Confessions of a Disboard Dropout...New chapter 3/14

(Montague, I won’t spoil the ride for you again with my theories on why guys get higher scores.)

Oh, sure! You had to bring that up a scant 4 days before my fast pass for TSM! I "HAD" managed to forget you know! :rotfl2:

Now all there is left to see is which of CJ or I is the better string puller...
I love reading your report :coffee:. The sarcasm is much appreciated since in my household they refer to it as my "dry" sense of humor. Nothing like hearing those words from a 6 year old. I crave Mexican food but am trying to decide if we should do San Angel Inn or not. Hopefully our 1st trip will include a 2 bedroom at BC.
Oh, For The Love Of Mike... who say's "eager" anymore??

Well I learned my lesson, not to wear new sneakers for the first time at DisneyWorld again.

I purchased these babies several months ago but there's been no letup in the snow and ice in New Jersey and I have yet to try them out on the street. Maybe, someday, NJ won't be submerged in snow and ice.


On the bright side... thanks to Twitter, I'll likely have some idea of what's on the agenda as it's happening!
Oh, For The Love Of Mike... who say's "eager" anymore??

Well I learned my lesson, not to wear new sneakers for the first time at DisneyWorld again.

I purchased these babies several months ago but there's been no letup in the snow and ice in New Jersey and I have yet to try them out on the street. Maybe, someday, NJ won't be submerged in snow and ice.

View attachment 81868

On the bright side... thanks to Twitter, I'll likely have some idea of what's on the agenda as it's happening!

I hope that you have been able to try those beauties out. We've had some great weather the past few days here in Indiana.

Does your comment about Twitter mean that you don't get all the texts? Maybe it's a blessing...
Oh, sure! You had to bring that up a scant 4 days before my fast pass for TSM! I "HAD" managed to forget you know!

Now all there is left to see is which of CJ or I is the better string puller...


I love reading your report
. The sarcasm is much appreciated since in my household they refer to it as my "dry" sense of humor. Nothing like hearing those words from a 6 year old. I crave Mexican food but am trying to decide if we should do San Angel Inn or not. Hopefully our 1st trip will include a 2 bedroom at BC.

I actually liked Maya Grill at Coronado. It gets mixed reviews but they have a wonderful chimichurri sauce they serve before the meal.

On the bright side... thanks to Twitter, I'll likely have some idea of what's on the agenda as it's happening!

Very funny.

I hope that you have been able to try those beauties out. We've had some great weather the past few days here in Indiana.

Does your comment about Twitter mean that you don't get all the texts? Maybe it's a blessing...

I think he’s saying I don’t keep him in the loop.

Love the update.

Oh, For The Love Of Mike... who say's "eager" anymore??

Bob Seger?
Certain beavers?

well I learned my lesson, not to wear new sneakers for the first time at DisneyWorld again.

That's one of those "one time only" lessons. :rolleyes1

Maybe, someday, NJ won't be submerged in snow and ice.

Didn't you hear? Gobal warming was a myth. We've entered our next mini ice age.
Enjoy the snow! 'Cause yer gonna see lots more of it!
“I really hope you can find a room with a nice view for us. Or a room that isn’t a mile from the lobby would also be great. You see, ever since we’ve been DVC members, our room views have been less than stellar.”

I look at the stony face of Suzy Sunshine, the less than cheerful cast member at the desk. Clearly, I will have to step up my game.

“Take for instance, our stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge a couple years ago, our room was on the first floor facing the Magical Express drop off. One can hardly relax on the balcony drinking coffee in one’s pajamas (if one were to do that) with a bunch of strangers spewing from the bus. And our last stay at Boardwalk we were at least two miles from the lobby!

“This year, I’d really hoped to get at least one request honored. You see, I’m the one who organizes our trips for everyone. But one of the families we are with got a view of Epcot! And the other one is right by the lobby overlooking the pool! You think maybe you can hook us up with a nice room this time?”

Suzy looks blankly at me. “You get what you get.”

I get what I get? What kind of cast member response is that? Surely that is not in the Disney manual. Whoever named Suzy doesn’t know her very well.

“Ok. I have something available here. Make sure you have everything out of your current room before you close the door because your band won’t work and you’ll never see any of your stuff again.”

Running the marathon back to our room, I think smugly to myself that we’re bound to get a good room now. You just have to tug on their heartstrings a bit. I’m sure she actually felt bad for me and my dismal history of room views. Maybe we got a view of Epcot!

I grab a couple bags to bring up to the new room and yell to Squid not to leave the room with the door closed.

Down the hall I go, my bags getting heavier with every step. I decide to take the stairs up the two flights and huff and puff struggling with the bags full of boulders.

Almost there… this is going to be great.

It’s beautiful. Just like the model with so much space. No more drinking my morning coffee in the bathroom vanity area. Look at that nice breakfast bar.

Now for the view…this is going to be great. I open the curtain and take a look. There in front of me is the Magical Express drop off with two buses idling. Bus fumes perfume the air around me. Suzy’s messing with me. She did this on purpose. She’s probably down there snickering to the other cast members who probably only pretend to be her friend. They’re probably all afraid of her.

I run back down to get Squid to show him what Suzy did. He also does not enjoy diesel fumes so we lug everything back to our room. Squid is going to try to get us a new room.

He says, “Why don’t you come with me since you already talked to her?”

“You can see how well that went. Clearly, I must have resting b*tch face or something. You try."

He comes back fifteen minutes later and says we have a good room now. We lug everything back down the long, long hallway and up the stairs and back down another long, long hallway. (We have to go to a park after this? I need a nap.)

The view is kind of nice. At least it overlooks some grass and not the front entrance. (No, I do not have a picture.) It’s far from the lobby but close to Mickey’s room so we’re pretty happy with it.

The rest of the group is at Animal Kingdom. We have a fastpass for Everest at 12:20. I tell them to go ahead without me (I’m the only non-chicken). They tell me they’ll wait as long as they can but that we have to hurry.

We get to the park at 12:00 and Druid texts me that we have to “commando walk.” This is my specialty. We weave in and out of the slowpokes enjoying the scenery, only knocking down a few small children. We may have upended a few strollers too but we got there at 12:20 and were able to ride.

Most of the party is chicken, but the formerly scared of roller coasters, Sheena, and I ride together. I think Sheena is a little nervous.

“Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy.” She laughs nervously. “Oh boy.” She screams. “Oh boy.” More nervous laughter.

This goes on for the entire ride. When we disembark, she turns to me and says, “That wasn’t so bad.”

“Sheena, you screamed and did that nervous laugh thing throughout the entire ride. Don’t act like a big shot.”

“Where did everybody go?”

We were gone about 5 minutes. They knew there wouldn’t be a wait. Where the heck did they go? Isn’t anyone hungry? I worked up an appetite carrying those bags of anvils.

After about a hundred text messages, we manage to get everyone at Flame Tree for lunch. I had the chicken and baked beans which were pretty good. I look over at the next table and see Sheena is eating a kid’s meal of a chicken sandwich, grapes and shriveled carrots.

“You can’t be enjoying that!”
“It’s perfect. Just what I wanted.”
Not buying it.

We have fastpasses for Kali River Rapids but I selflessly volunteer to watch after everyone’s gear instead of riding. It has nothing to do with not wanting to get my hair wet.

Everyone loads me up like a pack mule and I wander off in search of some shade. There is an area right by the entrance with a couple of tall tables and a roof overhead.

Next to me are some adults with an 8 month old baby. The baby is crawling all over the dirty ground, bonking her head on chairs and props. Clearly, this is not this mother’s first child. I have a friend with a large family and she would say, “you sterilize the first child’s pacifier, you wipe off the second child’s pacifier with your shirt and you pull the third child’s pacifier out of the dog’s mouth and give it back to her.”

They finally get off the ride and Jack Skellington got soaked. The back of her skirt is completely drenched.

Druid is parched from the heat and asks if anyone has any water. Jack says, “I have a wet butt!”

After a ride on the safari we decide to use our magic fastpass on… well this is a little embarrassing… Primeval Whirl. Don’t judge! I think it’s fun, when you’re not riding it in a tropical storm.

We head back to the resort for a swim. We don’t have any reservations for dinner. We’re planning on grazing at Epcot.

Editor’s note: I’m reading notes that I took almost a year ago. They were don't on an ipad and trying to figure out some of the autocorrects is comical. It says “This is not the esker thung to do…” I’ll figure it out.

As I was saying we are grazing at Epcot and this is not the easiest thing to do with a pack of ten people.

Merida wants fish and chips. Mr. Squid and I decide to get some too in hopes that Monkston might try them. It’s not even like they taste like fish with all that fried batter. Maybe this can be her gateway to the seafood world. She takes a bite of the doughy end but not any of the middle where would be actual fish. Sigh.

Everyone wants to go to different places so we split up.

Jack, Monkston and I head to Italy to check out Tutto Gusto. I’ve wanted to try it after seeing reviews and food pictures.

Squid comes by and entices Monkston away with talk of Test Track but we decide to stay and try Tutto.

We sit down and order a couple of wine flights. This is a fun way to try some different wines. We also order a Pasta Pomodoro and a plate of meatballs. The portions are pretty large for the money and we can't finish.

While we're relaxing in the wine cellar, there are numerous texts coming in asking where we are. Every time we try to send a text back it would fail. We felt a little guilty, like we're hiding out. Telling you this now, I think why didn’t one of us go outside to get a clear signal? But I guess after those wine flights we weren’t thinking clearly.

We head back to watch the buskers on the Boardwalk. These guys joined us after their ride.

The kids want to go hang out in our big room so I guess we have no choice but to go to Bellevue Lounge for a nightcap.

We are done with Day 4! I may actually finish this thing. Finish it badly maybe, but finish it!
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Thanks Marie and Sandy for following me on twitter! I will try to make it interesting!
Go Laura Go! Keep up the pace! You can finish this report before you need to start the next one. I believe in you. :jumping1:
Marita, you here? Will you be around for a photo op April 18-26? You were my original chief marketing officer you know. Would liove to say hi.
I look at the stony face of Suzy Sunshine, the less than cheerful cast member at the desk.

Uh, oh.

One can hardly relax on the balcony with one’s coffee in one’s pajamas (if one were to do that) with a bunch of strangers spewing from the bus.

I have that picture in my head now. And it's not going to go away just because you claim not to do it.
And I'm sorry you got your coffee in your pajamas. Did the stain come out okay? Or did you just buy new jammies?

plus.... "spewing", while a wonderful word, is not one I wished to see so soon after my stomach bug.

Suzy looks blankly at me. “You get what you get.”

Is that what they mean when they talk about pixie dust???

“Ok. I have something available here. Make sure you have everything out of your current room before you close the door because your band won’t work and you’ll never see any of your stuff again.”

Informative and educational. What more could you ask for???

Look at that nice breakfast bar.

Your room really is nice!

No more drinking my morning coffee in the bathroom vanity area.

Wait. I thought it was in your pjs while waving to the unwashed bus masses.

Now for the view…this is going to be great. I open the curtain and take a look. There in front of me is the Magical Express drop off with two buses idling.


Clearly, I must have resting b*tch face or something.

And once again...

The view is kind of nice. At least it overlooks some grass and not the front entrance. (No, I do not have a picture.)

Hey look everyone! Laura's and my TR are identical!

Druid texts me that we have to “commando walk.” This is my specialty.

Oh? Wanna race? I'm unbeaten so far.

only knocking down a few small children.

Only a few? pshaw.

“Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy.” She laughs nervously. “Oh boy.” She screams. “Oh boy.” More nervous laughter.


we manage to get everyone at Flame Tree for lunch.

Well... colour me jealous.
I have to wait until next time.

Is she really old enough to drive? (Cute pic)

We have fastpasses for Kali River Rapids but I selflessly volunteer to watch after everyone’s gear instead of riding.

Wow. Very magnanimous of you.

It has nothing to do with not wanting to get my hair wet.

Oh, no. Of course not. :sad2:

The baby is crawling all over the dirty ground, bonking her head on chairs and props. Clearly, this is not this mother’s first child.

::yes:: And I was just about to post...

“you sterilize the first child’s pacifier, you wipe off the second child’s pacifier with your shirt and you pull the third child’s pacifier out of the dog’s mouth and give it back to her.”

... almost exactly that! :lmao:

Don’t judge! I think it’s fun, when you’re not riding on it in a tropical storm.

Judging. Ruby and I rode it once.... never... ever... again.

They were don't on an ipad and trying to figure out some of the autocorrects is comical.

I think it's funny how you are talking about figuring out autocorrects and write "They were don't on an ipad"

We sat down and ordered a couple of wine flights. This was a fun way to try some different wines. We also ordered a Pasta Pomodoro and a plate of meatballs. The portions are pretty large for the money and we couldn’t finish.

Cool! Never knew about this.
Added to my to do list.

We are done with Day 4! I may actually finish this thing. Finish it badly maybe, but finish it!

I hardly doubt that!
The badly part that is.
I have no idea if you'll finish it or not, but one can hope!

Thanks for the update! :goodvibes
"spewing", while a wonderful word, is not one I wished to see so soon after my stomach bug.

Oops. Sorry.

Hey look everyone! Laura's and my TR are identical!

I don’t know. You have a lot of photos this time.

Oh? Wanna race? I'm unbeaten so far. !

Them’s fighting words.

Well... colour me jealous.

I have to wait until next time.

It was pretty good but I wouldn’t view it as a must have.

I think it's funny how you are talking about figuring out autocorrects and write "They were don't on an ipad"

Everyone’s a copy editor…

Cool! Never knew about this.

Added to my to do list.

It was really good and you don’t need reservations here.

I have no idea if you'll finish it or not, but one can hope!

Thanks for the update!


Thanks, Ponzi!


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