2013 Destash- this is the year!

I am having the kids do one last review of their rooms to get rid of anything they don't want or doesn't fit them anymore before Christmas. I will box up items that can be donated and drop off this weekend and throw everything else away. Hopefully this will minimize the mess before they get a bunch of stuff for Christmas. :goodvibes
I've been cleaning out the Christmas storage area of our attic since I'm up there pulling out decorations.

I put together a box of outdoor Christmas stuff for my sister who does tons of outdoor Christmas decorating. I sent it off on Monday so hopefully she'll get it in time to use some of it this year. She was pretty excited when I told her it was coming. She loves Christmas so much that she has been dressing up as various Christmas things for work since she works at Hallmark.

So far this season she has been an elf, a reindeer, a christmas present, a christmas tree, a girl snowman, Mrs. Claus and is putting together an angel outfit to wear this coming weekend. LOL
I am having the kids do one last review of their rooms to get rid of anything they don't want or doesn't fit them anymore before Christmas. I will box up items that can be donated and drop off this weekend and throw everything else away. Hopefully this will minimize the mess before they get a bunch of stuff for Christmas. :goodvibes

I'm with you! Before anything takes up permanent residence, we have to take stock of whether it's an addition or a replacement.

Can't believe how quickly this year has gone by for our family. It was packed with changes, dreams (some that didn't come true and others that were tweaked), challenges and accomplishments. All said, 2013 was a pretty good year. My house has stayed clean thanks to all the decluttering that everyone here supported.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas. If you celebrated Chanukah, I hope it was filled with memories and you enjoyed time with family and friends.

What's new for the next year? I'm sure we will find boxes and bags of items we no longer need, but let us always make time for ourselves, family and each other.
2 weeks ago I decluttered my kitchen cupboards and drawers cleaned out. Everyone in my family is amazed that they can find things now. But today, a green ladle found its way back in the drawer. I actually got it for my wedding shower, 32 years ago. I think the house ghost put it back.
I am having the kids do one last review of their rooms to get rid of anything they don't want or doesn't fit them anymore before Christmas. I will box up items that can be donated and drop off this weekend and throw everything else away. Hopefully this will minimize the mess before they get a bunch of stuff for Christmas. :goodvibes

Good job! I had big plans to get that done. Started but no where near the goal.

We have done some. I guess that's better than nothing.
Well another year is drawing to a close. I did some major destashing over this past year but we still have a ways to go for the new year. I'd like to find someone to put together my YDD's baby clothes quilt before Christmas 2014. Plus I still need to finish putting up all our pictures. Since the move, I haven't found homes for all our stuff so I'm thinking that means I need to reconsider if we still need it or not. I definitely need to destash the Disney refillable mugs. I've done that several times but they are out of control again.
Baby steps though. I will make my master to do list at the beginning of 2014.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and will have a Merry Christmas!
I made progress this year, but still have a was t go. I haven't yet gotten to the dreaded basement!! The main parts of the house are better, most days, and a quick pick up helps. Merry Christmas &Happy New Year to everyone here. Thanks for all the help and encouragement this past year!
Sorted my last tote of clothes. Filled the goodwill hamper again, so I need to take that tomorrow.
I need to go through my wardrobe again and pair down more. Then I can get the stuff in the tote in the wardrobe.

Dh is off for the next 10 days so he has some major purging to do.
Most likely just did my last little destash of the year. DH is working tonight so no better time ;)

Not a whole lot, a few odds and ends of more craft and sewing supplies, patterns, odd pins and needles..., an accordion file since I condensed and it was empty, some facial products, a T-shirt and 1 Xmas gift that I will never use :rotfl:

Have you been able to destash anything since Christmas? Are you gonna be able to find time to do any more before the new year?

One last push, you all can do it!:hippie:
I need to get back on track!!!!!. My spare room, my purse, closet are a hot mess again. I didnt take out all my Christmas stuff so Next year I will have several items to get rid of. I did go through my Christmas box that I have in my
closet. I got rid of 11 new items that I gave away to the kids I work with.

Tonight I'm planning on hitting my spare room and clean it up. I also plan on going through my valentine box and see what little gifts I have to give away.

Dh said he's going to clean out his top mail/bill drawer. He lost our passports `so he thinks the envelope is in his drawer.
I took a huge bag of shorts, shoes the kids outgrew but still in good shape, books, etc.. I have already started another bag. It's long overdue. I have put it off for too long. It's amazing how fast kids grow and the stuff we accumulate.

It felt good getting rid of the things we no longer need. It felt good to donate those items so that someone else can get use from them.
DS12 and DS13 went through their clothes today. We have a black garbage bag filled with clothes for Goodwill, plus the hamper in my craft room is filled for Goodwill again.

I also had a 10 yard dumpster delivered today too. I hope to fill it to the gills by Thursday!!
DS12 and DS13 went through their clothes today. We have a black garbage bag filled with clothes for Goodwill, plus the hamper in my craft room is filled for Goodwill again.

I also had a 10 yard dumpster delivered today too. I hope to fill it to the gills by Thursday!!

:worship: a dumpster - :thumbsup2 < me green with envy
I cleaned out a dreaded closet, which actually was a lot less dreaded than I thought. I have a couple bags for goodwill and lots of trash. I got those vaccuum seal bags for some comforters and they shrink down so well.

Still have to do the kitchen. blergh
I haven't been on here in awhile, I started back to school and haven't done a lot of decluttering, but now that we're all on Christmas break I've been getting some work done. Yesterday I went through my two youngest boys' room and took out 3 boxes of toys for goodwill. I'm a little sad at all of the toys they've outgrown.

Today I cleaned up my desk which is a central point for all paperwork, school stuff, house stuff, etc. I recycled a trashcan of papers, about 15 Disney brochures, and burned a box of checks and a box of check copies. I also boxed up all of DH's computer game manuals (he has his own desk, but it's small so he puts things in mine). I would like to get rid of them, but I know he won't so I just put them in the garage. He hasn't touched them in two years. But now that they're off my desk I can actually use the drawer to put the cords and stuff on top of my desk in and it looks much nicer.
Had a fairly productive day although some of it was by accident. Decided to put all the Christmas stuff away and do the tree tomorrow. I put a bunch of stuff aside (Christmas stuff) that I can donate or gift that we didn't use. I'm so impressed with how we packed everything! We have 5 of those red and green Christmas storage tubs. If we can't make it fit, it goes. I actually had room to spare my packing skills were so good! I went downstairs to see if there was anything back in the corner where the Christmas boxes will sit until next year and decided to look through a few boxes... well found a box of my old stuff and a huge box of DH's old stuff that had mold all over them so yeah... ended up doing more work than we planned. Got rid of the molded stuff & boxes and cleared the corner. We had a tiny bit of mold in DS's closet this summer that we cleaned up easily with a clove oil/water mix. I had DH spray the area with it but not sure if we should try to clean it up ourselves, or call a professional. Any advice? Our basement is finished and it's just boxes and plastic tubs mostly that we are storing. Didn't even realize it was ever damp! We've been here 5 years.


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