Becoming a Better Sarah ~ 2015 Journal (The End)

I'll be NYC over Christmas and then again in March/April. If you're game, we can run 10-miles of the NYC Half Marathon course together. It's the 10K loop through Central Park and then down the Hudson side of Manhattan.

I can't give you a medal, but I can probably spring for a hotel room. ;)
I'll be NYC over Christmas and then again in March/April. If you're game, we can run 10-miles of the NYC Half Marathon course together. It's the 10K loop through Central Park and then down the Hudson side of Manhattan.

I can't give you a medal, but I can probably spring for a hotel room. ;)

Sounds awesome! I won't be anywhere near 10 miles by Christmas, but by March/April I might be.
Hopefully you'll know where we're going ... I tend to get lost in Central Park. Despite having lived in NY for over 25 years.

And I'll do it even without a hotel room ... even after running 10 miles I probably wouldn't be the worst smelling person on the subway!
I'll be NYC over Christmas and then again in March/April. If you're game, we can run 10-miles of the NYC Half Marathon course together. It's the 10K loop through Central Park and then down the Hudson side of Manhattan.

I can't give you a medal, but I can probably spring for a hotel room. ;)

You are so awesome Keels! You're my hero!

@LSUlakes The lion and gazelle story is great!!

@SarahDisney What to say b/c there is so much emotion that your Fear post conjured up in me, I don't know where to start. So I will just say this, we believe in you so if you don't feel like you have that same level of belief in yourself (and many of us can certainly relate to that!), borrow from us or lean on us.

You say we don't know you and that's true but in a way it's not true. You have shown and shared with us a part of yourself-the part that is struggling and reaching to do something you have not done before. It's a scary thing-striving for something you haven't done before. Failing is also scary, and worse-it's failing, we get it.

Just know that these head games are just head games. We're here for you.
You are so awesome Keels! You're my hero!

I could not agree more with this statement. @Keels really is the best!

@SarahDisney What to say b/c there is so much emotion that your Fear post conjured up in me, I don't know where to start. So I will just say this, we believe in you so if you don't feel like you have that same level of belief in yourself (and many of us can certainly relate to that!), borrow from us or lean on us.

You say we don't know you and that's true but in a way it's not true. You have shown and shared with us a part of yourself-the part that is struggling and reaching to do something you have not done before. It's a scary thing-striving for something you haven't done before. Failing is also scary, and worse-it's failing, we get it.

Just know that these head games are just head games. We're here for you.

Thank you! This has definitely been a difficult journey for me at times, and it's good to know that even when I think things are rough and I don't know what to do, there are people here who support me and believe in me. It really means a lot to me and helps me put these rough days of self-doubt behind me a bit. So thank you.

I have a progress report mostly written ... hopefully it will be posted either later today or early tomorrow. I was out all day today, so I'm officially behind schedule.
Progress Update: 10/1 – 10/11

Once again, I’m trying out a new format. This one is centered more on giving me data that I can analyze for weeks and months to come. I don’t know how much sense it will make to you, my wonderful readers, but … it makes sense to me and that’s all that matters.

Notes on the new format:
1 – Each week will have its own table, but all of the tables for the month are on the same spreadsheet (which is on Google Sheets and therefore accessible from my phone or computer) so that I can look at it as a whole. If there’s something I want to mention about a particular workout or the week as a whole, I’ll write it in the progress update under the table.
2 – This new format allows me to look at next week’s plan while dealing with this week’s issues.
3 – I think this will help me identify patterns and determine when/where I have more work to do. For example, I’m already starting to see that I tend to skip things on days where I have a lot scheduled … which is not normal for me.

October – Week 1:
Sunday 10/1 - Run Recap: 5.09 miles in 1:00:00 hours (11’48” pace)
Normally for a run like this I’d have a few crackers right when I woke up, but I didn’t have time … and I had somewhere I needed to be before the run, so it wasn’t my usual “first thing in the morning” run. I did need a few jelly bean breaks and I took 2-3 extra short walk breaks, but overall, it was still a really good run, and my fastest 5 miles since early July. My feet started to hurt a bit at the end, but I think that was just my body’s way of telling me that it was time to call it quits.

October – Week 2:
Thursday 10/8 - Run Recap: 6.62 miles in 1:22:00 hours (12’23” pace)
I woke up sick but went out running anyway. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t awful. It just never got easy.

Sunday 10/11 - Run Recap: 3.84 miles in 47:02 minutes (12’14” pace)
This was scheduled as a long run, but because I’m battling a cold, I decided to cut it back to 45 minutes. I almost made it 30 minutes, but I was able to make it through 45+. It wasn’t easy, and I don’t think I should have done it, but I’m still glad I did.

So that was the first two weeks of October. Overall, I missed a few workouts, but mostly did okay. I tried not to schedule too much. Now that my holidays are over for a while and I’m starting to get the hang of physical therapy, I think I can plan to do more.

Here’s my schedule for the October Week 3:

I’ve got two runs and three cross trainings. I generally prefer it the other way around, but because of scheduling issues I swapped Sunday’s run for a cross training … you’ll see the effects of that next week. I’m also starting to do my PT exercises only a few days a week, instead of every day – but the stretches are still every day.

Oh, and I’ve already had to switch my Tuesday & Thursday runs because of scheduling. I really hate doing my long run so late in the week, but I needed to be back home before 8:30 on Tuesday, so a long run was really out of the question.

Also … I registered for a race! It’s a 5 mile Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I believe I mentioned it as a possibility a few pages back.
I mentioned to my sister that I registered. She’s not sure if she will be able to do it, as she’s currently battling an injury, so she’ll decide closer to the race. Other than that … I haven’t told anyone. Not sure when I’ll tell the rest of my family … but I think I will have to mention it before leaving the house at 7 AM on Thanksgiving. I am kinda scared to tell people, though … I don’t know why, I just feel like I shouldn’t mention it to people because they either won’t understand or won’t care.
My dad ran this race many moons ago (when it was actually run by NYRR, which it no longer is). I don’t know if that will make telling him easier or harder. But … I struggle with sharing my running with the people around me. And that’s hard to deal with sometimes.

And, to end on a slightly funnier note ... (sorry for the large image, I got it from the internet)

I saw this somewhere and immediately loved it. It's basically the reason I always run the same route (with minor adjustments for laps around the baseball fields). If I tried somewhere new, I'd get lost.
You are so organized! And running a Turkey Trot means you get extra helpings of pie later in the day, right? Or whatever your Thanksgiving craving is (mine is pie!)

I hope you are feeling better...colds are so's like you want to do good things for your body like running and eating right and your body is just like "Maybe not today."

You mentioned not telling people about your runs and I totally relate with that. I tell everyone on here because you are all my "safe space" people. If I didn't always need babysitters I'm sure less people would know until after I finish one. So I more just don't tell them my "goals" for the race until after. My hubby & disboards knows everything all the time though.
I posted pics of the Ditka Dash on facebook after it was over and then went to a baby shower and was a little overwhelmed with all the "you ran a race today? questions" but then when I realized everyone was being very encouraging and saying nice things it wasn't so bad. I'd choose sitting and listening then being the center of attention any day.

Also I get what you & spongebob (ha!) are saying about getting lost. Thank god our neighborhood is in the Chicago grid style. Easy to find my way home.
You are so organized! And running a Turkey Trot means you get extra helpings of pie later in the day, right? Or whatever your Thanksgiving craving is (mine is pie!)
I love being organized. That's what I do with my free time. Work on Excel spreadsheets.
And we're not big Thanksgiving people, so ... pizza. And maybe a giant latte. Like a venti. I never get Ventis.

I hope you are feeling better...colds are so's like you want to do good things for your body like running and eating right and your body is just like "Maybe not today."

Thanks. I am a lot better today. I'm hoping to be back to 100% for my long run tomorrow.

You mentioned not telling people about your runs and I totally relate with that. I tell everyone on here because you are all my "safe space" people. If I didn't always need babysitters I'm sure less people would know until after I finish one. So I more just don't tell them my "goals" for the race until after. My hubby & disboards knows everything all the time though.

Thanks for understanding.
It took me a long time to tell my family that I was running - at first I either didn't tell them why I was leaving the house or I just went out when nobody else was home. It's definitely hard for me to share this with other people, and the disboards have been great as a place for me to share.

Also I get what you & spongebob (ha!) are saying about getting lost. Thank god our neighborhood is in the Chicago grid style. Easy to find my way home.

My neighborhood is a mess of twisty streets. Many of which have no sidewalks. So its super easy to get lost.
I can find my way home ... using the GPS on my phone. Otherwise, not so much.
Thanks for understanding.
It took me a long time to tell my family that I was running - at first I either didn't tell them why I was leaving the house or I just went out when nobody else was home. It's definitely hard for me to share this with other people, and the disboards have been great as a place for me to share.


I was the same way at first about not really telling people I was even doing couch 2 5k until after I had ran my first 5k...which literally only husband knew about a few minutes before I walked out the door. But I am happy now that I have shared more with my family and friends because I think I somehow caused a tidal-wave of new runners. Maybe it's because they saw that I could do it so it made them more brave to try?
I am always hesitant to tell people my time goals or distance goals until I've completed something because it puts too much pressure on myself...even if it is made up in my head. I'd rather surprise people with a "I PR'd today and here's a picture of me with my medal" on facebook, then put a long post about how I am so excited to try for X time out there the day before.
Now on disboards I leave it all out in the open because I know everyone will understand if I succeed or fail and will encourage me to keep it up.
I was the same way at first about not really telling people I was even doing couch 2 5k until after I had ran my first 5k...which literally only husband knew about a few minutes before I walked out the door. But I am happy now that I have shared more with my family and friends because I think I somehow caused a tidal-wave of new runners. Maybe it's because they saw that I could do it so it made them more brave to try?
I am always hesitant to tell people my time goals or distance goals until I've completed something because it puts too much pressure on myself...even if it is made up in my head. I'd rather surprise people with a "I PR'd today and here's a picture of me with my medal" on facebook, then put a long post about how I am so excited to try for X time out there the day before.
Now on disboards I leave it all out in the open because I know everyone will understand if I succeed or fail and will encourage me to keep it up.

I think one of the reasons why I'm so hesitant to share my running with others is because I'm so slow. A bunch of people I know run, and they're all faster than me. I'm scared that people will think it's ridiculous that I don't even set time goals because pace doesn't matter to me that much.
Here ... I'm not the slowest runner. There are plenty of people here who are faster than me, but there are also plenty of people who are around my age or slower. And run/walk, which is something I haven't heard of people using outside of these boards, has made a huge difference for me. These are things I'm afraid to share with the outside world because I'm afraid of how people react. Here people seem to be a lot more understanding, which is why I can share a lot more here than I do on facebook.
It sounds like it came with a struggle though and I think you’re right about your decision for October. I find myself really deflated when I don’t meet the target set by my training plan each week so I can totally relate.

My September goal was to get under 2hrs25mins in my POT half which I managed in under 2hrs20mins so I’m chuffed with that!
As for my goal for October, it’s very simple… Finish the Dublin Marathon… Fingers crossed!

I've caught up on your other posts.
I’ve been feeling really panicky lately about my full and some of what you said in your post about your fear of the distance has been going through my head also.. 11months is a really decent amount of time to train for a half marathon. You just completed 50miles in September which is a fantastic base for your half training. I believe in you like many others on here and I'll be right behind you on here as you train over the next 11months.

Also... YAH for this:

We interrupt your normal morning routine to give you a message from my Garmin...

View attachment 129079


More on that in the next progress report.
Apologies @SarahDisney I'm about to hijack your thread for Harry Potter obsession!

I never thought about doing virtual races until I saw Hogwarts Running Club's medals. Amazing for this Harry Potter fan!

I just googled this... am I right in thinking there are no more events in 2015?!

I would sign up for a real-life Harry Potter race with ZERO hesitation. :lovestruc

I've always loved the movies and just started reading the books this month (already on 4!) I would LOVE a Harry Potter race! I just saw this on Facebook and am gutted I won't be attending

The prices were ridiculous... but still... Dinner at Hogwarts!!!!
I'm going to book the standard studio tour as a treat after my marathon, handy now that I live in London!
7+!!!! Outstanding Effort!!!! Way to run!!!! I am so very proud of you, quite impressive, you are a runner!!!!
It sounds like it came with a struggle though and I think you’re right about your decision for October. I find myself really deflated when I don’t meet the target set by my training plan each week so I can totally relate.

Exactly - it's discouraging when I have so much trouble meeting my goal, so after having a rough month I decided to just take it easy.

My September goal was to get under 2hrs25mins in my POT half which I managed in under 2hrs20mins so I’m chuffed with that!

That is pretty awesome! And hopefully you'll do great at your marathon too!

The prices were ridiculous... but still... Dinner at Hogwarts!!!!
I'm going to book the standard studio tour as a treat after my marathon, handy now that I live in London!

Dinner at Hogwarts sounds amazing. I really want to do the studio tour if I ever make it out to London.

7+!!!! Outstanding Effort!!!! Way to run!!!! I am so very proud of you, quite impressive, you are a runner!!!!

Thank you!
Progress Update: 10/12 – 10/18

Tuesday 10/13 - Run Recap: 2.33 miles in 29:00 minutes (12’23” pace)
This was a brutal run. I got out and did it, and that’s the only good thing I can say about it. And I’m glad it’s over.

Thursday 10/15 - Run Recap: 7.08 miles in 1:25:00 minutes (12’00” pace)
I was dreading this run the night before. I tried not to. I knew it was a bad idea. But I just couldn’t get out of my own damn head. I woke up feeling a little better, but as I was heading out, I realized that I had forgotten to do something kinda important the night before, and that screwed me up, but I still went out hoping for the best.
My goal for the run was to visualize 7 miles - not necessarily to reach it, but to imagine seeing the "lap 7" notification come up on my Garmin and think about how it will make me feel. I was able to do that pretty early in the run, which was great, but I didn't think I'd actually make it to 7 miles because I felt like I was going slow. But when I was still under 12:00 as my average pace after mile 2, I knew it was a possibility. Not definite, because mile 3 is always my slowest, but a possibility. It was somewhere near my turnaround point (at about 3.25 miles - which, by the way, was PAST the underpass I've been avoiding for weeks ... so, another yay) that I realized I was probably going to make it. From there, it was all smiles and excitement (not common for me), as evidenced by this run selfie (aka runfie), which was actually taken during a walk break because there's no way I'm taking a picture while running and risking dropping my phone:
Also, to put the cherry on top of what was already a great day, the woman on the table next to me at physical therapy was also a runner (although she’s not running at the moment due to injury). It came up, but I also knew it from the moment I saw her. She was wearing running shoes and running socks. Pink ones (the shoes were Brooks Ghost 7 … not sure about the socks). So, y’know, I knew I’d like her before we even spoke.

The weekend, however … was not great. I had a family thing out of town, and wound up eating too much and not doing as much of my exercises & stretches as I should have. Part of that was just 5 hours in the car Friday & Sunday and being with other people all day Saturday, but part of it was also just me being a slacker. I was home before 4 on Sunday, that left me plenty of time for exercise … but nothing. I’m pretty disappointed in myself.

Anyway … here’s what’s on tap for the coming week …
Today’s run may be moved to tomorrow, depending on whether or not I can get out of the house this afternoon. Right now I’m drinking hot chocolate and pretending its winter. Not the best idea, but understandable when you realize that I woke up to 35° weather and no heat (I knew there was no heat, but that doesn’t make it any less cold). Heat's back on now, but I'm still a little out of it so I may just decide to postpone.

Closing Thought…
Over the course of the weekend, I read the same kids book at least 4 times (3.5 year olds who won’t sit still are fun). I still can’t particularly tell you that much about it. Now I know why I don’t read articles or books about running even though I want to learn more … I won’t remember any of it!
Congrats on reaching 7! Its a big mental thing and reaching those types of goals are very exciting and help keep us all engaged as runners.

About getting lost on runs. I had similar concerns. I am not from the city I currently live and only knew the areas that I had to. So when I got tired of running the same loops over and over as my mileage increased, or just for a new route I got on mapmyrun. There is a tab to "create" a route. Once I found a route I like I would make turn by turn directions and make note if mile marker that would fall near a turn or intersection to confirm I was on the correct route. It would look something like this:
R @ Stanford
R @ Lakeshore Dr. (Mi1)
R @ May St.
L @ E. Lakeshore Dr. (Mi 2)
L @ Perkins Rd.

I would name the route and date it. Change the font to fit on one page, but still be visible. Print it out and cut the extra paper off and place into a small Ziploc bag (Snack or Sandwich). The Ziploc is important to sweat doesn't ruin it or if it rains you still know where to go. If the route has a lot of turns, just fold in half to fit in the bag and your good to go.
Congrats on reaching 7! Its a big mental thing and reaching those types of goals are very exciting and help keep us all engaged as runners.

Thank you! It was definitely an exciting moment for me and gave me a new energy. (All that new energy disappeared over the course of my weekend away, though)

About getting lost on runs. I had similar concerns. I am not from the city I currently live and only knew the areas that I had to. So when I got tired of running the same loops over and over as my mileage increased, or just for a new route I got on mapmyrun. There is a tab to "create" a route. Once I found a route I like I would make turn by turn directions and make note if mile marker that would fall near a turn or intersection to confirm I was on the correct route. It would look something like this:
R @ Stanford
R @ Lakeshore Dr. (Mi1)
R @ May St.
L @ E. Lakeshore Dr. (Mi 2)
L @ Perkins Rd.

I would name the route and date it. Change the font to fit on one page, but still be visible. Print it out and cut the extra paper off and place into a small Ziploc bag (Snack or Sandwich). The Ziploc is important to sweat doesn't ruin it or if it rains you still know where to go. If the route has a lot of turns, just fold in half to fit in the bag and your good to go.

This is a great idea. Thank you!!! I am definitely going to start doing this when I get a chance. It'll be nice to have some changes in scenery on my runs!
I just need to remember to avoid streets with no sidewalks. AKA a decent part of my neighborhood. (I don't like running on the street with cars)
Reviews – New Stuff

I’ve gotten a lot of new stuff over the past few months, so I wanted to take the time to share some thoughts about everything.

Garmin Forerunner 10
I had been thinking about getting a Garmin eventually, but I was nowhere near ready to purchase, when the wonderful @girliea offered me her old Garmin Forerunner 10. I started using it in late August, and I use it for all my runs, for both GPS tracking and run/walk intervals.


- Easy to see display, information is all readily available during run, including the lap time at the end of each lap
- Website interface & data collected are amazing
- Much easier to use for GPS tracking than phone because it’s always on my wrist (and doesn’t require being taken out of my belt to start/stop)
- GPS sometimes takes a while to find location
- Beeps aren’t very loud and it took me a while to get used to hearing them
- Need to plug it into computer to sync (my Fitbit syncs via Bluetooth or dongle (which I always keep plugged into the computer), which I find much easier)

Overall Assessment: I love it! It’s not perfect, and I think there are probably better models out there, but for the time being, this really suits my needs and its working out well for me. I really love the Garmin Connect website and the information it provides. I wish I could sync it wirelessly or via Bluetooth, because it is annoying to plug it in after every run, but that’s really a pretty minor concern. I’m also really looking forward to not having to take off my gloves to start the GPS when the weather gets cold (touchscreens are not fun in the cold).

Also, I don’t know if you can make friends on the Garmin website or whatever, but if you want to add me so that you can keep track of my running (assuming it’s not private, which it might be right now, but I can probably figure out how to change that), here’s the link to my profile:

Running Skirts Spirit/Kosher Skirt
Running Skirts is one of the few companies that makes running skirts that cover the knee. I bought their Runbow Spirit Athletic Skirt on sale a few weeks ago because I wanted a running-specific skirt (instead of just running in an old skirt like I usually do). I’ve been wearing it for about a month, and always wear it with either capris or leggings underneath (it has compression shorts attached).


- Long enough to cover my knees!
- Moisture-wicking – it doesn’t get gross like my other skirts
- Even though I haven’t used them much, I like the pockets on the side
- Matches one of my shirts perfectly
- Sometimes the shorts are uncomfortable
- The back of the skirt always feels like it’s falling down – I have to adjust it a lot

Overall Assessment: I like it. It gets the job done and even though it does feel weird sometimes, it’s great for runs of all lengths. I don’t love it, but I like it enough to buy another one on sale.

Raw Threads Hoodie
I was already a Raw Threads fan before this purchase. Cute, comfy, Disney-inspired part-bamboo (and part organic cotton) running clothes? Count me in! When they had their recent Shelf Sale 2.0, I bought hoodies for me and my sister. I’ve worn mine a few times, for long and short runs, and I generally wear it with a short-sleeve tech shirt underneath.


- So comfy!!! I don’t want to take it off. Ever. I’ve worn it for not running too, that’s how comfortable it is.
- Like with my short-sleeve Raw Threads shirt, it definitely shows sweat, but I don’t feel sweaty when I’m wearing it.
- Adorable color (I got the blue Princess Half Marathon Training Hoodie … it was the cheapest)! And Beth’s is a super cute design (Evil Queen).
- The thumbholes are the perfect size and are really comfortable (and I’m usually not a thumbhole person).
- I want more, but they’re too expensive to buy full price.
- The design I have is not something I can wear for anything other than training right now

Overall Assessment: As you can see, I have a lot more pros than cons on this one. I really love Raw Threads, and this hoodie is amazing. I can’t wait to get more during the next sale! I highly recommend for anyone looking for cute & comfy running clothes (although if you’re afraid of looking sweaty, I’d advise you to stick to darker colors where the sweat may not show as much).

Clif Shot Gels
In an effort to refine my pre-run nutrition strategy, I tried eating a gel before my long run (instead of my usual crackers). I tried two flavors of Clif Shot Gels, Chocolate and Razz, and I tried each flavor once before a long run.


- Gave me some extra energy and allowed me to postpone my mid-race refueling by a few minutes
- Don’t need to worry about giving it time to digest before the run – if I have it before I refill my water bottle, that’s about 15 minutes before the run, and that’s all the time it needs
- Consistency & texture are a little weird (Chocolate was better than Razz, but they were both a little strange), and it was a little hard to get down
- Expensive! At $1.50/gel and 1 gel/week, a 6 month supply will cost me almost $40. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but that’s at least two years’ worth of crackers. Plus, I don’t know if I will need to start having a gel mid-run when I get to longer distances… so that would add to the prices.

Overall Assessment: Definitely not my favorite thing in the world, and I don’t think the chocolate flavor tasted quite as much like chocolate pudding as the internet led me to believe. But also a definite improvement over choking down crackers, so these are my new default pre-run fuel. I didn’t love the Razz flavor and may not get it again (unless I don’t have other options), but I’ll get the Chocolate again and look at some other flavors next time I go to the running store.

Hammer Gel
This was another attempt to try a pre-run gel. I tried the Apple Cinnamon flavor (I’m basically a cinnamon addict, and who doesn’t like apple with their cinnamon) before one of my long runs.


- Don’t need to worry about giving it time to digest before the run – if I have it before I refill my water bottle, that’s about 15 minutes before the run, and that’s all the time it needs


- Texture and taste were pretty bad, and I had a hard time getting the whole gel down.
- Didn’t seem to give me any energy – I needed to take an earlier nutrition break than usual

Overall Assessment: I did not like it. It was disgusting and hard to get down, and I don’t think it helped me at all. This is not something that I would try again (although my sister does like one of the other flavors).

So … there you have it. Reviews of all the new stuff I’ve gotten lately. If you’re interested in trying any of this stuff and have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Progress Update: 10/20 – 10/25
Run Recaps:

  • Tuesday 10/20: 2.53 miles in 30:00 minutes (11’50” pace) - I wanted this to be a basic, easy run (because I knew I had a long run scheduled for the next day), and it wasn’t easy. But since I wasn’t expecting something special from this run, I’m okay with it.
  • Wednesday 10/21: 6.77 miles in 1:25:00 hours (12’33” pace) - Normally I don’t like to run on back-to-back days, but the schedule kinda necessitated it. It’s good practice for January, but I think the back-to-back does slow me down a bit. I did manage to run both the downhill and uphill of the highway underpass that I hate, mostly because I had just gotten passed by a guy from my synagogue (who runs faster than me) and I wanted to keep running and not turn around until after he was out of my line of vision. Strange (especially because it’s someone I don’t know very well), but I’ll take the motivation wherever I can get it.
  • Friday 10/23: 3.61 miles in 44:14 minutes (12’16” pace) - Lately I’ve been taking a lot of unscheduled walk breaks on my short runs, so my goal for this run was to only take my scheduled walk breaks, no extra break. I was able to meet that goal (other than a little walking/jogging in place while waiting to cross the street).
    I wasn’t wild about the pace, though. I really should be faster on my shorter runs.
  • Sunday 10/25: 6.45 miles in 1:20:00 hours (12’25” pace) - There were a few things that went wrong on this run, but I’m going to focus on the one thing that went right: I ran in the rain. It wasn’t particularly heavy rain, but it was steady for the last 15 mins or so, and I was able to run, no problems. My hat and moisture-wicking clothes kept me pretty dry (although my belt got pretty wet – but my phone seemed to be fine).
    Also, I recently switched from 3/1 intervals on my long run to 3:30/1, and I’m wondering if that’s why my pace has been slowing down. I think I’ll try the 3:30/1 for another run and if it’s still rough and slow, I’ll go back to 3/1.
In other news…
This week I graduated from physical therapy. My knee is pretty much fine … but I think that with time my knee would have been fine anyway. Overall assessment of PT is that I loved the people there, but I shouldn’t have gone. I shouldn’t have gone to the doctor. I should have waited a few days for my knee pain to go away.
Since graduating from PT, it’s been hard for me to get back into non-running exercise. I don’t know if it’s anger over the whole knee situation, burnout, or some weird coincidence. I skipped my stretching on Friday (except after my run) and most of the day Saturday. I tried to do some cross training late Saturday night, but it aggravated back pain I’d been having all week, so I decided to do my PT-assigned exercises instead, but my heart just wasn’t in it.

The really sad news is that I was supposed to get a t-shirt when I graduated, but they were all out. Add this to the t-shirt someone promised me like 5 years ago and never gave me, and I’m starting to think that people don’t think I want free t-shirts. So, in case any of you were wondering, I ALWAYS WANT FREE T-SHIRTS!!! It’s why I act like a fool at professional sporting events (although one of the two times I got a t-shirt was the time I was too busy taking pictures to pay attention … the t-shirt landed on my lap).

Oh, and here’s next week’s schedule:
Nothing too exciting going on. We’ll see if that ends up being good or bad.


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