"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

Food, Flowers, & Fast Cars

Izzy didn’t want to get back in her stroller after meeting Ariel. :headache: She often demanded to walk on this trip:

Next, it was time to check out our first Flower & Garden Festival topiary pooh::

Pretty cool. :thumbsup2 :flower1:

On into England and….look, someone is about to be eaten by a crocodile :eek::

It took us a minute to realize Peter Pan was up on top of the building:

After that, we finally convinced Izzy to get back in her stroller and keep cool under the shade while she ate her corndog (that was finally cool enough – I had to take a bite to show her it was okay, as she didn’t believe me):

We split up at the point, as we had some snacks/lunch to acquire for ourselves. :hyper: I saw the old Off Kilter/new lumberjack show stage and it made me sad – I loved Off Kilter :sad1::

But I was on a mission:

Last trip (August 2014), I had purchased a couple of Cronuts (“croissant doughnuts”), since they are often raved about on the DIS. I only had a bite or two of a fresh one, then tucked them away for the next morning, as I was in a hurry to do other things. When I had one the next morning, it was just okay to me. Fine, but nothing I would go to great lengths for. :confused3 So, I figured they must be better fresh and I needed to try one again next trip to see. Maybe with ice cream on it too. ::yes:: So, here I was, ready to give it another shot.

Meanwhile, Dug was checking out the menus for the nearby Outdoor Kitchens:

He passed on that one and went here instead:

He got us the Dole Whip with Macadamia Nut Rum and a Pineapple Dog:

Yes, that is the whole serving they give you of the pineapple dog, by the way.

I ended up going for the chocolate/vanilla twist ice cream on my Cronut:

We found a bench to sit and enjoy our tasty treats. Izzy was upset that we wouldn’t share the Dole Whip (rum!), so I was able to keep her mind off of it with the ice cream from the Cronut while we worked on the other items. The Dole Whip was very good and we really enjoyed the Pineapple Dog, though it is tiny, especially when you share it. Could have used a second one, but we made do. After a few minutes, Izzy was no longer happy about ice cream vs. Dole Whip, so I went and got her a non-alcoholic Dole Whip of her own. But, in true toddler fashion, she refused it and was in tears because it was TOO BIG. :sad: You see, they serve the regular ones in decent size cups, but the alcoholic ones are in smaller cups. She wanted the small one, like ours. :headache: Dug went up this time, to try to procure just a little cup to transfer hers into.

While he did that, I watched Izzy and worked on the Cronut, which now had some melty ice cream on it. And, what did I think? :hyper: Well, don’t kick me off the DIS, but I STILL don’t get the hype. :confused3 I found it hard to eat, for one thing. The top was rather crisp, so it was hard to get a bite off, especially topped with melting ice cream. And, when I did take a bite, it was tasty, but I think it may just not be my type of snack with the thick, messy sugar coating and all. There are a lot of things I’d rather eat at WDW. Sorry, Cronut-lovers, I guess there will be more for you now. :rotfl: Once again, just like last trip, Izzy had no interest in eating it (despite the fact that she loves doughnuts). We did polish it off, of course, but I’m not in a rush to get one again. Don't get me wrong - it's wasn't bad or anything, just not my cup of tea.

Dug was able to get Izzy a little cup for her Dole Whip and she was a happy girl:

Dug also took the remnants of Izzy’s corndog (she basically ate the coating off and left the hot dog :rotfl:) and used it to clean up the remaining accompaniments from the pineapple dog. Smart! :thumbsup2

Despite the fact that we hardly got any of the food we’d had planned, it was time to move on. We had Fast Passes reserved and dinner wasn’t that far off. It was about 4:10pm and our Test Track window closed at 4:30pm. We’d just have to get more food from the Outdoor Kitchens the next day to make up for this. Onward to Future World!

Of course, we had to stop and admire the scenery along the way:

She had spotted these Disney Duckies:

More topiaries :flower::daisy::flower1::

And, suddenly, we were in Cars Land :car::

It’s Mater! :cool1::

There was also this nice little Cars playground set up (there is a lot more back there that you can't see in this picture):

And, of course, everyone’s hero Lightning McQueen :woohoo::

Izzy was a bit starstruck (she loves him :lovestruc):

We had to keep moving, though, as some other cars awaited us. Dug had a Fast Pass for Test Track and I had to come along to get a Rider Swap for later. We made it here just in time for the end of our window (get used to this! :rolleyes1):

Once the Rider Swap was obtained, Dug headed in and Izzy and I took off for the playground (she actually was riding in the stroller for this walk! :cool1: I think I told her we'd get to the playground faster if she rode in it. :idea:):

I should mention that we had a Character Spot FP+ next, followed by plans that we'd want Izzy awake for (Disney Visa meet, Spaceship Earth FP+, dinner at Garden Grill), so we basically had missed our nap time window, due to the late arrival and too-hot-to-eat corndog delay. :sad2: She was doing fairly well at this point, though, all things considered. We knew we had an earlier night this night and could just try to get her to bed at a reasonable time and hope for the best.

Dug’s view while we headed to the playground:

Up next: Cars, cars, and more cars!
Nothing like living on pins and needles.
It gets easier though.
Not much... but some.
Well, that gives me some hope to be able to relax on a balcony in the future, I guess. :thumbsup2

Wow. I've heard of that happening from time to time, but until now, didn't know anyone that it had happened to.
And so innocent too! Here, honey, play with this for a second. <click!>
Ugh, that was just the worst. And SO embarrassing too. :blush: Two seconds is more than enough time for your kid to get you in enough trouble that you have to call the police. Oh, and it was raining too - she probably wanted to laugh at me stuck out in the rain (luckily, our daycare provider had umbrellas handy).

It is still a lot of hotdogs.
I wonder if they factor in the hot dog eating contests? :laughing:
I think today I heard that the winner ate 65?
The runner up ate 60.
And the third place ate only a measly 35. Wimp!
Now THAT is a good point! I bet they count those - they'd surely bring the average WAY up. ::yes::

Last time I'd heard about places not taking Magic Bands/Room keys was a long time ago.
I figured by now everyone took them.
Guess not.
I thought so too. We also found that Garden Grove (at the Swalphin) doesn't take them, but that was somewhat expected, as they aren't owned by Disney.

Well, happy to help! :goodvibes

:laughing: nom nom nom
That was a good cake, though - I can't say I blame her. :laughing:
Too funny about the size of the Dole Whip cup!
If the cup is big they want the small one. If it is small they want the big one like mom and dad.
The size of the cup thing is TOTALLY something DS would have pulled. It is so strange how kids are... Also with the stroller DS went through the stroller hating phase HARD at that age. Now at 3.5 he always wants me to bring his stroller places or rent one there. Go figure. Lol!

That hot dog was teeny. More like a hot chihuahua lol!

I hope Izzy can stay up for some of your plans tonight. Traveling with toddlers is not easy!
Izzy didn’t want to get back in her stroller after meeting Ariel. :headache: She often demanded to walk on this trip:

Thus incurring the judgy looks of those who demand to know why you are pushing an obviously unnecessary stroller.

On into England and….look, someone is about to be eaten by a crocodile :eek::


It took us a minute to realize Peter Pan was up on top of the building:

Good eyes. I might not have caught that at all.

I had to take a bite to show her it was okay, as she didn’t believe me

I have two thoughts.
1. smart girl.
2. you'd make a great royal food taster.

After a few minutes, Izzy was no longer happy about ice cream vs. Dole Whip, so I went and got her a non-alcoholic Dole Whip of her own. But, in true toddler fashion, she refused it and was in tears because it was TOO BIG.

No one knows the unfathomable mind of a child.

While he did that, I watched Izzy and worked on the Cronut, which now had some melty ice cream on it. And, what did I think? :hyper: Well, don’t kick me off the DIS, but I STILL don’t get the hype. :confused3 I found it hard to eat, for one thing. The top was rather crisp, so it was hard to get a bite off, especially topped with melting ice cream. And, when I did take a bite, it was tasty, but I think it may just not be my type of snack with the thick, messy sugar coating and all.

That's okay. You don't have to like it just because I do.
I find it odd that you said the top was crisp. Is it possible the ice cream did something to it?
Or they cook it differently to put ice cream on it?
I remember mine (sans ice cream) just melted in my mouth. No crispiness whatsoever.

But. I do like "thick, messy sugar coating" so that would make a difference right there.

Izzy was a bit starstruck (she loves him :lovestruc):

Awww... That's a cute pic!

Well, that gives me some hope to be able to relax on a balcony in the future, I guess. :thumbsup2

Eventually she'll be a teenager and it will be "Bye, mom! Going to the park!" and then you can sit.
But you probably won't.
"I'm coming with you! Woot!"

I thought so too. We also found that Garden Grove (at the Swalphin) doesn't take them, but that was somewhat expected, as they aren't owned by Disney.

You do get a little spoiled don't you? You want to use Magic Band everywhere after you come home. :laughing:
Do you have "tap" at all in the States? Where you just tap your debit card on the machine instead of inserting or swiping? That's close to Magic Band I suppose.
On into England and….look, someone is about to be eaten by a crocodile :eek::

OMG! Look out man!! :rotfl:

He got us the Dole Whip with Macadamia Nut Rum and a Pineapple Dog:

Mmmmmm....that looks really good! And rum?!?!? Err....yes please! :thumbsup2

Well I guess if all the hot dogs that are consumed are that size it would be really easy to get to 80 per person! :rotfl:

I ended up going for the chocolate/vanilla twist ice cream on my Cronut:

That looks....interesting...:rolleyes1

Izzy was upset that we wouldn’t share the Dole Whip (rum!)

I can't say I blame her! But good parenting move not giving rum to a toddler! Can you tell I'm not a mom? :rolleyes1 :lmao:

But, in true toddler fashion, she refused it and was in tears because it was TOO BIG.

Awww! Poor Izzy! I would be crying to it was too small! :rotfl:

Dug was able to get Izzy a little cup for her Dole Whip and she was a happy girl:

That's better! Ice cream makes everyone a happy girl! :banana:
So glad Izzy finally got to eat her corn dog!

Charlotte went through stages like that, where the dumbest things set her off. One time we got take-out and she and I were splitting a meal. I put her portion on a princess plate and started eating mine out of the container...cue temper tantrum! She wanted the same container as the rest of us...:faint: I'm not sure what happens on the 4th birthday, but it instantly gets better! I promise.

Sorry you didn't love the Cronut, but if I am honest, it doesn't sound great to me either! I love donuts, but I like real donuts.

That Hawaiian dog looks small, but awesome! And a dole whip with rum...yes please! ::yes::
I just love how, as parents, we try to make our kids happy and then they change their mind. It's pretty funny that Izzy didn't want the bigger dole whip. Glad Dug was able to help remedy the 'issue' by obtaining the correct size cup per Izzys request. Lol
On into England and….look, someone is about to be eaten by a crocodile :eek::


the shade while she ate her corndog (that was finally cool enough – I had to take a bite to show her it was okay, as she didn’t believe me):
:sad2: That is one molten hot corndog!

Izzy was upset that we wouldn’t share the Dole Whip (rum!)
:rotfl:You mean parents you! :rotfl2:

But, in true toddler fashion, she refused it and was in tears because it was TOO BIG. :sad:

Dug was able to get Izzy a little cup for her Dole Whip and she was a happy girl:
:cheer2: Its the little things in life right?

Dug also took the remnants of Izzy’s corndog (she basically ate the coating off and left the hot dog :rotfl:) and used it to clean up the remaining accompaniments from the pineapple dog. Smart! :thumbsup2
Good thinking! :thumbsup2

Izzy was a bit starstruck (she loves him :lovestruc):
Little MIss is starting to really Love Cars as well!
I'm just sitting at my computer nodding my head up and down with Izzy's moods... This is EXACTLY the phase we are in with Maddie... sigh.. such a little toot sometimes! :sad2: But I am so happy to report she has gotten a lot better at listening to reasoning and taking that into account, so I feel like we are getting a handle on it... but they really can't seem to help just getting so upset at the most random things... it can be quite comical! :rotfl2::faint: :faint: :faint:

I am loving seeing all the F&G stuff around Epcot in your updates. Shame you don't care for the cronut, for me I like it hot, fresh and plain, and more as a breakfast type food. :confused3 But I agree, there are way better snacks in Epcot to occupy your hunger!!

I am so excited you're getting closer to that Garden Grill ADR I am waiting to read! popcorn::
Flower and Garden Festival looks so beautiful from your pictures. I was in Epcot this April but was with a first timer and trying to get her to see as much as possible so I unfortunately missed most of the festival activities. Must find a way to remedy that!
Okay, I was really behind but all caught up now. I'm sorry about the changing debacle, it's sounds tough. It crazy how something so innocuous to us will just set a toddler off:confused3. It sounds like even though there were a few set backs you were able to forge on. The pineapple dog looks yummy, that was one of the only booths I never made it to. That's funny about the dole whip, we had the same problem when we got the frozen push up from France but at least you had an alternative to give her.
Love your Boardwalk studio! Yikes, that balcony fall sounds scary! We're renting a 2-bedroom DVC at Jambo House in May and I have this wild fear of one of the boys falling off the balcony and into one of the savannas. At least there are only giraffes and zebras, right? :scared:

Cute meet with Ariel. It seems like Izzy is just pacing herself with the meets!

Jake tried the stroller strike at Sea World last week. I basically had to hold him down to strap him in screaming. It was 102 degrees and busy and we just did not have the time.

The pineapple dog sounds good but I agree that the portion is rather small. And I totally feel you with the hoops involved in feeding toddlers a snack - all things must be just right! I'm glad Izzy enjoyed her Dole Whip eventually!

The Cars playground looks like fun!
I haven't had the cronut in EPCOT, but I will say that the BoG breakfast cronut meal was DELICIOUS! I want to return in Feb just for it, so good! I can't compare to the EPCOT one though, and it's actually the only cronut I've ever had...

Glad Dug made it to TT in time and was able to ride - so nice to have the playground as a spot for Izzy to play while you waited! I wish they were up year-round!
Too funny about the Dole Whip being too big!

Okay, I think that you need to try the cronut ONE more time - this time hot and without the ice cream.
Great update! Wow -- I totally love how the Peter Pan topiary was on top of the bldg ....so clever! That's just another reason why Disney is SO awesome :)
Great pictures of the topiaries!

Of course the role whip was too big - totally a legit reason to flip out about ;)

At least you made it in time for the FP+ window. They playground looks pretty cool - EPCOT could use a permanent play area

Well, at least now you know it is you not the not fresh cronut ;)
What a BUSY but awesome first day!

I'm cracking up at Izzy wanting the Dole Whip in the small cup - girl wants what she wants:laughing:!

I hope the rest of the day goes by smoothly without a nap:scared1:! Looking forward to more :)!
:headache: She often demanded to walk on this trip:
Too stubborn to ride in the stroller? Surely not... :rolleyes1

On into England and….look, someone is about to be eaten by a crocodile :eek::

It took us a minute to realize Peter Pan was up on top of the building:
That's cool!

He got us the Dole Whip with Macadamia Nut Rum and a Pineapple Dog:
They both look good!

Yes, that is the whole serving they give you of the pineapple dog, by the way.
Seriously. $4 for half of a hot dog??? That makes the $4.50 Skyline chili dogs that they serve at Cincinnati Reds games that you can get outside the park for a buck look like a bargain. At least it is a whole hot dog.

Dug also took the remnants of Izzy’s corndog (she basically ate the coating off and left the hot dog :rotfl:) and used it to clean up the remaining accompaniments from the pineapple dog. Smart! :thumbsup2
Good idea. :thumbsup2

We made it here just in time for the end of our window (get used to this! :rolleyes1):

I think I told her we'd get to the playground faster if she rode in it. :idea:):
You mean that actually works for you?

I should mention that we had a Character Spot FP+ next, followed by plans that we'd want Izzy awake for (Disney Visa meet, Spaceship Earth FP+, dinner at Garden Grill), so we basically had missed our nap time window, due to the late arrival and too-hot-to-eat corndog delay. :sad2: She was doing fairly well at this point, though, all things considered. We knew we had an earlier night this night and could just try to get her to bed at a reasonable time and hope for the best.
Uh oh. This could be trouble going forward. I hope it works out for you!


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