You mean I DO get to go to WDW in 2014?? - Link to TR in post #523

So we’re going to take a little detour from our Disney moments for a competitor. When Jill told us she was coming out here, we immediately planned a couple different Disney experiences. It wasn’t until we had pretty much sealed up the Disney experiences that she mentioned she would like to do a tour of Warner Bros studios. We’ve heard about this, but for those of you who live in potential tourist locations, you know that the locals never get to visit what all the tourists see. We decided to change that with respect to Warner Bros Studios. I booked us for a 1:45 tour on March 31, 2014. Or. So. I. thought.

Because LA traffic is so unpredictable, all of us left our respective locations in plenty of time. It turns out that we all parked within 5 minutes of each other and we were at least an hour early for our check time. Or. So. I. thought.

Fran wanted to sleep in the car until it was time to check in, and Jill and I are Starbuck’s addicts so we went inside to get some drinks and hang out until it was time for our tour. We decided to check with the ticket counter and make sure that they would be able to accommodate Fran and her scooter on the tour. They were happy to oblige and asked for the copy of my confirmation of the purchase. And this is where it happened.

“These tickets are for March 18th” the ticketing agent said.

What??????????? :confused3

“That’s the day you bought them” said Jill.

Ugh! When I purchased the tickets, I went back and forth on the WB site and must have missed the fact that the date changed from the one we actually wanted back to the current date. Luckily the nice gal at the ticket counter was able to move our unused tickets from the 18th to our actual tour day. She also logged the fact that they needed an HA tram for our tour. We could have checked in at the point, but since all three of us weren’t there it didn’t make sense so we decided to go get some beverages and hang out until we had to wake up Fran.

The telecommunications device that billed my Starbucks card was having a problem and we were stuck at the check out counter for what seemed like forever, but finally they were able to bill us and we sat in some chairs that neither of us thought we would be able to get up from but we did. They had these costumes on display in the waiting area and Starbuck’s café. Just a taste of what was to come. I’m sorry they didn’t come out very good the back lighting makes it hard to see the actual costumes.

Once we went back to the car and woke up Fran we came back to check in for the tour. This required showing our IDs before they handed over the tickets.

While we waited, I admired some of the Harry Potter Merchandise they had. Much of it was similar to what we could have bought at US in Florida. Unfortunately, being the Disney girl that I am, I was really not familiar with a lot of the Warner Bros productions and kept struggling to find things they had done that I had actually seen, so no merchandise purchases for us.

After a short film that included lots of 1 second clips of movies from WB (They had a name for this at the D23 Expo, but I can’t remember it now) we boarded our tram. OK, the suspense got me, I looked it up and it’s called a “Sizzle Reel”.

Back to the Tram, it was a nice HA tram where Fran could just roll in, and they tied her down and she was good to go. Here is a bad selfie as we take off.

And here we are passing through the gate onto the actual Studio lot. The thing about Warner Bros. is that it is a working studio lot. There is always production going on, and the more that they can film on their own lot, the more money and hassle they save. Every building but one is as generic as it could possibly be. We drove past a building which was all offices. It was two stories and resembled a motel or possibly a school. Our guide told us that the Mentalist had used it as a motel. Just add room numbers to the doors and voila! Others had used it as a professional office building, or classrooms at a school. Their main rule of production was “whatever you put up (ie facades, door plates, signs, etc) you take it down when you’re done.”

The first place that they took us was to the “jungle”. Upon entering the Jungle there was a structure. Evidently this structure was one of the few things to bypass that rule of cleaning up after yourself in production. It was built for some production, and they liked it so much they let it stay. Our guide told us that this was used as a Western bar in some productions, a cabin in the woods for others.

Just add a few signs, vehicles and voila! Your audience is believing it. Notice the rocks on the bottom of the building. Our guide told us to “pick your favorite rock and look about six feet away”. See it turned around in a different position? Theses are just fiberglass or plastic facades stapled on to the building. If you want wood siding, bricks, take the rocks off and staple on your texture. I’ll have more on this later.

This is the lagoon that you can see through the trees.

Normally the lagoon is empty, but they were filling it for some production. Evidently it takes 15 hours to fill and 3 days to drain, if my memory serves correctly.

Our guide mentioned that it could also be filled with sand, and was used in some movie that I wasn’t familiar with. With the bamboo here, it also works for Cambodian Jungle scenes.

For those of you who saw Jurassic Park, most of it was filmed in Hawaii, but there were a few scenes that once they returned to the mainland they realized that they didn’t get the correct scenes. Rather than fly everyone including camera crews and equipment back over there, they rented the Jungle from WB. I believe she said it was the chase scene when they are in the Jeep and the dinosaur is chasing them. They started at the end of this road drove all the way to the other end, turned everything around and shot them going the other way, as the road is actually quite short. That gave them the illusion of a longer chase scene.

This house, is pretty much just the front of the house. If you look through the windows, you can see the bushes behind it. Notice the big wooden platform next to it. I’ve already forgotten what they called this but they use them to give the illusion of a wooded area. Whatever they were filming in this space couldn’t have a house in the shot, so they park these “bush wagons” in front of things to obscure them.

Here is a shot of one without the trimmings.

Our guide told us that they trim these with clippings from around the studio grounds, but eventually they die, so they just spray paint them green to look alive. Evidently the camera doesn’t really pick up on this and viewers just see it as lush green background. See when I took these pictures yesterday, I could tell that the bushes were painted. As I look at them now. Not so much.

Evidently the Mentalist had been filming in this trailer here. They were done so the guy in the Maroon Pick up was towing it out of there.

One last look at the lagoon as we start to exit the area.

I took this shot to illustrate a point that our guide made. They never keep light fixtures or door hardware on buildings. Just this simple little touch can set the era for the production. Antique hardware and fixtures could put this door in the early 20th century, while more modern fixtures could make it anywhere from the late eighties to current times. This shack was used as a diner in some production. I hadn’t seen it so I don’t quite remember which one.

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We moved into Warner Village. This used to be the Western Town where Blazing Saddles was filmed, but since they aren’t doing so many Westerns anymore and there are more suburban needs, they built suburban looking houses. Every one of these houses is actually some sort of production office. I believe they showed us the offices for Two Broke Girls.

If they needed to do filming in front of any of these houses, all the employees would have to park their cars elsewhere and use the back entrances to the offices. They were built with that in mind, so just because the outside of your office is being used in film production, you still have to come to work. These cars are all the employees who work in this house.

The place looked like your regular old suburban street right out of a TV Drama.

All of these houses could house the girl next door. I think she mentioned shows like Mike and Molly, Two and a Half Men and other sitcoms using these houses at one time.

This one was the Two Broke Girls office.

This might have been one used on Two and Half Men. I’m losing my memory fast and this was just yesterday afternoon. :confused3

Remember when I talked about the rocks on the siding of the house in the last post. Notice the brickwork here. Our guide mentioned that one problem with the HDTVs and other such improvements in picture quality. Some of the little workarounds that they have used for decades are starting to catch up with them and are sometimes more visible to the home viewer than they would like. She pointed out the rusty staples here.

And no sooner did we round the corner, and we were out of suburbia. This area, has been used as an airport, hospital entrance, bustling downtown business district, probably shopping mall. Again they keep it very generic so that signs could be put up to morph it into whatever type of scene the directors want.

Now I won’t spoil a lot of the tour just in case some of you ever go on it. It was clear to us that the guides were “fed” stories to tell us because there were at least two stories that we heard twice yesterday. One with respect to James Dean and these lights, so if they’re still telling it today, they’re going to be telling it in 20 years. These are “film in progress” lights, and if you see one flashing, you need to be Vewy Vewy quiet, like you are hunting wabbits.

I’ll be back later with some more of our tour!
Great update so far I loved this tour when we did it! Jurassic Park cool one of my favourite movies :-) I liked the 'weather machine' they demonstrated but you might be leading up to that...scared my Mum half to death but me and Jo and Dad laughed it made our bellies hurt!
Great update. That's a fantastic tour of WB. I've never been it was really fascinating to see it all. Thanks for sharing. I might see if I can head that way next time I'm in LA.

Vegetarian is an ancient word for Village Idiot who doesn't know how to hunt or trap. :rotfl2:

Sorry if I insulted any vegetarians out there. :eek: :rolleyes1


Only pesky ones.
Love the side tour, and I hate when the tickets get messed up... That happened to me once too.
That tour looks amazing. I am so glad that they managed to fix the issue with the date.

Hey there!

Trying to catch up- sorry I seem to always be MIA this year, it's just been rough finding a balance of life and work etc.... Anyway, thought I would mention we had dinner at Sanaa just last week (i was there for AEP) and with the exception of 1 new item of fish on the slow cooked menu, it was all delicious as always. :) I have heard they have lunch with a naturalist who comes and answers all your questions about the animals- I am thinkin about settin that up sometime, my friend Lonnie would LOVE it. :)

Miss chattin with you more- xoxo
Nice shots of the Warner Bros. tour and the Johnny Reb's looks yummo.:thumbsup2
The movie geek in me is eating this stuff up! I never would have noticed things like the rusty staples in the brick façade, but once you point that out, it's impossible not to notice. Cool stuff!
Im at Vero Beach lounging in the sand catching upon the Dis, life is good.

That WB tour looks like lots of fun! So glad they were able to change the tickets without any problems.

That vegetarian shirt is too funny. My hunting skills are limited to fishing so I know I'd have been a lot smaller in ancient times :laughing:
Loving the tour! Would really have liked to have done that when I was there but o one else in the family was interested. Maybe next time!
Great update so far I loved this tour when we did it! Jurassic Park cool one of my favourite movies :-) I liked the 'weather machine' they demonstrated but you might be leading up to that...scared my Mum half to death but me and Jo and Dad laughed it made our bellies hurt!

No, we didn't get to see the weather machine. I imagine that each trip could be a little different, just based on what is being filmed and which tour guide you get.

Great update. That's a fantastic tour of WB. I've never been it was really fascinating to see it all. Thanks for sharing. I might see if I can head that way next time I'm in LA.


Only pesky ones.

Next time you're here, I'd be happy to go, just give me enough notice so that I can watch a few more of the movies before I go back...

And speaking of coming back, a number of us are discussing another DISmeet in WDW. No thread has been set up, but I might think about doing that. We're looking at Fall 2016. Will your pesky DH have had enough time since the last one by then?

Love the side tour, and I hate when the tickets get messed up... That happened to me once too.

I've still got a bit left on it, but I'm sure glad they straightened that all out!

That tour looks amazing. I am so glad that they managed to fix the issue with the date.


The tour was very fun, and yes good thing they sorted out the ticked debacle.

Hey there!

Trying to catch up- sorry I seem to always be MIA this year, it's just been rough finding a balance of life and work etc.... Anyway, thought I would mention we had dinner at Sanaa just last week (i was there for AEP) and with the exception of 1 new item of fish on the slow cooked menu, it was all delicious as always. :) I have heard they have lunch with a naturalist who comes and answers all your questions about the animals- I am thinkin about settin that up sometime, my friend Lonnie would LOVE it. :)

Miss chattin with you more- xoxo

That's good to know. I'm looking towards the Tandoori Chicken sandwich so maybe we will keep the reservation. How can I really know, it's still almost two months away!

Nice shots of the Warner Bros. tour and the Johnny Reb's looks yummo.:thumbsup2

Thanks! :thumbsup2

The movie geek in me is eating this stuff up! I never would have noticed things like the rusty staples in the brick façade, but once you point that out, it's impossible not to notice. Cool stuff!

I thought of you and the DIS Dads while on this tour. I kept thinking, I bet they even know some of the lines that were said in front of these houses!

I had to really zoom in to get the staples visible, but when you're just sitting in the tram looking at the house, you don't notice it until the guide points it out. Lots of interesting things like that on this tour.

Im at Vero Beach lounging in the sand catching upon the Dis, life is good.

That WB tour looks like lots of fun! So glad they were able to change the tickets without any problems.

That vegetarian shirt is too funny. My hunting skills are limited to fishing so I know I'd have been a lot smaller in ancient times :laughing:

Poor you! I'm sure it's just awful being there at Vero! :rotfl2:

I'm not a very good hunter either, but I can pick out a steak at the grocery store better than most! :rotfl:

Loving the tour! Would really have liked to have done that when I was there but o one else in the family was interested. Maybe next time!

We can go next time, like I said to PIO, just let me catch up on a few more movies so I know what they're referring to!

Love Johnny Rebs and a good DISmeet. Looks like a very fun time.

Johnny Rebs was awesome. I like when Jill comes to town. We had lots of great meals and two of them, we got two meals out of them! :thumbsup2
Our next area to visit was the town square and older suburban village. Our guide pointed out that the streetlights here were plug in. Another feature that could be changed to change the era and feel of the location.

I’m sure this church has appeared in countless productions.

This building looked very familiar to me as a bar, but I have no idea where I might have seen it.

We entered the town square to find this Courthouse which was repurposed into Rosewood City Hall. I think that she said it was for Dirty Little Liars.

We stopped for a bit at these cherry pickers. They had a more specific name for them as they are specific to the movie industry. You see the trees here next to the cherry pickers? They have really been through the ringer. A couple months ago, they were filming something that needed to take place in springtime. As you can see the trees have lost all their leaves, doesn’t really represent springtime, so to simulate spring, fake leaves were zip tied to the trees. There was another instance where they needed to film a Winter scene, the trees were full of leaves, they trimmed them all the leaves and put white all over the ground. For a hot day in July it was believable on camera.

Our next trip was down an older suburban street. There is an optical illusion here. While it appears that the street goes on for a while. As soon as the street turns you meet a giant soundstage, but it looks good from here.

They mentioned various productions that used these houses. They include the Goonies, Friends, and a bunch of others that I don’t remember. Perhaps Jill might be able to chime in on some of these. She was geeking out more than me because she had actually seen some of these movies and TV shows.

Now this house I remember that our guide told us that they drove a car through the Bay window of this house a couple weeks before. But part of that whole, do what you want, but just fix it. They fixed it.

I know there was something about this house, but of course I’ve forgotten.

I think this one was the goonies house.

Anyone recognize this house?

Now we’re at the end of the street. Behind us is a big soundstage, this is looking back towards the square that we just left.

Our guide pointed out that all the houses on this street had multiple entrances, I didn’t get a front shot of this house, but this is the back entrance, they have it dressed up as a potential front of the house. She pointed out a few more on the sides of the other houses on the street.

So I think this was the side of the Courthouse which also doubled as the High School.

We’re getting into a little bit more urban area now.

This is another one of those buildings that was built for a specific production, but they liked it and kept it.

And this storefront was used in Casablanca, but has been repurposed and used in many productions since.

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This is the Chicago section of the backlot. They have made it like the subway in Chicago. The beams and stuff here have been painted to look rusted. They actually aren’t that way.

Everyone has got to eat. Here is lunch being served to the production team. I didn’t see any stars (as if I would recognize them anyways), it looked like mostly security and other production staff. Pretty late lunch though, I think it was well after 2PM.

This “subway station” barely even goes under the ground. Our guide told us that it goes down about six feet and once the people descend into the subway, the filming moves to a soundstage.

Though I didn’t see it, this is the Courthouse used in Argo. I guess some of the characters sat on the steps here eating lunch.

Back again at the train station.

And now we’re moving out into the parking lot.

This is the iconic water tower. It has been moved from it’s original location, but kept for posterity.

Then we moved into this little “town square”. This was used in Oceans 11, but I believe that it involved green screen technology and it was the roof top of the building.

The trees you see in front of you, unlike the ones in the other town square, these are removable and still in their pots. If they don’t want trees in the scene, they just dig them up.

On the next block, is this New York Street scene.

I don’t remember which movie it was, but Jim Carrey did not like the look of the original buildings. They didn’t set well with him as a New Yorker, because the fire escapes weren’t there. He actually paid to have fire escapes put in and had them “imported” from Brooklyn. In the production “Annie”, they danced on these fire escapes. However, they aren’t quite as sturdy as they should be and each one has a maximum weight limit (which varies by fire escape). They literally had someone at each façade making sure that as the actors went out onto the fire escapes they didn’t allow too many people at once to put anyone in danger. Sounds a little risky to me!

And another anomaly, a traffic signal with a plug!

Another look at the rickety fire escapes, this building was on the other side of the tram, it sort of capped the “T” of the street in the previous pictures.

And then we headed out to the employee parking lot. At one point we drove over the helipad for ER. The guide also mentioned lots of production who used this area, but none were shows that I was familiar with. I don’t know who produces and films the shows that I watch, but I do watch TV and movies, just I guess not the ones that Warner Brothers makes. :confused3

And this is the Warner Brothers Studio Museum. This is the halfway point of your tour. They let you off here, and you can take as much time as you look browsing the costumes are other effects that they have on display.

I was beginning to wonder if you watched TV at all, but when you started recounting the names of the shows, I don't watch those either... So who knows where the shows I watch are produced!
Great tour! I love the Goonies movies and Oceans 11. I think I recall one of those houses being from the Golden Girls when they did our tour. Man I loved that show! That is very cool about the trees. I love the NY fire escapes. We don't have them in the UK on the outside like that. But I agree that did sound dangerous!
That all looks really neat. It is amazing how versatile the buildings are.


They really do have things well thought out, just a few fixtures and everything is transformed.

I was beginning to wonder if you watched TV at all, but when you started recounting the names of the shows, I don't watch those either... So who knows where the shows I watch are produced!

Oh no, I watch all kinds of stuff, but it seems that a large percentage is CBS and ABC. NCIS, CSI, Elementary, Castle, and then there's the Fox (Bones) and all the USA Network shows, but most of those are having their final season or just ended already. We need a few more shows, either that or start watching more movies.

Great tour! I love the Goonies movies and Oceans 11. I think I recall one of those houses being from the Golden Girls when they did our tour. Man I loved that show! That is very cool about the trees. I love the NY fire escapes. We don't have them in the UK on the outside like that. But I agree that did sound dangerous!

I loved the Golden Girls! They didn't point them out, I would have known that show. We don't have fire escapes out here either, so I guess that's why they had to "import" them.


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