Asking for "free stuff"

I don't expect anything when I go to Disney. The trip is magic in itself. Therefore, when I do get Pixie Dust, even if it's something so very small, it just makes me want to tear up because of how amazing this vacation has been.

-At Epcot, when my friends and I were going on the Nemo ride, a CM approached us and said "Now, would you lovely princesses care for some Mickey stickers?" He gave us half of the roll! It was such a nice gesture and it was our first day there! It was small, but it really made my day!

-While watching wishes, a CM brought up two little girls. He made our entire section sing "Happy Birthday" to them. So, no, it wasn't Pixie Dust for me, but it made me happy to see that and I'm sure those two little girls will remember that birthday for a long while!

Even hen CM's strike up a conversation with me, I see it as Pixie Dust. Though this wasn't at Disney, while I was at IoA I encountered two employees who were some of the kindest men I've ever met.

A Disney Trip is pixie dust within itself, and receiving extra Pixie Dust just makes it all the more special. But if you expect it, then the trip will just be ruined waiting for something that may never happen.
I don't think they're going to give your kids all of them. It's not like you can go in and ask for the Freeloader Package and they bombard you with stuff for your entire trip. I think the poster meant it as a general list of possibilities.

I meant specifically get a character to ride an attraction with my kids, not the entire list. Thus the BOLDING of that particular item on the list. Thanks for the input tho. I wasn't asking what you implied.
You can't. It's just a matter of being at the right place at the right time. I know that sometimes Alice will ride the teacups with guests, but you can't ask for it - it's pixie dust,

That's what I figured, and that's what makes these interactions "magical". I just thought I could increase my odds. (like you mentioned with Alice and the Teacups; I've also heard Goofy rides Barnstormer from time to time....etc) LOL. :goodvibes
PP wasn't bring a "freeloader", all was asked was how to make it happen that a character ride with her boys... She emboldened that part of the quote. Don't think that quite makes her a free loader....

Thanks. I'm a guy.... but thanks for understanding my question. I'm the over-obsessed Disney lover/planner in my house. My wife, while she loves Disney too, just "goes with what I tell her" regarding our trips..... HAHA.

Anyway.....I was simply trying to see if there was any way to increase my odds for THAT PARTICULAR ITEM ON THE LIST..... I guess I need to speak louder from now on. LOL. You guys didn't even know I'm a dude. :rotfl:
The CM's have a lot of leeway they can do or not do for you.
Some of the things a CM can do for free are
. . . table with Mickey confetti
. . . your name/celebration on menu at TS locations (except BOG)
. . . best table location
. . . special personalized menu
. . . character-autographed birthday cards
. . . balloons
. . . balloon animals
. . . wine or champagne or Shirley Temples
. . . room towel animals
. . . appetizers or desserts
. . . cakes
. . . cupcake with candle (almost always available for the asking)
. . . place mats autographed by characters
. . . free appy or free dessert
. . . ride an attraction with a character
. . . personalization items for the Magic Bands
Other items CM's can give for free
. . . room full of balloons and/or flowers
. . . fruit basket or wine basket in hotel room
. . . individual fast passes or booklets of several fast passes
. . . food and snack items (candy, popcorn, sundries)
. . . room upgrades
. . . attraction rides with characters

Great List....thanks
It goes something like this.
For years AKL had a Magical beginning when the slide opened at the pool they would send small blow up animals (Kidani Village) or fish (Jambo House) most mornings.
Some mornings it went further with a picture, a hat, a certificate.. for one lucky child who got to open the slide… yes my son was chosen once..
This year we went to the pool 5 mornings as we usually do most vacations sometimes more and nothing…
Why because people heard and all gathered around the slide and waited and not just t he kids… one morning a family of about ten (mostly adults) was standing in front of the slide close enough the life guard told them to move back before the slid was opened.. Nothing came down so they all left and commented….
Was a nice thing that is no longer and I saw the reason why…. Let things be random…
Tell a cast member at the gate if you are celebrating an event and they give you a pin.

its the BEST!

LOTS of pixie dust things. even just people saying happy birthday.
My favorite pixie dust moment was when we went to meet Duffy. We got into line and the CM told us that Duffy was going for Milk and Cookies and should come back. OK, we walked away and came back about 20 minutes later. We got into line and my DD was excited. The best part was that we were the last one for that time before Duffy went to get more milk and cookies. My DD got a few extra moments and pictures with him, plus she got to walk out hand and hand with him before he went on his way. Great moment!

For me, meeting Russell and Dug was all this UP fan could ask for!!:cool1:
We have made an annual trip to Disney World for years and while we've always had a great time, we never experienced anything extra other than our son getting a sticker from the fireman on Main Street USA. This past spring we apparently made up for any missed opportunities. Walking down Main Street shortly after entering we encountered a cm handing out fast passes for space mountain, we later went to thunder mountain and asked a cm which line was the standard line, she said this is the right line, but have these fast passes and enjoy your ride.
Two days later at Epcot we ate dinner at the Coral Reef. We asked since it was our anniversary if we could have a table near the aquarium. They gave us a table right on a window instead. When our meal was done, our server brought dessert with chocolate congratulations cards, champagne and strawberries. We were very surprised and it really did top off a great vacation.
I've been to Disney numerous times and have had several pixie dust moments. I never expect nor ask for anything but ALWAYS put myself in the CM's shoes. Maybe because I work with the public everyday so I know there are lots of rude people out there. I for one will go out of my way for anyone that is nice to me but if you approach me with the attitude that you are going to let me know I had better make your day magical,its not going to happen. Last year I was in the test program for fast passes and they were glitchy and had issues. I went to a CM that I saw be blasted by another guest because all had not gone magically. I smiled and said I know you guys are having a rough day. I hope things get better for you and people are more understanding then I politely explained my issues. That CM immediately went and got another CM and I was given paper fastpasses to any ride in the park and reserved seating for MSEP. I thanked them profusely and they wished me a magical day. I'm not saying being nice will always get you pixie dusted and I definitely don't think anyone should expect pixie dust. I guess what I am really trying to say is EVERYONE should have a good day at Disney including the CM's. Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread it's Saturday morning after an especially long week of rude people and I just had to throw out there to please throw a little pixie dust towards the CM's. (disclaimer I am not one but work in a similar job) Even if you don't get pixie dust in return you will still go a long way towards making someone's day a little better. Ok I'm getting off my soapbox now and again my apologies as I know I kinda took this off point. And by the way nothing I said pertains to any previous post. It's just my perspective on how I wish everything, everywhere was a little more magical because people were NICE. Yes I had a rough week LOL.
Two things have happened to us - both on our last days that were of particular note. On our first family trip to Disney World - I lost my pass on the last day. Do the children lose theirs? No. We were at the gate first thing in the morning, had checked out of our room - and had no way to get in. Went over to the CS to the right of the gate. Talked about info and then waited politely. Gates opened at Magic Kingdom... Still waiting. Still patiently waiting. Printed out new card. Then asked me to wait. Given a front of the line pass for one attraction. Then given ANOTHER! It had Pinnochio on it, and we went to the two year old - who said she wanted to use it on the carousel - her favorite ride. We convinced her that we could ride it without the pass. Instead, we rode Dumbo (her second fave) and Peter Pan - both were over an hour wait by that time. We got the best pics of our trip of all of our kids.

Second time... On our first day, we ran into an yelling person complaining about how she couldn't get where she wanted to go on the bus line - complaining loudly. Thank goodness we were going to a different park. We decided to treat everyone well. Walking on the last day at HS, we were proudly walking and smiling. Walked next to an older man, and struck up a conversation. He asked where we were from, and then he asked where we were from. Pittsburgh area, I told him. He asked what part - South Hills, I told him. Asked what I did for a living. Turns out, we were both teachers. He taught for years under a man who left being a principal to become a teacher again. His principal had become my colleague. Fantastic man. He asked if we were going to see Beauty and the Beast later. I told him it was up to the kids - and he gave me priority seating. Turns out he retired from teaching to direct the show. We got FANTASTIC seats, and ended up talking with him after the show, too.
We were just in Disney for our belated honeymoon/2 year anniversary trip. We experienced so much pixie dust! Our buttons were so fun, and people stopped us left and right to say congratulations. We had a pre park opening breakfast at crystal palace our first day, I was wearing my bride ears and we were given a table with a beautiful view of the castle and a cupcake! The characters also spent extra time with us. We ate at cinderellas royal table and were given autographed placemats and a beautiful window table. We were pixie dusted with jungle jungle cruise fast passes twice, and I was thrilled to be able to do that for another couple at the back of the line as well. Giving pixie dust is as fun as receiving! California grill gave us a mickey confetti window table at fireworks time, so romantic! All our desserts always said congratulations. We did a wishes cruise that I had decorated and seeing everyone ohh and ahhh over over the boat before we left made us feel special. At the fireworks dessert party we were given an amazing table right on the ledge to see the castle. At the Halloween party we dressed as cinderella and Prince charming, well the stepsisters and stepmother must have been leaving for the night as the party was ending, we were waiting for one last photopass. I hear someone yelling "oh cinderella always trying to ruin my time right at the end of the night!!" And I turned around and both stepsisters and the stepmother were there in front of town hall talking to us!! A cm said she just had to make this meeting happen. We bantered for a few minutes. It actually drew a crowd! Then we got to take some pictures. Before that as we were watching the larade on the bridge a photopass photographer came up behind us and took pictures of us standing over the water. He said he wasnt supposed to do that but it looked too magical to miss! Talk about pixie dust! Everything is more special when it is unexpected. Asking for magic to happens ruins the real magic of it all. You have to just let the pixie dust fall where it may and focus on making the memories!
Tell a cast member at the gate if you are celebrating an event and they give you a pin.

its the BEST!

LOTS of pixie dust things. even just people saying happy birthday.


In many trips to Disney, its been hit or miss for us - far more miss in the past ten years than in the previous ten years. We were down for my son's birthday one year, and nothing, even with a birthday button or it mentioned on reservations - not even a free dessert. We didn't prep him to expect anything. My parents anniversary was listed on their hotel reservation and dinner reservation - and nothing.

On the other hand, my daughter and I were cutting through a deserted section of the MK five or six years back, and she got a pin - a cast member saw us, said she looked sweet, and gave her a pin. And they've both gotten certificates for doing things like ringing bells at the train station in AK.

Some things you can ask for - boat drivers usually have stickers - if you see stickers, ask, they don't mind giving them to you - that is what they are there for. But most things you aren't going to have much luck asking for - certainly not a ride with a character - that has to happen either by "magic" or "tradition"- it used to be that Goofy would open Barnstormer, if you were the first kid in line, you rode with Goofy. Disney does not want a park full of people who read you can get things for free by asking on the internet, and so is going to discourage it.
One thing I have asked for (and received) was a birthday card for my nephew. We always go on his actual birthday and at both pop and CBR I asked about sending a character card to the room. At pop they did this both times and added balloons. At CBR they added balloons and a CBR chocolate bar.

I always ask for only a card, anything else is pixie dust. CM's have always been super nice and willing to help.
We went to WDW on our honeymoon and got lots of pixie dust!! All the desserts said "congratulations", at YSH we got personalized menus saying "congratulations on your honeymoon" with our names on the top. At Coral Reef, we got a table right beside the glass of the aquarium which was awesome!

In July we took our 2 year old on her 1st trip and the CM at check in gave her a Minnie Mouse balloon (she thought that was the BEST!) She also got a voicemail message from Mickey :-)
Honestly after reading this thread, and reading RustyScuppers list, I so badly want to work at Disney, and be able to do this kind of stuff for people! Talk about having an awesome job! pixiedust:
A CM gave us fast passes for Space Mountain last July. It was totally unexpected and appreciated.
The GF and Poly have both given us complimentary room upgrades to have a view of the castle.
Back in November of 2010, my sons designed their own roller coaster at Disney Quest and the CM gave them a free video of their experience-very cool!
My husband and I have received anniversary desserts, personalized menus, complimentary champagne, and cards in the past at the GF (delivered to our room), Chef Mickey's, Narcoossees, and the Yachtsman Steak house.:thumbsup2
29 trips to Disney World and stop POFQ March 2014:joker:
Having worked at wdw I'm spring 2010 , it was the best part of the job. Depending on how much leeway you could get from certain managers. As a CM, it's a pleasure to surprise guests with these things, but sometimes people would ask for way too much...
For the past few years I have asked the cast member at check in if we could get a room close to the main building as possible (without having to pay the extra $11.00 per day).

I ask if its possible and usually we do but usually we get the 3rd floor but that's not too bad for us. :)

My motto is "It doesn't hurt to ask." Sometimes you get what you ask for, and sometimes not, no biggy. But it doesn't hurt to take two more seconds to ask nicely if things are "Possible," instead of just asking plain out.


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