It's a Marshmallow New Year's!The End! Future trip?? 7.21.14 Update

I love this concept...the whole process! It was relaxed and magical to walk in, sit down and voila! Food delivered with little to no effort on our part!!

Keith, Chris and I had the Braised Pork (Coq Au Vin style) - eight-hour slow-cooked pork with mushrooms, onions, carrots and bacon served with mashed potatoes and green beans jardiniere $11.99 This was delicious!!! I loved it so much!!! It was table service food using a counter service credit!! Marvelous!!!

Madison ordered the Carved Turkey Sandwich - served on a warm baguette with Dijon mayonnaise and Pomme Frites $11.19 Madison had considered changing due to not feeling good but couldn't resist the fries. We LOVE Disney fries!! (And I must add after last weekend that Universal has some pretty good fries too! I am a fries snob and VERY picky so :thumbsup2 Disney and Universal!!!) So Madison stuck with the turkey sandwich and was glad she did! Plus after this meal, she was back to feeling like herself!!

And we each had a different dessert so we could taste them all!

Strawberry Cream Cheese Cupcake - vanilla sponge cake, strawberry mousse filling, and cream cheese icing $3.19

I think this was the Chocolate Cream Puff - filled with chocolate mousse topped with whipped cream $3.19

Triple Chocolate Cupcake - chocolate sponge cake, chocolate mousse filling, and chocolate ganache $3.19

The Master's Cupcake Highlight Item - chocolate sponge cake topped with Lumiere's special grey stuff $3.19

The cream puff and triple chocolate cupcake were the least favorites. The strawberry was extremely good! And the grey stuff was great!!

We finished up our meal and headed out but first just a few more pics!!

I really enjoyed Be Our Guest. I'd definitely return and perhaps one day for supper. Lunch is satisfying enough though if I am doing the DDP and I am short on dining credits.

The day was finally beginning to live up to the forecast...warmer temps and blue skies. We had so little of the blue skies this trip!!!

And then we decided a break was in order!! So we headed to the exits:

Back at the resort, we think we may hang by the pool a bit:

But the chairs were all very wet and we did not have any towels, so back to the room we went. Some napped, some watched football...Keith and I watched football. Ole Miss was playing their bowl game and while we ARE NOT Ole Miss fans, we were pulling for the "home" team.

And one random picture I took that afternoon inside the room:

Wow! We covered some serious ground from 7 am - 2:30 pm. Even with all of the bumps in the road!! Now for a nice rest before we take on a fun and exciting evening!!!
WOW, it's really cool to see photos of this parade in the daytime. Granted at night there's a different magical feel to it, but it is so hard to photograph. So fun to see it in the daylight.

Eee-yikes that's crowded. I bet Keith was in his glory!!

I've only eaten lunch at BoG, but to be honest, dinner doesn't entice me anyway other than the opportunity to meet the beast. I was plenty happy with lunch.
Nice pics of the parade!

I love Beauty and the Beast and loved going inside of Be Our Guest! I have only had one good dining experience there so I am hoping my two trips to it in May is better :thumbsup2

Sounds like you all are having a great day so far!
So glad Madison got to feeling better. Feeling bad at Disney is never fun! :(

Lunch looks delicious! For our upcoming October trip, I decided not to even try getting a dinner ADR there. I think we'll try lunch instead. Your review makes me feel better about that choice.
Madison dislikes It's a Small World? Shame!

Bahahaha, tinkle tower. Awesome.

OMG, that's too funny with Keith trying to trick you while he was already on the bus to the Magic Kingdom.

I say the same thing about my selfies! If I didn't take them, we would have no idea I was there!

Foo's Boo!

Oh yes, the masses of people during New Years. Definitely something to contend with.

I'm glad you opted for lunch at BOG. We liked it more than dinner.

Oh yeah, the braised pork is so good.
Great update!! And I didn't think you took too many pics of the parade. I'm finding that the more times we go to WDW, the more pics I take! :confused3
I am loving your report and especially the pictures. I was so thrilled when I came across it because due to college schedules we are braving the crowds and headed to the world 12/26 - 12/31. So far it doesnt seem like the crowds have dampened your spirits so I'm very encouraged! I'm going to go into it expecting the worst and by trying to soak up the atmosphere rather than operating at my normal commando level. This will be our 3rd trip this year though so maybe we won't feel too bad if we miss things. Ketih reminds me alot of my own husband so I can't wait to read the rest!! Thanks so much for sharing!
WOW, it's really cool to see photos of this parade in the daytime. Granted at night there's a different magical feel to it, but it is so hard to photograph. So fun to see it in the daylight.

Eee-yikes that's crowded. I bet Keith was in his glory!!

I've only eaten lunch at BoG, but to be honest, dinner doesn't entice me anyway other than the opportunity to meet the beast. I was plenty happy with lunch.

I really liked seeing it during the day. It has a completely different feel in many ways but also in those ways IMHO it was better. Maybe it was because I love to take so many pictures and it's easier!!

Yeah, those crowds really shaped Keith's opinion! :worried:

Lunch was good and I was slightly worried since I'd read some not so great reviews but we were pleased. In all honesty, the dinner menu didn't bowl me over so giving up that coveted ADR wasn't a big deal.

Nice pics of the parade!

I love Beauty and the Beast and loved going inside of Be Our Guest! I have only had one good dining experience there so I am hoping my two trips to it in May is better :thumbsup2

Sounds like you all are having a great day so far!

Thank you!

I remember the issues ya'll have had. I hope May is much better and especially since it will be your dad's first try!

It had been a pretty good day aside from Madison feeling bad but thankfully that was behind us!

So glad Madison got to feeling better. Feeling bad at Disney is never fun! :(

Lunch looks delicious! For our upcoming October trip, I decided not to even try getting a dinner ADR there. I think we'll try lunch instead. Your review makes me feel better about that choice.

Being sick at Disney is so frustrating! You want to do things but don't feel like it. :(

Yes try for the lunch. When are you going in October??

Madison dislikes It's a Small World? Shame!
I am trying to convert her but no luck so far...I just don't understand her sometimes! :confused3

Bahahaha, tinkle tower. Awesome.

:goodvibes HeeHee!

OMG, that's too funny with Keith trying to trick you while he was already on the bus to the Magic Kingdom.

He always tries things like this and sometimes he really fools me. Unfortunately Madison has learned this from him and scared me to death the other day. :crazy2:

I say the same thing about my selfies! If I didn't take them, we would have no idea I was there!

Oh so sad but at least now with selfies we can prove we actually go places!! :rotfl:

Foo's Boo!


Oh yes, the masses of people during New Years. Definitely something to contend with.

Oh yes!! But thankfully to this point it hadn't been too awful. You could tell it was more crowded but nothing that bothered us.

I'm glad you opted for lunch at BOG. We liked it more than dinner.

Oh yeah, the braised pork is so good.

The braised pork was so yummy!! I'm beginning to be more and more thankful that I made that change to lunch!

Great update!! And I didn't think you took too many pics of the parade. I'm finding that the more times we go to WDW, the more pics I take! :confused3

Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't too obnoxious!!

I am loving your report and especially the pictures. I was so thrilled when I came across it because due to college schedules we are braving the crowds and headed to the world 12/26 - 12/31. So far it doesnt seem like the crowds have dampened your spirits so I'm very encouraged! I'm going to go into it expecting the worst and by trying to soak up the atmosphere rather than operating at my normal commando level. This will be our 3rd trip this year though so maybe we won't feel too bad if we miss things. Ketih reminds me alot of my own husband so I can't wait to read the rest!! Thanks so much for sharing!

Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far! :goodvibes Our schedules dictated this week too and although it was crowded and slightly crazy, planning is key! Also, I am a commando tourer for the most part but I identified a few key things like you mentioned and that worked great. It cut down on the disappointments for the most part. I do think our frequent trips helped us out too since we didn't really feel like we missed anything major.

Great updates and pics.

Thank you!!!

wonderful, handsome boys, beautiful girls and happy family.

Thank you! We count our blessings often for sure!! :goodvibes
In the midst of planning a graduation party, helping address so many graduation invites, working on a post-grad reception, planning the senior night activities for the band, and then my regular old life and work schedule I am exhausted! But I don't want to leave you hanging for long so I am attempting an update. I just hope I don't fall asleep while doing so!! :faint:

Resort Touring: Art of Animation!!

The football game was over and we were rested and ready to head out for our big night and most importantly...dinner!!! At our favorite place!! Anyone care to take a gander where???

Once again, it becomes obvious that this spot was "the waiting zone" and once again proving I was on this trip...

And finally we are all out and ready to go!

But first, Madison wanted to take a walk across the bridge and check out Art of Animation. So away we went!! After crossing the bridge we had to decide right or left? Madison chose right and since I had seen the Cars section before, I was cool with the choice.

Once we headed right, I stopped for a shot of POP Century!! So lovely across the lake!

Of course since the Nemo section is in the middle we pass it so I was obliged to take a picture!

In the distance we spy the Little Mermaid section which wasn't on our stop list so I snapped one quick picture:

And then we were entering the land of The Lion King!!!!

And then the photobombing starts. Keith started doing this a few trips back and now ALL of the kids get in on the action...all THREE of them. (Yes, I am counting Keith as a kid!! :rolleyes1)

So I try...

And try...

Third time's a charm...not in this family!!!

Finally the shot!! And they wonder why it takes me a while to get the right picture so we can move along!!

This thing is HUGE!!!

And then moving along the path, a few more shots...

It just warms this mom's heart that her 18 year old daughter doesn't mind family time! Such a daddy's girl!

Continued in the following post...
Since we had FPP and an ADR to make and a journey ahead of us,we made our way to the bus stop with minimal stopping so just a few pictures as we entered Animation Hall.

Decked out for the holidays!!

I love this fixture!

What a Magical Evening!!

We had some FPPs to use this evening!! And our destination was none other than Magic Kingdom!!

I must say that one of my very most favorite things about the FPP system is the ability to schedule the FPP for whenever and that includes the evening! And you do not have to try and time pulling a FP for the right time as with the old system. Along the way to our first FPP destination we got to see the beginnings of New Years taking over the park!

And finally we arrived at our FPP destination:

I love riding Big Thunder Mountain after dark! It is so much fun!!!

While we waited in the FPP line, Madison and Keith were trying to make an agreement that they would not pester one another the rest of the evening. As you can tell, even the "agreement" consisted of pestering! :headache: Silly children!!

I am SO GLAD we had FPP!! And did you notice the stand-by time?! With the Fastpass we waited 15-20 minutes.

The evening was so beautiful!!! I just wanted to soak it all in!!

And we are reminded no dancing while riding BTMRR!!

Can you see the smile on Keith's face?!?! And he tries to tell me he doesn't enjoy the Magic Kingdom!!

Not one but TWO castles!!!

And soon the runaway train was slowed down enough for us to tuck and roll as we jumped off! it came to a screeching stop and we were unloaded in an orderly manner. But the tuck and roll as we jumped would have been so authentic...right?!?!?!

The Liberty Belle was passing by so I grabbed a picture of her all lit up!

And then it was off to our next FPP ride!! I just loved the ease of all of this!!

And Photobucket just went Boink so I will stop here...oh the suspense!! Where were we heading??? Where are our ADRs??? What does the rest of the night hold????
Aw sounds like you are super busy!!!

Great pictures of AOA even if some of them were photo bombed :rotfl2:

Sounds like a great start to an MK night!
Love the photo bombs. I think I am going to make that a thing on our next trip.
I loved walking around AoA (the one time I did it). Everything is so unmistakably Disney. Plus I love that since it and POP are so close to each other you can use each other's buses.

Awww, I have to admit, seeing Madison holding her Dad's hand is just too sweet. I've always said that "Disney Kids" just grow up better. :goodvibes
Aw sounds like you are super busy!!!

Great pictures of AOA even if some of them were photo bombed :rotfl2:

Sounds like a great start to an MK night!

The photobombing has become so routine and at times, it happens many more times than three!

The night was looking much better than the morning had been!

Love the photo bombs. I think I am going to make that a thing on our next trip.

Oh, you should really do it!! They do it so randomly so it is unexpected...and that makes it even funnier!

I loved walking around AoA (the one time I did it). Everything is so unmistakably Disney. Plus I love that since it and POP are so close to each other you can use each other's buses.

Awww, I have to admit, seeing Madison holding her Dad's hand is just too sweet. I've always said that "Disney Kids" just grow up better. :goodvibes

The bus stop and the food court makes the closeness of POP and AOA so great! And I agree...AOA feels very, very Disney!!
FastPass Round 3!!!

When Photobucket so rudely made me stop my last post, we were on our way to our next FPP destination. I was excited for this attraction because of the new Christmas "overlay" additions. I also love riding it at was none other than:

There were some Christmas decorations! We really like this even though it has imitation animals and super corny jokes. Okay, so the super corny jokes are why we go back again and again. Corny just makes our day! :laughing: We laugh even when we have heard them over and over during our many trips!

We arrived with time to spare before the FPP entry was allowed. So we stood around and took pictures!!

A few minutes before our time to be allowed in, Keith was growing weary of waiting and decided to try getting in early. The Mickey Head went round and round and round and GREEN!! So we got to go in about 5 minutes before the time (we had been watching the clock above the entry area so maybe it was off somewhat?). The queue area had some Christmas decor going on too!

Soon we were boarding our floating vessel which had been renamed for the holiday season:

Since the ride mostly dark and pictures wouldn't be good anyhow, I simply sat back and enjoyed the ride. I had read a lot of people complaining that other than the decorations any type of holiday homage was slim to none. Time has passed so I don't remember exactly how many jokes there were but I do remember being happy that there were more than I anticipated! Maybe by New Years they'd had time to come up with a few more! Regardless we had a great trip and our skipper was probably one of the best we'd ever had!

Continued in the following post...
Our Favorite Must-Do ADR!!​

Now it was time to make way to our dinner ADR! This has become our "must" every trip. And although Keith suggest skipping it, when ADR time comes, he always changes his mind! We make our way out of the park:

Then we hop on the monorail for the Poly.


We check in and get lucky to find a table and chairs open in the bar area. So we sit down and watch a little football while we wait:

Before long, we are called to our table and delicious, warm bread is brought to the table!!

And the tangy, fruity salad:

During the meal, the fireworks began and we had a decent view(even though the pictures give a different idea):

Sadly, this will be the only time we see Magic Kingdom fireworks this trip...more on that later!!

Then we get the wings and pot stickers...

And the noodles and veggies...

And finally the meat!! Chicken, pork, steak and shrimp. I recently read the chicken is gone (?) but since my focus is on the shrimp, I won't be disappointed. If the shrimp or steak disappear, out!!! :sad2:

And then the amazing bread pudding!!!!!!!

Continued in the following post...
NYE...a Practice Run!!​

Once we were completely stuffed, we hopped on the monorail to head back to the Magic Kingdom. The plan was to hop off at Grand Floridian to grab some gingerbread and see the gorgeous decorations. Only thing was Keith didn't see the importance in this so no hopping off. As more holiday plans get nixed later this evening, the special part of going during the holidays gets lost...we just missed out on so much! I probably should have insisted more, but since the trip had been so great...I didn't want any boats rocked. It is easier for me to get over disappointment than take the "wrath" of others. So maybe not wrath but pouting...:laughing: Needless to say, maybe this was another reason I left the vacation underwhelmed! I'm thinking Madison and I will go duo one year and just do what the guys consider "girl stuff"!!

Anyhoo...we are back at the Magic Kingdom and ready to take on more adventures!!

The first thing we do? The Railroad...and it is so different at night!!! I had no idea!! Keith really seems to like the train so I am seriously considering doing the Steam Engine Tour next trip. It was a little cool but not too terrible. The wait was low which was good.

All aboard!!!!!!

We grabbed a car in the very back and as you can see, this train ride was pretty empty!!

How cool is this!! Well, to me it was pretty cool!!

And a poor attempt at an in motion pic:

Our journey was soon over and we were heading down Main Street:

Making our way to Tomorrowland, I spot the Peoplemover!!

Can you believe this underrated ride is one we have yet to ride?! It is yet another thing I cannot talk my family into trying! Again, maybe I should insist more!

We were heading to another of our favorite attractions!

There were A LOT of people who must find this great fun too!! It was packed!! We were in the back and kind of meandering around waiting on entry into the theater. So of course, I take pictures!

Soon the doors swing open (although we are so far back that we know this only because of the movement forward!) and I make a off-handed (and jolly) comment that we will be standing room only. Little did I know until mere minutes only that we were indeed standing room only!!! We along with about 10 other people stand in the back against the wall. It was fine, and we completely enjoyed the show! It was hilarious, as usual! The best part though?! Due to our "inconvenience" of having to stand, each group got one FP for any ride that night!! Okay by me!!!

We head out and decide what to do next.

Buzz had a pretty long minute wait, but we have a FP in hand so we head over!

Now this game (as most any game) is never a winner for me! I can't ever figure out where my lazer is aimed and it is just pure frustration so I don't really even try anymore! And this is evident in the ride photo!

But I'd really like to know what Keith and Chris were doing!

By this time, the practice New Years Eve Party was getting kicked off in a loud way! There were strobe lights going to. A huge party atmosphere for sure!! I'd planned being at Magic Kingdom on this night for this very reason! I knew I did not want to be there for the actual NYE night but by going on this night, we could still see some of the activities. Plus a practice Fantasy in the Sky was going to occur at 11:50 pm!!

As we walk to the hub, the crowds build and build. Keith does not like crowds (as stated many times over!) so he bulldozes a trail to get away from them. I'm okay as long as I'm not in the middle of a standstill crowd. Due to the bulldozing through, he leaves us, Madison and Chris go opposite directions not being able to see anyone and I am totally lost!

I did get a few good pictures during this time though!

Another jolting thing is Christmas is still around with the decorations but the sounds have gone from background Christmas carols to loud, thumping party music. All within a short span of time. In some ways, it is kind of depressing. Time marches on and waits for no one! (sorry sentimental mom about to graduate daughter here...:rolleyes1) It is kind of a weird sensation though.

Finally we all find each other again (thank goodness for texting!!) and Keith is ready to go. Chris and I wanted to see the fireworks which is only 20-30 minutes away but Keith could careless. Madison is just sleepy (she is a early to bed/early to rise person). We considered Chris and me hanging back but in the end we all left, so I missed GF and FITS tonight...oh well, means a return trip is due!! :rolleyes:

As we leave for the night, "snow" is falling on Main Street and the magical feeling comes back somewhat!

We still had a return visit to MK planned so leaving wasn't a completely sad moment. This day wasn't exactly as planned but overall, at the end of the day, we'd had a pretty awesome and fun-filled day! We really did so much!!!

This day had come to an end and we had a big NYE day planned tomorrow! Crowds, park hop or not, NYE celebrations...just WHAT IS NYE at Disney really like!?!?!?!


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