Your Unpopular Opinions

I would much rather have pets in my home than kids

and the current issue that really gets me going these days: weddings, especially being in the bridal party.
I don't understand why we ask our friends to be part of this big day only to have them fork over at least $150 for a dress, more for alterations, more for a special bra if needed. Fork over more time and money to help with bachelorette party and shower expenses. Get hair and make up done (sometimes optional) as well as provide gifts, sometimes multiple gifts depending on what parties the couple wants, not to mention hotel room and transportation costs.
It translates to me as "hey friend, give me money so you can stand with me on my wedding day in an expensive dress you'll never wear again." I love my friends but it really gets expensive and really gets stressful
Also do not understand wanting to spend 35k plus on a one day party. I just don't get the fascination with weddings.
A riff on that one: I think Destination Weddings are selfish.
LOL, one last media inspired unpopular opinion.

This one is for all my African american Kinfolk.

Everyone who points out some stupidity that may uniquely effect our community is NOT A RACIST!! pointing out that having you pants hang below you knees is and showing you skivvies to the whole world is a stupid trend does not mean you hate black folk, it means we don't want to see your bvd's

I'm even going to defend the politician. Making an off colored joke doesn't mean they hate anyone, it may mean they had a lapse in common sense (imagine that) but for the love of a Louie Vuitton bag can we please stop finding a microphone every time we get offended.
A riff on that one: I think Destination Weddings are selfish.

I don't think that's what makes it selfish (lol, the next poor sap who manages to get me to marry him better get ready for a disney wedding lol), I think having a destination wedding then getting mad if people don't come is what does it.
But there is always, always, always pressure.
I just wish they'd elope.
My unpopular opinion is about wearing seat belts. If you are under the age of 18, you should have to wear them. As an adult, I don't feel the government has the right to tell me how to drive a car that I own. If I don't wear a seat belt and I die in a car accident because of it, that was my call. Then again, I would feel sorry for the paramedic who had to scoop my carcass off the road.
Problem is that many people choose to not carry insurance, that means the tax payers might have to pay their long term and shirt term medical expenses.
I got another opinion, probably unpopular. What is with the women "journalists" wearing tight, revealing clothing? The men are still wearing suits, but the women do not look professional at all. It looks weird. I don't like that trend at all. Same (and worse) with actresses and musicians. I can't believe some of the "outfits" some of these women wear! It's getting less and less fabric and what is there is tighter and tighter. I guess they must think they have to do something to stand out, but it's getting ridiculous in my book.

Agree! I'm glad winter is upon us (well it feels like it here today) because I'm so over seeing female biceps all year round ugh.. those arms need clothing.
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Problem is that many people choose to not carry insurance, that means the tax payers might have to pay their long term and shirt term medical expenses.
And if his spinning car hits me because he's on the passenger side floor instead of properly secured behind the wheel where he might have control, I'm going to own the rest of his life!
and the current issue that really gets me going these days: weddings, especially being in the bridal party.
I don't understand why we ask our friends to be part of this big day only to have them fork over at least $150 for a dress, more for alterations, more for a special bra if needed. Fork over more time and money to help with bachelorette party and shower expenses. Get hair and make up done (sometimes optional) as well as provide gifts, sometimes multiple gifts depending on what parties the couple wants, not to mention hotel room and transportation costs.
It translates to me as "hey friend, give me money so you can stand with me on my wedding day in an expensive dress you'll never wear again." I love my friends but it really gets expensive and really gets stressful
Also do not understand wanting to spend 35k plus on a one day party. I just don't get the fascination with weddings.
Heck, that's not a new thing- I haven't been a bridesmaid in almost 25 years, but it was always a big pain to participate (not that I didn't want to do it for my best friends). The dress, shoes, and other accessories had to be paid for. I was expected to plan and host a bridal shower. The bridesmaids were supposed to take the bride out for her bachelorette party (and pay for it). The costs associated with any travel to/lodging at the wedding site were on me. Gifts! And most brides didn't want me to bring a guest, so my focus wouldn't be taken away from my wedding duties.

I was fine with doing it when I was younger, but I don't think I would want to now. Much easier and more fun (not to mention less expensive and less time-consuming) to just be a guest.
I would rather be shot in the head and thrown off a cliff than look at pictures of babies.
I lose all respect for you once I hear you are on some idiot fad diet.
I cringe whenever I hear people talk about dead people going to heaven.
I look at most parents and think they should have gotten a puppy. Or a fish tank.
[QUOTEAnd most brides didn't want me to bring a guest][/QUOTE]

Never heard of that one before! Otherwise, I agree, being a bridesmaid has always been a pain in the butt- and expensive. But I don't hate weddings, if someone wants to spend a bunch of money, it's up to them. It is a special day. I don't get why someone would buy an $80,000 vehicle either, so we all have our own preferences on where we want to spend our money. If someone doesn't want to invest the time and money of being a bridesmaid, that's ok too.

Oh, and mustard should be abolished from the face of the earth.
My unpopular opinion...I hate female sportscasters. The only one I can tolerate is Pam Oliver, and occasionally Erin Andrews.

I agree. Their voices always sound fried and there's just something about their reporting that is annoying.
Still rings true though. Or as Jeff Foxworthy likes to say, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy".

That statement always makes me feel ill. I never want to be a "MAMA" that ruins everyone's day because I'm being pissy.
I do agree with that though. DH (and most DH) are less emotional, keep it inside if they're having a bad day. I get emotional, and everyone in the house feels that. Men role with the punches more. It doesn't mean ALL women are like this, but I believe "happy wife, happy life" is generally true.
I seriously question the "moon landing" and many other things we are taught to believe. I believe the government has many agendas and secrets that regular people have no clue about. More secrets are not leaked because they will kill those the expose those secrets.
I am assuming you are referring to your own Canadian government?


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