Your Unpopular Opinions

My unpopular opinion...I hate female sportscasters. The only one I can tolerate is Pam Oliver, and occasionally Erin Andrews.
YES! I'm a woman, and I love football, but gee whiz, don't stick some woman on the sideline/pre-game show just so you can be all affirmative action when she CLEARLY is reading cue cards! And please, as others have said for news shows, get clothes that FIT!! And 6 inch heels? Tossing the football around in a mini-skirt and heels...please, I'm switching the channel.
I'm going to say up front, I haven't read the whole thread, so this isn't directed at anyone in particular. I don't like people who argue against proven facts/science. Believe what you want, but when it flies in the face of what we know to be true don't expect people to respect it.
YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!
Selling items at home parties does not actually make you a "business owner." It makes you a sucker because you have to now pay both employee and employer payroll taxes. Selling whey protein powder also doesn't make you a coach. But whatever you do, I don't care, just stop flooding my Facebook news feed with it.
Selling items at home parties does not actually make you a "business owner." It makes you a sucker because you have to now pay both employee and employer payroll taxes. Selling whey protein powder also doesn't make you a coach. But whatever you do, I don't care, just stop flooding my Facebook news feed with it.

How could I forgot this one!? Emphatically yes!:mic: I don't want your Avon, Silpat, Michi, 31, Arbonne, diet wrap/patch or your oils. You are not a "business owner" you are the bottom of the bin on a pyramid scheme. But continue trying to make a living of selling your (actually working) friends some new fad at a markup so you can make some money off them. Oh, I mean be a business owner and stay at home mom....and maybe if you do real nice you can get the pink Mary Kay car!

I feel particularly burned with it because we have a good portion of the ladies in our church who sell these fad things and invite you to a party where you are expected to buy ridiculously overpriced stuff. I went to one to be nice years ago when we were *dirt* poor and pregnant with our first. I thought I would be nice and just get one little thing so I didn't leave empty handed which seemed rude. I decided on a peppermint foot lotion and scrub which had no price but I was young and dumb and didn't want to ask. After I was filling out all the paperwork the lady said "that will be 43$". I was so guilty over spending that because we SO didn't have the money but was too embarrassed to cancel it. This was after the lady was going on about how lucrative of a career this was going to be because her friend/pyramid scheme mentor sells this "and you can see her Mercedes parked in driveway out there. As you can see she does VERY well for herself."

I also had an encounter with my babysitter the other day where she mentioned that "by next year my mom is going to have enough people working under her that she can make money but stay home full time". Her mom is deep in the DoTerra craze. By the way, it's overpriced oil. It's not going to cure my grandmas Stage 4 cancer that has metastasized to her liver/bones/lungs. But by all means come and rub oils on her pressure points--it makes her smell nice :teeth:
And you didn't get the flu from the flu vaccine and you look *really* dumb for saying that. Know how your immune system works.

For that matter have a general idea of how your body works and your own anatomy at the very least.
How could I forgot this one!? Emphatically yes!:mic: I don't want your Avon, Silpat, Michi, 31, Arbonne, diet wrap/patch or your oils. You are not a "business owner" you are the bottom of the bin on a pyramid scheme. But continue trying to make a living of selling your (actually working) friends some new fad at a markup so you can make some money off them. Oh, I mean be a business owner and stay at home mom....and maybe if you do real nice you can get the pink Mary Kay car!

I feel particularly burned with it because we have a good portion of the ladies in our church who sell these fad things and invite you to a party where you are expected to buy ridiculously overpriced stuff. I went to one to be nice years ago when we were *dirt* poor and pregnant with our first. I thought I would be nice and just get one little thing so I didn't leave empty handed which seemed rude. I decided on a peppermint foot lotion and scrub which had no price but I was young and dumb and didn't want to ask. After I was filling out all the paperwork the lady said "that will be 43$". I was so guilty over spending that because we SO didn't have the money but was too embarrassed to cancel it. This was after the lady was going on about how lucrative of a career this was going to be because her friend/pyramid scheme mentor sells this "and you can see her Mercedes parked in driveway out there. As you can see she does VERY well for herself."

I also had an encounter with my babysitter the other day where she mentioned that "by next year my mom is going to have enough people working under her that she can make money but stay home full time". Her mom is deep in the DoTerra craze. By the way, it's overpriced oil. It's not going to cure my grandmas Stage 4 cancer that has metastasized to her liver/bones/lungs. But by all means come and rub oils on her pressure points--it makes her smell nice :teeth:

This cracks me up because I had a friend who uses oils all the time - but Young Living. I listened to the schpeel and ended up loving the smells of some of them just to diffuse in my house. So, I went online and found reasonably priced ones for that purpose only. She was all "do you KNOW that there is a huge difference in the oils and their purity levels blah blah blah?" I said "yes, I do - I am not buying them for their medicinal value whatsoever - it's for scent only - and by golly if it makes my immune system better or de-stresses me, great - but I'm not going to be suckered into a $40 bottle of Fixitall". :P I do have to admit though that I do think some of them do help certain ailments - but certainly not what some of these oil distributors claim to cure, that's for sure.
Food cooked in crock pots is gross.

Casseroles are gross.

It is OKAY to rehome a pet. It does not make one a bad person. Life situations change. As long as you find a good home, there is no reason to feel bad, and people who have negative opinions on rehoming animals are very narrow minded.

If you feel like you NEED a gun in your home, you either need to move to a safer place or you are incredibly insecure and paranoid.
This cracks me up because I had a friend who uses oils all the time - but Young Living. I listened to the schpeel and ended up loving the smells of some of them just to diffuse in my house. So, I went online and found reasonably priced ones for that purpose only. She was all "do you KNOW that there is a huge difference in the oils and their purity levels blah blah blah?" I said "yes, I do - I am not buying them for their medicinal value whatsoever - it's for scent only - and by golly if it makes my immune system better or de-stresses me, great - but I'm not going to be suckered into a $40 bottle of Fixitall". :P I do have to admit though that I do think some of them do help certain ailments - but certainly not what some of these oil distributors claim to cure, that's for sure.

I agree too. I love the smell of lavender, mint, citrus and I think there are some beneficial properties to the oils for things like headaches and tension. But when you start trying to sell oils to fix someone's cat that has just been ran over by a truck then I think you've gone nuts. No joke--my best friends cat got ran over and a helpful friend/oil peddler had a list of oils that would help the situation. My friend politely declined and the cat died (from deficiency of lemon oil I presume). :duck:
I agree too. I love the smell of lavender, mint, citrus and I think there are some beneficial properties to the oils for things like headaches and tension. But when you start trying to sell oils to fix someone's cat that has just been ran over by a truck then I think you've gone nuts. No joke--my best friends cat got ran over and a helpful friend/oil peddler had a list of oils that would help the situation. My friend politely declined and the cat died (from deficiency of lemon oil I presume). :duck:

I also agree that headache and tension/stress can be reduced with oils. What's the funniest thing about this is that if you research ANY of the reputable sites they will tell you that oils are NOT to be used on cats - ever. There are certain oils that can be used on dogs but none are to be used on cats. Poor cat - if only the cat had a responsible pet owner who'd used all the oils he'd probably have pulled through! :rolleyes1

It is OKAY to rehome a pet. It does not make one a bad person. Life situations change. As long as you find a good home, there is no reason to feel bad, and people who have negative opinions on rehoming animals are very narrow minded.
I agree it's OK to give away a pet to a more suitable situation. Not a fan of the term "rehome", though.

...Just my 2 cents...
So not going there.

Let's just say I have some opinions for which DH has cautioned, "You shouldn't mention that stuff around our friends/families." What, do you think I'm stupid? Of course I wouldn't say it to anyone else. The only person I'd ever share those opinions with is the guy who is legally bound to me.
YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!
I'm going to say up front, I haven't read the whole thread, so this isn't directed at anyone in particular. I don't like people who argue against proven facts/science. Believe what you want, but when it flies in the face of what we know to be true don't expect people to respect it.

I think the word "proven" is why some of us have unpopular opinions. When the scientific method is not followed, it's not science. When research is done with the end in mind, it is not science. With climate change for example, top researchers have already been busted for falsifying data- their own email was evidence. Baseline historical temperatures were changes recently.

So, the public is told we need to spend billions every year to control man-made climate change. Problem is, there is very little evidence the climate is changing at all, much less dramatically. And there's no evidence at all that it's man-made. So yes, I do believe ins science- but not junk science.
My reply to post #427. Not enough clothing the ladies (almost) always sleeveless on our News reporters will have the cold weather remedy that here soon.
No, I'm quite aware, I'd just like to know why you had to point out a body part needing to be covered up. Sounds like a Bob Jones joke. But, I guess that's why you have it under unpopular opinions. :confused3
YES! I'm a woman, and I love football, but gee whiz, don't stick some woman on the sideline/pre-game show just so you can be all affirmative action when she CLEARLY is reading cue cards! And please, as others have said for news shows, get clothes that FIT!! And 6 inch heels? Tossing the football around in a mini-skirt and heels...please, I'm switching the channel.

I agree


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