„Did you feel pressured to provide only EXCELLENT ratings?“

I finally know what the Title of your trip means! I was filling out the Comment Card yesterday and when I came to that question, I totally started laughing! I had no idea all this time that it was a question that they actually asked you. The only ones who gave us any pressure were our food servers, but we would have given them excellent anyways, they deserved it!

Sorry to see this one end, but you still have two more going, so it's not that bad.

Oh, and thank you so much for the idea to give the servers and other CMs the candy. We spread pixie dust all over the Wonder. Hopefully for our next three cruises some of the people on the ship will remember us through our good will! If not, we had fun making them happy!
:sad1:It is almost over-another trip report. Love the traditions and the new things of this trip.:sad1:

Yes, just one more update and I am finally done with this one. :thumbsup2 It was a great trip and we have another once coming up in just 20 more weeks. :banana:

It looked like such a good trip. So sad when they end though, isn't it?

It really was an awesome trip. Unfortunately our Spring trips are always only a week long, and that is just FAR too short. :sad2:

Great update and pics.

Sad that you were on your way home.

It was such a nice trip, but since it was so short it was over before we even realized it. ;)
Thank god, we had another summer trip to look forward to. :thumbsup2

Hi Karin -

Another great trip for you guys. Loved reading about it.

When is the next trip? You guys have awesome vacations and it is fun to read about them.

Until next time. . . .

Thank you for sticking with me. It has taken quite some time to get this one wrapped up (only one more update).

We have two more trips coming up.
Tom's 50th birthday cruise on the Magic and another month long vacation in the summer.
I thought of including my trip planning in my most recent TR, but I guess once this one is up I might even start another PTR. ;)
Riding the People mover is probably the best way to end a trip, IMO. It's nice and easy and you get to take in the sights of Tomorrowland and view the castle.:cloud9:

Riding the People Mover is kind of a tradition before we leave. You are perfectly right, such a nice way to get one last good look at all the sights and sounds of the MK and a great view of the castle.

Good call on taking a sandwich to go (and share) at the airport.

We had had such a nice lunch, but I just can't bring myself to NOT having WPE as our last meal in the US. :lmao: And since the food on the flight home isn't all that good anyway, why not skip it and indulge in some yummy WPE sandwich. :thumbsup2

The thing I enjoy about your TR's is that even though this one is ending, there is always another one going on :goodvibes

Yip, two more to finish and I really hope I can get one of them done, before we leave on Tom's birthday trip.
AND, since we will have two more trips in the works for 2015, I guess there will be another PTR pretty soon. ;)

I finally know what the Title of your trip means! I was filling out the Comment Card yesterday and when I came to that question, I totally started laughing! I had no idea all this time that it was a question that they actually asked you. The only ones who gave us any pressure were our food servers, but we would have given them excellent anyways, they deserved it!

I was wondering if anyone would be asking what the title was all about, but thank you, you just answered it for me.
It IS a question they ask you in the comment card and I always find it so funny.
You are perfectly right, the only ones who push the excellent thing are the servers, but .... according to our friends Ana, the servers (and anyone else) get rewards if they have enough mentions in the comment cards and excellent ratings. Now the servers are also responsible if you do not like your food, which I think is pretty unfair, since they only serve it and do not cook it.
So I guess, this is why the push the issue so much.

Sorry to see this one end, but you still have two more going, so it's not that bad.

Yip, two more going on and nowhere near the end. :rotfl2:

Oh, and thank you so much for the idea to give the servers and other CMs the candy. We spread pixie dust all over the Wonder. Hopefully for our next three cruises some of the people on the ship will remember us through our good will! If not, we had fun making them happy!

I am pretty sure you will be remembered! :thumbsup2 It is so fun to see the excited faces of the CMs when you hand them a little treat, isn't it?

Day 9, February 23

And we’re back ……..

We woke up shortly before we were supposed to land in Frankfurt and had even missed breakfast.

Once we were awake the flight attendant asked if we wanted to have a snack or something and then added that she had wondered how we had been able to sleep so well for about 6 hours. She was stunned when we told her that we had been really tired and had taken some sleeping aid.
A short time later we prepared for landing and were soon touching down in Frankfurt. Being at the back of the plane it took quite some time until we were able to get off the plane. But then we went through passport control and another security check before we arrived at our next departure gate.
On the way there we had noticed that our favourite bakery had a shop in that terminal as well, so once we knew our flight was on time, we headed back to the bakery and got ourselves some breakfast. Tom picked a

Parma ham sandwich, while I had a

Caprese sandwich, filled with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and pesto. We had picked up some Diet Coke as well and finally enjoyed our breakfast. We sat at one of the tables for a while checking our email and watching the planes before we headed back to our gate, just in time to hear them announce that boarding was starting.
So we headed down to the bus that was to take us to our plane. A few minutes later we left the terminal and it always seems like they are taking us to the very far side of the airport to our plane. But finally we had made it and we were allowed to board.

And now the time change caught up with us and we both felt really tired again. But it is such a short flight,

only 55 minutes and after we were quickly served some drinks and a

Toblerone bar, we both drifted off to dreamland again. We woke up right before we touched down in our home town.

Our airport is super tiny,

so once we got off the plane we just walked over to the arrivals hall and waited for about five minutes for our luggage to arrive. Luggage on a cart we headed outside and over to the car park.
Once everything was loaded inside, Tom called the cat hotel and let them know that we were on our way to pick up Princess Pixie. And with that we were back to reality.

And with this we come to the end of this trip report. Thank you all so much for reading along and sticking with me for quite some time.
Please come and join us as we plan more adventures for 2015. I will post a link to a new PTR here soon. Pretty soon! pixiedust:
Hi Karin! As you may realize, I am catching up on TRs tonight - I’m pretty sure I have already hit at least 2 of yours. :laughing: And before I get into your actual updates, I just have to say how sad I am that our vacations aren’t overlapping this year. I know that Willow would have enjoyed spending time with you and Tom as much as I would have. I can’t believe we missed each other on the Fantasy. :( One day, we will overlap and take advantage of it at either WDW or on a cruise. And it will be SO FUN! :laughing:

Isn’t it funny how much difference a great JC skipper can make in your day? So great!!!

So funny to read along during your PotC ride - I realized how accustomed I have become to Disneyland. Spending a year with DLR APs has made me lose track of where I am at WDW. So funny! I kept thinking that you must have a lunch reservation at Blue Bayou. :laughing:

Your BoG lunch looked great, but I would have happily rushed out too in order to do BTMRR - one of my forever fave Disney attractions. :goodvibes:

Good for you for taking advantage of the railroad. For some reason, Willow and I use the train at Disneyland all the time, but we totally forget it exists at MK. What is wrong with us????

Oh, the People Mover - Willow (despite her love of fast and crazy rides) and I both love that one so much. I know you two do as well. Perfect way to spend a late afternoon at the MK.

Nooooo - it can’t be time to say good-bye already!!!!! :( Thank goodness it ended with a great meal from WPE! I don’t know what I would do if you and Tom changed that tradition!

I am impressed and jealous of both of your ability to make the most of air travel by sleeping. I can rarely even sleep well in my own bed - sleeping while traveling will likely never happen for me. Good on you both!!!!

As always, Karin, I have loved your TR and will continue to follow along with all your journeys. :goodvibes:
I'm always jealous of how well you and Tom can sleep on a flight! Makes the long trip so much faster!

Sad to see another great vacation end but can't wait for your next adventure!

Jill in CO
Hi Karin! As you may realize, I am catching up on TRs tonight - I’m pretty sure I have already hit at least 2 of yours. :laughing: And before I get into your actual updates, I just have to say how sad I am that our vacations aren’t overlapping this year. I know that Willow would have enjoyed spending time with you and Tom as much as I would have. I can’t believe we missed each other on the Fantasy. :( One day, we will overlap and take advantage of it at either WDW or on a cruise. And it will be SO FUN! :laughing:

You have been a busy bee today, checking in on all my TRs!! :goodvibes
I am keeping my fingers crossed we will visit WDW (or DL) the same time as you one day so we can actually meet. :hug:

Isn’t it funny how much difference a great JC skipper can make in your day? So great!!!

YES!! Sometimes you get those who stick strictly to the spiel and it is just so "learned by heart". This one was a hoot. He went through his spiel and then cracked a lot of extra jokes. We were all in stitches. :laughing:

So funny to read along during your PotC ride - I realized how accustomed I have become to Disneyland. Spending a year with DLR APs has made me lose track of where I am at WDW. So funny! I kept thinking that you must have a lunch reservation at Blue Bayou. :laughing:

Tell me about mixing up two Disney parks - happens to us a lot with WDW and DLP. :lmao:

Your BoG lunch looked great, but I would have happily rushed out too in order to do BTMRR - one of my forever fave Disney attractions. :goodvibes:

Lunch was really good and it was nice to sit down for a while, but we definitely did not want to loose our BTMRR FP+. :thumbsup2 It's not only one of your favourite Disney attractions, it is also one of ours. And the one at DLRP is the best. :goodvibes

Good for you for taking advantage of the railroad. For some reason, Willow and I use the train at Disneyland all the time, but we totally forget it exists at MK. What is wrong with us????

It's so seldom that we get to go on the train. As soon as we see a line of people waiting for it, we just walk, but we were so lucky there as I was pretty sure, we would not make it on that train. But we DID!!!! :yay:

Oh, the People Mover - Willow (despite her love of fast and crazy rides) and I both love that one so much. I know you two do as well. Perfect way to spend a late afternoon at the MK.

Great ride, never gets old! You both have good taste in great rides!

Nooooo - it can’t be time to say good-bye already!!!!! :( Thank goodness it ended with a great meal from WPE! I don’t know what I would do if you and Tom changed that tradition!

Yip, even the best trips need to end and this one has gotten to one. But it was not that bad, as we had our WPE dinner. ;)

I am impressed and jealous of both of your ability to make the most of air travel by sleeping. I can rarely even sleep well in my own bed - sleeping while traveling will likely never happen for me. Good on you both!!!!

Well, since this was a late flight (left Orlando at 8.40pm and we had had a long day PLUS had taken some sleeping aid, it worked out fine. Otherwise I have a hard time sleeping during the flight too, especially morning flights.

As always, Karin, I have loved your TR and will continue to follow along with all your journeys. :goodvibes:

Thanks for sticking with me for the trip and thanks for offering to continue to follow. :love:

I'm always jealous of how well you and Tom can sleep on a flight! Makes the long trip so much faster!

Sad to see another great vacation end but can't wait for your next adventure!

Jill in CO

Jill, it's not that hard to sleep during a flight when you factor in that we had had a really long and fun day AND had taken some sleeping aid. :lmao: We were pretty much knocked out. And it helps a lot on a 10 hour flight. ;)

Thanks for sticking with me for all that time. I guess I can entertain you a bit with my two unfinished TRs until our next adventure, which will start in exactly 20 weeks from today. :woohoo:
Whew am all caught up !! I have not been around at all the last few weeks but had to catch up on your TR. I agree GMR is always great , one of my favorites .How do you get sy=uch wonderful safari ix , I always get blurry ones or peoples heads:rotfl2::rotfl2:

As always a great TR!!!!
Whew am all caught up !! I have not been around at all the last few weeks but had to catch up on your TR. I agree GMR is always great , one of my favorites .How do you get sy=uch wonderful safari ix , I always get blurry ones or peoples heads:rotfl2::rotfl2:

As always a great TR!!!!

Great to have you back, Rosie!
I am glad you enjoyed the TR and photos. Tom took these photos with his DSLR, the ones on my small camera come out pretty blurry too! :rotfl2:
Wow 6 hours!? That's a great sleep aid you guys have.

They gave you guys full sized Toblerone bars?

Such a fun trip you two had. Thanks for doing this, and i'll definitely be joining along for your 2015 TR's :goodvibes
What a fabulous trip! Can't wait to follow along in the next one!

Thank you! It was a pleasure knowing that you were reading along.
Next trip in just 20 weeks, but I still have two more trip reports open and running, so I guess I can fill the time until then easily. :lmao:

Wow 6 hours!? That's a great sleep aid you guys have.

It helped to have been up and running around all day, plus more than one of Walgreen's little sleep helpers. :lmao:
And to be honest, it was the first time I was really out like a light for such a long time, every other flight I was looking at my watch about every hour before falling asleep again. ;)

They gave you guys full sized Toblerone bars?

They were small size Toblerone bars, but they are so sweet that one of those is more than enough and if you ask the flight attendant nicely, they will give you a second one. ;)

Such a fun trip you two had. Thanks for doing this, and i'll definitely be joining along for your 2015 TR's :goodvibes

It was a great trip and we really loved every single minute of it. I can't believe that we will be flying back to the US in just 20 short weeks for Tom's birthday celebration!
A PTR for that should be started pretty shortly. :laughing:
Thats great you were able to sleep the majority of the flight home. I would be drooling all over the place. :rotfl2:
Loved your TR. Not so much your flight home, although those sandwiches looked lovely. Glad you had an eventful flight home. I'm happy to see you will be starting another TR soon.

And a shout out to Toberlarone. I can't spell it now, but Nick LOVES that chocolate. I get it for him every Christmas! :goodvibes
Great trip report Karin!! I keep hoping that one of these trips, we will have the great fortune of meeting. You and Tom seem like you love traveling together and I love to go with you through the trip reports. Thanks again.
Thats great you were able to sleep the majority of the flight home. I would be drooling all over the place. :rotfl2:

Trying to sleep is the only way to go. ;) It helps, that you have to close the blinds and they turn off the lights after dinner. We were so tired, so it was really good to just doze off.

Loved your TR. Not so much your flight home, although those sandwiches looked lovely. Glad you had an eventful flight home. I'm happy to see you will be starting another TR soon.

Thank you, Mary Ellen!
It was a short but sweet trip and we loved every minute of it. :thumbsup2

And a shout out to Toberlarone. I can't spell it now, but Nick LOVES that chocolate. I get it for him every Christmas! :goodvibes

It IS nice chocolate. Even though you can get it everywhere here, so it is not very special. :laughing:
But it was a nice boost of energy when eating it on the flight home. :thumbsup2

Great trip report Karin!! I keep hoping that one of these trips, we will have the great fortune of meeting. You and Tom seem like you love traveling together and I love to go with you through the trip reports. Thanks again.

Thank you!
I am sure that our paths will cross some time soon in the future. :goodvibes

Yes, Tom and I love travelling together, we share a lot of the same passions, so that makes it very easy. And thank you for sticking with me for as long as it took me to finish this baby. ;)
WOW! Sleeping for 6 hours. I might need to try an aid when we go to Wales, Scotland. Ireland & Amsterdam in 2016.

That Caprese Sandwich looks so good.

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the 2015 trips.
WOW! Sleeping for 6 hours. I might need to try an aid when we go to Wales, Scotland. Ireland & Amsterdam in 2016.

That Caprese Sandwich looks so good.

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the 2015 trips.

Being dead tired and some sleeping aid helped a lot with being able to fall asleep. :rotfl2:

Sounds like a nice trip you have planned for 2016. :thumbsup2
Hi Karin! I'm glad you had a good travel day. It is sad to see your trip end, but you always have another one, so I won't run out of Karin reports! :rotfl2:
Hi Karin! I'm glad you had a good travel day. It is sad to see your trip end, but you always have another one, so I won't run out of Karin reports! :rotfl2:

Never a good day when you have to go home, but at least it went without a hitch. ;)
Plenty of trip reports still unfinished, so you should be entertained for quite some time to come. :lmao:


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