Rocky Mountain Highs (a non-Disney Trip Report) - COMPLETE 2/17

Chapter 18: Fire In The Hole!
Can’t place that one to a particular film…
But I can tie it into something that’s still quite entertaining:

It was our 17th anniversary, and Julie and I were going to celebrate by walking around the smelly steam vents on top of a supervolcano.

For some reason, most likely diaper-related, I needed to run out and get something…
Can’t think of another reason that would necessitate running.

I would have ordered the steak, because I have no idea what a "cioppino" or an "osso buco" is.
Seafood stew and roasted veal shanks…
And if I’d ever get over this rotten block I’ve imposed on myself over our last trip’s TR, you’d have already heard about osso. Let me just say that if you ever sail DCL again, you need to go to Palo at least once (if not every night) and the osso buco needs to be tried.

But that don’t mean it’d be worth a whooy at this place, now do it?

Listening to the word-of-mouth reviews led me to cancel my dinner reservation and splurge on the chuckwagon experience in the Tetons instead.
This sounds like a better evening anyway considering where y’all are.

figuring it would be harder to screw up basic breakfast…
I don’t know… I’ve had it done to me before.

And let’s not even think about the fact that “breakfast” can be purchased at McD or Toc Bell…

This turned out to be a good call.
Well that’s a relief.

Now, remember when I said our plan was for today to be the “easy” day, just exploring the Upper Geyser Basin? Well, I fibbed a bit.
You? Fib?

Perish the thought.

Rope Drop worked once again…
Does it ever fail?

You can probably guess where that name came from.
I wouldn’t be offering that up as a contest on the Dad’s thread…
You know exactly the kind of mayhem that would instigate.

I could do this one more time, right?
It’s really the only option…

Until, that is, we reached the hill. Then there was nothing but up.
Somehow, this surprises me not.

Since we did all that work to get here, we had to take more than one photo.

Not too shabby…
You’ve gotten a couple of decent random stranger pics on this trip.
The strangers must be practicing up a bit more than usual.

We stopped at the Visitor Center, where sucker—excuse me, tourists can pay $3 more for a Young Scientist booklet.
Not tourists…
educationally minded parents of conscientious and responsible future leaders.

You’ve got to keep up this false image we have of y’all, ya’ know.

You only have to sign a waiver that promises you’ll buy the government a new aircraft carrier if you break the kit or lose it.
$36.3 billion? Heck, I’m sure you’ve got that on the hip right now, don’t you?

Generally speaking, we measured temperatures around 140 degrees Fahrenheit in the center of those hot springs.
Well that explains the average temperature in that river you were looking at earlier then, now don’t it.?

These geysers only erupt a few times a day and the predictions sometimes give a range of +/- 30 minutes or +/- 1 hour, so it’s hardly an exact science. It makes it a little tricky to plan the day, too.
A bit like planning for an Anna and Else Meet n greet.

It was about here when I realized that my plan for an “easy”, “relaxing”, “leisurely” walk around the geyser basin was a little far-fetched.

I hadn’t realized it, but the entire loop around the geyser basin is 4.6 miles of walking.
About half of the average day trekking through Epcot, then…
Y’all got this.

At the very end of the trail was the Morning Glory Pool, which has long been known for its spectacular color. Sadly, over time the color has begun to fade—and this is due to people throwing coins, trash, and other crap into the pool over the years.

Someone needs to take the business end of the hand and slap that “people” dude up side his thick skull.

But of course, I’d never advocate violence against the mentally challenged.
Just wouldn’t be proper…

Bless their hearts.

It was on the walk back towards Old Faithful and the lodge that the kids started giving me crap.
Wow, that shows great restraint on their part.
Normally that kind of stuff would start as soon as their feet hit the floor in the morning.

I think Giant Ogre Geyser would be a more appropriate name.

I see it…
Reminds me a little of the old “Killroy” drawings…
just with one hand rather than two.

I’ll leave you with a warning not to stand on geysers, or any other geothermal features in Yellowstone.
We need to be warned?

Seriously, don’t do it.
OooooKaaaaay, but it really hadn’t crossed my mind…
must be something wrong with my thought processes.

Also, you might lose your hat.
Oh, well now that would be a catastrophe…

(and I apologize, up front for this, but my first thought was “cap-tastrophe”, but only Barry could get away with actually writing something that gawd-awful).

It was our 17th anniversary, and Julie and I were going to celebrate by walking around the smelly steam vents on top of a supervolcano. Livin’ the dream.

Good plan. If she can't smell you, you have a chance of keeping her.

For some reason, most likely diaper-related, I needed to run out and get something from the van that morning.

I suppose if you have the runs, you'd have to change your diaper more often, so that makes sense.

Here’s the lodge, with Old Faithful in the background:

Nice shot.

And, as it just so happened, Old Faithful began to erupt while I was standing out there.

Did that ever get old?

But while the location and atmosphere are top-notch, I was warned away by both friends and online reviews stating that the food was disappointing.

Too bad.

I have no idea what a "cioppino" or an "osso buco" is. Although I suspect those are ways to get whacked if you run afoul of the Mafia. "Hey, Guido, go give that guy a cioppino, eh?"

You do not want to be whacked by the osso buco of the family.
Just pay the juice, man!


Now, remember when I said our plan was for today to be the “easy” day, just exploring the Upper Geyser Basin? Well, I fibbed a bit.

Lies... oh. Right. We covered that already.

We went over to the Midway Geyser Basin, a few miles away, in order to check out another of the more famous features of Yellowstone—the Grand Prismatic Spring.

You'd think my parents would've shown us some of these things.

Then again... that was a looooong time ago. Maybe they did.

We got on the boardwalk and walked over the Firehole River.

You can probably guess where that name came from.

Yup. Too many hot peppers in the baked beans.

The water temperatures run hotter than most other rivers, so don’t try and swim

Huh! That hot! You'd think a river would cool it down more.
Unless the river starts from the hot springs.

Wow. What a great shot!! :thumbsup2

See that hill behind the spring?

Did I win something?

All you have to do from there is hike a little over a mile and, if you happen to have a baby with you, carry him on your back in that blasted torture device/backpack.

:laughing: Not again!
Get that kid a'walking.

I could do this one more time, right?

Did you have a choice?

There were a few signs posted when we first reached the hill that said not to climb there because it was a “recharge area” or something like that. So we kept walking until we didn’t see signs anymore.

Good problem solving there.

Here’s the view:


Looks like an impressionist painting.

The best part of the program is that the kids are given a kit that includes an infrared thermometer to measure the temperatures of the hot springs, etc


You only have to sign a waiver that promises you’ll buy the government a new aircraft carrier if you break the kit or lose it.

Seems reasonable.

Generally speaking, we measured temperatures around 140 degrees Fahrenheit in the center of those hot springs.

So... fairly toasty.

There are a few other geysers that are regular enough for the NPS to offer predicted eruption times: Castle Geyser, Riverside Geyser, Daisy Geyser and Grand Geyser are the other four in the Upper Geyser Basin that are predictable.

:sad2: Never knew.
As far as I was concerned, there was only one geyser in the whole park.

Oh, look: Old Faithful is going off again.

How 'bout now? Getting old yet?

Well, I didn’t have the backpack on. So I had that going for me, which was nice.

So he can walk!

I'm talking about you.

It turns out we didn’t need to rush. Riverside Geyser’s eruptions generally last about 20 minutes, so it ends up being a great show.



How did you get them to face away from that!

And why didn't you suddenly scream and throw your hands up in front of your face
"We're going to be boiled alive! Ayieeeee!!!!"

You know. For fun.

and although we are veteran parents, we haven’t figured out how to be in two places at once.



Sadly, over time the color has begun to fade—and this is due to people throwing coins, trash, and other crap into the pool over the years.

People did what?!?!?!?

Actually, that doesn't surprise me that much.
Sad, but true.

This is not the only location where people have affected Yellowstone for the worst. Some geysers will never erupt again due to people plugging them with rocks and other trash.


Still, I think it’s worth seeing. There’s still some nice color in the pool and it’s another one of those locations where you can feel like you’re staring into the depths of the earth.


So, so cool.
And a little unnerving too.

When the photographer says "Just lean back a little."


This is Grotto Geyser, although I think Giant Ogre Geyser would be a more appropriate name.


Whoa! That's... weird!
I like it!

If you do, your feet and legs will be swallowed by the earth while some lady will uselessly react in horror and other jerks will just completely ignore you altogether. Also, you might lose your hat.

Not the hat!
You can always get new legs, but that hat is expensive!

Never been stuck in this kind of traffic jam before.


We ran into a large group of Asian tourists piling out of a bus at this overlook. I have to say, they were as hardcore as we were about seeing the sights. In the early morning hours, the only other people we consistently saw out and about were the Asian tour groups. They don’t mess around!

You are so right!

It is a bit of a cheat since Montana is one of the largest states in the nation and we were barely inching over the border, but no one can say we weren’t actually in the state.

I've always wondered if crossing a few miles into a state is considered 'visiting' and could be checked off the list.

I would have hated to give a bull elk a beatdown.

And you missed a great photo/video op! Darn it.

We had watched a special on the Yellowstone “supervolcano” before traveling and had managed to completely freak Scotty out. It took some calming before he understood that the likelihood of an eruption while we were there was very small. It probably didn’t help that the maps on the screen showed an eruption having the potential to almost completely cover the United States in ash.

Dang knowing that would freak me out too!

By the way, Orlando looked like it was outside the radius that would be affected, so if Yellowstone erupts, our emergency plan is to head straight for Disney World.

This is a great plan. While the rest of the country is melting, why not have some fun right?! I'm sure the lines would be almost non-existent!

Did I mention the smell? All of these geothermal features are somewhat pungent. Sulfur smells are particularly noticeable. The kids were pretty grossed out, while I was happy for the endless opportunities for fart jokes.

Ick, a town about 25 minutes from us, has the rotten egg smell in their water. Every one knows not to order ice and/or water from any restaurant if you visit there. So nasty:scared:

This would be amazing to see!

Awesome pics!

This turned out to be a good call. It was nice to have a sit-down, full breakfast with something other than stale muffins and non-ripe bananas. It was also nice to have a relaxed morning where we weren’t immediately rushing out the door and driving a couple of hours. I had a big heaping plate of french toast that, while not being the greatest I’ve ever had, certainly passed muster. Julie splurged on the huckleberry pancakes and came away suitably impressed. So breakfast in the Old Faithful Inn Dining Room gets a thumbs-up from us.

Glad you two got to have a nice breakfast for your anniversary!

This is SO COOL! It looks like an old photo that got damaged, so neat!

Oh my gosh :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
Ick, a town about 25 minutes from us, has the rotten egg smell in their water. Every one knows not to order ice and/or water from any restaurant if you visit there. So nasty:scared:

OK, where is that? Or what's the name? I want to make sure I never stop there and order water or ice! Although I'd be more likely to stop in Tulare since I kind of know it.
So breakfast in the Old Faithful Inn Dining Room gets a thumbs-up from us.

A quiet meal for an anniversary when you have 4 kids - that is romantic and special..

and although we are veteran parents, we haven’t figured out how to be in two places at once.

I hear ya..

This is Grotto Geyser, although I think Giant Ogre Geyser would be a more appropriate name.


So many neat things. For an easy day you sure had some special moments with some hiking. Great job.
I’d say the morning was off to a good start.

If only more mornings began like that.

because I have no idea what a "cioppino" or an "osso buco" is. Although I suspect those are ways to get whacked if you run afoul of the Mafia. "Hey, Guido, go give that guy a cioppino, eh?"

You would not have liked the Cioppino as it is a seafood stew in a tomato broth, mostly associated in the US with San Francisco, but I imagine that it's roots are in Italy. Osso Buco is more up your alley as it is a braised Veal shank, but you may not like what it was braised in, but basically, the leg of a baby cow stewed for your pleasure.

Take the advice of one of our resident foodies on the Cioppino and Osso Buco, if done right is GREAT! When we were at the group lunch at 50's our "cousin" told us they added it as a menu item. Was tempted to order it (you can ask Scott) but stuck with the fried chicken. Best at WDW.
A sliver of the northern and western borders of Yellowstone actually lie in the state of Montana. Since we’ve been trying to visit every state with the kids, it would have seemed like a wasted opportunity if we’d skipped Montana at this point, being so close. So at Mammoth, we made a turn north to head out of the park, figuring it was a cheap, easy way to pick up another state for our tally. It is a bit of a cheat since Montana is one of the largest states in the nation and we were barely inching over the border, but no one can say we weren’t actually in the state.
Perfect way to pick up a state! :thumbsup2

We had to settle for taking a detour and being near it. In the spirit of the Jungle Cruise, here’s the backside of Roosevelt Arch.

Scientists believe Yellowstone is actually one of the largest volcanoes on earth, and that it is due for another massive, catastrophic eruption—overdue, actually. We had watched a special on the Yellowstone “supervolcano” before traveling and had managed to completely freak Scotty out. It took some calming before he understood that the likelihood of an eruption while we were there was very small. It probably didn’t help that the maps on the screen showed an eruption having the potential to almost completely cover the United States in ash.
Yeah, I've heard about that too. :scared:

By the way, Orlando looked like it was outside the radius that would be affected, so if Yellowstone erupts, our emergency plan is to head straight for Disney World.
Sounds like a plan to me. Wow, Walt sure thought of everything with the Florida Project.


It creates an other-worldly landscape, marked by smooth terraces constantly being shaped by the flowing water.
Really cool pictures!

Now that looks more like the Yellowstone traffic I remember.

It’s breathtaking to see a plume of water shooting over 100 feet into the air, and to imagine the pressure and forces under our feet making that happen. This is truly a unique place, and I was glad my family could have this experience together.
You are really giving your kids some great experiences and memories!

And then we went to bed, having no problem falling into a deep sleep right above an active supervolcano.

Wow, that really shows how close you were sleeping to the geyser!

Looking forward to your super-romantic anniversary dinner. :thumbsup2
OK, where is that? Or what's the name? I want to make sure I never stop there and order water or ice! Although I'd be more likely to stop in Tulare since I kind of know it.

Hanford! It's a little out of the way from the 99 anyway so there would be absolutely no reason for you to go over there. YUCK!
I'm impressed that you herded 4 kids including a toddler around all those geysers and no one fell in!

Jill in CO
Cool timing!!!!

I wish I could say I planned it that way! But better to be lucky than good.

That's disappointing.

I'm sure we could have found something we liked for dinner there. I just got scared off by the word-of-mouth.

You would not have liked the Cioppino as it is a seafood stew in a tomato broth, mostly associated in the US with San Francisco, but I imagine that it's roots are in Italy. Osso Buco is more up your alley as it is a braised Veal shank, but you may not like what it was braised in, but basically, the leg of a baby cow stewed for your pleasure.

You know, if you keep teaching me these things, you're going to ruin my "dumb caveman" image I've worked so hard to establish. :rotfl2:

But seriously, thanks! Maybe I will try the "osso buco" someday. Does it come on a burger?

Better to have meat in the breasts than bad food that you can't pronounce. :rolleyes1

Given that this is the Disboards...I ain't touching that one!:rotfl2::rotfl:

Yikes! That breakfast must have been really early!

Nah. Maybe 8:00 or so. "Rope Drop" is a relative term. The point is, go in the morning to the popular tourist stops.

Sounds cool, but you're saying that if we don't get up early, parking is difficult. :faint:

Yes. If you're at a more famous spot in the afternoon, you'll most likely have to circle the lot a few times before you can find an available space.

Well as long as you don't break the thermometer, sounds like a good deal!

I think it satisfied the nerds in all of us.

People suck.

Yes. Yes, they do.
Hey, I like this idea of interesting locations for anniversaries. You guys are doing something right!

Thanks! We had one year in there when our anniversary was spent in Delaware, and I think we decided we liked it better in more memorable places.

It wasn't the diaper. It was one of the smelly steam vents.

So hard to tell the difference sometimes...

Wow! Nice pictures! And you managed to get the lodge and an erupting geyser without 50,000 people in the picture!

Kind of like one of those pre-ropedrop castle pictures at MK!

Hey, you're right! Rope Drop works everywhere.

It appears that you chose wisely.

Blind squirrel...

::yes:: It tends to be my belief that breakfast is usually good. And if they screw up breakfast, you most definitely don't want to have dinner there!

Yeah, I think breakfast food and pizza are the same: hard to screw up. It's possible, sure, but difficult.

I'm glad it was a good meal! And that should push that PBJ craving back an hour or 2.



Kind of curious if you have any idea how hot the river is? I saw you mentioned 140 for those pools, but I just wondered about the river and whether it was too hot for the wildlife around there? I mean, they've obviously got to drink somewhere.

I don't really know. Actually, my guess is that the river itself isn't all that hot--or that it cools quickly as it flows. My guess is that they don't want you swimming here due to the points where some of the hot springs/geysers that flow into the river might have a chance of burning you at those locations. Not to mention whatever minerals they're carrying and the chance for hidden vents under the water's surface.

Well, it's kind of foggy.


That little hill??? Looks like nothing.

From here, sure.

Is it just me or is the idea of being anywhere near something called a "recharge area" on a super volcano just a little bit crazy?

You know, I still don't really know what that means.

And Scotty will choose the Bison patch...

If they had one, he would have chosen it.

Come on nature! We're trying to plan here!!!

This isn't a good place for the Disney-trained hyper-planner!

Wait a minute... you're complaining about uncooperative geysers, yet you didn't plan enough ahead to realize this??? :rolleyes1

I admit it, I blew it. I just thought: hey, we'll spend the day wandering around the geysers. Didn't think to check the actual length of the trails. Oops.

Maybe it is just me, but there's just something about that picture that makes me want to throw a hat onto the top of one the geysers and see how far it can get launched.

Let me know how it works!

I should have done more research... I didn't realize you could get such great views of the Grand Prismatic Spring from the Fairy Falls trail. I kept thinking our views were just not that great ... I mean, everything else we saw looked really true to postcard images, but not Grand Prismatic Spring. I really need to plan my trips better so I see things AFTER you report them! LOL! I kid - but I really don't think we would have driven to the very end of Chain of Craters Road in VNP if I hadn't read your Hawaii report beforehand. Your reports are very informative!

Well, thank you! That's part of the reason I do these things--I'm hoping you'll get out to explore and if I can help you enjoy it along the way with the places we've discovered, so much the better. I'm glad Volcanoes worked out for you!

We ate dinner at the Old Faithful Inn Dining Room and I thought it was pretty tasty. We all had the buffet - I ate prime rib, huckleberry glazed chicken and a very nice (fresh) salad. Definitely the best food we ate in all of Yellowstone (100X better than the quick service place) and a nice change. It was NOT a romantic anniversary type of atmosphere though (crowded & noisy with families ... kind of like most sit down places in Disney), so I think substituting a fun family chuckwagon meal was probably a good call.

Well, that's good to hear. I probably would have stuck with it if I'd heard more positive reports ahead of time. I agree it was definitely noisy in there. But then again, so was the chuck wagon.
Snow day, so I figured maybe I would catch up a little around here............. because I'm too far behind to catch up a LOT! :rolleyes1

Hey Marv, welcome back!

I would agree except...........where's the long line of people??? :rolleyes:

I don't know, and I don't care!

In honor of you posting out of order, I thought my replies should at least include a little of that element............ :)

I would expect nothing less from you.

Yellowstone has ALWAYS been high on my list of places I want to visit in this beautiful country of ours. I was already sold, but you have bumped up my desire to plan a trip...........sooner rather than later! This looks like an awesome choice of a place to stay when the time comes.

It beats all of the competition, in my humble opinion. So cool.

Okay, your credibility about not being deep into the literary arena just took a big hit! :rolleyes2

Oh, please. I just talk English good.

Agreed...........gorgeous! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Amazing spot.

Okay, I guess that settles it............. :worship:

Better get on that plan!

Really? If you're going to cheat about counting Montana on your list of states you have visited, shouldn't you at least show why they call it Big Sky country??? :sad2:

Really? You want a photo of the sky?

Okay........nevermind :blush:

Close enough?

Or have to share your PB&J sandwich when he returned the favor.... :laughing:

If a bull elk wants my PB&J, he can have it.

Sounds like a great plan!!! :cheer2:

People don't usually say that to me...

So you're saying that you spend a major part of your life hanging around geothermal features??? ;)

No, I spend a major part of my life smelling like a geothermal feature.

Another awe inspiring view! :goodvibes

It really is!

I have to wonder if this is a common problem.........but then when I think about frivolous lawsuits like..........I spilled coffee in my lap and nobody told me it would be hot, nobody told me I could get hurt riding a bike without a helmet, and what do you mean that if I stick my foot under a running lawnmower it might put a nick in my foot..............then I guess I understand this! :scratchin Still, a cute way to get the point across.

I know. Never, ever ask the question "Someone couldn't really be that dumb, could they?" The answer is always yes.

Sounds like a good anniversary plan. In my case, I would have had a good breakfast, and normally SWMBO would have wandered down sometime around lunchtime! Lately she has reached that point in life where she is rarely sleeping so she even gets out of bed before me.

Well, we have 4 kids in the room with us. If we make it past 6 a.m. it's a miracle.
Can’t place that one to a particular film…
But I can tie it into something that’s still quite entertaining:

Ah, Mythbusters. So sad to see it going out this year.

I figured that line was more of a generic movie line than anything.

Ain't I a stinker?

Can’t think of another reason that would necessitate running.

Maybe if a bear was chasing us.

Seafood stew and roasted veal shanks…
And if I’d ever get over this rotten block I’ve imposed on myself over our last trip’s TR, you’d have already heard about osso. Let me just say that if you ever sail DCL again, you need to go to Palo at least once (if not every night) and the osso buco needs to be tried.

But that don’t mean it’d be worth a whooy at this place, now do it?

I'm guessing Palo's version is a little tastier. But consider me edu-ma-cated.

This sounds like a better evening anyway considering where y’all are.

I think so, too.

I don’t know… I’ve had it done to me before.

And let’s not even think about the fact that “breakfast” can be purchased at McD or Toc Bell…

True confessions: I do like a Mcmuffin sandwich.

You? Fib?

Perish the thought.

Trust me, I'm as shocked as the rest of you.

Does it ever fail?

Not to my knowledge!

I wouldn’t be offering that up as a contest on the Dad’s thread…
You know exactly the kind of mayhem that would instigate.

Oh, man. I think that would have to move to the other site.

It’s really the only option…


Somehow, this surprises me not.

Mostly because all these hikes end up the same way.

Not too shabby…
You’ve gotten a couple of decent random stranger pics on this trip.
The strangers must be practicing up a bit more than usual.

Maybe they just needed to warm up.

Not tourists…
educationally minded parents of conscientious and responsible future leaders.

You’ve got to keep up this false image we have of y’all, ya’ know.

Uh, yeah. Let's go with that.

$36.3 billion? Heck, I’m sure you’ve got that on the hip right now, don’t you?

Give or take a few billion. I'll pass the hat around.

Well that explains the average temperature in that river you were looking at earlier then, now don’t it.?

I would say so. Maybe not the entire river, but there are spots you don't want to be around.

A bit like planning for an Anna and Else Meet n greet.

I think the Anna and Elsa thing would be worse, actually.

About half of the average day trekking through Epcot, then…
Y’all got this.

Our feet felt the same as they do after a day walking around Epcot.


Someone needs to take the business end of the hand and slap that “people” dude up side his thick skull.

But of course, I’d never advocate violence against the mentally challenged.
Just wouldn’t be proper…

Bless their hearts.

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.

Wow, that shows great restraint on their part.
Normally that kind of stuff would start as soon as their feet hit the floor in the morning.

Don't worry, it continued the rest of the day.

I see it…
Reminds me a little of the old “Killroy” drawings…
just with one hand rather than two.

There you go. I would also have accepted "a Calvin & Hobbes snowman."

We need to be warned?

Apparently so.

OooooKaaaaay, but it really hadn’t crossed my mind…
must be something wrong with my thought processes.

There's a first time for everything.

Oh, well now that would be a catastrophe…

(and I apologize, up front for this, but my first thought was “cap-tastrophe”, but only Barry could get away with actually writing something that gawd-awful).

And on that note...


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