Yes, We're Satisfied With Our Care! October 2015 TR **NEW 8/21 Final Thoughts


DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2008
Yes, We're Satisfied With Our Care! October 2015 TR

Star light, star bright,
first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might,
have the wish, I wish tonight
We'll make a wish, and do as dreamers do,
and all our wishes will come true

Welcome, welcome, welcome! I’m glad you have decided to take a peek at my trip report detailing our October 2015 trip to Universal Studios & Walt Disney World! I hope as you dive in, you find it both informative and interesting and decide to follow along on our adventures. I’m sure many of you know me by now if you have made it here at the beginning, and you may have followed our trip on social media, so you might know the inspiration behind the trip title (don't spoil it if you do!). But for those of you who don’t, here’s a little introduction to our family.

I’m khertz, your narrator for this epic adventure! This marked my 13th trip to WDW, and I also have 3 wonderful trips to Disneyland under my belt, the most recent of which is being chronicled in my current TR, Does this ride have drops? I have also written a number of other TRs for my past trips, starting with the trip we took in 2009, which can all be found by following the links in my signature. I earn money to fund my Disney habit by working as a pediatric hematology/oncology nurse. I love all things Tangled/Rapunzel, Splash Mountain is my absolute favorite Disney ride, and I would be content to spend the rest of my Disney days hanging out in Magic Kingdom with a Mickey Bar.

The other contributor to our Disney funds is DH pictured with me! He works in the oilfield juggling radiation sources, and I don’t ask too many questions about what he does on a daily basis because it would all go over my head completely! Lol He is responsible for about 95% of the photography you will see in this report, as he has taken it on as a hobby over the last few years, and loves documenting our vacations in photos. He can occasionally be found on the boards as @DDuck4Life which may give you a hint as to who his favorite character is. He is a Tiki Room & Big Thunder Mountain enthusiast who also enjoys a Dole Whip whenever the opportunity to get one presents itself.

This little guy is DS who has been going to WDW since literally before he can remember! This marked his 5th trip to the World in as many years, and we were taking this trip to celebrate his 5th birthday. He spends most of his time working hard as a Pre-K student and relaxes at home coloring or building with Legos. He loves all things Cars and Lightning McQueen, and has recently designated Test Track as his favorite Disney attraction.

Oct 04-109
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Last but not least is the newest member of the family, DD! She was just shy of 3 months old on this trip, and was a fantastic travel companion. She had her fussy moments, but was overall content with napping in the stroller or carrier and going with the flow. She enjoys giggling at people making silly faces at her, blowing raspberries, and eating. This was her very first Disney trip, if you don’t count the trip to Disneyland she took earlier last year in my belly.

Now that you know a little about who we are, here’s an overview of our trip.

WHEN: October 17th-25th

WHERE: We stayed two nights at Hard Rock Hotel, followed by 6 nights at our timeshare resort, Wyndham Bonnet Creek, in a 1 bedroom unit.

WHAT: 2.5 days at Universal Orlando followed by 6 days at Walt Disney World. We had 5 day Disney park hopper tickets that we upgrade to Platinum passes while we were there, and Universal Orlando Power Passes (lowest level APs). We also attended a Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, and DH went to Halloween Horror Nights.

WHY: Primarily because we LOVE Disney! But also because we were long overdue for a WDW trip. Our last had been a quick weekend trip in May of 2014. Although we had gotten a Disney fix by visiting Disneyland earlier in 2015, we were still itching to get back to the World! The timing of DD’s arrival worked out absolutely PERFECTLY that we could take DS out of school the week of his 5th birthday for our trip, and have it fall within my 12 week maternity leave (actually, it ended up being the very last week of my leave – we returned home Sunday the 25th and I went back to work the next day!). I figured since I was already being paid to be at home, I might as well take that time to go on a trip! And October has been our favorite time to visit WDW, so again, it was really perfect timing!

Whew! I always tend to get long winded during these intros, but I hope I’ve captured your attention enough that you will want to follow along! Because this was our first trip with a young infant, I hope to also sprinkle in some tips and tricks we used along the way. So if you’re ready, let’s get to it!!
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Day 0: Friday October 16th

Our pre-travel day started super early for me when I woke up at 3 am to feed DD and couldn’t go back to sleep. There was still so much to do before we could leave that afternoon! Luckily, DH had taken the day off so I didn’t have to get everything ready by myself. It never would have all happened! We got DS off to school on time, and got to work on packing as soon as DH got home from dropping him off. We had put most of our stuff out on the coffee table, so that stuff just needed to be put into the suitcases, but I also had some last minute stuff that needed to be packed. We had to stop mid-morning to go to DS’s school to shop with him at his book fair.

The plan had been to have everything in the car ready to go to pick him up at 2:20 when he got out and hit the road, but we were not ready by then. Mostly, we just needed to load all of the luggage in the truck, so I went to pick DS up from school in my car while DH loaded the truck. I had his Mickey ears with me ready to go when I picked him up, and he was so excited! But he was a little bummed when I told him we still had to go home to finish getting ready.

I had showered earlier when we got back from the book fair, so while we were home, I fed DD one more time while DH and DS showered so that would be one less thing we needed to do once we got to the hotel that night. After taking the last Mickey head down from our countdown, we hit the road around 3:25 that afternoon.

Oct 01-001
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 01-002
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

The plan had been to pick up my mom who would ride with us to our hotel, and my dad would meet us there when he got off of work so that he could drive our truck to their house while my mom drove their car. However, my mom had suggested visiting my grandmother for dinner that night since she lives close by the airport and never gets to see the kids. We hit SO much traffic trying to get from my mom’s to my grandma’s that I was seriously regretting agreeing to do that. DD was crying because she was hungry and I was crying because she was crying and it was just a mess until we finally got to my grandma’s!

Once we had all eaten, everyone was a little happier so we had some time to visit, which ended up being nice. But we did end up getting to our hotel for the night later than I had planned. I had hoped for us to all get to bed early for our flight out the next morning. My parents followed us to the La Quinta we had booked for the night using a discount DH gets through work. It was a decent enough hotel room for one night, though the beds were a bit uncomfortable. It took a while for them to bring us a crib because apparently they had trouble finding it. Once they brought it, DS went to sleep a little before 10 pm and DD soon after that which meant I was asleep soon after her.

At 4 am, she woke up to eat, and that woke up DS. I had to fuss him to go back to sleep because it was most definitely NOT time for him to get up yet! It was tough sharing such a tiny room, that’s for sure. It made me a little worried that we were spending the next two nights at Hard Rock Hotel before moving to Bonnet Creek where we would have separate sleeping spaces, but there was nothing we could do about it now!

Continued in next post...
Day 1: Saturday October 17th

We all got up for the day at 5:30 am, getting dressed quickly and getting our stuff put back into our suitcases. We went downstairs and had breakfast at the hotel and caught the 6:30 am shuttle to the airport. I had been having nightmares of getting through the airport and security with 2 kids, so we had built in a lot of extra time to do that before our flight at 9:05 am. But getting there so early, we checked in really quickly and got through security in no time! There was hardly anyone else going through with us, so I didn’t feel as rushed as I usually do, and they let me wear DD in the carrier through the metal detectors. I just had to get my hands swabbed.

The only downside to getting through security so fast was that by the time we found our gate, we had almost 2 hours to kill until it would be time to board! DD took a little snooze…

Oct 01-003
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

…but this kid was full of excited energy!

Oct 01-004
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

There was an empty gate all the way at the end, and we were not the only ones bringing our kid down there to run around and burn some of that energy off before boarding!

Oct 01-005
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Even DD was excited!

Oct 01-008
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Just before it was time to board, DH picked up a large smoothie for him and I to share on the plane to hold us over until we could get something to eat. We were flying Southwest, and DH had gotten an A boarding group for himself, but B for DS and I. So he went ahead and boarded first to get the row we wanted (all the way in the back) and put up our suitcases while I waited for family boarding with the kids. Soon we were all on and had gotten the very last row. This has worked well for us in the past, as no one can pull on the kids’ seats and wake them if they happen to fall asleep (it has happened before) and the engine noise tends to create enough “white noise” to help them nap. We settled in for departure and I made sure to take a photo of our smoothie for the purposes of a thorough TR!

Oct 01-009
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
The pilot came on to make his announcements and said, “This flight should take 1 hour and 28 minutes, but we’re going to fly this plane like we stole it and be there in 1 hour 18.” Great way to start out the flight!! And even better, DD had passed out sleeping on DH’s shoulder. I was hoping she would do okay with takeoff and landing since at that time, she pretty much refused to take a pacifier, so I was pretty worried about her ears. DS was all settled in with some movies to watch on his iPad.

Oct 01-010
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

I managed to sneak the pacifier in DD’s mouth, and this is how she stayed for the entire flight until we touched down in Orlando! Not a peep!

Oct 01-011
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 01-012
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Our flight was totally uneventful, and true to the pilot's word, we landed a little bit early. As we touched down, DD woke up and I had to capture the end of her first flight. She had been perfect!

Oct 01-013
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

We made our way down to baggage claim and got our suitcases, then went down to the rental car counter. There are a bunch of little cocktail tables and chairs over there near the counters, so I found one out of the way and settled down with both kids and the luggage so I could feed DD while DH waited in line to pick up the car. We had a small near-accident when DS started doing the potty dance while I’m in the middle of nursing DD and I didn’t know what the heck to do! I couldn’t leave all the luggage there, nor could I drag it all with me along with the baby. I sent him over to meet DH and luckily he was just about done getting the car paperwork done, so he was able to take him to the bathroom before any accidents happened. DS is SO bad about waiting and waiting until he’s about to burst!

We walked over to the parking garage and picked out a dark gray Altima. With our directions in hand, we drove over to our home for the next two nights, the Hard Rock Hotel! I’m not gonna lie, I think I was more excited about our Universal time than I was about Disney!

After about 20 or so minutes in the car, we pulled in at HRH.

Oct 01-014
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

What would we do first?

UP NEXT: Time for Adventure
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Hi! I'm a newbie joining in. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. Your kids are so cute. How great DD did on the flight!! I'm super impressed that you brought your 3 month old to Disney. I think I barely left the house when my kids were that age. :laughing:
Hi! Enjoying this so far. I just started checking out trip reports while on our fall visit to WDW this year, and I find it so interesting how different people record their Disney experiences! I just completed our first trip report, by using my kid's notes I kept at the end of each day. Like you, I have both a son and daughter! My DD is 13 and my DS is 6. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out! Alea
Yay - excited to follow along! I haven't missed one of your TR's. I stressing along with you getting to your Grandma's and to the hotel for the night. But it sounds like your travel day went so well!
I'm following along!! Your daughter is such a cutie-pie, I love her little cheeks! I'm interested to hear about how you manage your little ones at Disney!
I'm here! Excited to read about your first trip as a family of 4!

I'm sorry the drive and night in the hotel were rough. I remember those times that the baby needs to eat but there it just can't happen because you're all strapped in!

That's great that security and your whole flight went smoothly! DD did a great job on her first flight!

Excited to read about your time at Universal!
Yay you started! :goodvibes

I'm sorry it was so stressful getting to your grandma's house! But glad things calmed down once you got there.

Thank goodness everything went smooth at the airport! I'm glad it worked out where you got the row you wanted. DD is too cute, very impressive that she stayed quiet the whole time!

Can't wait to hear about Universal!
Joining in! Looking forward to hearing how you enjoyed Universal and how the kids did there vs Disney. Also, looking forward to your thoughts on Bonnet Creek as we booked a 2-bedroom there for our trip this upcoming July.

akkkk! She's so cute!

That's awesome how great she was on the flight! Glad things were smooth - other than the near potty disaster (we have the same thing with my two oldest that they wait until the last second to go to the bathroom!

Oh, just out of curiosity - why did you pick the Hard Rock vs other Universal Hotels? (or am I stealing your thunder from your next update?)
Hi! I'm a newbie joining in. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. Your kids are so cute. How great DD did on the flight!! I'm super impressed that you brought your 3 month old to Disney. I think I barely left the house when my kids were that age. :laughing:

Welcome!! Awww thank you.

I was so surprised (pleasantly!) that DD did so well on her first flight. I thought for sure we'd be in for it on our flight home with how well she did for the flight there, but she did great on that one too! She's actually a good little traveler so far.

I won't lie I was SOOOOO nervous taking a baby so young but we just really really wanted to go back to Disney!! Lol I knew I wouldn't have enough vacation time by the time I got back from maternity leave, so we decided to go ahead and book. It was definitely a different trip than what we are used to, but I'm so glad we did it!

Hi! Enjoying this so far. I just started checking out trip reports while on our fall visit to WDW this year, and I find it so interesting how different people record their Disney experiences! I just completed our first trip report, by using my kid's notes I kept at the end of each day. Like you, I have both a son and daughter! My DD is 13 and my DS is 6. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out! Alea

Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to check out my TR. I love reading other people's experiences there as well. I'll definitely check yours out!

Yay - excited to follow along! I haven't missed one of your TR's. I stressing along with you getting to your Grandma's and to the hotel for the night. But it sounds like your travel day went so well!

So glad you're here! Friday night was pretty awful at the time, but I did tell DH I'm glad if things had to be stressful it was Friday instead of our flight out on Saturday!! I was still a bundle of hormones so I know that didn't help at all. But we made it and that's the most important thing, I guess!!
I'm following along!! Your daughter is such a cutie-pie, I love her little cheeks! I'm interested to hear about how you manage your little ones at Disney!

Welcome!! Aw, thank you! I'm so obsessed with her chubby cheeks. :)

I got so many good tips and tricks from the boards and Facebook groups so hopefully I can pass those along to someone who may be thinking of taking a baby. Honestly it was not as bad as I thought it might be and my older one was the worst! Lol

I'm here! Excited to read about your first trip as a family of 4!

I'm sorry the drive and night in the hotel were rough. I remember those times that the baby needs to eat but there it just can't happen because you're all strapped in!

That's great that security and your whole flight went smoothly! DD did a great job on her first flight!

Excited to read about your time at Universal!

So glad to see you!!

Oh yes, that is just the worst. And I was still experiencing those crazy hormones so I was just a mess. Let's just say I learned a lot from that short drive to help us out on our long drive for thanksgiving weekend!!

She was such an awesome little traveler on Saturday. I was so thankful because I had been stressing about that part!

Yay you started! :goodvibes

I'm sorry it was so stressful getting to your grandma's house! But glad things calmed down once you got there.

Thank goodness everything went smooth at the airport! I'm glad it worked out where you got the row you wanted. DD is too cute, very impressive that she stayed quiet the whole time!

Can't wait to hear about Universal!

Yay, Alexis! Happy to have you on board!

Once we got there and we could ALL get something to eat, it made everyone much much calmer lol. It's amazing what a little food can do!

I was so happy she traveled by plane so well because I had been so nervous about that!

Joining in! Looking forward to hearing how you enjoyed Universal and how the kids did there vs Disney. Also, looking forward to your thoughts on Bonnet Creek as we booked a 2-bedroom there for our trip this upcoming July.

akkkk! She's so cute!

That's awesome how great she was on the flight! Glad things were smooth - other than the near potty disaster (we have the same thing with my two oldest that they wait until the last second to go to the bathroom!

Oh, just out of curiosity - why did you pick the Hard Rock vs other Universal Hotels? (or am I stealing your thunder from your next update?)

Oh yeah, Bonnet Creek is awesome! I'll definitely have some info on that once we get to that part of the TR but if you have any questions let me know! We have never had a bad stay there.

He drives me nuts waiting until the last minute but thankfully we averted disaster that time.

Ooh yes! I don't think I would have thought to include our selection process so I'll make sure to put it in the next update in case anyone else is interested. But since you asked, it actually took a lot of back and forth before settling on that one. We really wanted somewhere with separation between us and Paxton but that didn't pan out in the end. We looked at one of the Jurassic park suites but those were crazy expensive. We also checked Cabana Bay with purchasing the express pass but that was more expensive than the deluxe hotels and there's no definitive separation between the living space and bedroom area, just a partition. So we were back to the deluxe hotels. Portofino was out of our price range, so we were between HRH and Royal Pacific. We have stayed at both and enjoyed both stays but ultimately we chose HRH because of 2 reasons. It's closer to Universal Studios which is where we thought we'd be spending a lot more of our time between the 2 parks. The second reason was that the rooms are larger than RPR rooms and we thought with having a crib in the room plus a double stroller, we would need the space. And we absolutely felt like we made the right choice after this trip. It was plenty of space and we did end up spending more time at the Studios vs. IOA. So it really worked out well. Next time we are staying at RPR just because HRH was too expensive (weekend before Presidents week) so I'm hoping the smaller room is not an issue. I would have loved to do HRH again, we LOVED it there! Hopefully we can stay there again this coming October.
Oh yeah, Bonnet Creek is awesome! I'll definitely have some info on that once we get to that part of the TR but if you have any questions let me know! We have never had a bad stay there.

He drives me nuts waiting until the last minute but thankfully we averted disaster that time.

Ooh yes! I don't think I would have thought to include our selection process so I'll make sure to put it in the next update in case anyone else is interested. But since you asked, it actually took a lot of back and forth before settling on that one. We really wanted somewhere with separation between us and Paxton but that didn't pan out in the end. We looked at one of the Jurassic park suites but those were crazy expensive. We also checked Cabana Bay with purchasing the express pass but that was more expensive than the deluxe hotels and there's no definitive separation between the living space and bedroom area, just a partition. So we were back to the deluxe hotels. Portofino was out of our price range, so we were between HRH and Royal Pacific. We have stayed at both and enjoyed both stays but ultimately we chose HRH because of 2 reasons. It's closer to Universal Studios which is where we thought we'd be spending a lot more of our time between the 2 parks. The second reason was that the rooms are larger than RPR rooms and we thought with having a crib in the room plus a double stroller, we would need the space. And we absolutely felt like we made the right choice after this trip. It was plenty of space and we did end up spending more time at the Studios vs. IOA. So it really worked out well. Next time we are staying at RPR just because HRH was too expensive (weekend before Presidents week) so I'm hoping the smaller room is not an issue. I would have loved to do HRH again, we LOVED it there! Hopefully we can stay there again this coming October.

Definitely looking forward to reading about the Bonnet Creek part and if I think of specific questions I may reach out to you. I think the big one I have in my head so far is if there are specific locations / towers to request or avoid.

Seems like a sound thought process for selecting HRH - having more space is definitely a plus. I am toying with the idea of tacking on time at Universal for our trip this summer (kids still aren't into Harry Potter or much of what is there so feel like it would be not be best bang-for-buck, but we shall see). Good to know that the Deluxes are cheaper that Cabana Bay + Express Pass. Didn't realize Portofino was that much more expensive - just from what I've seen I think that would be my top choice
I'm here! So excited to read about your October trip!!

Sharing one room takes on a whole new level of fun when 2 kids enter the picture. I learned that the hard way...

Glad to hear the flight went smoothly. Great to hear DD slept the whole way AND took a pacifier. (Evie took one for a week or so when she was a newborn but now refuses them.)

Oh gosh, glad DS didn't cause an accident at the rental car desk. Gotta love kids...

Since Universal has Harry Potter, it's understandable how you could be more excited about that portion of the trip. I mean, Dole Whips are amazing, but Butterbeer's (probably, I don't know yet) in a whole 'nother level of awesome.
Geez...finally! I've been waiting with baited breath - two kids must really eat up the time.

I notice in your "Woe is me it's been so long since we've been to Disney World" comment you neglected to mention your ABD / Disneyland Paris was that forgettable, huh? (Understand I am just teasing you 'cause I do that to my friends - you should consider this a compliment.)

It also seems to me we JUST miss each other on our trips not exactly in this case, but we are going to be going exactly one year after you are on October 15 - 22, 2016. And also went exactly one year BEFORE you as well, October 15-20, 2014. Dang girl, we can't get this co-ordination right to actually meet face-to-face.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe how big Paxton is getting! He and your DD are such cuties. I'm so glad DD did so well on the flight.

The pilot came on to make his announcements and said, “This flight should take 1 hour and 28 minutes, but we’re going to fly this plane like we stole it and be there in 1 hour 18.”

This literally made me laugh out loud!

Can't wait to see what the rest of your trip holds!
Hey! I'm definitely following along! I saw all the pictures on Instagram and I really enjoyed looking at them, so I can't wait to hear about it in more detail! I'm really enjoying the report so far!
Excited to read your report, we're planning on a Universal trip (our first one) sometime in the near future and I really want to stay at the Hard Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip!
Definitely looking forward to reading about the Bonnet Creek part and if I think of specific questions I may reach out to you. I think the big one I have in my head so far is if there are specific locations / towers to request or avoid.

Seems like a sound thought process for selecting HRH - having more space is definitely a plus. I am toying with the idea of tacking on time at Universal for our trip this summer (kids still aren't into Harry Potter or much of what is there so feel like it would be not be best bang-for-buck, but we shall see). Good to know that the Deluxes are cheaper that Cabana Bay + Express Pass. Didn't realize Portofino was that much more expensive - just from what I've seen I think that would be my top choice

I honestly couldn't tell you which towers we have been in, but none are bad. We always request a fireworks view when we go. We don't always get it, but have been lucky a few times and have been able to see Illuminations from our balcony more than once. There is a HUGE thread on the Orlando Resorts board that will be able to give you a ton of info about the resort. The we loooooove Bonnet Creek thread Part 4. They always have tons of activities going on at the resort, several on any given day, if you think you might be spending some time away from the parks. There's a lazy river along with the big pool and a splash pad for littles that Emma would probably enjoy!

DS really loved Universal and can't wait to go back! But he is also really into Spider-Man, Minions, Transformers, and even enjoys Harry Potter, so I'm sure that helps.

At that time of the year, deluxe was the cheaper route, but I'm not sure how it is other times of the year. Portofino looks absolutely gorgeous and I would so love to stay there some day! HRH was great because it is probably the closest to any of the parks when it comes to proximity, so that was really nice. We could get back to the room quickly when needed.

I'm here! So excited to read about your October trip!!

Sharing one room takes on a whole new level of fun when 2 kids enter the picture. I learned that the hard way...

Glad to hear the flight went smoothly. Great to hear DD slept the whole way AND took a pacifier. (Evie took one for a week or so when she was a newborn but now refuses them.)

Oh gosh, glad DS didn't cause an accident at the rental car desk. Gotta love kids...

Since Universal has Harry Potter, it's understandable how you could be more excited about that portion of the trip. I mean, Dole Whips are amazing, but Butterbeer's (probably, I don't know yet) in a whole 'nother level of awesome.

So glad you found it, Alicia!

Oh it definitely does. We still had not really perfected sharing a room with DS, and now add a baby who wakes during the night and wakes him, and it was really not an ideal night's sleep. When we were at HRH it was okay because DS was so tired, he didn't wake up when DD did to eat.

She didn't take one at ALL back then, but somehow she did on the plane and that was all that mattered to me because I was so worried about her ears! Now she will take one on occasion, but I'm glad she doesn't really seem attached to it like DS was at her age. But a few months ago there were times she was just crying and crying and I was praying for her to just take the pacifier and calm down!

I enjoy a Dole Whip as much as the next person, but I'd take a Butterbeer over a Dole Whip anytime! Sooooooo delicious!

Geez...finally! I've been waiting with baited breath - two kids must really eat up the time.

I notice in your "Woe is me it's been so long since we've been to Disney World" comment you neglected to mention your ABD / Disneyland Paris was that forgettable, huh? (Understand I am just teasing you 'cause I do that to my friends - you should consider this a compliment.)

It also seems to me we JUST miss each other on our trips not exactly in this case, but we are going to be going exactly one year after you are on October 15 - 22, 2016. And also went exactly one year BEFORE you as well, October 15-20, 2014. Dang girl, we can't get this co-ordination right to actually meet face-to-face.

They really do!

Ya caught me! I was actually typing ABD into the intro, and then I decided it did go against the whole "woe is me" vibe I was trying to put out there. :rotfl: Italy & DLP was a decent consolation for skipping WDW in the fall!

I already messaged you on Facebook, but it looks like our travel weekends might overlap! Hopefully we will be able to have at least a quick meet somewhere in there! It's about time.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how big Paxton is getting! He and your DD are such cuties. I'm so glad DD did so well on the flight.

This literally made me laugh out loud!

Can't wait to see what the rest of your trip holds!

Thanks so much! I can't believe how big he is either. He has grown & matured so much but I still remember him as a baby like it was yesterday!

I couldn't believe how well DD traveled. She was a much more difficult baby than DS had been when we first brought her home from the hospital, but it seems like right around the time of this trip, she flipped a switch and became a dream baby! Even now, she sleeps through the night, only cries when she is tired or hungry, and otherwise is all smiles and giggles!

It made both of us laugh too!! I had to get my phone out of my bag immediately to copy that down in my notes so I wouldn't forget because it was just so funny!!

Hey! I'm definitely following along! I saw all the pictures on Instagram and I really enjoyed looking at them, so I can't wait to hear about it in more detail! I'm really enjoying the report so far!

Yay, I'm glad you will be joining in, Rachel!!!


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