The Trip that Won't Stop Changing! Now a Sept 2017 Birthday Visit. *Updated 8/28/2017

Oh my gosh! Is this what turned into strep?! Poor kiddos. Being sick is rough but being little and sick is worse!
Yes, it ended up being strep and was no fun, but at least we got an antibiotic and in a day she was like normal again :)

What about doing a half day at AK and then the other half at EP (I forgot if you were getting PH or not?) That way you could do a meal at Akershus. Or you could always do 1900 PF at the GF if you aren't doing PH.
Hi there!

So, we have done both Cinderella's Royal Table and Akershus Royal Table (I had to look up how to spell it, and I NEVER say it correctly). We went on our first trip when the girls were 5 & 2.999999. They loved both meals. At that age they really believed they were meeting THE Cinderella! It was great!

Cinderella's Royal Table
was ok, nothing to write home about but not terrible.
Photo with: Cinderella
Characters that walked around: Jasmine, Snow White, Ariel, & Aurora
Personally I would do dinner for CRT, it is always (2) credits, might as well get a lunch of dinner meal out of it. Some people argue that 2 dinning credit places are a better value to POP. But I personally feel like using the dinning plan eases the blow of the price.
The real benefit I see with the dinner, is getting to see 5 Princesses all in a matter of an hour and a half. And my girls got a HUGE kick out of being inside Cinderella's Castle.

Akershus Royal Table
also just ok. But I think they have changed the menu since we were there.
Photo with: Belle
Characters that walked around: Snow White, Ariel (this was one of the best interactions we had with a princess! This particular Ariel just loved the girls), Cinderella, & Mary Poppins (which my girls pointed out was NOT a princess)
This really is a better "value" if you are choosing between the two. One credit is reasonable. But you aren't planning on going to Epcot as of now. Although, I would say that my girls love Epcot. There are some good characters to meet and they like exploring the countries! And they love Figment and Spaceship Earth for some reason.

You most certainly can meet most of the princesses just at meet n greets but you probably won't see all of them in one trip. Even with doing both of those meals, it took us 3 trips to see ALL of the princesses. And some princesses are harder to find than others. So, maybe look at which princesses you think you will want to meet. If you want to meet Tianna, I am pretty sure she never shows up at the dinners. Nor do Anna and Elsa.

I would recommend either of them. But that being said, now that we have done them both, we don't really have a desire to do either of them again.

BOQ is really good food and the atmosphere is amazing! It totally feels like you are int eh ballroom. Def keep that one! The Beast is the only character that my girls were afraid of! He is HUGE!.
It would allow DH time to focus on his business, and I could stay home with our daughter. I think the biggest question is do we want to live in such a small town, even just for a few years? Plus, it'd take us away from our parents, all of whom live down here. It's a tough choice, but it is officially on the table!

Oh what a decision!!! but what an adventure!!!! a B&B???
Tell me if/when and we are THERE!!! How long would you be away?

Only 255 days until we head to the World!! I'm so stoked, like omg, I talk bout this trip WAy too often around here; the fella is sick of me.

It's coming... Oh it will be here!

In Disney news...:

is this iphone stuff?

s birthday is September 2nd (I can't believe she's almost two!)

Just stop it. 2...
Remember when you would wake the baby laughing at one of my stupid lines in my reports!!!

October marks our favorite holiday, Holloween!

Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or should I just count on using FP for princess M&Gs instead of trying for another character meal? I thought about dropping BoG, but the dude wants to meet the Beast...

Akershus???Breakfast then head over to AK????

I'm secretly hoping that the RO discounts for Spring 2017 include the extra park ticket like they did in 2016, just so I can take DD to "The one in Epcot I can't pronounce" (that's the offices name, btw) for breakfast! Lol!

Well you had my idea already! We did NOT like lunch or dinner.. But breakfast was good.

:rotfl2: :rotfl:

I crack myself up...

Personally i would rather a meal with them... better interaction! THEY COME TO YOU! princess:
Yes, it ended up being strep and was no fun, but at least we got an antibiotic and in a day she was like normal again :)

I'm glad everyone is all better!

What about doing a half day at AK and then the other half at EP (I forgot if you were getting PH or not?) That way you could do a meal at Akershus. Or you could always do 1900 PF at the GF if you aren't doing PH.

The Hoppers aren't cost effective for us, BUT I was just told I could add another park day to each ticket for $20, total!! :scared1:

Hi there!


So, we have done both Cinderella's Royal Table and Akershus Royal Table (I had to look up how to spell it, and I NEVER say it correctly). We went on our first trip when the girls were 5 & 2.999999. They loved both meals. At that age they really believed they were meeting THE Cinderella! It was great!

Cinderella's Royal Table
was ok, nothing to write home about but not terrible.
Photo with: Cinderella
Characters that walked around: Jasmine, Snow White, Ariel, & Aurora
Personally I would do dinner for CRT, it is always (2) credits, might as well get a lunch of dinner meal out of it. Some people argue that 2 dinning credit places are a better value to POP. But I personally feel like using the dinning plan eases the blow of the price.
The real benefit I see with the dinner, is getting to see 5 Princesses all in a matter of an hour and a half. And my girls got a HUGE kick out of being inside Cinderella's Castle.

Akershus Royal Table
also just ok. But I think they have changed the menu since we were there.
Photo with: Belle
Characters that walked around: Snow White, Ariel (this was one of the best interactions we had with a princess! This particular Ariel just loved the girls), Cinderella, & Mary Poppins (which my girls pointed out was NOT a princess)
This really is a better "value" if you are choosing between the two. One credit is reasonable. But you aren't planning on going to Epcot as of now. Although, I would say that my girls love Epcot. There are some good characters to meet and they like exploring the countries! And they love Figment and Spaceship Earth for some reason.

You most certainly can meet most of the princesses just at meet n greets but you probably won't see all of them in one trip. Even with doing both of those meals, it took us 3 trips to see ALL of the princesses. And some princesses are harder to find than others. So, maybe look at which princesses you think you will want to meet. If you want to meet Tianna, I am pretty sure she never shows up at the dinners. Nor do Anna and Elsa.

I would recommend either of them. But that being said, now that we have done them both, we don't really have a desire to do either of them again.

BOQ is really good food and the atmosphere is amazing! It totally feels like you are int eh ballroom. Def keep that one! The Beast is the only character that my girls were afraid of! He is HUGE!.

We've never done Akershus, but generally what you're saying is what I'm seeing everyone; one is not so different from the other. I totally agree on the use of the DDP; a HUGE part of why we get it is to soften the blow. If my fella kept seeing the bills for these places while we were in the parks he'd lose his mind! I do like the idea of not using all my FP on Meet & Greets... but idk if DH will be able to handle more character meals.

It's just so much to consider! And now that I know I can add a park day for $20, I fell like we have to go to Epcot, even just for a meal and to see Anna & Elsa!! I;m gonna lose my mind over this, especially since all DH has to say is "just don't spend too much money" Men are no help.

Oh what a decision!!! but what an adventure!!!! a B&B???
Tell me if/when and we are THERE!!! How long would you be away?

We have to see what my aunt would be willing to do to the property before we move up. The in-keeper's quarters is barely livable as it is, but idk if she wants to pour money into the kitchen and bathroom down there. We'd likely stay up there for at least a few years, run the B&B while DH builds websites for the little town, then by the time DD is school aged we'd move into Asheville or Durham. My mom and sis are both planning a move up that way in a few ears as well (all this came up about 20 minutes ago...) At this point we're just waiting to see what my aunt has to say about things, and we'll go from there. We may move as early as March 2017!!!

It's coming... Oh it will be here!

I know it! I'm complaining now about time moving slowly, but once it's here I'll be shocked it came so fast! Life.

is this iphone stuff?

This one is on my iPad, but I downloaded the photos from google and saved them on the app. I forget which countdown app it is... I'll look once I'm back home.

Just stop it. 2...
Remember when you would wake the baby laughing at one of my stupid lines in my reports!!!

RIGHT?? It was just yesterday I was laughing about your wonderful antics and my tiny baby would wake up. Now she's running around my house singing, throwing cat food and being a crazy toddler!! Where did the time go?!

Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It really is the best holiday! Ghosts, ghouls, and great movies!!!

Akershus???Breakfast then head over to AK????

That's what i'm thinking... I can add a park day for $20, then do Akershus for brunch on our day off, and skip HDDMR... But idk if the dude will be down for all that. And heaven forbid he talk to me about any of this. I'm seriously considering just adding on CRT breakfast on our second MK day and paying OOP. He'd be none the wiser really. It's just so much to consider!!

Well you had my idea already! We did NOT like lunch or dinner.. But breakfast was good.

:rotfl2: :rotfl:

I crack myself up...

LOL! I watched like three videos like that last night! no one can say the name!! LOL!

Personally i would rather a meal with them... better interaction! THEY COME TO YOU! princess:

I think so too, plus I'd rather FP Peter Pan and Pooh Bear. Gotta look over some numbers and see what I come up with...:scratchin
YES to adding a day for $20!!!!!!! I love Epcot and I really think it is the best place to see characters. Plus your DD would totally love meeting A&E and riding FEA!
I was laughing so hard at your reply..
Throwing car food!
Now that's good fun!!! HA HA HA HA..

WAIT WHAT? So your family would move away from the mouse!!
But it's family.. I get it.. would you all move back to Florida?
This is NC right? So beautiful!!! Fall there must be something else!!! March of 17 is seriously right around the corner! how would get all that done in a matter of a few months! WOW!

I don't think any guest will say it correctly.. ever.
YES to adding a day for $20!!!!!!! I love Epcot and I really think it is the best place to see characters. Plus your DD would totally love meeting A&E and riding FEA!

I have always seen Epcot as and adult park, so we never really considered it as an option. And I read such mixed reviews about Epcot and toddlers. We'll see how things go. As of today no additions will be made to the trip; we ran into some financial troubles. I'll explain in th update.

I was laughing so hard at your reply..
Throwing car food!
Now that's good fun!!! HA HA HA HA..

She looks cute, but she's bad... Like bad. Recently she has started spitting when she's angry. Heaven knows where she picked that crap up, but it boils my blood when she does it.

WAIT WHAT? So your family would move away from the mouse!!
But it's family.. I get it.. would you all move back to Florida?
This is NC right? So beautiful!!! Fall there must be something else!!! March of 17 is seriously right around the corner! how would get all that done in a matter of a few months! WOW!

We would! We actually plan to! Florida is gorgeous, and you gotta love WDW discounts just for living here. But our schools are generally awful, it's expensive (which makes private schools out of reach) and the people aren't usually very friendly. Guido loves it here though, so he's a hard sell to leave. Unfortunately NC won't be an option for a long time, if ever. When my aunt had the downstairs level inspected for a quote on necessary repairs they discovered some big problems. The cost of making that part if the house livable is just too much right now. They're moving on the repairs, but very slowly, so it'd be more like March of 2020 than March of 2017. It was a shock to us all as the area seemed pretty ok, but there's all kinds of mess lurching in the pipes and the foundation, apparently. C'est la vie! All things happen for a reason.

I don't think any guest will say it correctly.. ever.

Seriously!! It's such a funny word!
I love everything about this!! Not only a great money saver (heaven forbid we get DD a gift in the parks every day, can you imagine?!:scared1:) but SUPER fun way to bring a little extra pixie dust tot he trip!!!:tinker:

Other than Target where do you generally look? Someone suggested Kohl's to me, and Dollar Tree. Any other ideas?! I'm so excited to do this!!:mickeyjum Thank you so much for sharing!

We also do this...JCPenney has a Disney section, and sometimes they have pretty good coupons/sales. Definitely Dollar Tree, Target & Kohl's. Target seems to rotate with what is popular at the time....lots of finding Dory last time I was there....last year was lots of Frozen and Star Wars...grab it while you can because it might not come back. I just buy it and throw it in a suitcase. If you know what she your little one will be you can search for some Disney bathing suit/goggles now too. They will likely be heavily discounted if you can find the correct size!
I have always seen Epcot as and adult park, so we never really considered it as an option. And I read such mixed reviews about Epcot and toddlers. We'll see how things go. As of today no additions will be made to the trip; we ran into some financial troubles. I'll explain in th update.

I hope your financial troubles aren't too terrible... And I totally get that! But I wouldn't not go to EPCOT because you think it's an adult park. They are def starting to sprinkle kid stuff in the park. My girls like seeing each country. It may not be as exciting as the other parks but that doesn't mean they won't like it.
My Booboo is Two and Some Surprise News!

My baby turned two on Friday!! I'm still in shock. I had to work, but daddy took her to the park and she had a pancake breakfast! When I got home we had dinner and cake and a few gifts.

Hope fully the time lapse works on here. On her actual birthday she was given some nail polish, a Tinker Belle dolly and a copy of Maleficent. I know the first and third gift seem a little older for a two year old, but they work for her. She's obsessed with nails. She watches me do mine and always wants some, so we just got her a kid safe version.

And Maleficent we got cause she's obsessed with Into the Woods (I watched it with her and my sister and now she asks for it, all the time) so I thought it'd be fitting...

Needless to say Tink we the favorite at the time...

I say at the time because this was her yesterday:

She watched Maleficent all the way through and requested it again. I literally had to bribe her to get her to stop watching it... My little dark miss.

On Saturday we threw her a party. Since daddy couldn't stand the idea of a Disney birthday we compromised; Disney cake/theme, with understated decorations:

Can you see the Princess Frog inspiration?! We are planning on using the bottles to decorate our patio. The party was a ton of fun, but ended up being a lot smaller than we had anticipated; a bunch of our friends said they'd be there and never actually showed up. I was definitely not happy abou tha one, mostly cause we bought WAY too much food and ended up bringing a ton of it back home. We were cleaning the park up and the fella stops loading the van and says, "Fine, we'll go to Disney next year! I just don't wanna do this again!" I figured the 90 degree heat had gotten to him, but he was serious! Once we were back home and in the AC he mentioned it again, to his sister...

So, we are planning a birthday trip for the kids next year, which means we are planning 2 WDW trips in 2017!!!!

I am dying!!!

I will likely upgrade to an annual pass, cause why not? And we will just book the bounce back offer when we're there in May! My SiL is pumped too!! So far we have loosely decided on the weekend of August 25th, probably arrive on Thursday and head home on Monday. Guido only wants to do one park, but I think SiL and I are set on MK and Epcot. That being said, we will likely keep the May trip as it is, but we will do CRT or Akershus in Epcot. SiL wants to do Chef Mickey's for her son's birthday and we both want a BoG dinner. We likely won't get joining rooms or anything like that. Maybe the same resort, but that's likely as close as Guido will want us to be. He really needs that down time after any person heavy activity. I'm thinking we'll get a Royal Room at POR, but I haven't really thought about it too much... LOL!

Planning two WDW vacations mean we will be living on a tight budget for a while, and we just got hit with repairs needed, on both our cars. That on top of SO not getting a big job he bid for means we will really have to be careful if we want these trips. Luckily since he's freelance, he can usually pick up some easy money here and there.

Needless to say it's been an eventful weekend! DD has her two year check up tomorrow, which I am not looking forward to, but I enjoying my 4 day weekend! The house has not been this clean since we moved in. AND tomorrow we start decorating for Halloween! It's looking like we will be dressing up as Ralph, Vanelope and Felix from Wreck it Ralph! We have plans to hit up a few second hand stores next weekend. So much to look forward to, now if only I could find someone to fund all these great adventures I'm planning...

Any who TTFN! Hope all is well in your worlds!

We also do this...JCPenney has a Disney section, and sometimes they have pretty good coupons/sales. Definitely Dollar Tree, Target & Kohl's. Target seems to rotate with what is popular at the time....lots of finding Dory last time I was there....last year was lots of Frozen and Star Wars...grab it while you can because it might not come back. I just buy it and throw it in a suitcase. If you know what she your little one will be you can search for some Disney bathing suit/goggles now too. They will likely be heavily discounted if you can find the correct size!

I didn't think of JC Penny! Good call! We got some birthday money for DD that is going towards some clothing for her, so I will likely make a trip to one, if not all of the above locations! I nabbed a ton of the Frozen stuff last year; she love princess Anna. I have a mini stash started. My mom and sis also grab this or that when they're out.

I hope your financial troubles aren't too terrible... And I totally get that! But I wouldn't not go to EPCOT because you think it's an adult park. They are def starting to sprinkle kid stuff in the park. My girls like seeing each country. It may not be as exciting as the other parks but that doesn't mean they won't like it.

Good to know! I've been wanting to get back to Epcot; I've not been since 2011. It just flies low on our radar. I do think in August 2017 we will likely go there. My nephew will be turning 5 and is obsessed with cars. I'm sure he'd love Test Track. Plus my SiL and I both like the idea of maybe letting the grandma's have the kids so the adults can have some time together, and I feel like Epcot is great fro that. I'm definitely open to an Epcot visit; it's Disney after all!
Wow! That is some exciting news! I'm telling you, birthdays at Disney are the best! I'm so jealous that you will be going twice next year! I wish we lived closer so it would be doable for us. Maybe one day!

We love Epcot and besides it being great for character interactions, DD1 LOVED The Seas with Nemo. I'm super pumped that we will be going during Flower and Garden, so there will be even more things for the girls to do with the interactive playgrounds that will be up.

I just got the girls some cute Disney outfits at our local Sam's Club. They had Ariel, Minnie, Dory, and Elsa outfits along with PJs. I always forget about Sam's Club, but they always have cute kids clothes. It was a bonus they had Disney clothes the other day!
Wow! That is some exciting news! I'm telling you, birthdays at Disney are the best! I'm so jealous that you will be going twice next year! I wish we lived closer so it would be doable for us. Maybe one day!

We love Epcot and besides it being great for character interactions, DD1 LOVED The Seas with Nemo. I'm super pumped that we will be going during Flower and Garden, so there will be even more things for the girls to do with the interactive playgrounds that will be up.

I just got the girls some cute Disney outfits at our local Sam's Club. They had Ariel, Minnie, Dory, and Elsa outfits along with PJs. I always forget about Sam's Club, but they always have cute kids clothes. It was a bonus they had Disney clothes the other day!

I can not wait for the birthday trip! It's funny cause my SO pointed out that our May trip ends two days before my birthday. Such a mom thing to totally forget your own birthday! I'm secretly hoping that by upgrading to an AP I'll be able to go up during the summer to visit my sister. Maybe even take DD during the holidays... The AP is like having keys to the kingdom since we live so close.

I did F&G in 2012 with some friends and it was wonderful! The topieries and little gardens are gorgeous. 2012 was before my mom days, but I've heard great things about the added play areas. I'm sure your girls will love it!

Sam's Club! Really? I never would have thought! Do you need a membership there?
Fine, we'll go to Disney next year! I just don't wanna do this again!" I figured the 90 degree heat had gotten to him, but he was serious! Once we were back home and in the AC he mentioned it again, to his sister...

:dancer: :cool1:


Planning two WDW vacations mean we will be living on a tight budget for a while, and we just got hit with repairs needed, on both our cars. That on top of SO not getting a big job he bid for means we will really have to be careful if we want these trips. Luckily since he's freelance, he can usually pick up some easy money here and there.

SING IT!!! I so understand this!
why can't we just win the millions?!?! WHY?

s Ralph, Vanelope and Felix from Wreck it Ralph!

I cannot wait to see this..

, now if only I could find someone to fund all these great adventures I'm planning...

Again we need to hit the lotto. :earseek:
I can not wait for the birthday trip! It's funny cause my SO pointed out that our May trip ends two days before my birthday.

That's so funny, because our May trip ends 2 days before my birthday! I plan to take full advantage and wear a birthday button all week.
I'm so terrible; I didn't see these comments until right now!M

:dancer: :cool1:


Right?! I seriously can't contain myself on a daily basis!!

SING IT!!! I so understand this!
why can't we just win the millions?!?! WHY?

That's what I'm saying! A sold $10,000 and I'd be good for a while. C'est la vie! Work, work, work it is!!

I cannot wait to see this..

I'm so pumped. I have parts of it already; Felix's shirt and pants, Vaneloppe's skirt and the hoodie (I'm dying a yellow one E already has). My biggest challenge will be hands for Ralph. I'm hoping to find some of those Hulk hands on Craigslist or at Good Will or something. A good paint job and they'd do the trick, I think!

Again we need to hit the lotto. :earseek:

I should probably start playing if I'm gonna win... Lol!

That's so funny, because our May trip ends 2 days before my birthday! I plan to take full advantage and wear a birthday button all week.

Yes!! You will get so much cake!!

On any other trip I would rock that birthday button from check in to check out! I'm gonna forgo the button next year in- loo of a First Visit button on account of DD. I want this trip to be all about baby!

Catching up on your PTR! Sounds like the weekend at DS was fun! I've wanted to visit AOA but never can find the time. And 2 trips to plan!!! AHH how fun! and even better it is a birthday trip for the princess! princess:
Catching up on your PTR! Sounds like the weekend at DS was fun! I've wanted to visit AOA but never can find the time. And 2 trips to plan!!! AHH how fun! and even better it is a birthday trip for the princess! princess:

Hey! Glad you're still here; you've had so much exciting stuff going on!!

Can't wait to actually get into planning for DDs b-day trip!!
That's Whenthe Dude Chimed in
Not a ton to report on in Disney news. We're 222 days out from the trip, which puts ADR day a mere 42 days away! While DD was napping today I was working on some spreadsheets while the dude was working on who-knows-what beside me. All was quite when suddenly he says "Don't you think she should see the opening show on the first day?"

I'm sorry, what was that? Did you just decide to have an opinion in daily activities while we're in WDW after explicitly telling me this was my trip to plan?? I must have given him some serious side eye, cause he back peddled pretty quickly. See, since we're heading up Friday afternoon my plan was to take our time getting there. Maybe stop for dinner en route, or order a pizza to the room after we check in, but mostly Friday is work, drive, chill. It will give me time to unpack and settle in, while DD and her daddy get used to not being at home. Saturday is more of that, swimming and takin it slow. Sunday would be our first park day, I was planning on a PPO at CP, but now he who will not be named, has decided that DD should see the opening show.

Honestly, that's fine by me, but now I'm in a planning pickle: if we come for the show when do we eat? I had already planned to bring snacks for us, we all have hanger issues. I'm just not sure how to play this... We could see the show, take our walk down Main Street and hit some rides, take advantage of the lower morning time crowds, but then we'd have to double back if we did CP, which could possibly make things MORE crowded after we eat. That option also leaves us open for hanger issues. DD really does not do well without a meal about an hour after she wakes up.

Maybe it's better to get a park open ADR, like try for one 15 minutes after opening. We could still walk up Main Street at our leisure, get some photos and have food right away. My only concern there is time wasted. I could always just schedule my FPs for like 90-120 minutes after breakfast.... IDK, and outside of feeling like DD should see the opening show DH is no help.

Any thoughts? Thanks!


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