Proposal Ideas... Planning to Pop the Question at Magic Kingdom


Earning My Ears
Jun 12, 2012
So here's the deal.... it's time to hang up the bachelor days and make my beautiful GF my official one and only!

So here's the pertinent details... and I am open to suggestions from the experts.

The weekend of May 3rd we will be heading down to run the Everest Challenge together. We are turning this into a family event and her mother and father will be joining us along with her brother and sister-in-law since we also decided to make this a trip for her beloved niece (Age 5) and nephew (Age 7) can have heir first Disney Trip!

We will be arriving along with her mother and the kids on Friday morning... the rest of the gang won't get there until late that Friday Night. Thus, Saturday is our prime option.

We are saving Magic Kingdom until Saturday since we want the parents to be able to be there when her niece (a Disney Princess addict) gets to finally experience it. The plan is to do MK the entire day before we leave the group to get ready for our race around 7 PM that evening.

Other very important details:
- My sister is a CM at Hollywood Studios at the management level... so she has some clout to help coordinate something cool with advance preparation.
- The one stipulation I have been forewarned by my GF is there better be photographs taken of the proposal whenever it finally happens. My sister ttold me she can get a Fast Pass photographer for us "no problem".
- I want it to be memorable but not "hokie". No horse drawn carriage, costumes, or big spectacles. I would prefer as intimate of a moment as possible.

One idea I had was to try to coordinate "Custom clues" during our race that culminate with me proposing at the finish line.The problem with that is she would kill me if she was all sweaty and frazzled when this all went down. So that one is out of the question.

Come on Dis-Boarders..let's see what you got!
Do you know what your GF likes best about the MK? Does she have a favourite ride, restaurant, character, or show? Is she super into Princesses or does she prefer Frontier Land to Fantasy Land? Would she prefer something humorous-romantic or more straightforward-romantic?

** Edited to say: Congratulations on finding The One!! Sorry, I got my planning/thinking cap on and didn't stop to write the most important bit. She's a lucky lady to have someone who puts so much thought into proposing! All the best to you both <3
DF and I will also be running the Everest Challenge - whoo!

Our proposal had a lot of similar stipulations from me (no massive public spectacle, photos of the moment), so I'll share our story and maybe you can adjust to your liking :goodvibes

DF and I arrived at MK and met his parents (who's trip we were crashing for the weekend). When we arrived, his mother asked if we could go get some pictures at the castle to celebrate the fact that we had finally arrived (they had already been there for a week). We walked down Main Street USA and she decided it was too crowded in front of the castle, so we went off to the beginning of the Tomorrowland bridge and started down the path towards the Swan boat landing (just beyond the photopass spot). We took pictures of his parents, and then it was our turn - and that was when DF popped the question. We got castle pics in a secluded and special spot (DF picked it because it was private and I used to work in Tomorowland, so that bridge/whole area is a special spot for me), plus his mother recorded a video at the same time.

If you wanted to, you could easily modify that for pictures celebrating the kids' first trip, giving you a chance to propose - or not! Just wanted to share in hopes you might find something you like. A tip from one of DF's recently engaged friends was not to worry about some grand speech, because neither of you will remember a word of it - and at least for us I would totally agree! :rotfl:

Do you know what your GF likes best about the MK? Does she have a favourite ride, restaurant, character, or show? Is she super into Princesses or does she prefer Frontier Land to Fantasy Land? Would she prefer something humorous-romantic or more straightforward-romantic?

** Edited to say: Congratulations on finding The One!! Sorry, I got my planning/thinking cap on and didn't stop to write the most important bit. She's a lucky lady to have someone who puts so much thought into proposing! All the best to you both <3


My Girlfriend likes the whole ambiance of MK the most. Ariel is her favorite character... no preference on a favorite ride..she equally likes several.

Our first trip I bought her a rhinestone tiara online as a surprise (like an actual nice one) and she wore it to Magic Kingdom. She kept it and made the declaration she plans to wear it during the wedding.

I would say either humorous/romantic or straightforward are equally good. Obviously nothing too corny, but she would like anything that she can tell was thought out and sweet.

My sister's idea is a pretty good one. Obviously my GF is going to be taking her niece around to do the "girly" rides along with her SIL and her Mom. The guys will be breaking off to do coasters and the more "manly" rides at some point. She suggested we have her meet us at a particular train stop (I think Fantasyland) that has a great view of the castle and everyone will be there waiting including the photographer and I do it there. She said that way in case it is raining you are sure to be covered.
DF and I will also be running the Everest Challenge - whoo!

Our proposal had a lot of similar stipulations from me (no massive public spectacle, photos of the moment), so I'll share our story and maybe you can adjust to your liking :goodvibes

DF and I arrived at MK and met his parents (who's trip we were crashing for the weekend). When we arrived, his mother asked if we could go get some pictures at the castle to celebrate the fact that we had finally arrived (they had already been there for a week). We walked down Main Street USA and she decided it was too crowded in front of the castle, so we went off to the beginning of the Tomorrowland bridge and started down the path towards the Swan boat landing (just beyond the photopass spot). We took pictures of his parents, and then it was our turn - and that was when DF popped the question. We got castle pics in a secluded and special spot (DF picked it because it was private and I used to work in Tomorowland, so that bridge/whole area is a special spot for me), plus his mother recorded a video at the same time.

If you wanted to, you could easily modify that for pictures celebrating the kids' first trip, giving you a chance to propose - or not! Just wanted to share in hopes you might find something you like. A tip from one of DF's recently engaged friends was not to worry about some grand speech, because neither of you will remember a word of it - and at least for us I would totally agree! :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing..definitely similar to what I am thinking! Congrats!
Hey! That image is a good spot. I was scouting spots for some friends from Pixar and it was in the top 10 but the spot we eventually went with was about 20 steps from there. Here it is: facebook (DOT) com/photo.php?fbid=623846564328305&set=a.623689547677340.1073741863.395716773807953&type=3&theater

[Dang it won't let me post a link... I just stopped lurking today to answer this question!!]

Also, if you propose during the 3:00 parade, nobody will be around in that spot!! That's how we did it!!! We did get a few photo bombers, but the most important thing was that she said yes and I'm proud of the pics!!!


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