Touring the Tower of Terror and other Ghoulish Delights! Sept 13 TR | FINALx2 4/17!!!

Saying goodbye to the parks is always sad :sad1:

LOVE your Spaceship Earth photos - So funny!! :rotfl: Boo to the selfish people taking flash photos though :mad:

Ah - You can never have too many photos of the beautiful Beach Club! :)

Awww Dani - I love the way you write about Matt...It's obvious that you both love & respect each other as friends as well as partners & it's just adorable! :goodvibes

Once we finally got on, the ride stopped a few times, like it usually does, and one of the not-so-nice people who were in front of us earlier decided to whistle as LOUD as possible every time it stopped. EVERY. TIME.

Like, one of those baseball whistle people make with their fingers. I seriously was so close to getting out of my Doom Buggy and slapping some sense into him. He also wouldn't stop talking/making dumb jokes.

I just don't get why people think it's funny to essentially ruin the ride for other people. It infuriates me and is seriously one of the rudest things you can do. What if that was someone else's only chance to go on the Haunted Mansion? And you had to be a jerk and be absolutely obnoxious the entire time. Good on you, buddy, you're a class act.

I feel exactly the same way as you do about stuff like that. It is so rude & selfish, & totally disrespectful to others. What is it with some people? :mad: I'm glad it didn't completely spoil the ride for you though.

Very best wishes,
I love love love reading these! I tweeted to you the other day, and I fully caught up this morning. So pardon me while I leave a monster paragraph reply. Oh these make me so happy. I loooove that y'all have such an addiction to school bread (nomnomnom) and to the Haunted Mansion. I love Matt's MNSCHP costume and I loved yours too!
Beach Club is definitely one of my top 3 resorts, just everything about it ugh can I be there now? And oh! The ToT tour....the ride scares me to death, but I love the queue. All of your pictures of the details were fantastic.
I can't wait to read more about your final day!!
Blah, all these rude people are ticking me off just hearing about them! Can't believe Epcot is all done!!! :( Hopefully all the annoying people are through for your day and the rest will be fantastic!! I love all the shopping you did and Matt's hat is ADORABLE!! We are going in Oct this year and I hope they have a hat like that! I LOVE the hidden Chip n' Dale!!! :thumbsup2

I know, they were lame-os, but we just tried to enjoy the rest of our day as much as we possibly could! And yeah, his hat was too cute! I was glad he went with that one. :goodvibes

Sad it is your last day :sad: but I did want to tell you how much I love your photos. First, you take so many more than I ever do, but the quality of them is amazing. The interior photos of HM are stunning! I keep telling my DH that I need a better camera since I have a dinky coolpix, but then I know part of getting good photos is being a good photographer and I am.....not! :confused3

I know, it's a bummer, but I'm also ready to wrap up this TR! I feel like I've been writing it forever, hahaha. And thank you so much! It helps having a really awesome camera, and I try each trip to improve my skills. Practice is what helps, and learning your camera, too!

I'm loving the rest of your trip report and the photo's of Haunted Mansion are awesome. Did I read that you guys are heading to Disneyland in May? We will be there May 17-24 maybe we could stop by Starbucks(big fan) for a dis meet

Thank you so much! We are going to be heading there in May, but will be there May 7th-11th! Wompwomp, we're just missing you! Otherwise a Starbucks meet would kind of be awesome... you know how much we love it!

I love that you and Matt are best friends!

Stupid annoying jerks on rides.... I saw that on my recent trip, I was eating at the Blue Lagoon restaurant in Pirates and heard a boat go by where they where doing a chant call/respond type thing........ the entire boat...... all I could think was if I was behind them on the ride I'd scream.

Thanks, I love that we're best friends, too! And yeah, I don't get why people think it's fun to ruin things. Something similar happened to us while eating at Blue Bayou during our last trip! We were sitting right next to the Bayou and this one boat was like yelling/screaming trying to get the attention of everyone eating. I wanted to throw something at them. But fortunately they moved along, so we only had to put up with them for a few seconds, haha.

Oh yeah leaving Disney is always hard, but leaving Disney with Epcot in your backyard has to be doubly painful.

What is it that causes what may be normal people in the "real world" (though I may be overly optimistic) to be such inconsiderate "ME First" types in Disney??? I'm gonna use my flash and I don't care who I blind or disurb in the process because I'm just so special. I particularly hate when people take self photos since that's when you really get the flash in the eyes. Infuriating!! And oh yeah, all your flash photos will absolutely suck! Congrats loser!

OMG your SE faces!! :lmao: God Bless you two. :hug:

Aww free cake pops. Love it!

Yup, Matt sure does look happy with his Canucks hat, lol.

Dani, I completly get the difference between loving AND liking the same person. What you basically have is a perfect blend that everybody should hope for. You are the very definition of soul mates.

Um... right. You only went into Starbucks to avoid the parade. Sure. :rolleyes1

WOW, you really found ALL the lovely people this day didn't you???

I know, right?! It's so sad.

I don't know, people are just so self-absorbed sometimes, I swear. I'm not perfect, but I don't take flash photos, so I guess I have that going for me, hahaha.

We love our SSE faces, they never really get old for us... ever.

Free cake pops were such a nice little bonus. They were such nice CMs!

Hahaha he was happy! He just couldn't find one and of course, gets one in Disney World. Disney has it all!

Thank you, Rob! He's my other half, I swear, and I feel very lucky to have found him. :goodvibes

HAHAHA we needed to avoid it, sooooo Starbucks was a great hiding place, right?!

We were just ATTRACTING tons of winners today! But we weren't going to let it ruin our last evening in MK!

My husband and I used to spend almost all of our non-working time together. It makes it even harder now that we live apart.

Flash pictures on rides is a huge thing for me too! Can you NOT hear them say "No flash pictures please!" And do you not realize how much that disturbs everything for everyone else?!?!

Hopefully you got away from rude people for the rest of the day!

I'm sure it does! I hope you guys will be living together again soon!

Ugh exactly, it's just so annoying. It's just rude. I wish I could flash my camera in their eyes 5 times and see how they like it!

We were trying not to let it ruin our day, wasn't worth it!

Leaving day is the worst! I always feel like I never spent enough time in Epcot, no matter how long I stayed there in my trip (does that make sense)?

I know, it's always a bummer! And yes, I totally understand what you mean because we felt that way about Epcot this trip! Wompwomp.

I really dislike ride ruiners!!

So sad your TR is coming to an end as well. I ended my own and now all my favorites are coming to an end. :sad2: I am going to go through some serious withdrawal! :worried:

Love shopping on my last day! Mousegears is awesome. I could spend all day in there wandering around.

A last dip in the pool is always great, too!

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day.

Agreedo, they're the worst.

I know, it's kind of a bummer! But I'll have my DLR one starting, so that's at least good, haha.

Shopping is the best, especially at MouseGear! It's my favorite store to shop in!

I love swimming on the last day, it's just a relaxing way to end the trip.. but then I always feel like I wished I'd swam more during the trip, hahaha.
Oh my, I'm catching up and you are almost through your last day. :sad1:

Sorry, I have a lot of comments since your updates are awesome as always!

Those Nutella waffles at Sleepy Hollow are ohhhh so good! I had to video my first taste when I tried it a couple years ago. I'm curious about the chicken one that you got that last day. Maybe I will put that one on my list as well.

Ohhh kayyyyy, that CM at Splash that basically went all church lady was odd. Reminds me of a come back from Uncle Buck (you are probably way too young to remember that) where he puts the lady in her place. See the youtube link here.

Dumbo at night! Weeeeeee is the perfect description!

The MK Castle kiss goodnight is definitely worthy of shedding a tear or two. We accidently saw that in August since we didn't know when they do that.

Ha ha the sneaked in TR note from Matt - thanks for the editorial! That was hilarious!

Sorry Beaches & Cream didn't work out. It can be a crazy wait when everyone is craving that at that same time. At least they now accept ADRs.

Very smart to start packing ahead of time. I'm sure it makes that last morning much more pleasant and less stressful. I try to aim for packing the night before but that doesn't usually happen.

I absolutely agree about flash photography on the dark rides! Preach it!! Come on people be considerate of others. I had to chuckle at your comment about the washed out photo that will just be deleted anyway. So true!

Awww your best friend/husband and all the togetherness that not too much was so sweet. If more people felt that way we'd see a lot more happier couples.

Wow! I'm impressed with that HM photo where you captured the stairs room. I can barely see that without night vision goggles. That's a great shot.

I feel the same about the last day urgency to not miss a thing. You want to do and see it all and soak it all in and you know the clock is ticking away.

When will you be at DL in May? You know... I'm an unofficial Disney greeter there! :lmao: Seriously though, if something works out I would love to be one of the people to run up to you and declare that I've seen your Disney trip videos!! :wave2:

I know! It's okay though, I'm behind on every TR possible, including my very own. I haven't updated in 2 weeks! UGH. But I was traveling for 8 days, so I have an excuse, haha... but still, I feel bad I fell so behind. I hope I start to have more time again soon to catch up myself!

The chicken waffle was REALLY good, too! If you like Sweet and Spicy, you'll enjoy it... but the Nutella is easily the best one.

OH MY GOODNESS! You do realize that Uncle Buck is like one of my absolute FAVORITE 80s movies, right?! Haha, I may have been more in the early 80s, but our family grew up watching any and all John Candy movies! So obviously I laughed so hard at the clip, hahaha. That movie is so good.

I love the Kiss Goodnight so much. Sigh, it's just the perfect way to end a night at MK.

Hahaha, he's a goober, but I had to bring it up. It was just such a funny story when I discovered it I had to tell it to you guys!

I'm both happy and sad that B&C accepts reservations now. But glad because I think attempt #2 will have to happen next trip!

I was glad we packed ahead of time. Made things a lot less hectic!

AMEN, NO flash photos, okay, thanks! It's such a simple rule but people are convinced that they are going to take a photo that they will blow up and frame. Meanwhile, the photo in actuality just shows way more than one is supposed to see of the ride, hahaha.

Thank you! Those photos were so hard to get, but I THINK we got stopped in that room. Maybe? I can't recall, haha.

Oh my goodness, I think that would be wonderful!! We are going to be there from May 7th-11th, so please let me know if you'll be around. I would love to see you and say hi!! :goodvibes

Long time lurker taking the plunge
I have just spent 3 hours reading your trip report and I love it and really dont want it to end haha
You and Matt make the cutest couple and the part you wrote about him being your husband and best friend is exactly how I feel about my other half (getting married this November after 6 years being together and one daughter) I love the fact he understands my 'geeky' ways and is just the same as me!
but thank you for writing this report we are going to Disney October 2015 for the first time as a family and reading these trip reports really give me some amazing ideas for my family and I
Big love from the UK xxx

YAY! I'm so glad you decided to take the plunge and comment! And that you've enjoyed my TR!! I totally get what you mean about being able to be yourself around your significant other. It's the best feeling! You guys will have the BEST time on your trip, and I'm glad my TR has helped give you some great ideas!! Thank you again for the wonderful comment!!

What a relaxing and lovely morning so far! Despite the sun, Epcot was awesome sounding, I do love the breakfast in france, I'll have to try that garlic cheese thing! YUM!

Ugh to obnoxious people, that's just plain rude, like, just stop.

LOVE the waffle sandwiches!!

It was a fabulous morning, I must say! And yes, try that Garlic Cheese roll.. IT IS SO GOOD!

Waffle sammies are the best.

I have to agree with this poster. I've been spending the past three days being generally unsocial and reading all your trip reports (and watching the videos!) and feeling a bit like a crazed stalker. I ended up subscribing to this forum just to let you know how deeply I wanted to thank you for the umpteen hours I'm sure you spent with the trip reports and entertaining me. (I read the TR with the funny Dinosaur ride photo and I am still laughing at the the "scream" photo... only because I have a photo of me EXACTLY like that from about ten years ago on that ride.)

So, thank you thank you thank you. I'm planning a trip this fall and have made notes to myself to sniff the Beach Club, try school bread, and definitely cough up the cash for MNSSHP.

Aww, this makes me happy, (well, not the anti-social part, though I've totally done that myself :rotfl:). But really, THANK YOU for the comment. It really does take me many, many hours of editing photos, videos, and LOTS of writing when I do these, so knowing that people appreciate them and read them makes it so worth it!

I still laugh at that photo, it's easily the funniest one we've ever gotten from the Attractions photos!

I think your trip sounds perfect, and you can't go wrong with doing ANY of those things! Thank you again so much for the comment, it really made me smile when I saw it!

Hi Danni, Just got caught up with your last few updates. Wow, that battered burger looks amazing. DH and I usually skip Downtown Disney (we are not big shoppers) but might have to make a special trip to try that. I totally understand about your flash photography pet peeve. It is mine also. I've actually considered learning how to say "no flash" in several different languages just so people have no excuse!! Ugh, I hate saying goodbye to EPCOT too. It's my favorite park. Hopefully one day we can stay at one of the Boardwalk resorts so we can walk there. Looking forward to your final thoughts -Amanda :goodvibes

Aww yay! Definitely try Cooke's, you will be happy you did!!

Ugh yeah, I should learn "NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY" in all languages so I can just yell it. :rotfl:

Saying goodbye is the saddest, especially Epcot and MK. Ugh, it bums me out.

Caught up again and usually that is a good thing except now you are almost to the end! :(

Of course I had tons of comments along the way but can't remember very many of them!

I was dying over your Spaceship Earth rude picture taking experience. When we were there last week the lady in the seat in front of us was taking flash picture of everything....really everything. It was driving me crazy....but to top it off (and this is when it became funny, like crying funny). As we were exiting her husband was trying to leave and she motioned for him to come with her because she "had to take a picture". At this point I had NO IDEA what she hadn't taken a picture of yet. Maybe you had to be there but at that moment I realized she ruined one ride for me but that man had to be with her for the whole vacation. haha

Sorry about Beaches and Cream. Once you decide to attempt the Kitchen Sink there really isn't much to compare. I feel pretty torn about them taking ADRs now. Like the wait is usually long but I do like the ability to just pop in.

Love Matt's notes and what makes it the best is that you didn't find it for so long that he had forgotten about it.

I really think you and Matt are just too adorable! Anyone that thinks you're weird for always wanting to be together likely doesn't have as good of a relationship as you two do.

It's okay! The nice thing about catching up is that there are tons of updates to keep you busy, hahaha.

SSE guy was the worst! And that's kind of hysterical, I think sometimes you just kind of have to laugh at what people do in the parks, even when it's driving you nuts! Seriously. That poor man, hahaha.

Yeah, I'm torn, as well! Of course, we made one just to make sure, but I'm hoping we can still just stroll in for lunch before it gets crazy to grab a bite!

Matt is such a dork, but yes, that part so cracked me up. Undiscovered for MONTHS!

Thank you so much, that's kind of what I figure! We're best friends and I'm happy with that.

Saying goodbye to the parks is always sad :sad1:

LOVE your Spaceship Earth photos - So funny!! :rotfl: Boo to the selfish people taking flash photos though :mad:

Ah - You can never have too many photos of the beautiful Beach Club! :)

Awww Dani - I love the way you write about Matt...It's obvious that you both love & respect each other as friends as well as partners & it's just adorable! :goodvibes

I feel exactly the same way as you do about stuff like that. It is so rude & selfish, & totally disrespectful to others. What is it with some people? :mad: I'm glad it didn't completely spoil the ride for you though.

Very best wishes,

I know, it's the saddest. Siiiigh. And thanks, haha, we're always goobers when it comes to taking photos on SSE!

Beach Club just never gets old... or ugly. It's just perfect!

You nailed it on the head, and I'm glad you got that out of what I was trying to say. I love him so much!

And yeah, people can just be so, so rude in Disney parks. I don't really understand WHY. It's very frustrating. But we just kind of tried to deal with it since we knew it was our final ride on it that trip.

I love love love reading these! I tweeted to you the other day, and I fully caught up this morning. So pardon me while I leave a monster paragraph reply. Oh these make me so happy. I loooove that y'all have such an addiction to school bread (nomnomnom) and to the Haunted Mansion. I love Matt's MNSCHP costume and I loved yours too!
Beach Club is definitely one of my top 3 resorts, just everything about it ugh can I be there now? And oh! The ToT tour....the ride scares me to death, but I love the queue. All of your pictures of the details were fantastic.
I can't wait to read more about your final day!!

Awww thank you so much! Your tweet seriously made me so happy! We so love School Bread, and yes, Matt's love for the Haunted Mansion is pretty amazing! It has certainly rubbed off on me, as well!

BC is just AMAZING! I could definitely go for a trip there RIGHT NOW! You're similar to Matt! He loves everything about ToT EXCEPT the ride itself, hahaha. It's just not his favorite... and not mine either, but I can do it once or twice a trip and survive! But thank you again!!
OH MY GAHD I'M BACK! Sorry I went AWOL there for a bit, BUT I have a legitimate excuse: I was off on an east coast adventure to Boston (visiting my family) and then to New York City for work! I had a good time but I am SO HAPPY TO BE HOME. I missed Matt and the doggies and my bed and my house and Seattle... But yes, I'm back, and so I finally have some time to update this TR. I'm sorry I left you guys hanging, considering this TR is SO CLOSE to being complete, but I've got some good updates for you guys!


I've started my November Disneyland Trip Report!!! I know, I know, can you believe another TR is already happening? I can't. There is no time for trip-reporting breaks, especially when we had such an awesome time in Disneyland. AND even cooler, we got to stay not only on-property, but at the freakin' GRAND CALIFORNIAN!

So if you're interested in what it's like to stay on-property in Disneyland, want to see what the holidays are like in Disneyland (and ermahgerd is it amazing), LOTS of awesome photos, OR just want another fun trip report with Matt and me being snazzy and awesome, please click on the linkie below and get ready for a fun-filled 4 days of Matt and Dani in Disneyland! I promise this trip is filled with TONS of good eats and good times, so I hope you'll follow along!

That's the 30th time we've heard that song.. A GRAND Xmas Adventure! Nov 13 TR

Now that we've gotten all of THAT out of the way, onto our next set of updates for this lovely current TR...

Chapter 58: Root Beer Floats are worth getting sidetracked for.
Day Eleven: September 21st, 2013

After our final and MUCH less obnoxious ride on the Haunted Mansion (it was ride number 13 for us during our trip!), we left and went over to the Tangled bathrooms because I had to go. I can safely say that the Tangled bathrooms are the most beautiful bathrooms I've ever been in! And of course, I couldn't help take a bunch of photos while in there.

I definitely got looks from people while I was snapping photos, but I didn't even care!






Once I met Matt outside, we decided to look around for Pascals friends in the area!


I found this little nugget staring back at me, hahaha. They were SO CUTE.


We actually had missed a ton of them! So I'm looking forward to our next trip in looking for more of them.

I took a few photos of the outside area, again, because like I've mentioned 942093 times before, I'm obsessed. And then Matt took some photos of me, too!




We headed over towards Tomorrowland to go on the PeopleMover, but got sidetracked by Auntie Gravity's for some delicious ice cream. Of course, Matt went with his usual go-to, a Twist Cone.


I, on the other hand, was jonesin' for something different new... and decided to go with a root beer float!


This was SO GOOD. Disney soft serve is just delightful and the root beer was a perfect pairing with it. Seriously, I don't know how I never experienced it before, but I will definitely be getting it again on future trips!

After we finished our ice cream treats, we headed over for the PeopleMover, which was a delight, as it always is.




I really wanted to go on Buzz Lightyear, and Matt also wanted to get a little Space Mountain action, as well, so we grabbed FPs for both Buzz and Space Mountain.


We then decided to head over to Pirates for some fun, and stopped to get PhotoPass photos done.


I was really going to miss being here and seeing this...


We finally got to Pirates and while waiting in line, we talked with some random people in front of us who were super nice. I think some of them were there for their honeymoon... no wait, they'd just gotten engaged! But either way, they were all super pleasant and it made the time in line go by way faster.


It was our last ride on Pirates, and I love how my notes say "nice to know we'll go on in Disneyland"... And that we did during our November trip. But sadly, during our May DL trip, Pirates will be closed, WOMPWOMP. But I keep reminding myself that we'll get to go on Haunted Mansion that much more, haha.

We left Pirates and headed back to meet up with Jenn and the fam, since they were also at MK and we wanted to make sure to say hi to them before we left the next day!


They were watching Philharmagic, so Matt and I went over to the Sword in the Stone and took video of my attempt to pull it out... wiiiith no such luck. I stopped to take some photos in the area, since the Princess Fairy Tale Hall had literally JUST opened while we were there.



We had some time, so we went back to go and get Matt a Churro and a Mickey pretzel for us to share... WITH CHEESE SAUCE. Nom.

Along the way, I stopped and took another photo of one of Pascal's friends. They're so cute!


Then Matt got in line for delicious foodies.


And then he turned and confusedly asked me question... and he will hate me for posting this photo, hahaha.


Continued in next post
Chapter 59: "EAT IT, EVERYONE!" Part Deux.. and my worst nightmare ever.
Day Eleven: September 21st, 2013

He finally came back over with our food, which obviously meant I'd take a photo of him with it.


And of course, the shot I always try to get during our trips... a "Matt eating his favorite Disney snack, a Churro" shot.


We needed a good place to sit and eat, so we went back to the Tangled area to see if we could find a spot. Unfortunately, all of the little sitting tables were taken, but we found a seat on one of the little walls to enjoy our food and one of my absolute favorite areas.


The pretzel with cheese was REALLY good. The cheese was some random company, but not the usual fake Disney cheese, so it wasn't as good... but the pretzel was a delight!


OH! So when Matt got his Churro and I took that photo, I also took video of him because I thought it'd be awesome for our video. Lo and behold, I found out I never pressed record. NOOOO. Wompwomp, I hate when that happens!

After finishing up, we went back to the Philharmagic area to say goodbye to Jenn, Brandon, and the kids. We chatted for a while about their EPIC MORNING... and I'm not going to spoil anything, but let me just say they had the BEST morning ever. Seriously, it was awesome. You'll just have to hang in tight to find exactly what it entailed if you're reading along with her TR!

We also played more Rock Paper Scissors with the kids... or well, Matt did, haha. It was pretty adorable and I caught most of it on video. My favorite was when Matt and Julia were playing, Sawyer SO BADLY wanted to be a part of it, so you see him in the video throwing down a little bit of his own version of Rock Paper Scissors. TOO ADORABLE.

It was really a bummer saying goodbye to them, but we had FPs to go use and so it was time. I can't say enough good things about this family and how much we adore them. I am SO SO happy that we got to meet them while we were there and spend so much time with them all! Their kids are just awesome and both Jenn and Brandon are some of the most fantastic parents I've ever met. Seriously, I'm not kidding. We consider them all family, and even had a little FaceTime session with them right around Christmas time. We love 'em!

After saying goodbye and trying to keep it somewhat brief so I didn't get overly sad, we headed back over to Tomorrowland because we needed to use our FPs for Buzz Lightyear.

With a little spinny-help from Matt, I suddenly looked down at my score and saw this:


WAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOEY! I was so excited! I FINALLY DID IT! And yes, I know so many other people have done it before, but I made it a GOAL and I did it, so BAM. Or as Matt would say... EAT IT, EVERYONE!

And this was our end-result PP photo, hahahaha.


In my excitement, while picking up our PP picture, I explained to the CM why we had that pose and that I'd scored 999,999 points. She then celebrated and handed me this awesome button for me to wear!


We decided to go on again with our FP+, but then it just didn't work. The MB scanner was just circling a white light over and over again. The CM let us through, and we got to the second one where again, same light on the MB scanner. THAT CM then decided to inform me that ALL FP+ MACHINES WERE DOWN IN THE PARK... and then followed it up with "go have fun and ride lots of stuff!" Because they must honor your FP+ when it's down. I'm SURE this policy has changed since we were there, but at the time, we could have run all around MK and just went on whatever we wanted.

BUT don't worry, we didn't, because we weren't trying to go on like 34988953 rides.

We went on Buzz again but didn't spend the whole time trying to get max score again... I still managed to get around 954K though!


After Buzz, we headed over for Space Mountain, right on time to use our FP we'd grabbed earlier. We got onto our spaceship rather quickly, and took a goofy photo where I had no idea where the camera was evidently.. but Matt did, hahaha.


So as we are going in, I notice that it seems really bright inside and I can see a lot of the tracks... then realize my WORST NIGHTMARE is happening because half of the lights are on in Space Mountain. I seriously wanted to NOPE my way on out of there, but I was strapped in and having to deal with it. Seeing that much of Space Mountain WHILE RIDING IT is not something I ever wanted to experience. It looks like a death trap from the PeopleMover, so actually being ON it with lights on had me screaming. Oh my God... Never ever again!

I mean, we still managed to have fun, don't get me wrong, but it was just scarier than normal. But I suppose Matt was happy with listening to my screams, so it all worked out in the end, especially for our last ride on it of the trip.

So when we got off, Matt insisted that I pick up this fantastic Space Mountain t-shirt, since I'm known for obviously screaming my face off. But it was such a rad t-shirt, I had to get it. So while we were checking out and getting out PhotoPass scanned, I was chatting with the CMs and they were so nice! I love kind CMs, and I feel like we experienced so many of them this trip. We definitely spent a lot of time just randomly chatting with CMs and I really enjoyed it!

So at this point, we decided that our final ride would be the PeopleMover. The park had gotten a bit busier, so it worked out well, and even the PeopleMover had a legitimate line. I mean, nothing awful but it wasn't officially a walk-on, either. Soon enough, we were on our way on our final ride of the trip, and plenty of photos to go along with it..







It was the perfect way to end things, zooming around Tomorrowland and looking at the castle and lights of the park as the sky got darker.

Anyway, after it was over, we went to go and get me the ONE treat I MUST have on every trip, and be photographed eating it. Many of you will recall this, but it's the good ol' Mickey Premium bar!

Every trip, I get one and get my photo taken with it, while wearing Mickey ears.



My Mickey Premium was delightful! I love those bars so much, they're always delicious.

We walked while I ate, slowly taking everything in and saying goodbye to Magic Kingdom. I took photos as we went along and just really enjoyed soaking it all up.





Main Street Electrical Parade was beginning, so we made our way down Main Street, and right on into the Confectionary to pick up some final goodies and gifts. I loved hearing MSEP music playing while we shopped on our way out... It was the perfect way to leave the parks for the final time that trip.


After we got our treats, I took a little last-minute video, including the "See ya real soon!" pumpkins that you see at the end of our trip video, and you can even hear MSEP music in the background. I knew that was exactly how I'd end the video.

Next, as sad as it is, my final update AND my final thoughts for this trip!

Continued in next post
Pretty sure I got choked up at the end of this! Love love love this TR so much. And hereeee I go over to follow your new TR! Woooooo more Disney adventures!
SO sad it's almost the end :(

My very first time on Space Mountain (at DLR) the lights were on. And honestly, I think that convinced me that it wouldn't kill me and wasn't THAT scary.
Ride 13 on HM. Perfection!!

Ugh, the Pascal hunt is so much harder than it seems.

Aww look at the FastPasses. I can see me now, "I remember when fastpasses were on paper and that's just how we liked it."

Oh Dani. That photo of Matt turning around to ask you a question. I have tears streaming. I can always count on you to give me a laugh.

Hmmmm, Jenn and fam... epic morning... Magic Kingdom... me thinks a TR title was born this day. :scratchin

BAHAHAHA... BEST BUZZ RIDE PHOTO EVER!! Not that I'm surprised. BUT, CONGRATULATIONS on your galactic hero status!!!!! OMG that photo. :rotfl2:

AHHH I'm so jealous you got to see SM lights on while actually on the ride. Obviously, you were not. I've seen it from the people mover and it does indeed look Medieval like some kind of torture chamber. But I'm still jealous.

*sigh* Looking at your pictures of the castle with the gazebo in front of the castle makes be so sad now that it's gone. While I never really used it (except to get party wristbands), I'm still going to miss it. :sad1: Just like I'll miss this TR.
I'm SO happy you had such a lovely afternoon/evening at the MK to bid farewell to your trip, especially since the day didn't start out so great. Also, I LOVED that the first song you heard when you arrived on the Magical Express was the Baroque Hoedown (ELP music), and it was the last thing you heard leaving the Magic Kingdom. I'm such a sucker for little moments like that. :cloud9:

We always try to make the PeopleMover our last ride at MK (and SE at Epcot). They're so simple, but so perfect. :goodvibes

That picture of Matt when he turned around to ask you a question was hilarious! I totally chuckled out loud. And the pics of you outside the Tangled bathrooms are so adorable. You look so genuinely happy.

Congrats on the 999,999 score on Buzz!! :cheer2: That picture was too cute!

I kept meaning to respond to the post you wrote about how much you love Matt, and your life together, so I'm sorry this is late but I just wanted to say that it really touched me. It was so incredibly sweet and sincere. I'm so happy and thankful to say that I can totally relate, so it really put a lump in my throat. :blush:

p.s. I'm sorry for texting while you were on your trip! I didn't realize you were traveling until I saw one of your posts on IG later that day. I grabbed an extra Oswald pin anyway, so if you need him I'll pop him in the mail. (I have a few friends who live out of state that I keep an eye out for when I'm shopping in the parks).

I'm SO excited for your DL TR! Running over there to get started on it. pixiedust:
Great update, Dani. I'm sure you must be so happy to be home after a successful solo trip out here to the East Coast (I'm in Maryland). I also just love how you frequently call you and Matt goobers and dorks. :lmao: You would so totally fit into my family :hug: - better than some of my actual sisters! (One of them actually doesn't 'get' Disney [what!?! :confused:], although the other three of us are totally obsessed. :hyper: ::yes::)

I have already subbed your new DL TR and am looking forward to your excellent story-telling skills, fine photography, and hilarious yet touching videos. :thumbsup2

Carryon, my friend.

Linda :surfweb:
Whew, I was jonesing pretty bad there. But at the same time I know the TR is coming to an end so I was kinda okay with you stalling on your update. (Soooo as a Cardinals fan I'm going to have to insist that, at least in my mind, you are not a Red Sox fan)

Last time I rode Buzz the ride stopped for like 30 seconds, and I was able to lock in on one of the high scoring targets and I got the 999,999 score also. I had just a slightly inflated ego for that. Had I gotten a picture AND a button like you I don't think my DW would have been able to stand to be around me.

That is a pretty awesome find for Pascal and his friends in the tangled area, you always alert me to some cool lil gem in Disney that I then need to find on my next trip. (still looking for that ring at the HM, going to have to go during the daytime)

I think people mover is the perfect end to the trip. While I'm not excited to see this TR end, I am excited to hear about your trip to Disneyland. Since we haven't booked it yet but I'm hoping we are going the 2nd week oh January 2015. Our first time there! So keep those lil gems coming.

Oh and I can't hear Imagine Dragons without seeing your video in my head, it is forever ingrained and unseperateable (shut up auto correct that is so a word) now
Great updates! So many delicious Disney snacks, I can't take it!!!!! :rotfl:

So sad that you had to say goodbye to Jen & Family, but it's really awesome that y'all were able to spend so much time with them during your trip. :goodvibes The moments with the kids were some of the sweetest parts of your trip video! You can really see how much those kids adore you & Matt.

That's SO cool that the CM gave you a congrats button for maxing out the score! I had no idea they did that, but what a cute way to commemorate.

Riding Space Mountain with the lights on!!! :scared1: Uh, NO THANKS!
What wonderful lovely updates!!

Love that you guys were just relaxing around mk on the last day, that's so awesome!

Yay for lots of snacks, and getting to see jen & the fam again! I also have to say, that bit of the trip video where sawyer's trying to get into the rock paper scissors is one of my favorite parts! Baha so cute!!
After lurking through the entire TR, I wanted to express how genuinely happy your TR made me. So happy that you two enjoy each others company so much. It's a great feeling to be in Disney with the one you love. Very excited for you Disneyland TR!
Ah yay I am all caught up but sad it is coming to and end! I am over on your DLR TR though and wrote in there. You and your hubby are very cute together. Your Matt reminds me a lot of my Matt (haha!) and we have the same type of goofy relationship where we're not just husband and wife, we are also best friends. It is the best type of marriage!! :)

Because of your report my Matt and I got Ghiardelli, and I knew exactly which one I was getting... the Gold Rush! We ended up sharing one but man it was so good. It's a must have for all of our trips from now on! We also had to get Earl of Sandwich because of your report too. My hubby loves sandwiches so I know he would love EOS. So even though we have not been to WDW (ok I have but I was so young and don't remember) your TR has still helped us at DLR. :thumbsup2
Hellooooooo, Dani!!! I've been following right along but I've consistently been about 3 weeks behind... Until now and now you're ready to wrap it up! I've sooo enjoyed your TR and look forward to getting on the band wagon way earlier from now on! My September trip was pretty much the same dates as yours... I kept looking for myself in photos of yours when I knew I was in the same general location :rotfl: I only wish I had stumbled on your trip reports earlier so we could have done a meet! Next time!

Your love of Disney really shines through and I'm so happy I got to relive your trip with you!!! :goodvibes
Pretty sure I got choked up at the end of this! Love love love this TR so much. And hereeee I go over to follow your new TR! Woooooo more Disney adventures!

Dawwww, I'm glad you followed me over to my DL TR though! It's bittersweet ending this TR, but it was a blast writing it!

SO sad it's almost the end :(

My very first time on Space Mountain (at DLR) the lights were on. And honestly, I think that convinced me that it wouldn't kill me and wasn't THAT scary.

I know, it's kind of crazy that all I have left is one update! Wompwomp.

Space Mountain in Disneyland is no issue for me, it's Space Mountain in WDW that terrifies me! DL you feel pretty safe in those seats, but WDW you feel like you'll fly out at any second, hahaha.

Ride 13 on HM. Perfection!!

Ugh, the Pascal hunt is so much harder than it seems.

Aww look at the FastPasses. I can see me now, "I remember when fastpasses were on paper and that's just how we liked it."

Oh Dani. That photo of Matt turning around to ask you a question. I have tears streaming. I can always count on you to give me a laugh.

Hmmmm, Jenn and fam... epic morning... Magic Kingdom... me thinks a TR title was born this day. :scratchin

BAHAHAHA... BEST BUZZ RIDE PHOTO EVER!! Not that I'm surprised. BUT, CONGRATULATIONS on your galactic hero status!!!!! OMG that photo. :rotfl2:

AHHH I'm so jealous you got to see SM lights on while actually on the ride. Obviously, you were not. I've seen it from the people mover and it does indeed look Medieval like some kind of torture chamber. But I'm still jealous.

*sigh* Looking at your pictures of the castle with the gazebo in front of the castle makes be so sad now that it's gone. While I never really used it (except to get party wristbands), I'm still going to miss it. :sad1: Just like I'll miss this TR.

I know, right?! Couldn't have picked a better number, haha.

Pascal hunt IS way more difficult! I'm excited to look for more of them though.

I know, I miss legacy FPs. Wah. :(

Hahahaha, I figured you'd love that one. Matt, nooot so much.

I KNOW, it's kind of obvious if people read Jenn's TR, hahaha.

Hahahah thanks, I love that photo, it always cracks me up!

Space with lights on, NO NO NO. It's not a good thing, I promise. :rotfl:

I SO agree with the little gazebo being gone. I loved getting that shot of the castle and well, now, it's not there anymore, which is a total bummer. :(

I'm SO happy you had such a lovely afternoon/evening at the MK to bid farewell to your trip, especially since the day didn't start out so great. Also, I LOVED that the first song you heard when you arrived on the Magical Express was the Baroque Hoedown (ELP music), and it was the last thing you heard leaving the Magic Kingdom. I'm such a sucker for little moments like that. :cloud9:

We always try to make the PeopleMover our last ride at MK (and SE at Epcot). They're so simple, but so perfect. :goodvibes

That picture of Matt when he turned around to ask you a question was hilarious! I totally chuckled out loud. And the pics of you outside the Tangled bathrooms are so adorable. You look so genuinely happy.

Congrats on the 999,999 score on Buzz!! :cheer2: That picture was too cute!

I kept meaning to respond to the post you wrote about how much you love Matt, and your life together, so I'm sorry this is late but I just wanted to say that it really touched me. It was so incredibly sweet and sincere. I'm so happy and thankful to say that I can totally relate, so it really put a lump in my throat. :blush:

p.s. I'm sorry for texting while you were on your trip! I didn't realize you were traveling until I saw one of your posts on IG later that day. I grabbed an extra Oswald pin anyway, so if you need him I'll pop him in the mail. (I have a few friends who live out of state that I keep an eye out for when I'm shopping in the parks).

I'm SO excited for your DL TR! Running over there to get started on it. pixiedust:

It ended so well, even if people were getting annoying at that point, haha. AND that is such a great observation, I didn't even think about that! But how perfect, right?! Haha you are definitely good at details!

Such a good call. We kind of switch things up but the PeopleMover was perfect that night. I love it so much!

Hahaha, I am the queen of getting photos like that of Matt... that's what happens when I'm taking the photos 95% of the time! And thank you. :goodvibes I love that area so much, it makes me so happy.

Thanks! It was quite a feat and I was happy about it. Now if only I could do that well on Buzz in Disneyland. :lmao:

Daww, it was definitely all true. Hard to explain but I love him and I love being best friends with him, too.

And oh my gosh, it's so okay! I'm just sorry I totally forgot to reply! I would love that Oswald pin if you don't mind, and THANK YOU for grabbing it for us! It will fit in well with our other Oswald pins!!

YAY, I'm excited for it, too!

Great update, Dani. I'm sure you must be so happy to be home after a successful solo trip out here to the East Coast (I'm in Maryland). I also just love how you frequently call you and Matt goobers and dorks. :lmao: You would so totally fit into my family :hug: - better than some of my actual sisters! (One of them actually doesn't 'get' Disney [what!?! :confused:], although the other three of us are totally obsessed. :hyper: ::yes::)

I have already subbed your new DL TR and am looking forward to your excellent story-telling skills, fine photography, and hilarious yet touching videos. :thumbsup2

Carryon, my friend.

Linda :surfweb:

Thank you! I was so happy to finally come home to Seattle after 8 days of being away from Matt and the pups. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time seeing my family and exploring NYC after, but coming home was wonderful.

Hahaha, we totally our dorks/goobers! I'm glad you understand the love for those terms, hahaha.

I'm glad you're over on my DLR TR, yay! I'm excited to post more!

Whew, I was jonesing pretty bad there. But at the same time I know the TR is coming to an end so I was kinda okay with you stalling on your update. (Soooo as a Cardinals fan I'm going to have to insist that, at least in my mind, you are not a Red Sox fan)

Last time I rode Buzz the ride stopped for like 30 seconds, and I was able to lock in on one of the high scoring targets and I got the 999,999 score also. I had just a slightly inflated ego for that. Had I gotten a picture AND a button like you I don't think my DW would have been able to stand to be around me.

That is a pretty awesome find for Pascal and his friends in the tangled area, you always alert me to some cool lil gem in Disney that I then need to find on my next trip. (still looking for that ring at the HM, going to have to go during the daytime)

I think people mover is the perfect end to the trip. While I'm not excited to see this TR end, I am excited to hear about your trip to Disneyland. Since we haven't booked it yet but I'm hoping we are going the 2nd week oh January 2015. Our first time there! So keep those lil gems coming.

Oh and I can't hear Imagine Dragons without seeing your video in my head, it is forever ingrained and unseperateable (shut up auto correct that is so a word) now

Hahaha, I'm sorry! SOX FAN FOR LIFE! ;)

HOORAY for being Galactic Heroes! We should start a club for that, just sayin'.

I'm very excited to go look for more friends of Pascal! They're not easy to find though... and yes, you MUST find the ring! It's so awesome.

PeopleMover is a fabulous way to end a trip, agreed! And yay, I hope my DL TR helps with planning, you will love it!

Hahaha, that makes me happy because I'm the same way. I just think of our first trip video and then it makes me want to go back right away, wah.

Great updates! So many delicious Disney snacks, I can't take it!!!!! :rotfl:

So sad that you had to say goodbye to Jen & Family, but it's really awesome that y'all were able to spend so much time with them during your trip. :goodvibes The moments with the kids were some of the sweetest parts of your trip video! You can really see how much those kids adore you & Matt.

That's SO cool that the CM gave you a congrats button for maxing out the score! I had no idea they did that, but what a cute way to commemorate.

Riding Space Mountain with the lights on!!! :scared1: Uh, NO THANKS!

Hahaha, I know, we were squeezing in a ton of snackies this trip!!

I know, it was a bummer but we had such a good time hanging out with them. They are just such a wonderful family! And I am glad I caught those moments on video, too. They were too adorable.

Yeah, they sometimes do! It was kind of an awesome little surprise after my score, haha.

YEAH NO KIDDING. It was not fun and terrifying to say the least.

What wonderful lovely updates!!

Love that you guys were just relaxing around mk on the last day, that's so awesome!

Yay for lots of snacks, and getting to see jen & the fam again! I also have to say, that bit of the trip video where sawyer's trying to get into the rock paper scissors is one of my favorite parts! Baha so cute!!

Thanks!! We were having a fabulous laid back afternoon, perfect way to end a trip.

Hahaha Sawyer is the funniest little boy ever. I loved that he kept trying to play with them, it was so cute!

After lurking through the entire TR, I wanted to express how genuinely happy your TR made me. So happy that you two enjoy each others company so much. It's a great feeling to be in Disney with the one you love. Very excited for you Disneyland TR!

I am SO happy that you enjoyed my TR and it brought you happiness, seriously! Matt and I just love being together, and being in Disney is the best! I hope you enjoy my Disneyland TR, too!!
Ah yay I am all caught up but sad it is coming to and end! I am over on your DLR TR though and wrote in there. You and your hubby are very cute together. Your Matt reminds me a lot of my Matt (haha!) and we have the same type of goofy relationship where we're not just husband and wife, we are also best friends. It is the best type of marriage!! :)

Because of your report my Matt and I got Ghiardelli, and I knew exactly which one I was getting... the Gold Rush! We ended up sharing one but man it was so good. It's a must have for all of our trips from now on! We also had to get Earl of Sandwich because of your report too. My hubby loves sandwiches so I know he would love EOS. So even though we have not been to WDW (ok I have but I was so young and don't remember) your TR has still helped us at DLR. :thumbsup2

Haha, it's okay! At least there is another TR to read along with. :) And thank you so much! Having that kind of relationship is the best. Laughing together I think is so important, and I'm glad we have that. I so agree, best type of marriage for sure.

Ooooh yes, such a good call on the Gold Rush! It's so good, yum. We are definitely going to have to get Ghirardelli next month in Disneyland! And EARL. Oh my gosh do I love Earl of Sandwich, it's so good! I'm glad my tips here have helped out at DLR!

Hellooooooo, Dani!!! I've been following right along but I've consistently been about 3 weeks behind... Until now and now you're ready to wrap it up! I've sooo enjoyed your TR and look forward to getting on the band wagon way earlier from now on! My September trip was pretty much the same dates as yours... I kept looking for myself in photos of yours when I knew I was in the same general location :rotfl: I only wish I had stumbled on your trip reports earlier so we could have done a meet! Next time!

Your love of Disney really shines through and I'm so happy I got to relive your trip with you!!! :goodvibes

Aww yay, it's okay! Sometimes it's fun catching up on TRs in one fell-swoop vs. over time... kind of like reading a book without having to stop in some ways. But I'm glad you enjoyed my TR!! That would have been fun if we'd run into each other!!

Thank you again, and I'm so glad you decided to follow along on our little adventures. :goodvibes
Chapter 60: See Ya Real Soon!
Day Eleven: September 21st, 2013

We got to our bus stop and luckily didn't have to wait for very long for one to show up. It was very cool on the bus, but nice to walk into.


We hopped off at the Yacht Club so we could walk back to Beach Club and enjoy the views of the BoardWalk one last time. As we walked out of the Yacht Club, we caught Illuminations going off. Talking about the perfect time to be walking back to our room.



Oh how I was going to miss these views and the BoardWalk area in general...



We finally got to Beach Club, stopped by the ATM (yay for Chase ATMs on property and no ATM fees!). We looked around the Marketplace for this one Halloween flag we'd been on the hunt for our entire trip, but we sadly never found it! This is why you always buy things when you see them if you want them!

We headed out of the Marketplace, back to our room, took showers, finished packing, and watched Stacey. Before I packed everything up, I took photos of some of our purchases from the evening.




It was bittersweet to be leaving the next morning. Or well, I mean, it was bitter knowing we had to be up at 3:15am for the Magical Express, and leaving Disney is always sad. But when you get back to your room and know you have to be up that early, you just kind of want to be done and get the heck home. Less having to drag out the sadness of another trip ending, and that point, you just want to get home. We don't really have much of another option for direct flights from MCO to Seattle, unless we want to get home late on a Sunday night, so the early morning flight it is for us every time!

As for a quick overview of our trip home...

We made sure to wake up on time and got ourselves down to the waiting area for the Magical Express. AKA, the BAD Magical Express. The one that is taking a bunch of sad people to the airport.



Wompwomp. Upon arriving at MCO, security was a hot mess like it always is, but we actually made it through quickly. I guess we'd chosen the right line! We got ourselves some Starbucks and breakfast, and shortly after, we were on our way back to Seattle. The flight home was pretty much uneventful, and when we got back, we were just really excited to get home and see the puppies.


Our town car picked us up, and off we went to our house!


Our doggies were VERY happy to see us, and I took a few photos of some of the merchandise I'd forgoten to post during our trip.

First and foremost... SULLEY DUFFY! (with a tired Anya in the background).


Our new Haunted Mansion coasters:


Our new antenna toppers:



Poncho Mickey was perfect for Seattle's winters! Lots and lots of rain.

Our new car magnets (though Pluto wasn't supposed to be on the car, so he got ruined pretty quickly, wompwomp):



And so ended another amazing trip for Matt and me, probably the most adventurous one yet!

Keeping reading for my final thoughts, and if you'd like to hear all about our trip to Disneyland from November, I'll throw the link up for that, as well! :)

Continued in next post


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