Walking path frim GF to MK

So right now, there's a pile of materials by the canal that looks like the makings for a *temporary* bridge. Anyone know what's up with that?

I'd post a pic, but I'm an idiot. :confused3

ETA: the materials look a lot like that Andrew just posted, with a small ramp. It's on the GF side.
Crisi -I do not agree with your argument:

The simple truth is that these paths don't get used much.

These various pathways are very well utilized, and for many, many guests, they are the driver to stay at one particular resort over another. People pay a premium to stay at CR vs WL. Why? For some, it's the monorail. For many others, it's the ability to wake up in the morning and WALK to MK. I've seen countless posts over the years that site that little walkway as being the main reason for families making BLT their home resort. While I agree that it's not the most scenic walkway, that little concrete beauty has helped to make Disney and DVC a LOT of money. It's quite simple really - the easier it is to get to their attractions, the more people will use them, which equates to more revenue.

We've done the walk between SSR and DTD, too - that wasn't exactly rush hour.

If they are put in as part of the original design, they exist. But once the original capital is spent, Disney can't justify them for the use they get.

Then why is Disney in the process of building a brand new walkway connecting SSR to DTD? There must be enough people who use the walkway and proceed to dump pockets full of cash at the various stores, or else the new walkway would not be under construction as we speak.

These walkways are the ONLY reason why I upgraded to a hopper option on my last quick trip in September. One night, EPCOT closed early while HS had EMH's, so we walked over to BW for a bite at the bakery ($$$), then proceeded to walk to HS for a few rides and some giftshop time ($$$). Had we had to fight the buses to get to HS, we quite simply would have gone back to the room instead. The only other "hop" we had planned was going from AK to CR for dinner at The Wave ($$$), followed by a "walk" to MK to finish up the evening ($$$).

Two park hops = two walkways utilized for us and more money in Disney's coffers.
I just don't see the cost justification unless a bridge is already in some blue sky master plan.

I can see some people using the path if it existed but to say that they wouldn't book at a near by resort because there isn't a path doesn't seem to have kept those resorts from being fully booked.

I'm sure that Disney would do a path study to determine the additional revenue that a path would bring and a user count of how many walking trips there would be per day. I just don't think that it would pencil out.

:earsboy: Bill
I don't know if more people is a driver.

I am BWV owner and that is where we usually stay. I often take the path from BWV to DHS. That path is there, and its usually deserted, even with all the Epcot resort. Sometimes I see one or maybe two other people taking that path.

We usually eat over at the Contemporary on a MK day, and we've made that walk a few times - it isn't my favorite walk - more "street" than path - it compares unfavorably to the BWV/DHS walk which is not great by any stretch. But once you get past the buses, there aren't a lot of walkers. Even when we've done the "its closing time, lets walk over to the CR and catch a cab rather than deal with the buses" it isn't exactly a popular walk.

We've done the walk between SSR and DTD, too - that wasn't exactly rush hour.

The simple truth is that these paths don't get used much - other than the BW/BC path to Epcot (even there, there are FAR more people waiting for the boat each morning to Epcot than bodies on the path from the BW - and at closing time, its only worse). If they are put in as part of the original design, they exist. But once the original capital is spent, Disney can't justify them for the use they get.

I'm pretty sure the path between the Studios and the Epcot resorts is now used by the Food and Wine 1/2 marathon, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is used in some of the new Disney 10ks around the Epcot resorts. The path is decently used early in the morning by joggers, even if that was not the intended plan. I always use it, it's as fast as the boat. >>;

I love being able to walk, and I admit it, walking to MK is my favorite part of staying at BLT/CR. I've asked a few times about walking between MK and the GF since I would love a bridge too.
Crisi -I do not agree with your argument:

I can only say what I've noticed over twelve years. There are not a lot of people on those walkways - we seldom pass other families on any of the paths we've taken - MK to CR, SSR to DTD, BWV/BCV to DHS. The BWV/BCV to Epcot is the exception, but that is a really short walk and a slow diesel smelling boat - not nearly as pleasant and cool as the monorail. I've made a point of noticing when I walk how utilized those walkways are because this conversation has come up over and over again in different forms (a path from OKW to Epcot, one from AKL to AK). I think people stay at the CR because they CAN walk, but then most don't - and people who don't walk aren't saving Disney much money - they've made their money when they stayed there because they CAN walk. And they stay at the GF and the Poly despite the fact that they CAN'T walk.

We travel in October and August, its possible that those paths are more used in the Spring, I haven't been in the Spring in 20 years. But they are underused when I have been there in October and August. Its also possible I smell REALLY bad and everyone leaves those paths when they see me coming. You may have noticed something different, but to me, many of those paths are pleasant places to be alone and quiet. (My family takes the transportation - I walk and meet them there).

The big exception is runners. I often pass joggers on those paths - except the CR/MK one which has too much vehicular traffic for a jog. I'm not sure where joggers who stay at the Poly/GF jog.

When we stayed at the Poly, we would take the ferry to the TTC and walk from the TTC to our room. That wasn't a popular choice either - its not exactly a optimal path - but at closing the monorail/boats straight to the Poly would be really crowded, but the ferry fits a gazillion people.
Because of the paver walkway to nowhere I've always thought it was in Disney's plan to build the bridge but somewhere along the way something came up. Somebody just needs to come along and revive the plan.

When we stay at resorts with walking paths to the parks we walk at least 50% of the time and I can't think of the last time we did the monorail to/from the MK to BLT/CR.
When we stayed at BLT and chose to walk over to the MK, the other guests we saw walking over there were the illegal parkers parking in the CR parking lot. Very few BLT or CR guests.
While there last week my friends and I discussed the MK path to nowhere multiple times. I'm currently buying at BLT now and walking to MK was a HUGE factor in my decision. My father LOVES LOVES LOVES GF and was asking me why I didn't want to buy at VGF and honestly? It takes way too long to get back to the resort after leaving MK. The boats take forever, and the monorail is even longer. When I decide to have children, walking back to BLT during the day and after the park closes will be amazing.

If they had the path from MK to GF, we would certainly use it. Just because guests at GF tend to have more money (just going by the price of rooms), doesn't mean they're lazier.

I remember when the legacy bricks or whatever they're called were for sale, it was mentioned that the path would loop around the lake. Possibly if Disney opened up the sale of the bricks again, people would jump at the chance, which would help offset the cost of the bridge.
So right now, there's a pile of materials by the canal that looks like the makings for a *temporary* bridge. Anyone know what's up with that?

I'd post a pic, but I'm an idiot. :confused3

ETA: the materials look a lot like that Andrew just posted, with a small ramp. It's on the GF side.

Picture courtesy of Pleglech from a very recent monorail ride. Maybe something, maybe nothing - time will tell :thumbsup2

This picture below might help to give others a better idea of what we are talking about:

Your photo shows only part of the issue of creating a walkway between the Grand Floridian and the Magic Kingdom. If you expand your photo to include the area around the Grand Floridian, you'll notice that Disney would need to make significant changes to the pedestrian and roadway traffic patterns at the north end of the GF property to accommodate guests walking to and from the MK.

A small bridge similar to the one you posted might work for the drainage area near the Grand Floridian, but I question whether a bridge of that design could work over the EWP canal if Disney intends to have marine traffic entering the lagoon from that canal. And if Disney decides to stop using that canal for any marine operations -- in order to justify a simpler bridge design -- then it will have to build structures some other place on Bay Lake or Seven Seas Lagoon to take over the marine functions currently performed by the EWP canal.

Perhaps a cheaper alternative to building a walkway is to add the Grand Floridian as a stop on the Express Line Monorail. I think there is a loading platform at the GF that could accommodate guests debarking the Express Line monorail. This option would work great for guests of the GF, but it would significantly slow down guests going to and from the Ticket and Transportation Center.
this is like the bcv wanting a path to the front of Epcot - not thru World Showcase. if disney did not this for BC and YC when originially built they aren't going to do it for BCV.

sorry if Disney did not do it for the GF (which is much bigger than VGF) don't believe they will do it for VGF.

Disney would do this - remember DVC only has management over DVC property - not Disney.

now the only think that might help is if enough regularly guests of GF were to request it (not VGF) thru Disney.
Andrew...love the google maps! One can really see just how small this canal is....AND the monorail goes over it. Good point about the new pedestrian walkway/bridge at Saratoga.

I disagree with whomever said the path to MK is not utilized. I have spent many mornings enjoying my coffee and doing my "people watch" thing from our theme park view room. There is a constant purge from BLT to the walkway. My number one observation, however, is that many CR CM's park in guest spots....and I am not talking about the spots wayyyy over there by the tennis courts.

Getting back to the OP's observations....getting to MK from GFV is a breeze. Trying to get back "home" during busy times can take a very long time. Hmmm, since CR/BLT share bus service with GF....wonder if people could walk over to the CR bus stop and get a ride to GF?

And....learn something new every day. I did NOT know that you could not take a bus from CR/BLT to Epcot!!!! They EXPECT you to take the monorail to the TTC and then transfer to the Epcot monorail. Blech....been there, done that. Longggg ride. Would rather drive the rental car to BWV and take my chances with parking there.
Spice...not sure what you mean by your post. As BWV owners we LOVE walking thru the back gate at Epcot. Back in the day, Swan and Dophin had a "tram" that would transport guests to the back gate (International Gateway). I sometimes wonder about how large that space is in front of the ticket booths and boat dock (what DO they have in mind for that spot?????)

Anyway....Would it not be WONDERFUL if there was a "back gate" for DVC members at MK? Hhmmm...would make me want to buy more BLT points for sure. Imagine being able to bypass the craziness at the front and enter over by....let's say...the former Mickey's Toon Town?
Spice...not sure what you mean by your post. As BWV owners we LOVE walking thru the back gate at Epcot. Back in the day, Swan and Dophin had a "tram" that would transport guests to the back gate (International Gateway). I sometimes wonder about how large that space is in front of the ticket booths and boat dock (what DO they have in mind for that spot?????)

Anyway....Would it not be WONDERFUL if there was a "back gate" for DVC members at MK? Hhmmm...would make me want to buy more BLT points for sure. Imagine being able to bypass the craziness at the front and enter over by....let's say...the former Mickey's Toon Town?

the thread is about walking from GF/VGF to the MK.

not the back entrance thing.

would love one too - but again if Disney did not build one for the Disney resorts - they are not going to for the DVC resorts.

they even have one now - when the place is full - they let you exit to the back area in tomorrowland.

DVC can make request to Disney - but that is all. Disney runs the parks and non-DVC resorts.

the tram was for the disney resorts too - they were using it when BW first opened to get guests from Epcot to visit BW. really miss that silly thing. It was pretty fun.
Aside from the expense of needing to build either a drawbridge or a high-rise bridge to get over the canal, I've always thought that a big reason Disney doesn't want that path is because they don't want the massive, loud crowds from Magic Kingdom closing time walking through GF and Poly to get to the TTC.

The "path to nowhere" that leads from MK to the canal has always baffled me.
Pardon my ignorance Spicey. I did not know you were the disboard police. I've noticed that many threads veer off from their title. Unless I am notified by the webmasters, I assume that "off topic" comments are allowed. I am not disboard savvy enough to insert icons and smiley faces into my posts. Just making some observations....is that not allowed or something? Should I start a new thread about CM's parking in guest parking at BLT? I thought this was a discussion about walking from GFV to MK....am wondering why the person that talked about the new bridge at Saratoga was not thumped? Like it or not....all of these observations/posts by people kind of bring things together for people like me. Trying to get a sense about things at WDW. I like to speculate and discuss; and I really appreciate it when people bring things into the discussion i.e. google maps. A discussion about a walkway from GFV to MK will bring up other walkway issues. I guess this thread should be dedicated to people that want to complain about DVC and the GFV? The OP was upset about MK transport from GF.
Your photo shows only part of the issue of creating a walkway between the Grand Floridian and the Magic Kingdom. If you expand your photo to include the area around the Grand Floridian, you'll notice that Disney would need to make significant changes to the pedestrian and roadway traffic patterns at the north end of the GF property to accommodate guests walking to and from the MK.

Once again, I don't proclaim to be a civil engineer with all of the "right answers" to this question. But I can tell you with 100% certainty that IF (and this is a BIG IF - and really the crux of the debate here)... IF Disney wanted to connect the "Walkway to Nowhere" to the GF, it could be done so very inexpensively and accomplished within a few short months. Yes - there are a number of different ways that Disney could approach this project. IMHO, the best approach would be what I outlined above - a very basic pedestrian walkway spanning the EWP Canal. Yes, this would require moving the EWP floats, but is that the end of the world? I can't imagine that there is any significant EWP infastructure / equipment that couldn't be moved to the main marine facility loacted on the north side of Bay Lake. This is my opinion and I could be wrong about that, but at the end of the day, the EWP floats are glorified barges with lights, speakers and an outboard marine engine. I don't see moving their storage location as a show-stopper. If that happens to not be the case and the EWP could not be relocated, then it would require a more elaborate bridge with either a draw-bridge to allow the floats to pass underneath, or it would require a serious change in grade/elevation to the walkway leading up to the bridge, both of which would require a significantly higher amount of capital, engineering resources, time, etc. If EWP cannot be relocated, IMHO, this would probably be pretty difficult to justify the capital expense required of the project, and I doubt that it would get any steam.

Assuming that it did, there would be a few options on the other side of the canal. You mention having to make "major changes" to the pedestrian and roadway traffic. My first question is - what pedestrian traffic is currently there? There is virtually no pedestrian traffic on the north side of GF, as that road nearest where the walkway would end is essentially a maintenance road for GF. Regarding the roadway traffic, once again, Floridian Way has very little vehicle traffic north of the GF entrance, as it is primarily for MK personnel and service vehicles only. Even with that being the case, the walkway would never even have to cross Floridian Way. Rather, it could simply wrap around the very edge of the drainage canal and dump pedestrians off into one of two areas: continue up the northern most service entrance of GF via a new sidewalk, or simply terminate in the parking lot of the GF Business Center. This really presents very few engineering hurdles, and would require nothing more than some concrete sidewalks and/or pavers leading up to the canal bridge.

A small bridge similar to the one you posted might work for the drainage area near the Grand Floridian.

I, too, agree that a second, very small bridge spanning the drainage canal would be a better solution. From a cost perspective, it would probably be a wash - even though there's a second (smaller) bridge, you would save on additional concrete / paver expense associated with having to take the walkway all the way out to Floridian Way. In this approach, I would think that the logical solution would be to create a sidewalk connecting from the drainage canal bridge over to the covered walkway leading to the GF bus depot (illustrated as best I could below):

Once again, these are my opinions only. But both options are very feasible, not overly complicated, nor very capital-intense. We're talking about a multi-billion dollar company that has created a giant golf-ball capable of transporting people through time... this would be a walk in the park by comparison :lmao:

Going back to something that we've already talked about - the need for financial justification. While I agree that most capital-related projects - especially for a publicly-traded, profit-driven comapny like Disney - need to generate ROI (return on investment) to get fiscal support, that isn't necessarily the case for ALL projects. We could all name dozens of things found within each of the parks that cost significant capital to either construct or maintain that do not generate profit, nor do they play a significant part in people's decisions whether or not to return to Disney. Take for instance the EPCOT Fountain of Nations, or the boat service running from one side of WS to the other. Neither of these things generate revenue, nor do they play a significant (or arguably any) part of a guest's decision as to whether or not to return to Disney, spend money in a gift shop, etc. They do, however, add to the enjoyment of the overall experience, and those little things are what separates Disney from its competition and are what keep people like me coming back year-in and year-out.

While the financial benefit of completing the GF walkway may be questionable, I think it's one of those projects that simply makes life easier for guests of GF/VGF/Poly. And I truly believe that it would generate significant revenue in terms of people making a decision to stop at GF for dinner or to run over to MK before close to shop on Mainstreet, or simply to add the "hopper option" onto their tickets. We've already seen a number of people in this thread that have stated that the BLT walkway does just that on the east side of the Seven Seas Lagoon (heck, some have even said it's the reason why they purchased BLT DVC). I see no reason why it would not do the same thing on the west side of the lagoon.
All we can do is wait and see. If Disney feels that there is a benefit, you might see a walking path.

If you want to speed up the process, have a few people use the existing path, swim or wade across the canal and post it on You Tube. Make sure that you get the sound bite about the fact that there isn't any way to walk to the MK from Disney's flag ship resort. :thumbsup2

:earsboy: Bill


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