Saw 4 large Confederate flags flying at a house today,

Once again sorry to misunderstand you. Maybe you could tell me why someone would equate someone from a mountainous region (hillbilly) with white trash. How are those the same? I think you are saying that is not OK so that is good. But it would never be OK to call someone trash. And especially bad to call someone that just based on where they live.

I haven't called anyone racists but throwing ethnic slurs at others comes very close.

All these words are used to describe people from the south...redneck, hillbilly, white trash, that is why people would equate them in the same manner. That being said, these same words can be used to describe people from many regions not just the south.
All these words are used to describe people from the south...redneck, hillbilly, white trash, that is why people would equate them in the same manner. That being said, these same words can be used to describe people from many regions not just the south.
Well I hope you mean "some" people from the south because equating those terms with people from the south disparages an entire region.

You should really get to know some southerners. We are a very diverse area with many, many people who are kind and tolerant. Knowing about this region would highlight the ridiculous, uneducated statement that "hillbillies" come to mind when seeing the confederate flag. The one area of the south who protested joining the confederacy.
Well I hope you mean "some" people from the south because equating those terms with people from the south disparages an entire region.

You should really get to know some southerners. We are a very diverse area with many, many people who are kind and tolerant. Knowing about this region would highlight the ridiculous, uneducated statement that "hillbillies" come to mind when seeing the confederate flag. The one area of the south who protested joining the confederacy.

You really need to stop taking things so literal. This is being talked about in general terms.
You really need to stop taking things so literal. This is being talked about in general terms.
That is hard to do when people who know nothing about your area use those "general terms" to disparage you. I am sure you would take offense if I tried to explain why all Canadians are thought of as trash. I am not saying that, just using an example.

This thread disturbingly shows how easy it is for people to hate based on things they know nothing about.
That is hard to do when people who know nothing about your area use those "general terms" to disparage you. I am sure you would take offense if I tried to explain why all Canadians are thought of as trash. I am not saying that, just using an example.

This thread disturbingly shows how easy it is for people to hate based on things they know nothing about.

I don't think this is the way Canadians think of the south, I think it is more of the general public driven by the way many people are portrayed in movies, television, the news, etc.
Once again sorry to misunderstand you. Maybe you could tell me why someone

I haven't called anyone racists but throwing ethnic slurs at others comes very close.

Except you did.....

When I read a post as offensive as yours it is very clear who is truly ignorant. If those words come to your mind you are much more racist as those you are trying to disparage.
Sorry, but, yes... EVERYTHING changed when the the Colonies were triumphant.
If the Southern States had won the Civil War, I would not consider the Confederate flag, or whatever flag they adopted, to be 'traitor'.

And, I really don't care where poeple think they are getting their impressions and views and ideals about people from the South.
Using this kind of disparaging label to apply to any large race or region of people is just not acceptable.

And, as a person who was born and raised and lives in the South, I would have to be one of the first to admit that there are cases where the 'stereotype' is true.

I am absolutely NOT personally offended by hearing the term white-trash, at all.
People are WAY to easily offended these days!!!!

But, that doesn't change the fact that one will lose all credibility when they try to blame somebody for displaying negative views and prejudice, by, in turn, also displaying negative and prejudicial statements.
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All these words are used to describe people from the south...redneck, hillbilly, white trash, that is why people would equate them in the same manner. That being said, these same words can be used to describe people from many regions not just the south.

Funny how that just works in one compass direction and it's okay to use those terms.

Redneck- Men who worked outside got sunburned necks. Nobody up North or in the East or West ever worked outside and got sunburned necks?
Hillbilly-so just regions in Appalachia have hills?
White trash- only Southern folks were poor?

Amazing actually in this PC atmosphere that the only group it's acceptable to disparage are Southerners.
Funny how that just works in one compass direction and it's okay to use those terms.

Redneck- Men who worked outside got sunburned necks. Nobody up North or in the East or West ever worked outside and got sunburned necks?
Hillbilly-so just regions in Appalachia have hills?
White trash- only Southern folks were poor?

Amazing actually in this PC atmosphere that the only group it's acceptable to disparage are Southerners.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said people from many regions. I live in eastern Canada and these terms have been used to describe people here.
Perhaps you missed the part where I said people from many regions. I live in eastern Canada and these terms have been used to describe people here.

No, I didn't miss your comment. I meant in general. I've never heard anyone from any other area described as a redneck or hillbilly.
I have relatives that fit the stereotype.
Per your earlier post where you equate all of these terms, do you also call your relatives trash?

I don't know what is more offensive - calling all southerners trash or using that word on people you know.
On the delivery driver thread I said my BIL is super racist. When I talk about him to people, I call him a hillbilly and white trash.
Per your earlier post where you equate all of these terms, do you also call your relatives trash?

I don't know what is more offensive - calling all southerners trash or using that word on people you know.

Get over it and stop trying to twist what people say.
No kidding. I know I haven't ONCE on this thread, or anywhere on the whole wide web associated any of these terms with Southerners specifically. it's getting quite ridiculous..
Redneck & white trash are terms not exclusive to any one area, as long as it's rural. But, the terms don't recognize any borders. Hillbilly is definitely a regional thing, though it's as common in the Ozarks as in Appalacia.

Edit: I should note these terms are not interchangeable. Hillbilly refers to a lifestyle & appearance that is different than a redneck in addition to referring to geographic locales. Redneck & Hillbilly are also terms many embrace.

White Trash OTOH is exclusively meant as an insult.
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Get over it and stop trying to twist what people say.
I was asking not twisting based on this comment:

All these words are used to describe people from the south...redneck, hillbilly, white trash, that is why people would equate them in the same manner. That being said, these same words can be used to describe people from many regions not just the south.

You said you have relatives who fit the stereotype of redneck and hillbilly. I was curious if you would also think it is appropriate to call them trash since you equated these terms. No twisting involved.
But by objecting to the term white trash, aren't you (General you) profiling too? I bet you don't think of someone in a three piece suit or made up to the nines when you hear that term. You have a preconceived image, no?
Actually, I just dislike the "trash" part.
Redneck & white trash are terms not exclusive to any one area, as long as it's rural. But, the terms don't recognize any borders. Hillbilly is definitely a regional thing, though it's as common in the Ozarks as in Appalacia.
I agree. When you use the word hillbilly you are talking about people from a certain region and to equate that term as white trash is appalling. These posters are disparaging people just based on where they live, not any type of behavior.


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