Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

This thread is like therapy! :) I am reading each and every one to see if am an offender here. lol.

I think we may have budded in line at at bus stop going to MK from POR this past February. In my defense though, there was no line marked. The bus also didn't pull up to the top of the crowd so it turned into a free for all. I don't like that. I don't mind waiting my turn but there needs to be some order. I still feel bad about whether or not we ended up getting on before other people who had waited longer. There was no time for pleasantries or to ask other families though as the crowd started rushing the bus. Poor planning from Disney, IMO.
I do hate how the bus stops at the resorts are a free-for-all. With no ropes to clearly mark a queue, butting and rudeness is inevitable. I always try to look around and take note of who arrived before us and after us and get on the bus accordingly, but it doesn't always work out that way.
I do hate how the bus stops at the resorts are a free-for-all. With no ropes to clearly mark a queue, butting and rudeness is inevitable. I always try to look around and take note of who arrived before us and after us and get on the bus accordingly, but it doesn't always work out that way.

This would be an easy fix for them to put in the ropes. I know at city bus stops this is how it works, but generally people form a line if there is alot of people waiting. But, at disney, the volume always seems to be there. Scratches head.
I'm sure I'm thought of as the "rude" person every time I go to the other side of the cashier. There are 5-7 people on the left side and maybe one person on the right side, so I go to the right. I can't tell you the number of dirty looks I get. There are two lines, I don't understand why people don't use them.
I have been snippy by the end of many trips from sheer exhaustion. I also got very short with the cast member running the Fast Pass Plus machine mainly because I hate the new system and I don't have a smart phone and there was no printer or anything. She handed me a sharpie to write my Fast Pass times on my arm or anything I had and I was not too happy about it.

I'm also very small and like to walk fast so I'm sure I've offended people with my weaving in and out trying to get to places quickly. This is how I get so exhausted by the end of trips! :D

Also I have gone for snacks and stuff while some family waited for Fantasmic which I'm finding out is a huge no no. I didn't realized that was rude-especially when the line in in the street area so I'm not pushing by people.
We were considered rude but I don't really think we were. Big family reunion trip, staying offsite in a house, my parents and sister offered to babysit the kids while dh and I can go on an adult evening alone. We choose to go to Epcot as IllumiNations is my favorite fireworks. We get to do a couple of rides and then go stake the perfect spot to watch the fireworks, a good 45-50 minutes ahead of time. We do find the perfect unobstructed spot in front of the Canada pavilion and we sit there, our backs to the fence, just enjoying being there. As time goes by, more and more people get there, including a mother with 2 young kids with her own mom. We decide to get up and turn to the lake to ensure our perfect position and we did have a great spot. The mom behind us, however, made comments because we refused to let her kids in front of us. The group of people to our left did make some space so the kids could get closer to the fence and the mom made sure to thank them loudly when they left. I guess she thought we'd feel bad for not being "magical"... I'm sorry lady, but we have 4 kids and when we want to ensure a great fireworks or parade spot, we ALL get there EARLY and we STAY there. We don't EXPECT people who've been there a long time before us to squeeze us in, even my kids know this!

But my rudest moment was not at WDW, it was at the MCO airport, trying to leave when Delta's computers were down and we were bounced around from one counter to the other after waiting in line forever... I still feel uneasy about the people I definitely pushed and shoved to get to a computer when they finally worked
This would be an easy fix for them to put in the ropes. I know at city bus stops this is how it works, but generally people form a line if there is alot of people waiting. But, at disney, the volume always seems to be there. Scratches head.

I live in a large Canadian city, and ride the transit extensively (because I don't drive). I've never seen a line form here. When it's crowded, people pick a spot on the curb, and hope the bus stops in front of them. Or they stand back and take their chances, if being close to the road makes them nervous. It's a bit of a trick, knowing where the doors are most likely to end up. If it's very very crowded, I aim to be standing at the back doors, as it's often easier to squeeze on from the rear. No one cares who got to the stop first, or who's been waiting longest.
I live in a large Canadian city, and ride the transit extensively (because I don't drive). I've never seen a line form here. When it's crowded, people pick a spot on the curb, and hope the bus stops in front of them. Or they stand back and take their chances, if being close to the road makes them nervous. It's a bit of a trick, knowing where the doors are most likely to end up. If it's very very crowded, I aim to be standing at the back doors, as it's often easier to squeeze on from the rear. No one cares who got to the stop first, or who's been waiting longest.

Exactly (other than the possibility of skipping the fare by getting on in the back - I know many people in NYC will do that trick - though it only works if people are getting off). The bus is going to the same place. It's one thing if people are being left behind, but as long as everyone is able to get on the bus... Like I tell my students who just HAVE to be first and will push and shove in line at bussing "Is the bus leaving the second YOU get on and without everyone else? No? So it doesn't matter who is on first."
2012, staying at POP with my best friend...I had developed huge blisters on both feet, so you can imagine I was not in the best of moods, considering I had to deal with the pain for 7 days. going downstairs to the pool at the resort, a family was in the elevator with us. When we stopped at the ground floor, the door opened, and they just stood there, taking their sweet time. I got annoyed and said something like "I'd like to get off the elevator some time today." They didn't like that, and started talking in Spanish, including making a derogatory remark about me (I guess they thought I wouldn't understand). I said something back, but my friend stepped in before it got ugly. I'm just glad they weren't also heading to the pool.

As far as an incident with a cast member ; one morning we woke and the floor in our room was soaked. Water was leaking from the room next door into our room. We called and explained the situation. They said "go enjoy the parks and when you get back it will be taken care of!"...ok, cool. We get back that night, open the door, and there was an industrial fan on the floor, carpet still wet. We called down - actually, my friend went down to the lobby - he comes back to tell me we are moving rooms. I'm thinking they are going to send someone to take our luggage, maybe give us something for our trouble, give us a nicer room. Nope. A girl shows up like 30 minutes later to basically direct us to our room. We had to lug everything ourselves. No apology, no nothing. She acted as if it was in inconvenience. I may or may not have had a really sour attitude as she walked us down a level to our new room.

Considering the pain I was in, I may have overreacted.
I'm not perfect but I do make sure that I am not incosiderate and disrespectful i.e jumping ahead of others who were waiting for the bus too.....I just believe in Karma and that crap will come and bite me in the butt. I also cant stand people who cut in line and I have seen parents do it along with their kids, not just kids.

Providing you have the size and/or presence to do it (I know plenty of short/small people who can pull it off quite easily), a well timed and "friendly" "Whaddaya doin' there Chief?" can prove to be quite the deterrent. :D
I'm gathering that weaving through crowds is considered rude? If so, I am that person on a regular basis, though I do my best to not run into people. I naturally walk fast and see no point in extending the time it takes for me to get somewhere just because another group in front of me walks slower than I do.

I also am usually by myself and will absolutely take advantage of needing to fill in all available space/using both lines (Star Tours/IsSW) though. I know people get annoyed and I probably am seen as the rude person at that point
I truly try not to be that guest. I have refused to let kids in front of me in the parade line before, but it was because their parents tried to push them in front of me. I told them, "I'm sorry but I was here first". The mom got snippy with me, "They're kids and can't see over you. They DESERVE to be in front of you!" I looked at her and said, "#1. No one DESERVES anything in life, it should be earned. #2 I would have let them in front of me had you not tried to push them in my face or had I been asked nicely by you or the children. So your rudeness cost your children. Maybe you should think about what you are teaching them. Now, go find another spot, preferably out of my line of sight!" She huffed away and I was applauded by everyone around me. Just doing my duty :)
Does it count as rude when I honked the horn at the guy waiting in line to get in Epcot to park and the line moved, he was 6 cars behind the guy in front of him because he had his nose in his phone and I yelled at him to either drive or use the phone because obviously he couldn't do both!:lmao:
Exactly (other than the possibility of skipping the fare by getting on in the back - I know many people in NYC will do that trick - though it only works if people are getting off). The bus is going to the same place. It's one thing if people are being left behind, but as long as everyone is able to get on the bus... Like I tell my students who just HAVE to be first and will push and shove in line at bussing "Is the bus leaving the second YOU get on and without everyone else? No? So it doesn't matter who is on first."

I guess the problem at the resorts, though, is that there isn't always enough room for everyone to squeeze on, especially when you are at one of the last stops.
I'm sure I'm thought of as the "rude" person every time I go to the other side of the cashier. There are 5-7 people on the left side and maybe one person on the right side, so I go to the right. I can't tell you the number of dirty looks I get. There are two lines, I don't understand why people don't use them.

Well, I'll tell you one guy almost got lynched when he did this last time. There were two cashiers and only one line. So the next person in line was waiting for the NEXT available cashier, so there were not two separate lines for two separate cashiers. It was one line, so at any given time there was one person at the cashier on the left, and the entire line was behind the cashier on the right, but moved over a bit. While we were waiting, a guy comes up and jumps in the line with only one person. The entire line started yelling at him to "get in the back of the line" I will never forget the look on his face! He was so embarrassed and the entire line was glaring at him and shaming him. He had no idea he did anything wrong, but the look on his face said he was so satisfied with himself for jumping in the "short" line while all us schmucks waited in the "long" line. I could not help but giggle. Not saying that is what went on in your situation, but it was this particular time.
Also I have gone for snacks and stuff while some family waited for Fantasmic which I'm finding out is a huge no no. I didn't realized that was rude-especially when the line in in the street area so I'm not pushing by people.

Honestly, I'm not convinced this IS rude. Fantasmic, candlelight processional, rope drop, any time there's a line outside without ropes, I have no issue with one party member leaving the line for any reason. Heck, even two is fine. Where I get cranky is when it's one person in line holding a spot for six or seven or more.

Years ago, my husband and I stood in a CP line and allowed our kids (7 and 9) to explore the World Showcase nearby. Others may think we were rude, but I'd do it again. Mainly because, in the true spirit of do unto others it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if the family in line ahead of me did the same.
I'm sure I'm thought of as the "rude" person every time I go to the other side of the cashier. There are 5-7 people on the left side and maybe one person on the right side, so I go to the right. I can't tell you the number of dirty looks I get. There are two lines, I don't understand why people don't use them.
Sure you do. They don't use them because they do not know. The polite thing to do would be to explain it to them and let them move into that line. After all, they were there first. The rude thing to do would be to take advantage of their ignorance and skip them in line.

Now, if you explain it to them and they refuse to step into the other line - that is another story.
When I was in college, 2 friends and I stayed in a cheap offsite hotel with a shuttle. At the end of a MK night, we misjudged how long it took to actually get out of the park during the mass exodus after fireworks and were worried about missing the last shuttle. So we weaved through the entire monorail line. I still feel guilty about it 20 yrs later, but we made the bus. :D
And i'm definitely guilty of taking flash photos on dark rides in my younger years. Didn't know it was such a problem until the DIS. :oops:


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