Love is “Universal”: Our Awesome Anniversary Adventures in Orlando (May 2015 TR)

You guys look great! Such a sweet story about your mom! My mom is left-handed so she rarely gets a mug that allows her to see the writing-one year I found a shop just for lefties and loaded up (and 2 of my 3 kids are lefties...)
Such colorful pictures too!
I love the story about your mum - "Go Edith!," :cheer2:

Please tell me about the Mummy, I am no roller coaster fan and my 2 keep saying it is very tame, apart from when it goes upside down! Which is definitely a no no.

I, personally, did not ride the Mummy. I am a self-admitted Ride Weenie so most coasters are a huge no for me. I asked Steve about it, though, and he said there are absolutely no upside down parts. It does go backwards, if that bothers you, and there are some intense special effects, but he puts it just above Gringotts as far as thrill level goes (for the record, I did put on my big girl panties and ride Gringotts....twice!!).

This is a great Trip report. Love your story about your Mom and the mug. "Go Edith." indeed.

Thank you :goodvibes . You guys would adore my Mom, she's a hoot!

What a great entrance into universal!

Thanks Elaine :) . Stay tuned, more to come!

Love the Edith story...........and wow you can really see Steve's weight loss in those pics!!! Congrats!!

We have always found the Universal TM's to be amazing........friendly and so helpful......I'm glad you saw the same.........

The parade is cute.......we like it and will always watch it if we are around........

Enjoying reading along.......:thumbsup2

I had the opportunity for an extended chat on one of our days with a precious young lady who was working at the one of the Butterbeer carts in Hogsmeade. Steve was riding Forbidden Journey, and we struck up a conversation while I was standing nearby. During that course of that exchange, she mentioned that several guests had been rather difficult over the past few days, and had presented her with some challenging moments that left her feeling a little discouraged. I commented that we had been remarking all week at the amazing job that she and her co-workers were doing and the wonderful way it was enhancing our Universal experience, and that we thought they were exceeding the infamous Disney standard that we hear so much about. Well, by George, a big tear dropped right down her cheek as she quietly thanked me for making her day. Apparently some positive feedback was long overdue for that sweet young worker. And I thought to myself.....perhaps we should communicate things like that more often. They really do need to hear it.

I checked out your past TR for reviews. I'm interested in the Orlando Eye although I'm not sure I would be ok with it.
We loved US, the parade was so cute. Can't wait to go back

Oh, I can't wait to share my entry about the Eye!! It was much better than I had anticipated (and not at all scary or uncomfortable). Enough that I am seriously pumped to ride it again at Christmas with Jake and Sweetie (and to visit the Sea Life Aquarium and Madame Tussauds).

Actually, it was really, REALLY hard to pass up a visit to Sea Life this trip. Steve wanted to do it on our check out day, when we had time to kill before heading to the airport. I really wanted that to be something we do together as a family at Christmas (we try to slide a new attraction into every trip), so I held firm and took a pass, by oohhhhh......was I tempted!

Skeletons: Animals Unveiled also exceeded our expectations. It was very cool, and the staff was super helpful.

My kids would love the Sponge Bob stuff!

We got to meet Spongebob himself later in the trip. Stay tuned for pics!

No...never been there for Christmas or even close. I would really love to be able to not be at home for the Christmas drama and I've tried but the months of Nov/Dec are the busiest of the year for me at work so it's near impossible to get away then. A couple of years ago DH ended up with 6 days off starting on the 23rd of Dec and he tried to talk the girls into going to FL but they were having no part of it that year. That year I actually could have taken the time off. I'm sure it will be a long time before calender works out like that again.

The girls would not be able to travel with us. I would like to be able to try and continue to take a trip every year with just DH and I. Although, I learned a few things last year. The older DD was not told to take care of her basically she didn't. Part way through our trip the youngest sent me a text saying that her sister had gone out until at least 1am and she was not feeling OK about being home alone that late. Needless, to say that's when the worrying started. So in future I will need to be very clear about my expectations of what happens at home.

I've been to MNSSHP and it's a lot of fun. What I gather is that it's better than MVMCP but I still need (OK, really it's a want) to tick it off my list. I think if I were you I would just stick with doing Universal this year. You've already paid for it so save the WDW parties until you need to purchase tickets again.

Oh man, you weren't supposed to talk me out of it!! Geez lady, what kind of a friend are you??? :rotfl:

Poor Jake was so sure he was going to bask in the glow of having the whole house all to himself, but he was lonely by the end of the first weekend. I was wishing all week that he had a sibling who would have kept him company, at least somewhat.

Welcome!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

Gina, Where did you buy the Photoconnect Annual Pass?

We ordered it from here:

If you follow them on Facebook, they often announce various offers and sales there......that's where I heard about their amazing $49.95 limited time pre-sale offer.

You guys look great! Such a sweet story about your mom! My mom is left-handed so she rarely gets a mug that allows her to see the writing-one year I found a shop just for lefties and loaded up (and 2 of my 3 kids are lefties...)
Such colorful pictures too!

Thanks, my friend :) . I might have gone a little overboard on the picture taking......I think I had well over 1000 by the time we came home :rolleyes1 . The parks were just jammed full of cool stuff I wanted to be able to show everyone when we came home! Thank the Lord for digital cameras......though there was a snafu one night with that as well. You'll have to stay tuned for the deets on that story!
Fun little parade we always like to hit. Looks like a great day in the Studios. I always found the TMs to be fun bad nice. Oh, and you had some mummy dust with the AP and traffic.
Fun little parade we always like to hit. Looks like a great day in the Studios. I always found the TMs to be fun bad nice. Oh, and you had some mummy dust with the AP and traffic.

I loved that we were able to walk up, have a good spot with a great view, watch the parade, then keep on touring. No staking out a space an hour ahead of time or fighting was all so relaxed and spontaneous. So fun!

And yes, that was some nifty mummy dust on day 1. We were definitely grateful for how smoothly that arrival day went!
Once the last of the Superstar Parade danced its way past us, we continued up the street toward New York and the Mummy.

I knew Steve would enjoy getting his adrenaline going on a coaster (albeit a mild one, as he was quick to remind me :rolleyes:) so I shooed him along as he protested...weakly. Today was our actual anniversary....22 years!!....and I think he was worried that I’d be iinsulted if he admitted that yes, he wanted to ride something that I didn’t. Very sweet, but so silly. GO, I told him. I was happy to explore the New York area with camera in hand, and the posted wait was only 10 minutes anyway. We set a meeting place, and he entered the queue while I took a stroll.

I really love the New York area, the detail is so perfect.

And I think it was wonderful planning to put this beautiful little park adjacent to the Mummy. What a perfect place to enjoy the Florida sun while your loved ones get all shook up on the coaster :thumbsup2.

Much to my delight, I stumbled upon this little festive gem.....and being the Christmas Elf that I am, I had to go inside!

I was sorely tempted to spend the souvenir budget right there, right then, In its entirety. I mean, they had Minion Christmas lights........MINION CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!!!!

They had a marvelous selection of decorations, actually. It took all my self control to snap my photos and shuffle myself out of there before Steve would be wishing he’d kept me supervised :rotfl2:.

I was just leaving the store when I spied Steve coming out from the Mummy, so snapped the obligatory ride pic for the photo album before continuing on our exploration tour:

After the Mummy, we wound our way around and checked out Springfield. The area had undergone a huge expansion since our last visit in 2012, and being the Simpsons fans that we are, we were so excited to see all the changes and new features that they added. We were not disappointed!

We walked through Simpson’s Fast Food Boulevard, checking out Moe’s Tavern and the menus at the various dining locations. Steve had his photo taken with Jebediah Springfield (Jake was going to be insanely jealous):

....and we walked on to the Twirl & Hurl.....we would ride this one a lot over the course of the week!

We moved on, knowing we didn’t have huge amounts of time to devote to any one area, with the park closing early and our bodies growing weary from such an early start and a busy day. As we walked, we were trying to decide if we should visit Diagon Alley today (just getting a taste of the new section of the park, knowing we’d have limited time there) or leave it until we were back on Sunday (when we had a full day at Universal planned and could take all the time we wanted). Then, just like that, all that chit-chat went out the window when Steve spotted Bumblebee out for a meet-and-greet. My great big macho man turned into instant child and beat a path to the line. Yes, there is a little kid in all of us, just aching to be let out :goodvibes .

After the character meet, Steve rode Transformers (at my urging.....for heaven’s sake, man, I don’t mind!!)....again, with no waits.

After Transformers, my guy was adamant that we were going to do something “for me”.... and by making that suggestion, he knew what “Despicable” attraction I would be headed to.

I am sure I was smiling like an idiot as we walked into the queue, which we now sped through as our after-4 pm Express Pass (a perk of our Premier AP's) had now kicked in. I was about to fulfill the top item on my bucket list: I was going to meet a Minion :banana:(actually, make that two! :cool1:).

Did I mention that there’s a little child inside all of us, just dying to be freed? :blush:

Despicable Me, coming up next. And no, we couldn't wait.....we opt to get a little taste of Diagon Alley (literally :drinking1).
I had the opportunity for an extended chat on one of our days with a precious young lady who was working at the one of the Butterbeer carts in Hogsmeade. Steve was riding Forbidden Journey, and we struck up a conversation while I was standing nearby. During that course of that exchange, she mentioned that several guests had been rather difficult over the past few days, and had presented her with some challenging moments that left her feeling a little discouraged. I commented that we had been remarking all week at the amazing job that she and her co-workers were doing and the wonderful way it was enhancing our Universal experience, and that we thought they were exceeding the infamous Disney standard that we hear so much about. Well, by George, a big tear dropped right down her cheek as she quietly thanked me for making her day. Apparently some positive feedback was long overdue for that sweet young worker. And I thought to myself.....perhaps we should communicate things like that more often. They really do need to hear it.

Amen!!! How lovely to see someone appreciate it so much. We often go to guest services as we leave and fill out the forms with names of TM's who have gone above and beyond or just been ultra nice.....but taking the time to tell them personally will make their day too. Some guests really do make their job very difficult at times.

Oh your pictures are a joy to see..........I have to get those minion lights!!!! They have done a great job with Springfield......not a Simpsons fan at all but love the area......not the actual ride though.....only thing in the parks I won't go on again.

Your weather looks lovely too......makes such a difference :sunny:
Your resort looks lovely! We are starting to look into pet friendly options when we travel. We don't like to leave our dogs behind and they don't like for us to leave. But I can understand how some careless pet owners ruin it for others.. It's a shame!

We aren't Spongebob fans so, when we were there my kids didn't care too much when SpongeBob and his friends came out for, what I guess was, a mini parade. But Buds was in love with the roller skating fish! LOL! We didn't get to catch the full parade.. Maybe next time!

Love your pics so far! Looks like it was a beautiful day to be there too! And how nice that the lines were so short! :)

Oh! And Minion Christmas tree lights!! You must get them!! How awesome!! We love everything Despicable Me and Hubs and I are convinced that they modeled the girls after ours! And how awesome that your Mom got her personalized mug!! Two of my girls bemoan the fact that they gave "weird names" and can't find personalized stuff!
Great update! You guys have so much energy! I think I would have been asleep on the sidewalk by now.

I love that old-timey New York area.
I'm not at all trying to talk you out of MNSSHP....I totally think it's a must do. I'm just being practical.

Do tell what costumes you and Steve would be wearing? I'm fairly certain they would not appreciate Minions at WDW.
First, you win me over to sky auction and SVR. And now, I want to spend a few days at Universal this trip. Haven't been there since...well since it was just one park. Enjoying your trip report!
Sounds like a good day in the park! Sounds like you guys got a lot done for just one day!

I love that you two got to celebrate and enjoy your time together; I can somewhat picture you guys watching the parade and him making sure you got photos; and both of you getting excited for meet and greets! You two kind of remind me of my boyfriend's parents. :goodvibes

In other news; after doing our second Escapology last night (seriously; the best $25 bucks I've spent, so much fun!), I managed to talk the group (and letting them believe it was their idea) to head to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes; I am pretty sure I walked out of the place with a new, 5# food baby in my belly. I always over do it!
Amen!!! How lovely to see someone appreciate it so much. We often go to guest services as we leave and fill out the forms with names of TM's who have gone above and beyond or just been ultra nice.....but taking the time to tell them personally will make their day too. Some guests really do make their job very difficult at times.

Oh your pictures are a joy to see..........I have to get those minion lights!!!! They have done a great job with Springfield......not a Simpsons fan at all but love the area......not the actual ride though.....only thing in the parks I won't go on again.

Your weather looks lovely too......makes such a difference :sunny:

The weather was simply spectacular....all week long. Nothing but sun, warmth, no humidity, and the most wonderful breeze. So comfy and lovely. I couldn't have ordered better weather if I tried! :thumbsup2

Your resort looks lovely! We are starting to look into pet friendly options when we travel. We don't like to leave our dogs behind and they don't like for us to leave. But I can understand how some careless pet owners ruin it for others.. It's a shame!

We aren't Spongebob fans so, when we were there my kids didn't care too much when SpongeBob and his friends came out for, what I guess was, a mini parade. But Buds was in love with the roller skating fish! LOL! We didn't get to catch the full parade.. Maybe next time!

Love your pics so far! Looks like it was a beautiful day to be there too! And how nice that the lines were so short! :)

Oh! And Minion Christmas tree lights!! You must get them!! How awesome!! We love everything Despicable Me and Hubs and I are convinced that they modeled the girls after ours! And how awesome that your Mom got her personalized mug!! Two of my girls bemoan the fact that they gave "weird names" and can't find personalized stuff!

We thought about picking up the minion lights, but we're not home for Christmas again this year (we're spending the holidays in Orlando.....December 19th to 26th inclusive) so I don't think I'll even put up a Christmas tree at home this year. That said, I might change my mind between now and our next trip in October....and there might be a Minion tree at the Bo-Bina household after all!!! :rotfl:

I empathize with your girls.....Gina has never been the easiest name to find on personalized items either. When I was a little girl, finding Gina was darn near impossible (and actually, I'm officially a "Georgina" ... which you will never find printed on a toothbrush, I guarantee it!). Imagine my surprise when I found a lovely necklace with a heart shaped pendant personalized with "Gina" and a tiny dolphin at one of the shops in Port of Entry at IOA. Needless to say, that was one of my souvenirs of this trip. I couldn't pass it up!

Great update! You guys have so much energy! I think I would have been asleep on the sidewalk by now.

I love that old-timey New York area.

Pure adrenaline :teeth: . We slept like babies that night, though! ::yes::

I'm not at all trying to talk you out of MNSSHP....I totally think it's a must do. I'm just being practical.

Do tell what costumes you and Steve would be wearing? I'm fairly certain they would not appreciate Minions at WDW.

Now that just makes it tempting right there. We could go as Kevin and Bob. One tall and one short :rotfl2:.

And you....practical? You strike me as spontaneous and throw-all-caution-to-the-wind and FUN :banana:. I'm the boring practical one!!

First, you win me over to sky auction and SVR. And now, I want to spend a few days at Universal this trip. Haven't been there since...well since it was just one park. Enjoying your trip report!

Welcome, welcome!

Conway, we had an absolutely fabulous time. If you can squeeze in Universal, I think you'd really, really enjoy it. I can't say enough about the parks, the Team Members, the food....everything! So fun! :)

Sounds like a good day in the park! Sounds like you guys got a lot done for just one day!

I love that you two got to celebrate and enjoy your time together; I can somewhat picture you guys watching the parade and him making sure you got photos; and both of you getting excited for meet and greets! You two kind of remind me of my boyfriend's parents. :goodvibes

In other news; after doing our second Escapology last night (seriously; the best $25 bucks I've spent, so much fun!), I managed to talk the group (and letting them believe it was their idea) to head to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes; I am pretty sure I walked out of the place with a new, 5# food baby in my belly. I always over do it!

Oh chia, now you just made me feel old. You just compared me to your boyfriend's parents :scared:.

All of a sudden, I can feel every grey hair on my head :laughing: .
Friday, May 1st.....the rest of our park day:

Ride chicken that I am, I wasn’t sure if we should go with the motion seating or the non-motion seating in Despicable had been such a majestic day so far, and I didn’t want to end it feeling icky. The queue was jammed with little folks, though, and they were all being shuffled into lines for the regular seats by the TM (and no parents were looking nervous or alarmed) so I figured I’d take a chance and see how motion-y it was. You only live once, right?

Once inside the building after we bypassed the lengthy line with our Express, it wasn’t long before the fun began. The intro part was so darn cute, complete with Gru, the three girls, an assortment of minions, and a fart gun that smelled like bananas. The minions were HYSTERICAL in the queue where they demonstrated how to (not) wear the 3D put them on like a bikini top, the other wore them on his butt (and shook his booty while letting loose an infamous minion giggle). For the ride itself, we were nearer to the back....row 5, if I remember correctly, which I really liked because we were quite far back from that HUGE screen (which gave us a good vantage point). Steve wasn’t particularly fond of the motion and was glad when the ride was over (but thought the story line of the ride was adorable....he’s a Despicable Me fan too) but thankfully, it didn’t bother me much. I was feeling mighty fine as we exited into the gift shop, which was good news because look who was waiting for us!

Best. Anniversary. Ever. I met the Minions! :jumping1:

The dance party after the ride is just a hoot.....Universal has done such a great job with this attraction. The music, the projection of dancing guests on the wall, the all works so well together, and creates such a fun buzz. We were also super impressed at how the TM’s kept the meet and greet line moving nice and steadily, getting through everyone in a surprisingly short amount of time.

I had one of those moments where I thought to myself, I don’t care what happens from here on out on this trip. In my heart, it was already a complete success! :goodvibes

We poked around the gift shop for a little bit and noted a few items that we’d pick up before the end of our week as souvenirs (the “Minion Fuel” was really quite novel.....small chocolate bars with banana bits......several of which I brought home as little surprises for my dearest friends, who were not at all surprised that the souvenirs I gave them were Minion themed :blush:).

As we acknowledged to each other that we were fading fast, we agreed to head straight to our final park attraction of the day: Diagon Alley. In spite of the weariness that was starting to take hold, our curiosity was killing us and we simply could NOT leave the park without getting a first glimpse. No one said patience was one of our finer virtues :rolleyes1.

We didn’t stop to soak up the London waterfront in any great detail....there would be time for that on another day. But we did stop dead in our tracks once we caught sight of this:

Anyone who says Disney is the King of Theming truly hasn’t been to Diagon Alley. For a few moments, it was hard to even was so much to take in, and there was so much to look at, our eyes didn’t know where to go first and our feet almost refused to move. Thankfully (and may I say, rather surprisingly) it wasn’t busy at all and we could have those initial moments of stationery-ness without being trampled or causing a nasty pedestrian back-log.

JK Rowling, you are incredible :worship:. Even with all the photos we had seen and Youtube videos that we watched during the vacation planning process, the entire area was more amazing than we could have imagined.

We stopped at the Leaky Cauldron and grabbed a cold Butterbeer to share.

See? I told you it was really, really uncrowded!

A wonderful TM saw me holding my camera and offered to get a photo for us:

With our beverage in hand, we took a stroll around and tried to soak in all the wonderful little details.

Actually seeing DA in person, we were both even more excited for the chance to devour the area when we were rested and had unlimited time at our disposal. Sunday could not come soon enough!

With the Butterbeer drained (and our energy too), we headed out of Diagon Alley.

We had reached....and perhaps, exceeded....our energy limit for the day, so we tiredly headed to the park exit and then to the garage to fetch our car. It was time for a nice anniversary dinner followed by a much deserved soaking in the hot tubs at the resort. I let Steve make the final decision on where he would like to dine for our celebratory meal, and he decided to go big. VERY big! :scared1:

Hash House a Go Go is next.
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I am loving this report! We "stumbled upon" the parade at Universal on our September trip and it was so fun!

Can't wait to read your review of Hash House A Go Go...we almost went there yesterday on our last day of our trip but we were lured by the much closer Ale House.

My next baby is due in December and I have this crazy idea that at some point next year I'd love to do a quick couples weekend down to just US/IOA with just DH. We took our DD there last year when she was 14 months and there was really not much she could ride--even 2/3 Suess rides had a height requirement. I'd LOVE to have three full days for an adult trip and your report is making me want to do it even more!
I am loving this report! We "stumbled upon" the parade at Universal on our September trip and it was so fun!

Can't wait to read your review of Hash House A Go Go...we almost went there yesterday on our last day of our trip but we were lured by the much closer Ale House.

My next baby is due in December and I have this crazy idea that at some point next year I'd love to do a quick couples weekend down to just US/IOA with just DH. We took our DD there last year when she was 14 months and there was really not much she could ride--even 2/3 Suess rides had a height requirement. I'd LOVE to have three full days for an adult trip and your report is making me want to do it even more!

Thanks, BadgerGirl84! :goodvibes

I must admit.....our adults trip was more awesome than I had even thought it would be. I anticipated that it would seem as if we were missing something (or someone) to not have the boy along, but you was so much fun. And so good for our relationship, too.....I think couples truly need that time alone together to reconnect, and we don't indulge in that often. Don't get me wrong....I did miss Jake terribly (like a momma always misses her offspring when they're apart). And I am sure we looked like a pair of fools at times, two middle aged fools with no kids waiting in line to meet Shrek or the Minions, but I honestly didn't care what anyone thought :lmao: . Neither Steve nor I can wait to repeat our couples getaway in October, especially knowing that we get to do a family trip at Christmas.

Congrats on the upcoming new arrival! :thumbsup2 Have you found out yet if you are welcoming a boy or a girl to your family?
We have annual passes to Universal just for Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I love it so much. I still haven't been there when it's not crowded, though. One day I need to just call in sick in the off season and head over there! (That's one of the reasons I prefer Disney's app to Universals: the wait times for Universal don't work unless you're inside the park! With Disney I can check the app, see low wait times, and then decide to pop on over. The perils of being a local! LOL!)
Oh Diagon Alley!! Can't hardly stand waiting to see it-3 weeks from today (yikes time went faster than I realized)-started re-reading the Harry Potter books (perfect for a Universal Trip report:)) How very nice that your first experience with seeing DA was uncrowded!!

I say go for the Minion Lights! Even if you decide not to put up a tree you can hang them from a mantle or bartop counter or something.
Did I wish you guys "Happy Anniversary" yet?? Sounds like was a great day-ending in coma? :rotfl:The pictures of portions I've seen from Hash House look ginormous...
I can't believe how quiet US was! We went in October and it was pretty crowded(manageable but wait for despicable me was 1-2 hours all day. We waited an hour and 20.) We also are at leaky cauldron, loved the Harry Potter area. Amazing
Gina, I love reading your trip reports !!. I 'm planning to head down to Universal/Seaworld and maybe a day at Epcot sometime in Sept or Oct . Reading these reports gives me an idea on how much i might be able to get done in a day. I will most likely be solo. Trying to decide on whether to stay at a Universal Resort or a Seaworld Resort. Seems some of the Seaworld Resorts my have a shuttle to Disney too? Do you have any suggestions? I think the Deluxe hotels are too much for me $$ wise even though i would love too.


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