You mean I DO get to go to WDW in 2014?? - Link to TR in post #523

Once inside the museum we could browse at our own pace. For me the ground floor of the museum was a tad bit of a let down only because I really hadn’t seen any of the movies that the props were from. They had a Smallville display, some things from Gravity, lots of Batman props (I think I only saw the first two of those movies). Fran watched the Great Gatsby during one of her fits of insomnia, but I have yet to see it. So the only thing I recognized on this floor was this:

However, once we went up to the second floor, my inner geek was totally satiated. The entire floor was Harry Potter props and costumes and I read every little card and looked at every piece with great interest. I couldn’t believe this little fireplace display. I kinda wondered how they actually did this.

Here’s some costumes that Hermione, Harry and Ron wore in one of the films.

Totally geeking out on this one!

Voldemort’s robe.

It was so cool to see these Horcruxes.

I really liked Sirius Black and was sad when his character was killed off.

Here is his outfit

Here is Voldemort’s snake Nigini

The front costume is young Tom Riddle when Dumbledore visited him at the orphanage. I can’t remember what the back two costumes were.

Here are some costumes worm by Belatrix Le Strange and Lucias Malfoy.

And Severus Snape’s costume.

These are outfits worn by Neville Longbottom and Professor Slughorn. Somehow Slughorn seemed bigger than this.

This is the troll costume and the club from the first movie.

Here are some of the things that you could purchase from the Weasley Brothers shop in Diagon Alley.

These are their matching costumes.

And the skiving snackboxes

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And all these things that you could get at Honeyduke’s.

Quidditch Anyone?

These outfits were worn by Mr. and Mrs Weasley.

These maquettes help the animators to visualize the characters and better animate them in CGI.

The Monster book of Monsters

This model of Dobie was used by Daniel Radcliffe to practice the lines that he had with Dobie. The creature in the movie was actually created with CGI.

This shoe was used as the portkey when the kids went to the Quidditch Match where the Death Eaters ended up wreaking havoc.

These are the binoculars that they looked through to see Viktor Krum.

This speaks for itself.

These are outfits worn by Harry, Luna Lovegood and Draco Malfoy on the train in the movie where Malfoy beats up Harry and leaves him there unconscious under his invisibility cloak. I don’t know which number movie it was.

Here is one of the Mandrakes used in the movie.

And Professor Sprout's costume.

I just loved Gilda Roy Lockhart. He was the cheesiest and most hilarious of all the professors.

And all of his self absorbed publications.

They had a sorting hat, and I was sorted into Hufflepuff.

A Dementor.

A hatching Dragon Egg

This was from the first movie when Hermione saw the basilisk and became petrified.

This is the piece of paper that was found in Hermione’s hand when the Basilisk petrified her.

The Marauder's Map

I totally geeked out when I saw this. Dolores Umbridge was such a wonderful villain, so evil, so easy to hate.

The cat plates. I can just imagine these all animated and mewing! :rotfl2:

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Here is the bed from the Knight Bus.

This is Stanley Shunpike’s costume.

Giant spider.

Another dementor.

Dementor hand.

Sedrick Diggory’s uniform and the Golden Egg.

Hogwart’s uniforms, the sword of Gryffindor and Tom Riddle’s Diary.

And that was it for the Warner Bros Museum! The first floor wasn’t really compelling, but the second was a gold mine! We went back outside and reboarded our special tram for the second half of the tour. Evidently we had taken more time in there than expected because the whole tour was supposed to take about 2 ½ hours and we were already at two hours with the rest of the tour to go.
Wow! Now I want to read Harry Potter again. It's been a while. Thank you for the cool pics.
I'm glad you enjoyed the second floor of the museum, nice update.
Love the Harry Potter stuff! You would love the Warner Brother Studio in London where they filmed it. You can get geeked out by all they have there. The whole Knight bus! The Estate where they lived set ( privet drive ) etc. you have a lot there though. Love the sorting hat! Lol re Hufflepuff. Those dementors freak me out!

I just love looking around film sets! hogwarts castle in London film set the model is so small! They make that look so realistic in the movies. I was amazed!
Fantastic updates!

Seems like I missed the one before with all the street facades. I loved looking at the houses.

But this update on all that HP props? WICKED! What an amazing collection of memorabilia from the movies. I'm definitely going to have to seek this tour out. :thumbsup2
I was a little behind on your latest updates and glad that I had some time tonight to be able to read your Warner Brother Studio Tour. It was nice to see your pictures during the tour.

The museum has some very interesting props and costumes from all these different movies.

Very nice update.
Ok, I don't know if I can ever take my family on this tour. With all of that Harry Potter stuff, my daughter would never leave the building! I have to admit it's very cool to get a peek behind the scenes.

I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't recognize more of the buildings on the lot. You mentioned the courthouse in Argo, and that looks familiar, but other than that..:confused3

Oh, if you haven't seen Gravity, check it out! I would have loved to some of the behind-the-scenes stuff from that film.
Wow! Now I want to read Harry Potter again. It's been a while. Thank you for the cool pics.

I know that's a series of books that I wouldn't mind repeating.

I'm glad you enjoyed the second floor of the museum, nice update.

Thanks! :goodvibes

Wow, I would have loved all that Harry Potter stuff.


It was so cool to see, one of the most exciting parts of the day for me (as you can tell by the number of pictures that I took!

Love the Harry Potter stuff! You would love the Warner Brother Studio in London where they filmed it. You can get geeked out by all they have there. The whole Knight bus! The Estate where they lived set ( privet drive ) etc. you have a lot there though. Love the sorting hat! Lol re Hufflepuff. Those dementors freak me out!

I just love looking around film sets! hogwarts castle in London film set the model is so small! They make that look so realistic in the movies. I was amazed!

We would love to come see the sets in London! I have heard about them and seen pictures. I wonder how many more years they will be there. Perhaps when we do our DLP trip we can hop the Chunnel over there!:scratchin

I said the same thing about the At-Ats when I saw the Star Wars Exhibits. They were actually really small, but the filming techniques that the used made them look as tall as skyscrapers!

Fantastic updates!

Seems like I missed the one before with all the street facades. I loved looking at the houses.

But this update on all that HP props? WICKED! What an amazing collection of memorabilia from the movies. I'm definitely going to have to seek this tour out. :thumbsup2

I hope by the time you come back here, they still have the Harry Potter section.

All those fabulous Harry Potter props!!! I would have been in heaven!

Next time you come out, we should go!

Love it that you got sorted to Hufflepuff

Better than Slitherin, the gal before me sat on the chair saying "Anything but Slitherin, anything but Slitherin" And that's what she got! :rotfl2:

I was a little behind on your latest updates and glad that I had some time tonight to be able to read your Warner Brother Studio Tour. It was nice to see your pictures during the tour.

The museum has some very interesting props and costumes from all these different movies.

Very nice update.

I totally relate, I got behind on your report. I can't remember if I commented or not, but I finally finished reading the end of your last trip. It was a pretty cool side stop at WB.

Ok, I don't know if I can ever take my family on this tour. With all of that Harry Potter stuff, my daughter would never leave the building! I have to admit it's very cool to get a peek behind the scenes.

I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't recognize more of the buildings on the lot. You mentioned the courthouse in Argo, and that looks familiar, but other than that..:confused3

Oh, if you haven't seen Gravity, check it out! I would have loved to some of the behind-the-scenes stuff from that film.

It was a very cool part of the exhibit. I almost didn't want to leave but everyone else seemed like they were finished, so I wrapped it up quickly. It was also getting kind of late in the day.

The stuff from Gravity was Sandra Bullock's Space Suit and probably George Clooney's as well, I sort of looked at it. We plan to watch it when we can record it on the DVR. We are so behind in all of our TV shows that we watch. We still have Planes on the DVR and haven't watched that. We boxed up the DVD for moving and have no idea which box it is in! :lmao:
Cool re coming over for DLP! I think Warner Brother Studio is more or less permanent so take your time!

Not long now! Getting excited! :-)
Next time I come to CA it needs to be a 10-14 day trip. I'd love to do the WB tour, sounds like a plan :)
Great's almost like I was there in person1 :lmao: Your updates are so good that I may just link to them when I get my TR started!!!

Jill in CO
Cool re coming over for DLP! I think Warner Brother Studio is more or less permanent so take your time!

Not long now! Getting excited! :-)

You never know, if the sets stop drawing folks, they may take them down. I'm not sure how long the trip will be, but it will involve DLP, some French Countryside, and not sure what else. Maybe we should plan just a visit to the UK. How do you do with your scooter there? I know older cities can be a challenge.

Next time I come to CA it needs to be a 10-14 day trip. I'd love to do the WB tour, sounds like a plan :)

Cool! :thumbsup2

Great's almost like I was there in person1 :lmao: Your updates are so good that I may just link to them when I get my TR started!!!

Jill in CO

Thanks! :blush: Yeah I bet it feels like you were there, in fact I think I see you in the picture of Gilda Roy Lockhart's costume. Feel free to link, but I'm sure you got a few shots that I didn't since you were on the other side of the tram.
After leaving the museum, we headed through the workshop. We saw Conan O’Brien’s office, but drove past so quickly, no photos. There were are variety of Wood Shops, Metal Shops, and Set building shops.

The workshop let out into the motor area. This building is sometimes used as a Mini Mart at a gas station, or a mechanic’s shop.

This is their Gas Station, it is actually a working gas station where they can fill up their many vehicles. If they need a Gas Station for a shot they can always cover up their logo where it appears and turn it into their set.

This Dusenberg replica was built for the Great Gatsby. They were going to use a real one, but when they found out the price they decided a replicar was a better option.

The General Lee!

I think this might have been used in Matrix. I just liked that it was a mid 60s Lincoln.

I forget what these next two cars were from, but they were cool. BTW all the cars in the room with the exception of the Harry Potter car, could run.

They had several of the Batman Cars here.

But again, I liked the geeky option.

The Harry Potter car that he and Ron flew in to Hogwarts.

I took another picture of the Lincoln, just cause I liked it.

This pretty much ended the photo portion of the tour. Our next couple stops we went to on foot. We went to the prop room building, but didn’t get to go in the prop room. Instead we entered an area where they had staged the set of Friends. Our guide offered to take a picture of anyone with their camera in front of the set. Not being a fan of the show, or ever having seen the show, I declined.

Next we went on to a soundstage where pictures were not allowed. The set was for a show called the Fosters, which is shown on ABC Family. It was a school set and was pretty cool to see. We are considering adding this show to our DVR. They had a locker area, a classroom, a quad, an outdoor eating area. Everything was pretty small, but I’m sure that they could make it work.

After that we loaded back up into our tram and headed back to the tour building. We were going to try and go on the set of Big Bang Theory, but they were still filming as the red light was on outside their soundstage. By this point, the battery on my camera was running low and so was my energy so while I would have normally be snapping photos right and left, I just rode back there.

I did take a shot of these guys outside the tour center.

Before the tour we had received a sample of gelato. We were too full at the time to order any, but our tour had worked up our appetites. I got Mint Chip and Chocolate Chip, Fran got Salted Caramel and Chocolate. Jill ordered the Strawberry and Coconut Gelatos.

After we enjoyed our sweet treats we headed off to our next planned destination. We had a number of meets set up for this week and Jill had a number of dinner ADRs at all the top restaurants at DLR. So instead of hitting up yet another swanky joint, we decided to hit a restaurant of a Triple-D variety. Johnny Reb’s in Long Beach, they have a couple other locations, but this one was on the way home for each of us and easy to reach from the freeway. I’ve already posted this picture here, but thought it was worth posting again.

We split two dinners between three of us and still we had containers of leftovers that fed Fran and I for another meal later in the week. Beef and Baby Back Ribs with onion rings and Mac N Cheese.

Chicken Fried Steak with mashed potatoes and fried Okra.

Even though we were stuffed, we couldn’t resist dessert. Peach cobbler.

Pecan Beignets.

We said our goodbyes knowing that we would be meeting up again later in the week.
YUM! What gorgeous cars!.......and the food porn is great too.

Looks like it was a fun time with Jill. Thanks for posting the picture again. Now I know where and when that was taken, in the sequence of your day. :thumbsup2
Ok, I would have officially freaked out that the actors of the Big Bang Theory were right behind a door and I couldn't go in. I am totally starstruck :blush:

Those Batman vehicles are too cool.

Glad you were able to enjoy such a fun day with Jill :)


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