Our Super Duper Bargain Trip Report

Tuesday 18th March

The alarm was set for 6.45am. It was a lovely sunny morning. Breakfast was busy. I felt slightly better today but still no where near normal :( We walked back to the room for the buggy and then had a slow walk through the village. Ds was desperate to look in the Lego shop so I gave in. Ds enjoyed building some lego figures for a little while and took a particular fancying to the Simpsons house!

After the Lego store we popped into Disney Fashion and I admired these for a while

We then got a starbucks and walked on to the studios. RnR was 5 minutes so the adults went to queue. As always I enjoy waiting at the exit - comfy seats, lots to look at! One set of cars sat at the exit for a good 5 minutes and the reversed out. Next in was my lot - turned out it had broken down while they were on it! It was down for most of the morning after that. We went over to get on Cars, Buzz had a HUGE queue! Mickey however was quite lonely and I managed to meet him with dd while the others were on Cars. As we walked past Buzz dh went up to the corden and said "Buzz, Andys mum is coming!!" (I'd read online that if you say this, Buzz will fall to the ground - lifeless) He shook his hand to dh as if to say no way, and his Cast Member replied "he's not falling for that today" we all thought it was brilliant, it really made us smile!

TSPL was busy and we didn't fancy queueing so we went to ToT which was a 20min wait. We left the studios and grabbed lunch at McDonald's. We quite enjoyed it, its a treat as we rarely have them at home! I'd taken some toddler tray meals for dd sk she had one of those as she doesn't like chips!

After lunch we walked back to DLP, we did BTM, PM then through the castle to Fantasyland

We did IASM x2, Storybook ride, Casey JR - all walk ons! As we exited Casey Jr we noticed Goofy roaming around so we ran down for a cuddle! Then we did Dumbos before we left the park as we had BBWWS booked for 6.30pm.

We'd booked our BBWWS tickets on ticketnet.fr for €40 each plus a couple of euros to print the tickets at home. We arrived at the arena around 5.55pm, straight through the ticket check, given our cowboy hats (they also gave dd one despite her not having a ticket) into the bar area. Unfortunately we'd missed the preshow, it was just ending and they were calling people to find their seats so we didn't get a drink at the bar either. We were seated in the green area, 2nd row from the back. As soon as we sat we were offered drinks, dh had beer, I had a coke, ds had water.

While we waited for the show to start we ate our tortilla chips and cornbread - we all loved the cornbread, I've been told I have to make it at home!

The show started and not long after we were bekng served chilli con carne. Dd wasn't offered any food so I shared mine with her. We all enjoyed the chilli. Ds got served sausages, chicken drumstick, baby roasted potatoes instead of chilli. Once we'd finished we got ribs, chicken leg, sausages and baby roasted potatoes. All very tasty. For dessert we were given apple crumble and ice cream, ds had an iced lolly. All in all we really enjoyed BBWWS. Its our kind of food, the show was great, atmosphere brilliant and the servers worked so, so hard. Dh actually left a bit tipsy from all the beer top ups!

After the show we did a bit of shopping and then walked back to the hotel. We stopped by the room to drop off some bags and then went to the bar to use the wifi to skype my sisters. Then we went back to the room, had a bath and collapsed into bed!

Todays spends:

Starbucks - 10
Lunch - 20
Dinner - 120
(Imaginary Dooney and Bourke bags - 1,000,000,000 lol)

Total - 150
Fabulous! I loved the food at Buffalo Bills, especially the ribs, and ended up having DH's ribs and chilli too! lol

C x
cdsmiler81 said:
Fabulous! I loved the food at Buffalo Bills, especially the ribs, and ended up having DH's ribs and chilli too! lol

C x

I've made chilli for dinner tonight as we all really enjoyed it at BBWWS :-) the boys will be grumpy that theres no cornbread too lol
19th March (not many photos today as my camera battery died!)

Today was the day we'd planned to have some family time, the other had their own plans. We hadn't set an alarm, I woke at 7.30am (typical when the kids were still asleep!) We'd taken those oats so simple porridge pots with us so instead of breakfast we had one of those each. The kids had a bath and we had a nice slow walk to the village. It was sunny, a bit cloudy and breezy (my big tip is take vaseline for your lips! In 2011 I got awful chapped lips at DLP, never made that mistake again!) DH grabbed himself a starbucks and we made our way to the studios (it only occured to me while re-reading my trip notes that we started in the studios nearly every day!) This morning there was quite a queue to get through the turnstiles, we waited at least 15 mins. First stop was the flying carpets, my dd absolutely loved these. She had her hands up all the way round and the biggest smile ever, so cute! After this the boys went to watch the stunt show while dd and I browsed the art store. I spent a good 20 minutes in here viewing all the interesting art on the walls - something I'd not done before. I also made a mental note of what snowglobes they had as I'm running out of new ones to buy! We met the boys, who thoroughly enjoyed the show, and went for lunch at Restaurant En Coulisse before the mad queues began! It was ok, but cheaper at McDonald's for a burger and chips!

After lunch we went to DLP and had a stroll around, it seemed a bit busy so we just took in the sights and smells. Around 2pm we popped along to the DLH. It was utter bliss sitting on one of the huge sofas in the lobby, I could have stayed there all day! After about 20 minutes dh dragged me off the lovely sofa so we could go for afternoon tea at Cafe Fantasia. As we were walking along the corridor towards the shop we spotted Mickey Mouse on a random walkabout :) ds had a cuddle. We then went in the shop where I fancied some earrings! After leaving the shop we continued on to Cafe Fantasia. It was empty! Our server was very polite and took our order (3 portions of Mickey waffles) as we were waiting Goofy came bounding down the corridor, again ds had a cuddle. Our waffles were served promptly and were really delicious. I was expecting them to be crunchy (like the waffles you toast at home) but they were divine. While we were eating, who should pop past but Genie! Again ds has a cuddle. We never expected to see any characters so it was a lovely surprise and really added to the magic. As we walked out I told DH we had to stay here, at least once! He agreed, I suggested an adult only weekend lol! I've never had a real desire to stay at DLH, but I think we should try it!

After this we went back into DLP, SM was a walk on so dh went ahead and we waited at the exit. POTC was a walk on, so ds and I went on that while dh had dd asleep in the buggy. On our way to the exit we did some shopping, in what my ds calls the "Duffy shop" aka Storybook shop. He spotted a Duffy pillow pet type thing and he also wanted the Duffy pyjamas set so I gave in at his puppydog eyes and bought both. I have to say the pillow pet is really good quality! We then made our way back to SF, I had a bath and we just relaxed for a little while. We met with the others at the Cheyenne reception as we had a Chuck Wagon reservation at 6pm. They were slow to open and it was nearer 6.30pm before we were seated. We all enjoyed the food but was a little rushed as we wanted to see Dreams! I've done a review on the Chuck Wagon thread, all in all good but we preferred Rest. Des Stars.

We made our way back to the park for Dreams! Literally got there as it started! My mum fell in love with this show and I have to say I've seen it so many times but I am still not bored of it. My favourite scene is Tangled, my mums is Lion King. After Dreams! we left and did more shopping in the village. I wanted to get most things bought today as I wanted to gradually start packing from tomorrow. After our spending spree we walked back to SF and again went to the reception to make use of the wifi. We got back to bed around 11pm, all feeling a bit sad that tomorrow was our last full day at the magic!

Todays spends:

30 lunch
68 dinner
25.50 Cafe Fantasia
4 Starbucks
145 souvenirs

Total: 272.50
How fab do the Mickey waffles look !!!
Did you book ? Only been in the main entrance of the DLH explain how I get to cafe fantasia please, this is on my list for October.
I'm thinking get bf and ds1 pass's then in there for afternoon tea :cloud9:

Hoping to start my tr ASAP photos are now uploading lol
How fab do the Mickey waffles look !!!
Did you book ? Only been in the main entrance of the DLH explain how I get to cafe fantasia please, this is on my list for October.
I'm thinking get bf and ds1 pass's then in there for afternoon tea :cloud9:

Hoping to start my tr ASAP photos are now uploading lol

No, you can't book. Its on the same floor as the shop, just follow the signs :-) can't wait to go again! Looking forward to your TR x
No, you can't book. Its on the same floor as the shop, just follow the signs :-) can't wait to go again! Looking forward to your TR x

We came in at the stair case is it sign posted from there ?
Fool prof please :thumbsup2
I've shown my bigs ds your pics we are defo doing that mam :lovestruc
He's helping me do pics on flicker don't no if it's our internet or what but I have a mare uploading pics.

We where blue at bbwws I shame you lot didn't win lol !!

Hope you get your new booking soon you thought of off site for a super cheap trip ?
We are doing this oct and now feb half term ( need to move a onsite booking so hoping July 2015 too)
The dream pass saved us loads xx
We came in at the stair case is it sign posted from there ?
Fool prof please :thumbsup2
I've shown my bigs ds your pics we are defo doing that mam :lovestruc
He's helping me do pics on flicker don't no if it's our internet or what but I have a mare uploading pics.

We where blue at bbwws I shame you lot didn't win lol !!

Hope you get your new booking soon you thought of off site for a super cheap trip ?
We are doing this oct and now feb half term ( need to move a onsite booking so hoping July 2015 too)
The dream pass saved us loads xx

walk up the staircase in the DLH foyer, and ahead and slightly to your right you'll see a corridor. Walk along this, the gift shop will be on your left, and then at the end of the corridor you come to an upper open-plan area. On your left is Cafe Fantasia, on your right is the entrance to the DLH restaurants, and in the open-plan area there are tables and sofas etc, overspill from Cafe Fantasia.
walk up the staircase in the DLH foyer, and ahead and slightly to your right you'll see a corridor. Walk along this, the gift shop will be on your left, and then at the end of the corridor you come to an upper open-plan area. On your left is Cafe Fantasia, on your right is the entrance to the DLH restaurants, and in the open-plan area there are tables and sofas etc, overspill from Cafe Fantasia.

Perfect Elaine :thumbsup2
DLPdaft said:
walk up the staircase in the DLH foyer, and ahead and slightly to your right you'll see a corridor. Walk along this, the gift shop will be on your left, and then at the end of the corridor you come to an upper open-plan area. On your left is Cafe Fantasia, on your right is the entrance to the DLH restaurants, and in the open-plan area there are tables and sofas etc, overspill from Cafe Fantasia.

We used the lift as we had the buggy :)
We came in at the stair case is it sign posted from there ?
Fool prof please :thumbsup2
I've shown my bigs ds your pics we are defo doing that mam :lovestruc
He's helping me do pics on flicker don't no if it's our internet or what but I have a mare uploading pics.

We where blue at bbwws I shame you lot didn't win lol !!

Hope you get your new booking soon you thought of off site for a super cheap trip ?
We are doing this oct and now feb half term ( need to move a onsite booking so hoping July 2015 too)
The dream pass saved us loads xx

Noooo don't suggest APs lol! Its not really the cost, its convincing my dh - even though he loves DLP he wants to save our DLP budget for a few years for WDW and I just don't fancy WDW. DLP has a special place in my heart, I'm more than happy to never stray from DLP! I keep telling him we could have 5 DLP trips for 1 WDW! My mum is already talking about going back, and I always get my own way with DH so its a matter of time before we have another booking :)
Noooo don't suggest APs lol! Its not really the cost, its convincing my dh - even though he loves DLP he wants to save our DLP budget for a few years for WDW and I just don't fancy WDW. DLP has a special place in my heart, I'm more than happy to never stray from DLP! I keep telling him we could have 5 DLP trips for 1 WDW! My mum is already talking about going back, and I always get my own way with DH so its a matter of time before we have another booking :)

We did WDW last year and I didn't love it the way I love DLP, I don't wish we hadn't gone as it was a great trip.
They way people talk I thought it's was going to be so much better than DLP it's not.
My DH didn't go on that trip And this was his first DLP trip he asked me how did you think it would be better than this Rachael !?!?
I couldn't really answer it's jut perfect at DLP xx
We did WDW last year and I didn't love it the way I love DLP, I don't wish we hadn't gone as it was a great trip.
They way people talk I thought it's was going to be so much better than DLP it's not.
My DH didn't go on that trip And this was his first DLP trip he asked me how did you think it would be better than this Rachael !?!?
I couldn't really answer it's jut perfect at DLP xx

My feet were sore enough after 6 days at DLP, think I'd need carrying by the end of 2 weeks at WDW lol. I never get bored of DLP, I already have a mental list of things to do next time which we've not managed to do on previous trips (this mental note is being kept to bribe dh with lol)
20th March - our last full day :( :(

Dd had woken during the night, around 2am and thought it was playtime! She finally resettled around 3.30am. We all woke at 9.10am! We had porridge pots in the room again and headed through the village, dh getting his daily Starbucks on the way! Today was really warm, it was a stunning day. It was around 11am by now and we bumped in to my parents so hang around with them for a little while. We were supposed to have lunch at Rainforest Cafe today but I didn't fancy a big meal. Instead we decided to bring Cafe Mickey forward by a day. We left my parents and started to queue at CM around 11.40am. At 12pm we were left in and seated near the conservatory but not in it! We ordered a pizza and a garlic bread to share as I wasn't too hungry. This was plenty for us and we left a bit too. We saw Pluto, Goofy, Mickey, Minnie, Gepetto, Chip and Dale. They went round the tables fairly quickly but we still got good interaction, dd absolutely loved it!

After lunch we made our way to WDS with my parents, RnR was 5mins so we did that, then we decided to all go to the stunt show. Unfortunately it was too warm in the queue for my dd, she was not happy! So I left the queue and took her for a walk, I text dh to say I'd meet them outside afterwards as dd had fallen asleep. I spent most of this time sat on the chairs outside Blockbuster Cafe, topping up my tan! Bliss! When we met back up my ds had come out in the most awful prickly heat all over his face, ears and neck. We went to the shop in Studio 1 and bought him a cap, that helped a little but it was the worst he's ever had it. We often go on beach holidays where the temperature is 40+ and he's never got prickly heat.

We left the WDS and decided to have a walk around Fantasia Gardens. My dd is a real nature lover, she absolutely loved the gardens!

It was now around 5pm and we decided to get an early dinner as we wanted a prime spot for Dreams! tonight. I fancied McDonald's so we all headed there. Even my mum enjoyed McDonald's in DLP, she's not keen at home!

After dinner we headed into DLP and my parents took prime position for Dreams! They stayed there for 2hrs, bless them!

While they were there they had dd for dh and I to take ds on some rides. We did BTM x2, POTC x1 and then headed back to Main Street to do some shopping. I love these lanterns

We then scrambled our way through the crowds to get to my parents and dd. Within minutes Dreams! began - WOW - it's even better the nearer you are! I cried, mum cried, ds cried - we all looked a bit silly lol! I got some stunning photos - on my mobile!! My hands were too shaky for my camera, definitely need a tripod next time! Here's a treat for all my readers:

Once we left the park we walked back to SF via World of Disney. We decided to meet for cocktails.

Dd wasn't happy again and ready for bed so I drank up and took her back to the room while dh and ds stayed behind. She was asleep within minutes and I got on with some packing :( :( dh and ds came back around 11.30pm, ds skin was still bad :( and we were asleep before midnight!

Todays spends

4 Starbucks
25 lunch
20 dinner
100 souvenirs
23 cocktails

Total: 172


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