Your Unpopular Opinions

PlayStations suck. I just hate the controller is all :p

I actually generally like PlayStation games better than XBox, but the Sony controller is bad and they never change it. I want my left stick higher! My favorite controller of all time is still the Wavebird for Gamecube. It fits like a glove!
There is a reason the kardashians are still on TV, we are still watching.

Perhaps your watching this stuff but I have not watched a single minute of them and will not in the future. I can't stand reality shows (just me) with the exception of Swamp People; I can't get enough of Troy Landry and his "shooot em" and "dat's a big one." :rotfl:
LOL, We go to college campus for career days and we have now had to literally put on our faq pages "what not to wear" on an interview. no kidding. I know it's been a minute since I was a serious college students but didn't they use to have advisers and career centers that help with resumes, interviews and other things.

and unfortunately it seems to be more common with the young ladies. I can't tell you how many interviewees show up in flip flops.

my funniest story is from church. a few years ago, our church decided to have dress down Sundays during the summer. Big mistake. lol, Pastor got up one Sunday and said "Do I really have to tell girls that bikini's is not appropriate attire for church".

I couldn't agree with all of this anymore; I agree 100%. I owned an insurance agency for 15 years prior to selling it a few years back and I can't believe the attire of some people interviewing for a job. I kid you not when I tell you what this one young lady was wearing. She came into the interview wearing a... let's just say a rather skimpy outfit. She apologized for her appearance by telling me that she would not have time to wear something different with me and then change into what she was currently wearing in time for her job.. Turns out she was a dancer at a "gentlemens" club. Unbelievable, I really can't make this up if I wanted too. :goodvibes
I have a new one -

I actually like Mondays.

I know it's weird, and I understand why some people hate them. (I do offer sympathy when appropriate.) But I, personally, like them.

Weekends are chaotic to me, and Mondays are orderly. I have alone time on Mondays, and I really need that as an introvert, especially after socializing all weekend. I can set a schedule and stick to it, and I don't (usually) interrupt one project with another.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family. I want to spend time with them. I just want to know what we're doing and when, rather than being surprised.

Thank you for not hating me.
I have a new one -

I actually like Mondays.

I know it's weird, and I understand why some people hate them. (I do offer sympathy when appropriate.) But I, personally, like them.

Weekends are chaotic to me, and Mondays are orderly. I have alone time on Mondays, and I really need that as an introvert, especially after socializing all weekend. I can set a schedule and stick to it, and I don't (usually) interrupt one project with another.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family. I want to spend time with them. I just want to know what we're doing and when, rather than being surprised.

Thank you for not hating me.

I'm not crazy about Mondays - but the day does seem to go faster.
No, I'm quite aware, I'd just like to know why you had to point out a body part needing to be covered up. Sounds like a Bob Jones joke. But, I guess that's why you have it under unpopular opinions. :confused3
Not a religious thing - purely aesthetic. There's nothing less attractive than untoned upper arms (my own included). :crazy2:
I think the word "proven" is why some of us have unpopular opinions. When the scientific method is not followed, it's not science. When research is done with the end in mind, it is not science. With climate change for example, top researchers have already been busted for falsifying data- their own email was evidence. Baseline historical temperatures were changes recently.

So, the public is told we need to spend billions every year to control man-made climate change. Problem is, there is very little evidence the climate is changing at all, much less dramatically. And there's no evidence at all that it's man-made. So yes, I do believe ins science- but not junk science.

ITA. So much junk science that people insist is "settled". Follow the money. It's not that difficult. Also, people need to understand what a placebo is.
ITA. So much junk science that people insist is "settled". Follow the money. It's not that difficult. Also, people need to understand what a placebo is.
There is junk science out there, but not as much as some believe.

The data is evolving on climate change. We do know the climate is changing. But the jury is still out if that is completely natural, completely man-made or as I believe, some combination of the two. However, it is not a horrible idea to err on the side of caution and take better care of our planet.

We had a family dinner this weekend and we were talking about the baby dinosaur that was recently found that has been dated to around 70,000 years ago. One of the relative's boyfriends started arguing vociferously that there is no way the dinosaur could be 70,000 years old because the earth is not that old. While I respect his views and he is entitled to them, they have nothing to do with tried and true science.

And the anti-vaxxers, some of their accusations of government conspiracies and hurting people for money is just plain crazy. Sorry, but eradicating diseases like polio, measles and mumps is a good thing and not some sort of government conspiracy. Also, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot and vaccines do not cause Autism. Blog type of websites that are constantly quoted are not sources of scientific data.
There is junk science out there, but not as much as some believe.

The data is evolving on climate change. We do know the climate is changing. But the jury is still out if that is completely natural, completely man-made or as I believe, some combination of the two. However, it is not a horrible idea to err on the side of caution and take better care of our planet.

We had a family dinner this weekend and we were talking about the baby dinosaur that was recently found that has been dated to around 70,000 years ago. One of the relative's boyfriends started arguing vociferously that there is no way the dinosaur could be 70,000 years old because the earth is not that old. While I respect his views and he is entitled to them, they have nothing to do with tried and true science.

And the anti-vaxxers, some of their accusations of government conspiracies and hurting people for money is just plain crazy. Sorry, but eradicating diseases like polio, measles and mumps is a good thing and not some sort of government conspiracy. Also, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot and vaccines do not cause Autism. Blog type of websites that are constantly quoted are not sources of scientific data.

I'm tired of people who have no understanding in the scientific method using the word "science" to try to win arguments.
I'm tired of people who have no understanding in the scientific method using the word "science" to try to win arguments.
I agree wholeheartedly :rolleyes:

edited for spelling- phone had whole heartedly and spell check said it was wholeheartedly.
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I hate it when people "over share" stuff on facebook. There is such a thing as too much.
I hate overly whiney and negative people. It's okay to get frustrated and have a moment to vent your frustration. We've all been there. But if you whine about how nothing goes your way and the awful people in your life and how terrible everything is in your world every single day, multiple times a day, then perhaps you should consider getting some counseling. (I also hate run on sentences.. sorry about that!)
I hate it when judgmental people complain about how judgmental other people are. It's that whole, "I can attack your beliefs in an offensive way, but how DARE you utter a word against mine" mentality.
My opinion is one man's "informed" is another man's "uninformed". Information abounds. It's what one chooses to believe by reading multiple sources and applying critical thinking that matter. Additionally, I don't believe in belittling someone because they are not perceived as "informed" (not an observation of anyone in particular, just a general comment).

Lastly, my opinion is that we as a nation do not value discourse as we once did. Now issues are "settled" very quickly --- when issues aren't cut and dry. Academic communities used to value intelligent dialogue. Not so much anymore.
Perhaps your watching this stuff but I have not watched a single minute of them and will not in the future. I can't stand reality shows (just me) with the exception of Swamp People; I can't get enough of Troy Landry and his "shooot em" and "dat's a big one." :rotfl:
lol, see here's the thing. tv networks work on ratings and advertisement, they are a for profit enterprises. Everyone swears they are not watching but.....
some how, some way the advertisers keep pumping money into them.

the same with the "faux" network news (and I include all of them). they are for profit businesses, people swear they hate them yet the ratings say otherwise.
I don't like Facebook. I have tried it twice, for a decent period of time, and both times, I just did not see anything beneficial in it for myself. It is definitely more aggravation, than it's worth.
I'll add one - people who have uninformed opinions should be called out on them.
That's a hard one DD, mainly because so much of our opinions can be based on personal experience which is usually very limited.
for example, over on the budget board there is an interesting discussion on young adults and saving for retirement. Now in the last 3 years since 2012, I've lost my baby brother, my husband and a good friend to cancer all before the age of 55. so right now my opinions on worrying about what will happen when some one is 90 is pretty anti popular. It's not that I need to be called out but my reality is that tomorrow is not promised so I'm kinda off the total sacrifice point of view.
Haven't read the lastest pages but just want to say I hate Windows 10!!!! It will not recognize the photos my phone has taken. :(
Haven't read the lastest pages but just want to say I hate Windows 10!!!! It will not recognize the photos my phone has taken. :(
Do you need to download drivers? What do you mean "won't recognize"? I'm sure there's help online somewhere for you.


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