A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...SW Weekends! UPDATE 10/28 last day

Then finally those disgusting creatures (3PO's words, not mine) arrived and we pulled out the Disney Infinity discs that Stephanie had brought us to trade with them.

Brian got a puzzle piece. He seems pretty pleased with it.

Stephanie got an old button, which perplexed her a bit.

I got a picture...

...and a paperclip.

I felt a bit like Charlie Brown when he went trick or treating and all his friends got treats and he got a rock.

Then we got super excited because...

The infamous Star Wars holiday special!!! George Lucas made the holiday special after A New Hope first came out. It is truly one of the worst things I have ever seen, and he must have agreed because he is really embarrassed by it and he has never allowed it to air again or allowed it to come out on video. I've seen it before because there are VHS copies floating around on the internet. But anyway, I think it is so funny that Disney buys Star Wars and then is almost immediately showing the dreaded holiday special.

By this time we'd finished our food and all the characters had stopped by. So the special dessert cart came over.

I think it ended up being some sort of berry cobbler yogurt thingie. It was meant as a surprise so I don't think a description was given.

Our wonderful meal was over so it was time to go have fun at DHS!
I think I am caught up! You have seriously been on an updating spree! I hope its because you are planning to do a TR for your October trip! ;)

Let see what I can remember....

Love all the magic shots. Seriously the fairy wings are so cute! And I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved the Jiminy Cricket one! I have never seen that one. I really need to do a better job at asking CMs for these pictures.

I really enjoyed all your F&G pictures. I wish they would just leave Epcot like that all year around!

An Everest Mini-Marathon....jealous! and LOL at your picture comment. We did our own AK mini-marathon (hint my TR title gives it away...) and had a blast coming up with picture ideas.

I have to say I am in the same boat with you on fancy meals. I think California Grill looks great and the view is amazing but I am not a super fancy diner either. Maybe someday especially if we don't have the kids but we tend to be a sandwich kinda family most of the time.

Yeah, love your BC view. Your pictures REALLY made me miss the BC. Definitely our favorite resort to date and can't see another topping it. Pretty smart that you guys took advantage of your privileges for the rest of the day. In May we went from Value Resort to BC, I would guess doing it the other way would be a bit harder to take.

Totally LOL at Donald chillin on the bed in his Magic Band!

I have never been to Universal (and am not a HP person. I have tried but it just isn't me). Some day we will leave the bubble and check it out if for no other reason as I kind of collect amusement park experiences and think I probably need to add US to my list some day. Glad that AP was cheap enough that you can go back and experience the new HP stuff next trip.

Your SW breakfast scared me a bit. LOL I have no idea about Star Wars and I swear they ALL look like villains to me. I do plan to at least try to watch SW this winter. I feel like it is everywhere and while I am not convinced I will love it what if I do? I will be so mad I missed out on all these events.

I think your getting to the point when we started our trip (May 22). Interested to see if we were ever close in crossing paths!
I think I am caught up! You have seriously been on an updating spree! I hope its because you are planning to do a TR for your October trip! ;)

Let see what I can remember....

Love all the magic shots. Seriously the fairy wings are so cute! And I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved the Jiminy Cricket one! I have never seen that one. I really need to do a better job at asking CMs for these pictures.

I really enjoyed all your F&G pictures. I wish they would just leave Epcot like that all year around!

An Everest Mini-Marathon....jealous! and LOL at your picture comment. We did our own AK mini-marathon (hint my TR title gives it away...) and had a blast coming up with picture ideas.

I have to say I am in the same boat with you on fancy meals. I think California Grill looks great and the view is amazing but I am not a super fancy diner either. Maybe someday especially if we don't have the kids but we tend to be a sandwich kinda family most of the time.

Yeah, love your BC view. Your pictures REALLY made me miss the BC. Definitely our favorite resort to date and can't see another topping it. Pretty smart that you guys took advantage of your privileges for the rest of the day. In May we went from Value Resort to BC, I would guess doing it the other way would be a bit harder to take.

Totally LOL at Donald chillin on the bed in his Magic Band!

I have never been to Universal (and am not a HP person. I have tried but it just isn't me). Some day we will leave the bubble and check it out if for no other reason as I kind of collect amusement park experiences and think I probably need to add US to my list some day. Glad that AP was cheap enough that you can go back and experience the new HP stuff next trip.

Your SW breakfast scared me a bit. LOL I have no idea about Star Wars and I swear they ALL look like villains to me. I do plan to at least try to watch SW this winter. I feel like it is everywhere and while I am not convinced I will love it what if I do? I will be so mad I missed out on all these events.

I think your getting to the point when we started our trip (May 22). Interested to see if we were ever close in crossing paths!

You really need to immediately watch SW :thumbsup2

Yeah I am doing a TR for the October trip, even if I'm writing it only for me and you lol. I enjoy writing the reports, so I'm going to keep doing them even if barely no one reads.

And yep, the day with the SW breakfast that I am writing about right now is May 22, so there is now a possibility of you guys showing up in the backgrounds of my pictures!

Moving from Beach Club to All Star did kind of suck. Especially when you read how All Stars treated us on Saturday morning (which is coming up in the report pretty rapidly).
After our delicious breakfast, we had a FP+ for GMR. We had a mission for this ride: we were determined to go on the cowboy side. I've been on it a long time ago, but Brian and his family had never seen it. We asked at the podium where they assign you to your ride row. They told us we'd have to wait one rotation which we gladly did. The one rotation ended up being like, 3 minutes, then we were happily on our way to getting cownapped by a cowboy!

Captain America was ready to go.

And this is why the cowboy side is better:

Ladies and gentlemen, fire.

We had to reassure Captain that this was all hollywood special effects because he was ready to leap out and save us.

Next we ducked into One Man's Dream.

As much as I love Walt, I'm sorry but I think this picture is kind of creepy.

I think I might be as obsessed with miniatures as much as Walt was. I love these things.

A replica of his office:

Then it was time for our last FP+.

I like the Etch a Sketch game:

Brian always wins at TSMM and I always win on Buzz Lightyear, it keeps the peace since we are both super competitive.

At this point, I forget why, but we decided it would be a good idea to go to Epcot for a bit, so we took the boat.

Hello Beach Club I miss you.

We rode Brian's favorite, Living with the Land where he proceeded to take this flip book of pictures.

We took a ride with the trolls on Maelstrom:

We got some delicious ginger ice cream from China, one of my favorite world showcase snacks.

Stephanie and her mom decided to head back to DHS to make sure they wouldn't miss characterpalooza, but Brian and I decided that it was time for America to spread her golden wings.

Then we headed back to catch the boat to see if we could make Characterpalooza as well.

I won't keep anyone in suspense, we did end up making characterpalooza:

Look at Max's awesome 80s/early 90s shoes.

We were in line for Pocahontas but she ended up leaving super abruptly. When characterpalooza is over, its over.

We then walked into a showing of the Muppets.

Then we watched the Little Mermaid psychedelic laser and black light puppet show.

Then it was time for our second Star Wars character meal of the day!!

We checked in about 15 minutes early and got in line for our picture with Ewok Chip and Dale.

We ended up having to wait 45 minutes and were the last group seated, bleh.

My food pictures don't look great, but this buffet was awesome.

Chip and Dale were done taking entrance pictures so they just played around the rest of the night.

We took a break from eating and went to get some more pictures.

Dale ended up challenging Brian to a paper lightsaber battle, the Chipmunks are just a lot of fun.

Then the other characters started coming by.

The dessert table was also delicious.

Even blue milk soft serve!

Food wise, this was probably my favorite meal of the trip. I'm sad we can't really repeat it.

A character attendant was coming by to all the tables as the restaurant emptied out making sure all the tables had seen everyone. We let her know we were missing the best, Donald, and he soon came by:

We were literally the last table left and all the characters were posing for the CMs at the front of the restaurant, so we got some pics too before we left.

After that amazing dinner we headed out of the park. We had a pretty big (literally) day ahead of us in the morning....the MK was open 24 hours!!
We were a little bit late in getting up (4:45 am) and getting into our costumes. We didn't trust the buses so we drove and ended up being on the monorail at 6 am. I think that counts as being in the park. So we're counting it. :lmao:

Stephanie and I were the 2 who really wanted to stay all 24 hours, so we decided to take selfies on the hour every hour.

6 am on the monorail:

We had missed the opening show, but we saw some characters in their pajamas at the train station. Sadly, they were just doing TV interviews and weren't meeting so we continued onto Main Street.

I had a hunch the Mine Train might be open today, so we power walked down Main Street and took some on the go pics of the Castle.

It was a pretty interesting atmosphere. It was getting lighter by the minute and lots of people just seemed to be milling around Main street taking it all in.

Then we saw a thing of beauty! People getting in line for the Mine Train!

We happily got in line. We were outside the regular queue towards the circus area but it was so much fun seeing everyone's costumes and taking in the party atmosphere that we didn't mind waiting.

7 am in line for Mine Train:

The wait time was greatly exaggerated and we only ended up waiting 45 minutes.

Brian and I requested the front and away we went!

I think the ride is decent. I heard that some of the cottage dance scene animatronics are re-used from the old Snow White ride, so that is good. I feel like it ends too abruptly though, the last scene we are left with is the hag peering into the cottage. It is kind of like...ok? Where is the end of the movie?

Does the hag getting hit by lightning on the big cliff and falling off not coincide super well with going down a big hill in a rollercoaster? Ah well.

The sun was up by now.

We decided to get pictures with Cinderella's carriage.

Next up we walked onto HM.

Brian wanted to ride some of his favorite before him and his mom went back to the room for a rest, so we headed to POTC next.

8 am POTC:

Next we rode the carpets with no wait.

We ended up getting spit on a few times by the camel and had a pretty good time, it was already hot at this point.

Before the other 2 left we wanted to go meet Donald to see what he thought of my outfit so we headed back past the castle and stopped for some pictures.

We found the special photopass clock picture spot.

Space had no wait so of course we had to ride.

9 am just after Space:

When we were finished with Space we saw Stitch out meeting with a very short wait.

Next up we walked onto the TTA.

I had to take the obligatory foot pic, except I like this one with my duck legs:

The TTA has some of the best views.

I like these trees in Tomorrowland, I also really like the metallic palm trees. A+ Tomorrowland landscaping.

It was still early in the morning but we hadn't had any breakfast so we made a visit to one of our favorites, Cosmic Ray's! We sat next to Sonny, of course.

I am obsessed with this carrot cake. It is the only counter service dessert I'll buy.

Its not a selfie, but this was our 10 am picture with Sonny:

Brian and his mom were about ready for nap time, but first we had to go meet my main duck, Donald!

There was only a short wait. Poor Goofy, he saw that Stephanie was dressed as Mickey, and that her mom was dressed as Minnie, then I was dressed as Donald. He hopefully looked around, but no one was dressed as him.

Brian isn't the best with words, so was like sorry Goof, looks like no one likes you.

Goofy was very sad and went and hid in the corner.

Stephanie and I had to go get him and reassure him that he was loved. We let him know that we'd seen someone dressed as him in the 7DMT earlier that day and maybe she'd be along to see him. He finally felt better and let us have some pictures with him.

Stephanie and her mom met Donald first and he was stamping his duck feet on the ground because he was mad that they were dressed as the mice. They pointed me out and he ran over to let me know what he thought of my outfit.

Donald and I had a really fun interaction, but I was a little sad he wasn't meeting at MK with his regular outfit. That woulda made an awesome picture.

Next we rode Dumbo with no wait.

I love the water on the new Dumbo.

We decided to do one last thing before Brian and his mom left. Everyone wanted to see how the chipmunks reacted to my Donald costume.

11 am-waiting for the chipmunks

We had to wait 10 minutes for the Chipmunks, which really wasn't a bad wait except it was in the blazing sun and the day was starting to get super hot. At least these guys stopped by.

Chip and Dale were highly amused at my costume.

This was the pose they wanted to do:

After all the fun with the chipmunks, Brian and his mom finally headed out. I went to save a spot for the early Festival of Fantasy parade and Stephanie went off in search of the special Olaf cup. Before he left Brian did grab me my favorite drink from Sleepy Hollow:

I had managed to find a bit of shade (provided by a trashcan) so at least the wait for the parade wasn't awful. Then about 15 minutes later Stephanie returned triumphant with the Olaf cups!

12 pm: waiting for the Festival of Fantasy parade

I loved this parade so much!! So much that I took a million pictures and I think this whole segment will be filled with them!

Looks like Anna is doing the robot like in the movie:

I heart the mime.

I really like Flynn and Maximus here:

Merida is one of my favorites and I love the crazy hair of this picture.

Grumpy: up close and personal.


After the wonderful parade, Stephanie decided that she simply must meet Gaston.

1 pm: in line for Gaston

Gaston was in fine form today. Here he is checking himself out in my sunglasses while I make a disgusted face.

And then one of my favorite pictures of the trip. Behind Stephanie and I in line there was a Belle waiting to meet Gaston. Sprinkled throughout the rest of the line were also a lot of other Belles. So Gaston decided to pull them all out so he could get a picture surrounded by Belles.

We decided to see the Move it Shake it Celebrate it parade. The parade was going to happen 3 times this day. The first would have heroes, the second villains, and the third favorites of the 2 previous.

My feet were really hurting me at this point because of the long trip so I decided to sit. Worst. Idea. Ever. The pavement was blazing hot. It was miserable, but standing was miserable as well. My poor duck butt was roasting.

At this point we were both melting and tired. It was time to enact my much thought out 'how to survive the 24 hour MK day' plan!
Sooooo here was The Plan. I knew we were going to be tired midday and it was going to be super hot. So The Plan was to do a chain of indoor, sit down air conditioned shows and rides. We decided to begin with the Carousel of Progress. We were able to get right in and really enjoyed our sit down air conditioned break. And I just love the show as well. So win win.

The last scene always reminds me of my aunt's house that we'd go to for family Christmases. I think they even had that dining room set.

2 pm right after Carousel of Progress:

Next stop on our tour: people mover!

First we checked out this robot. He always looks so sad. Wonder if its because print media is going downhill and is not very popular anymore and he is sad about it.

Space Mountain was down so we were able to see it with the lights on from the people mover! I was very excited.

I believe we ended up going on the people mover several times because it was so relaxing and restful.

Next up on our restful tour was Philharmagic, my favorite!

No one who is a big Donald fan can dislike this one!

3 pm: ready to ride the tea cups!

Stephanie and I are basically the best at the tea cups. Sooo much fast spinning.

Next up we had a very short wait until the next showing of Hall of Presidents started.

Next up we deviated from The Plan and decided to meet my crush, Merida. We met several fun friends in line, and even though the line ended up being about a half hour we had a lot of fun. Then we had even more fun when we got inside Merida's courtyard and she decided that she had to wear this hat someone had:

Oh Merida, you are the best.

She had a good time with our costumes and made sure we posed like our respective costumes.

4 pm: photopass pictures around the castle!

I believe we got some drinks at this point and did a bit of shopping down Main Street in the lovely air conditioned stores.

Then we were lucky enough to stumble onto the flag retreat.

Stephanie wanted to meet Tinkerbell while we were near her, so we ended up waiting in about a half hour long line. Which was fine because we just sat down in the queue and rested. I've actually never met Tinkerbell before and she was a lot of fun.

5 pm: in the gift shop after Tink

We slowly walked back up Main Street.

It was time to continue with The Plan.

6 pm: right after Country Bears ended

Next step in the plan was a 5 minute wait for IASW.

At this point The Plan had to end because we had a 6:45 pm ADR for Crystal Palace and Brian and his mom were waiting there to meet back up with us for the rest of the night!

So basically, if you have a really long day in MK or are trying to last a full 24 hour day, this was The Plan.

Wait until around 1 or 2 when the crowds are heavy and it is really hot. Then travel in a circle around the park and ride the following, which should all be walk ons or near walk ons:

-Carousel of Progress
-Hall of Presidents
-Country Bears
...and some we didn't even make it to:
-Tiki Room

I really think it worked. We had a chance to cool off, sit down and have nice breaks.
We checked in for our ADR and were seated after about 10 minutes.

We recently visited the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco, which is what the Crystal Palace is modeled after, so it is interesting to compare the 2 now.

I thought all the tables were super close together, this was our first ADR here and the poor characters could barely even squeeze through the tables. First up was Piglet.

7 pm: with Piglet at Crystal Palace

Eeyore was next. These Pooh characters were so soft!

Poor Eeyore, no wonder he is sad all the time. He has his tail thumb tacked to his butt.

I have to say, besides the characters I thought Crystal Palace was the worst meal of the trip. They seat way too many people in the place, the tables are much too close together. I don't think any of us really enjoyed any of the food.

Just as we were about to leave, Eeyore moseyed back around and we got:

8 pm with Eeyore:

After dinner we had our first FP+ for BTMR. I always enjoy riding this so much more at night. We played around with some of the new blasting effects outside the ride for a while. Sometimes its the small things in life. You could press the stopper down on some dynamite then see the 'explosion' up a little farther along the hill.

We ended up timing our ride just right so that we were on our train when Wishes started.

Stephanie and her mom had taken off early to watch Wishes slower, so Brian and I had to settle for this photopass picture as the on the hour selfie.

9 pm: right after riding BTMR

Our second FP+ of the night was for the Electric Light Parade with the special villains pre-parade.

We showed up right as they were opening the section so we got front row seats on the curb.

They must have done a second Celebrate the Magic because I have pics from it.

The time also clicked over to 10 pm and we forgot to do selfies :( Our first missed one.

I actually thought the villains pre-parade was a let down. It went by very quickly and just didn't really add a lot.

And I only got awful pics.

I'm not really sure why Oogie Boogie was in the parade but no available for meet and greets. I'm not a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan so I wouldn't have waited for him, but I know lots of other people love him.

And then it was 11 and time for...

And another hour went by with another selfie failure. Boo.

It was almost midnight, so we decided we should probably get in line for our must do villain. Who knows why but they villains didn't start to come out until 2 am. So we headed back to Storybook Circus and found a line already started for the Hercules villains. We got our space in line. We had decided that 2 of us would hold the spot and the other 2 would go off and do other things. So Stephanie and I took the first wait and Brian and his mom went off to do our last FP+ for talking Mickey.

12 am: waiting in line for the Hercules villains

We made friends with the people around us in line, the group behind us were Universal employees, one of them was even being trained to work at the Hogwarts Express. They were just a lot of fun to talk to so that was entertaining for a while.

This was to be our view for the next however many hours:

And then, finally, the 24 hour day started to catch up with everyone. Our FP+ time to meet Mickey was almost over and Brian and his mom were nowhere in site. Some heated text messages were exchanged between the 2 of us and he didn't make it back to us in line until a bit after 1 (you'll note that no 1 am selfie was taken because I was not in a good mood).

Brian's mom had a boot on her foot so she'd been using an ECV for the trip. Turns out Main Street was just absolutely mobbed and it took them about 45 minutes to even get to Mickey. Once they'd met him, his mom decided to just head back to the hotel since it was a mob scene and she was near the exit anyway. It then took Brian a super long time to get back to us.

Everyone was in bad moods and we didn't feel like switching off so we all just sat there and kind of sulked. There was no 2 am selfie, that is when the characters were supposed to come out so we were all anxiously waiting.

They ended up coming out about 20 minutes late. Brian had been going to the front of the line on scouting trips.

Then a CM came by and gave us the dreaded news: Hades and Meg were meeting together and were going to switch off every half hour with Pain and Panic. Oh Disney, why don't you ever learn. Of course everyone was in line to see either Hades or Meg, so as people started to meet them everyone in our section got really nervous because we estimated that we were right at the half hour cutoff. It was super annoying because every group was splitting up to get single pictures in every pose imaginable with the 2 characters.

Of course we didn't make it, and there were about 10 groups ahead of us. Pain and Panic came out. No one moved. The CMs managed to force 2 or 3 groups to go. One girl was dressed as Meg and came away sobbing. After those first few groups the rest of us in line refused to move. We got together as a group and decided that we had not waited 2+ hours to not get pictures with the characters we wanted. One poor CM made her way down the line asking if anyone wanted a picture with Pain and Panic, she went very far along the line and only came back with 2 groups. Everyone else wanted Meg and Hades.

Pain and Panic spent the next 15 minutes of their set twiddling their thumbs until finally Meg and Hades came back. We were so relieved we could get our pictures with who we'd waited for.

Even though this is one of the 2 pics we ended up with:

And the photopass photographer only took one picture and it was super dark. Nothing makes me angrier than photopass who only take one or two pictures. I paid a lot of money for the stupid photopass, why don't you take more than one pic?! We did have a lot of fun interacting with Meg and Hades though, I think Brian came away with a bit of a crush on Meg.

So many things wrong with everything that just happened. To top it off, when we were walking away we saw no less than 10 CMs wearing dress up clothes (so manager maybe?) and at least 5 security guards. We guessed that everyone behind us was not going to be given the choice to skip Pain and Panic and would be forced to go or get out of line. I hate how Disney does things like that. You'd think they'd learn but they never do. You can't advertise super rare characters, then rotate them out with others after people wait hours. They did the same thing at the first Villains limited time magic trip and it was awful.

Anyway, we'd ended up finally getting out interaction (I won't even say pictures since they were so awful) at 3:30. We were somewhat energized and excited that we'd got to meet who we wanted, so we decided to continue on.

Our next priority was to meet Donald in his pajamas. We headed for the castle dance party and we found him! He was pretty excited about my costume.

We swayed around a bit then decided to try to meet Bowler Hat Guy.

We made it over around 4 (no selfie again) and got in line behind about 10 other people.

Bowler Hat Guy's fingers were super long and creepy.

We tried to find Stromboli in Fantasyland but I think he was on a break. We ended up at the Frontierland dance party with Chip and Dale. I think their pajamas look a lot like the TOT CM uniforms.

Next up we found Jafar, there were only a couple of people in his line.

5 am: Jafar

We went for a walk on spin on the Magic Carpets.

We were hoping the Jungle Cruise skippers would be absolutely loopy and a lot of fun so we tried our luck. No dice, the skipper was perfectly normal and really not that funny. Bleh.

We ended up back in Tomorrowland and walked onto Buzz.

Classic ride photos of what happens after 23 hours in the MK:

Our time was running low, it was now 5:30 so we decided to take a snooze on the TTA.

The lights were on in Space as it was down for the rest of the night.

It was 5:40 and we hadn't met Belle yet so we headed for her Story time.

We got there around 5:50 and were told that they had just shut it for the night :(

So we took a consolation spin on the Carousel as our last ride of the 24 hour day.

The horses even look tired:

And it was finally time to say goodbye.

6 am selfie: goodnight castle

We did it! Along with a good many other guests.

Overall we had a very good time. The only bad time was during the wait for the Hercules villains. I would definitely do this event again.

So we left the park and found the car. Should have taken a picture because it was about the only one there. It was pretty much daylight by now. We had Stephanie drop us at the check in desk so we could check in for our final night.

We probably had about the least friendly CM ever. It was 6:30 am, I was in costume and we were both exhausted and mentioned that we'd really like to stay in the same room because we'd just done the 24 hour day and we wanted to sleep until late afternoon.

She said there was nothing she could do, we couldn't be guaranteed our room and I could leave her my phone number and she'd have someone call me before 11 am if we could stay in the same room. If not, we'd have to get out and wait for our new room to become available.

This was actually a pretty big problem. Stephanie and her mom were headed straight to the airport and they had the rental car. So if we couldn't stay in our room we couldn't even sleep in the car. I couldn't really understand it because we were not in a preferred location at all, we were about as far as you could get from the lobby. I doubt anyone would have requested or wanted that room.

So just to finish the story now, because it makes me really mad and I want to get it over with.

Stephanie and her mom left and Brian and I went to bed and set the alarm for 10:30 so we could figure out what was going on.

The alarm went off and we both felt awful. I had no texts or messages on my phone so it looked like we'd have to move. I had no idea what we were going to do until the new room was ready because we were zombies on our feet and I felt very sick from lack of sleep.

I walked to the front desk and got in line to talk to the Concierge desk. I only had to wait a few minutes and I explained our situation.

I said we'd been at the MK for 24 hours the day before, and I knew that was a choice we'd made but we didn't understand why we couldn't keep our room. I said I didn't know what we were going to do for the next few hours until the new room was ready. Then I just burst into tears. I really couldn't help myself, I was totally exhausted and very frustrated. Let me tell you, if you are a grown woman and burst into loud, gasping tears in the lobby of a Disney hotel with lots of other guests around, they will magically make a phone call and discover that oh, it is possible for you to stay in the very undesirable room that you are already in. It didn't really seem to take a lot of effort to make that happen, then the concierge CM apologized and said she didn't understand why the woman earlier didn't let us stay in the same room. :confused3

After thanking her profusely and putting my sunglasses on so everyone didn't think I was insane who saw me on the walk back, I was able to tell Brian the good news and we passed back out and slept for a long time.

We had an alarm set for around 3 pm so we could attempt another day at DHS for Star Wars weekends.
Your binge updating is crazy!

I am glad your H&V meal went so well. We had an ADR for that but I cancelled it. Of course your review makes me regret that some. I think the characters are sooo cute but seeing as we aren't SW people and the food usually gets terrible reviews I couldn't stomach the cost. Surprised that you enjoyed the food. Maybe we will try it next time. :)

So super impressed that you made it 24 hours! We didn't at all. If we ever go again for that event I would plan it at the end of our trip. I just couldn't see killing myself and then risking getting sick, etc. so early in our vacation. It just wasn't worth it. :(

I'll try and compare our days some...

We just missed the opening show too then went straight to the Emporium to get our shirts in the case of a sell out. We then went to Adventureland then Fantasyland (20 minute wait for 7DMT at that point)....so we did these two in reverse of you.

We had breakfast at CP at 10am. We loved it so maybe give CP a try for breakfast sometime....or maybe our love was heightened because we were starving and I was in desperate need for coffee.

We had FP's for FoF. This was the beginning of our end. Waiting in the hub in that blazing sun. Your spot looked much better. ;)

After the parade we headed over to Gaston too but the line was already cut (probably the line you were in!).

I think around 2 we went back for a nap although I don't really nap so it was a bit pointless. Your strategy of indoor shows was great. Seriously the next big event I go to with you there we will be hunting you down. You always have such great luck.

After our nap we walked over to Art of An and touring a bit there and had dinner. We were back at the kingdom a bit before 7.

After the parades we went over to the storybook circus area too but I just didn't have the 2+ hour wait in me. So we toured Tomorrowland and ended up leaving around 2am.

I am glad the Hades and Meg meet worked out but Disney really messed that one up! SUPER jealous about the Bowler Hat Guy since he was really our #1 villain we had wanted to meet (well Maleficent was probably #1 but we knew that wasn't happening).

You are a complete rock star for making it all 24 hours!!

Sorry about the room mess. We were in a similar situation because we were changing resorts that morning. At check in we had requested a late check out so we had until 1PM but I really felt like that was hanging over my head and another reason we just didn't attempt to stay out all night. What a disaster but glad you were able to stay in the end. Too bad you had to go through all that....and break out the tears.
Your binge updating is crazy!

I am glad your H&V meal went so well. We had an ADR for that but I cancelled it. Of course your review makes me regret that some. I think the characters are sooo cute but seeing as we aren't SW people and the food usually gets terrible reviews I couldn't stomach the cost. Surprised that you enjoyed the food. Maybe we will try it next time. :)

So super impressed that you made it 24 hours! We didn't at all. If we ever go again for that event I would plan it at the end of our trip. I just couldn't see killing myself and then risking getting sick, etc. so early in our vacation. It just wasn't worth it. :(

I'll try and compare our days some...

We just missed the opening show too then went straight to the Emporium to get our shirts in the case of a sell out. We then went to Adventureland then Fantasyland (20 minute wait for 7DMT at that point)....so we did these two in reverse of you.

We had breakfast at CP at 10am. We loved it so maybe give CP a try for breakfast sometime....or maybe our love was heightened because we were starving and I was in desperate need for coffee.

We had FP's for FoF. This was the beginning of our end. Waiting in the hub in that blazing sun. Your spot looked much better. ;)

After the parade we headed over to Gaston too but the line was already cut (probably the line you were in!).

I think around 2 we went back for a nap although I don't really nap so it was a bit pointless. Your strategy of indoor shows was great. Seriously the next big event I go to with you there we will be hunting you down. You always have such great luck.

After our nap we walked over to Art of An and touring a bit there and had dinner. We were back at the kingdom a bit before 7.

After the parades we went over to the storybook circus area too but I just didn't have the 2+ hour wait in me. So we toured Tomorrowland and ended up leaving around 2am.

I am glad the Hades and Meg meet worked out but Disney really messed that one up! SUPER jealous about the Bowler Hat Guy since he was really our #1 villain we had wanted to meet (well Maleficent was probably #1 but we knew that wasn't happening).

You are a complete rock star for making it all 24 hours!!

Sorry about the room mess. We were in a similar situation because we were changing resorts that morning. At check in we had requested a late check out so we had until 1PM but I really felt like that was hanging over my head and another reason we just didn't attempt to stay out all night. What a disaster but glad you were able to stay in the end. Too bad you had to go through all that....and break out the tears.

Yeah, in regards to the binge updating I really wanted to get this TR done before we leave for our TOT and MNSSHP trip. I only have about 2 half days left.

Honestly, I'm not even sure if it matters now. I was going to do a TR for the upcoming trip, but it seems you are my only reader lately and I have to say I'm disappointed. I enjoy writing the trip reports for myself, but its a lot more fun if people join in and it seems like no one except you is interested in my reports.

I think I'm a decent writer and have a lot of fun experiences, but having no one except you respond while others get tons of responses is pretty discouraging. Oh well. I'll probably finish this one and then not do another unless I go to DL.

Anyway...enough whining.

I think the food for the H&V meal was different for the SW character meal. I should actually double check that because I was in love with a lot of the food and if its the same I'd go back.

I think I'd do the reverse of what you suggested and want to do the 24 hour day at the start of the trip, then just make sure to make the next day a sleep in and rest/pool day. It was unfortunate for us because after Friday we only had a day and a half left and we didn't want to waste any time.

That sun for the 24 hour day was brutal. We were at the hub for the Move it Shake it so I feel like I know what you mean.

Did you see a lot of Belles waiting for the Gaston meet? If so, then yeah, we were up near the front of that line.
I've been reading along and trying to catch up. I'm a huge Star Wars fan (as if my username didn't give it away), so I was excited to read about those updates. I've just been so busy chasing after my two little boys and ignoring my own languishing TR that I haven't had time to comment.
I've been reading along and trying to catch up. I'm a huge Star Wars fan (as if my username didn't give it away), so I was excited to read about those updates. I've just been so busy chasing after my two little boys and ignoring my own languishing TR that I haven't had time to comment.

Hello, I'm sorry to have come across as sounding bitter in my response. I'm glad to know you are still here. If you enjoy reading about Star Wars, our next half day coming up we will re-visit Star Wars Weekends so I can try to meet up with the elusive 3PO.
I always enjoy reading your reports...although since I am a Badger, I can't really say too much good about a Buckeye!
I love reading your reports! I've read all of the past ones too.

I do have one important question though. Is butterbeer really beer?? My co-worker and I were talking about it the other day and we had no idea.

Did you hear the news about Star Wars land coming to DL and DCA? I guess that the official news will come out in 2015 with all of the details. I can't wait! I've just recently had my kids start watching all of the Star Wars movies. Gotta teach'em young to love all of the good movies!


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