids.
I feel a bit like this too - it's hard not to when all our friends are having babies! I try to put it in perspective by thinking about all the ways that other people are the 'odd ones out' too. For example, in our group, people who don't like dogs are also 'odd ones out'. There's nothing wrong with them. They're not terrible people. They're still our friends. They just don't enjoy spending too much time with dogs. Same with us and kids.

This is very true. This is a great way to look at it. DH and I just feel like we are still too young and have so much more we want to do and experience.

it was weird, we went to our best friends baby shower and every other couple our age that was there was either, pregnant or had kids. We were the only ones without. We had nothing in common and the conversations about diapers, pack and plays, and daycare didn't include us lol. Nothing was done intentional but it was alittle hard to swallow. Oh well... I am looking forward to being the fun, crazy, disney loving auntie! :thumbsup2
This is very true. This is a great way to look at it. DH and I just feel like we are still too young and have so much more we want to do and experience.

it was weird, we went to our best friends baby shower and every other couple our age that was there was either, pregnant or had kids. We were the only ones without. We had nothing in common and the conversations about diapers, pack and plays, and daycare didn't include us lol. Nothing was done intentional but it was alittle hard to swallow. Oh well... I am looking forward to being the fun, crazy, disney loving auntie! :thumbsup2

We are in our 40's now & find that some of our friends who did have kids are now getting to the point where the kids are old enough/out of the house that we are reconnecting, so while it will be a long time, stay in touch if you really want to because eventually the kids grow up & you can reconnect.

I'd also suggest if you have the option, look into connecting w/other CF folks. We found a great, active group in our area. I also know there is a group called "No Kidding" that has groups/franchises all over the country. You will find there are a lot more CF folks out there than you realize.


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