***1st Week of December Thread ADR Plans, Park Hours, and dealing with Pop Warner***

@SilSprBea :boat::boat:

I am seriously in the exact same boat! What is up with our TAs? I know there are GREAT ones out there!!

Disney can help you take over your account. They don't just automatically cancel your vacation at 30 days out if you've not made your final payment. You WILL have to cancel/re-book if you can't get your TA to make the payment on your behalf but Disney will help you through the process. Will you lose your rooms? Nope, even though POR is completely full (we have preferred booked and I wondered this). Will you lose your FPs and ADRs? Nope! :yay: Is it annoying? Yep! Will I ever use a TA for a Disney trip again? I'll let you take a stab in the dark on that one. ;)

I refuse to let the ball dropping and incompetence of my TA interfere with the joy of anticipating and planning this trip. We can't control others' actions, but we can control how we react to those actions. It's not fair, and your TA is clearly in the wrong, but please don't let her take away your joy and turn it into a nightmare. I refuse to let mine ruin this time for me. I'm considering it a snag, akin to a problem to solve, nothing more. I simply will not allow it to overshadow this fun and exciting time. I'm stubborn like that. ;) Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

My advice is be proactive, call Disney, get your ducks in a row, and have a plan in place for your 30-day mark if your TA doesn't get back to you and/or make the payment. Your trip is NOT at her mercy, but you've got to grab the reins (or have your DH grab the reins!!) I did this just this morning and I feel a bazillion times better! Unfortunately, this situation is one Disney is well-versed in handling and they'll work with you to make it right. Where I sit at the moment is I'm giving my TA until noon on Monday (my payment is due 11/2), then I'm calling Disney to have them take over. I'm no longer fretting because I KNOW we're going to Disney, with everything just as I've obsessively planned it...and SO ARE YOU!!

Are you a Jimmy Buffett fan by any chance? He's got a great lyric that's become a mantra of mine...."Breathe in, breathe out, move on". The path to get there might look different than you initially anticipated, but you're going to end up on a Disney family vacation that looks just the way YOU have obsessively planned!! It's all going to work out. :flower1:
Just want to give a shout out on here to @Lisa F for tagging me in the JBJB thread. In spite of having your own plans changing with your new early arrival and all the chain reaction changes that go along with it you STILL were thoughtful enough to remember I was waiting for the dates to be extended. I'm speechless except to say thank you very much!!!

This thread is awesome. Unbelievable how everyone looks out for one another. I feel like such a slacker sometimes. For example, I know @Lisa F is looking for BOG lunch for arrival day but can't remember which day that is or her preferred time.

@SilSprBea, what your TA is doing to you is complete BS. I cannot stand being ignored by someone I am paying for a service. On the rare occasion it happens to me I am on that person's front porch first thing in the morning when they are just stepping out their door to start their day. I understand things happen and sometimes people have emergencies. Oh your kid is sick? Your dog died? Your car needs a new transmission? No problem. I understand. But you mean to tell me that in the past 'however many days' you couldn't find 30 seconds to shoot me a text just to confirm you got my call and will follow up when things get back to normal? Unacceptable!!! I wish I knew you in 'real life'. I would be more than happy to pay a visit to said TA and, ahem, get the ball rolling for you.

@Mrs. Inc :welcome: to the best thread on the Dis!!!

@JamieOak, hope your DH gets well soon. He's gonna need that knee (well both of them actually) in a few weeks. Good to read it's just infection. As much as that sucks, I suppose it could have been worse.

At the moment I can't remember what's new with @Candycane83 so I will just say hello!!!
haha you are FAR too easily impressed! I don't expect anyone to remember my plans in detail but something broad like you checking like crazy when the first half of the season was released... even my addled 42 year old brain can remember that! your wife is probably going to kill me as I've set off the fever again lol.

this thread is awesome! the people in it are awesome. I am seriously going to be sad when we don't have anything to plan anymore and not just because it means the disney trip is over! anyone else want the next month to go by already but at the same time want it to slow down? lol

also... I love that you want to kick @SilSprBea 's TA's butt. I kind of do too... I almost offered to pretend to be your attorney and call lol. I am just about as mild mannered and "let it go" when it comes to me, but mess with my friends and :furious:
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@SilSprBea :boat::boat:

I am seriously in the exact same boat! What is up with our TAs? I know there are GREAT ones out there!!

Disney can help you take over your account. They don't just automatically cancel your vacation at 30 days out if you've not made your final payment. You WILL have to cancel/re-book if you can't get your TA to make the payment on your behalf but Disney will help you through the process. Will you lose your rooms? Nope, even though POR is completely full (we have preferred booked and I wondered this). Will you lose your FPs and ADRs? Nope! :yay: Is it annoying? Yep! Will I ever use a TA for a Disney trip again? I'll let you take a stab in the dark on that one. ;)

I refuse to let the ball dropping and incompetence of my TA interfere with the joy of anticipating and planning this trip. We can't control others' actions, but we can control how we react to those actions. It's not fair, and your TA is clearly in the wrong, but please don't let her take away your joy and turn it into a nightmare. I refuse to let mine ruin this time for me. I'm considering it a snag, akin to a problem to solve, nothing more. I simply will not allow it to overshadow this fun and exciting time. I'm stubborn like that. ;) Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

My advice is be proactive, call Disney, get your ducks in a row, and have a plan in place for your 30-day mark if your TA doesn't get back to you and/or make the payment. Your trip is NOT at her mercy, but you've got to grab the reins (or have your DH grab the reins!!) I did this just this morning and I feel a bazillion times better! Unfortunately, this situation is one Disney is well-versed in handling and they'll work with you to make it right. Where I sit at the moment is I'm giving my TA until noon on Monday (my payment is due 11/2), then I'm calling Disney to have them take over. I'm no longer fretting because I KNOW we're going to Disney, with everything just as I've obsessively planned it...and SO ARE YOU!!

Are you a Jimmy Buffett fan by any chance? He's got a great lyric that's become a mantra of mine...."Breathe in, breathe out, move on". The path to get there might look different than you initially anticipated, but you're going to end up on a Disney family vacation that looks just the way YOU have obsessively planned!! It's all going to work out. :flower1:

the great @Talby is back! at least briefly!

great advice. I'm sure Disney tries their best to let people work it out amongst themselves but to be perfectly honest when push comes to shove, they don't want to lose your money either. I hope it does NOT come to that. But if it does at least take comfort that someone has been there before and gotten through it unscathed.

Personally my favorite buffet lyrics are "wasting away again in margaritaville" lol
haha you are FAR too easily impressed! I don't expect anyone to remember my plans in detail but something broad like you checking like crazy when the first half of the season was released... even my addled 42 year old brain can remember that! your wife is probably going to kill me as I've set off the fever again lol.

this thread is awesome! the people in it are awesome. I am seriously going to be sad when we don't have anything to plan anymore and not just because it means the disney trip is over! anyone else want the next month to go by already but at the same time want it to slow down? lol

I hear ya! I may actually be leaning more towards slow down. I feel I need/want way more time before our trip. o_O
I hear ya! I may actually be leaning more towards slow down. I feel I need/want way more time before our trip. o_O
me too. I am tired of the planning mostly but I know that once it is here then it will be over. I shouldn't start thinking like that now! :sad:

on our last trip the crying on the last night was HORRIBLE. and I don't mean just the kiddo. he started sobbing he was SO SAD it was going to be over and when he started I started and we were both crying and that's when I promised him I'd take him back in 2 years. I can't believe it is here already. It is kind of rough sometimes, he gets the spectrum stuff from his father but his father is also rather unemotional about things. I am VERY emotional, feel things VERY deeply, I have an explosive temper and my poor kiddo gets that from me... which combined with being on the spectrum is not an easy thing. I think his father has it a bit easier being so detached from everything. Last night I left his room after nighttime cuddles and he came back out sobbing... he read a book on the bus that day about things you can learn from your dog or something and one of the things is that PEOPLE are more important than THINGS and he was thinking about how much he loved me and getting very emotional. Try staying calm through that! Anyway the end of this trip is going to be super rough after so much anticipation.

But today I did book our next trip, a cruise in February 2018. It is about 30% more than I'd hoped :crazy2:. oh well, gotta work my butt off to get it paid for!
me too. I am tired of the planning mostly but I know that once it is here then it will be over. I shouldn't start thinking like that now! :sad:

on our last trip the crying on the last night was HORRIBLE. and I don't mean just the kiddo. he started sobbing he was SO SAD it was going to be over and when he started I started and we were both crying and that's when I promised him I'd take him back in 2 years. I can't believe it is here already. It is kind of rough sometimes, he gets the spectrum stuff from his father but his father is also rather unemotional about things. I am VERY emotional, feel things VERY deeply, I have an explosive temper and my poor kiddo gets that from me... which combined with being on the spectrum is not an easy thing. I think his father has it a bit easier being so detached from everything. Last night I left his room after nighttime cuddles and he came back out sobbing... he read a book on the bus that day about things you can learn from your dog or something and one of the things is that PEOPLE are more important than THINGS and he was thinking about how much he loved me and getting very emotional. Try staying calm through that! Anyway the end of this trip is going to be super rough after so much anticipation.

But today I did book our next trip, a cruise in February 2018. It is about 30% more than I'd hoped :crazy2:. oh well, gotta work my butt off to get it paid for!

Aw what a cute story! I wouldn't have been able to hold it together after that.

Congrats on booking the next trip! DH really wants to go on a cruise. I might have to look into that. We are going to Texas for a wedding in January, so my next trip is very close. But there is a lot less planning involved there. Some sightseeing around Houston.
this thread is awesome! the people in it are awesome. I am seriously going to be sad when we don't have anything to plan anymore and not just because it means the disney trip is over! anyone else want the next month to go by already but at the same time want it to slow down? lol

Ha, I know this feeling exactly! I am so excited for the trip, but at the same time this whole planning phase is such a huge part of the fun and excitement of it all! And being on this thread has just amplified that by a million. I don't want it to end! Lol
Aw what a cute story! I wouldn't have been able to hold it together after that.

Congrats on booking the next trip! DH really wants to go on a cruise. I might have to look into that. We are going to Texas for a wedding in January, so my next trip is very close. But there is a lot less planning involved there. Some sightseeing around Houston.
I used to live there! I miss the bbq.

I told kiddo we would try to swing an intermediate non super expensive disney trip sometime next year, just the two of us. We were throwing around some ideas like NYC and washington dc (both places I have also lived). Someplace driveable where I can take a long weekend and spend a few hundred $$ and not thousands. But with the cruise costing nearly $4k :crazy2: plus airfare... I might have to get the SW rewards card next time a deal comes around... that would keep me in points for a while and we could maybe fly other places that are cheaper to visit if the airfare is free. Only thing is I do have enough to pay the deposit in surplus in my vacation account from this trip so that does help a bit. Also work has really picked up and if it stays at this pace I should be ok for sure.
me too. I am tired of the planning mostly but I know that once it is here then it will be over. I shouldn't start thinking like that now! :sad:

on our last trip the crying on the last night was HORRIBLE. and I don't mean just the kiddo. he started sobbing he was SO SAD it was going to be over and when he started I started and we were both crying and that's when I promised him I'd take him back in 2 years. I can't believe it is here already. It is kind of rough sometimes, he gets the spectrum stuff from his father but his father is also rather unemotional about things. I am VERY emotional, feel things VERY deeply, I have an explosive temper and my poor kiddo gets that from me... which combined with being on the spectrum is not an easy thing. I think his father has it a bit easier being so detached from everything. Last night I left his room after nighttime cuddles and he came back out sobbing... he read a book on the bus that day about things you can learn from your dog or something and one of the things is that PEOPLE are more important than THINGS and he was thinking about how much he loved me and getting very emotional. Try staying calm through that! Anyway the end of this trip is going to be super rough after so much anticipation.

But today I did book our next trip, a cruise in February 2018. It is about 30% more than I'd hoped :crazy2:. oh well, gotta work my butt off to get it paid for!

Awww, how adorable and sweet! I'd have been crying too, lol
Ha, I know this feeling exactly! I am so excited for the trip, but at the same time this whole planning phase is such a huge part of the fun and excitement of it all! And being on this thread has just amplified that by a million. I don't want it to end! Lol

It has! I am having an emotional night so excuse my spewing lol. But seriously the planning has been my sanity on bad days sometimes. A cruise seems like a lot less to plan... shore excursions on a couple of days. will get the kid a good snorkel and mask for this summer (he loves to snorkel even around here, loves to catch and release crabs and fish with his net, is basically a fish himself and I think he would LOVE clear caribbean water). So I have to figure out what kind of snorkeling excursions I can take him on. so I guess there is that! but it's not like this trip!
Just want to give a shout out on here to @Lisa F for tagging me in the JBJB thread. In spite of having your own plans changing with your new early arrival and all the chain reaction changes that go along with it you STILL were thoughtful enough to remember I was waiting for the dates to be extended. I'm speechless except to say thank you very much!!!

This thread is awesome. Unbelievable how everyone looks out for one another. I feel like such a slacker sometimes. For example, I know @Lisa F is looking for BOG lunch for arrival day but can't remember which day that is or her preferred time.

@SilSprBea, what your TA is doing to you is complete BS. I cannot stand being ignored by someone I am paying for a service. On the rare occasion it happens to me I am on that person's front porch first thing in the morning when they are just stepping out their door to start their day. I understand things happen and sometimes people have emergencies. Oh your kid is sick? Your dog died? Your car needs a new transmission? No problem. I understand. But you mean to tell me that in the past 'however many days' you couldn't find 30 seconds to shoot me a text just to confirm you got my call and will follow up when things get back to normal? Unacceptable!!! I wish I knew you in 'real life'. I would be more than happy to pay a visit to said TA and, ahem, get the ball rolling for you.

@Mrs. Inc :welcome: to the best thread on the Dis!!!

@JamieOak, hope your DH gets well soon. He's gonna need that knee (well both of them actually) in a few weeks. Good to read it's just infection. As much as that sucks, I suppose it could have been worse.

At the moment I can't remember what's new with @Candycane83 so I will just say hello!!!
Hello!! Nothing new with me :rotfl: but happy your dates are finally going to open up!! :thumbsup2
It has! I am having an emotional night so excuse my spewing lol. But seriously the planning has been my sanity on bad days sometimes. A cruise seems like a lot less to plan... shore excursions on a couple of days. will get the kid a good snorkel and mask for this summer (he loves to snorkel even around here, loves to catch and release crabs and fish with his net, is basically a fish himself and I think he would LOVE clear caribbean water). So I have to figure out what kind of snorkeling excursions I can take him on. so I guess there is that! but it's not like this trip!

Spew all you want! Lol. This planning and this thread has definitely been saving my sanity for the past week and a half +. It's been really hard for me dealing with this breakup emotionally, since it was caused by external factors, and having this planning to fixate on and all the awesome people here to come 'visit' has really been a life saver!

And I'm sure you'll still find plenty of things to plan for the cruise! You can research all the excursions, and the menus at the restaurants, and the kids programs, and memorize the ship floorplan, lol.
I used to live there! I miss the bbq.

I told kiddo we would try to swing an intermediate non super expensive disney trip sometime next year, just the two of us. We were throwing around some ideas like NYC and washington dc (both places I have also lived). Someplace driveable where I can take a long weekend and spend a few hundred $$ and not thousands. But with the cruise costing nearly $4k :crazy2: plus airfare... I might have to get the SW rewards card next time a deal comes around... that would keep me in points for a while and we could maybe fly other places that are cheaper to visit if the airfare is free. Only thing is I do have enough to pay the deposit in surplus in my vacation account from this trip so that does help a bit. Also work has really picked up and if it stays at this pace I should be ok for sure.

Neat! DH used to live in Humble, TX and still has a lot of family there. So he'll be my tour guide for the most part. I hear good things about cruises, even though I was pretty set against one. So now I'm considering it, but don't have any near term plans.

Those credit card bonus points are awesome! We are flying to Disney and back and to Texas and back on the bonus reward points from our Chase Sapphire card this year. Can't beat that!
It has! I am having an emotional night so excuse my spewing lol. But seriously the planning has been my sanity on bad days sometimes. A cruise seems like a lot less to plan... shore excursions on a couple of days. will get the kid a good snorkel and mask for this summer (he loves to snorkel even around here, loves to catch and release crabs and fish with his net, is basically a fish himself and I think he would LOVE clear caribbean water). So I have to figure out what kind of snorkeling excursions I can take him on. so I guess there is that! but it's not like this trip!
Aww I think I'd be sad too once our trip is over... every start has an end I guess but planning for another trip sure makes it easier! I'd love to go on a Disney cruise. DH has never been on one yet so it'll be great to plan that one in the future. (Once I'm sure DS can sit still in shows!) Congrats on booking your cruise! I think it'll be a great one!
Spew all you want! Lol. This planning and this thread has definitely been saving my sanity for the past week and a half +. It's been really hard for me dealing with this breakup emotionally, since it was caused by external factors, and having this planning to fixate on and all the awesome people here to come 'visit' has really been a life saver!

And I'm sure you'll still find plenty of things to plan for the cruise! You can research all the excursions, and the menus at the restaurants, and the kids programs, and memorize the ship floorplan, lol.
as someone who made a change relatively late in life (I was with my ex since 19, married at 23, divorced at 36) just know that it is for the best to deal with it now. Big life changes are always difficult but you seem like you are dealing with it in a very healthy way and you have a good sense of self and what makes you happy. I wish I had when I was younger because it would have saved a lot of heartache. On the other hand the kiddo is my life so I can't afford regrets about any of my decisions either. Just know that if I can come through it, you can too, and brighter days are ahead. You are so awesome to go on with your plans, I would probably be in a ball for 6 months. In fact in 2014 it was my first trip in 5 years because I felt for that long like that part of my life was over and I didn't deserve to do stuff like that anymore. Then one day I woke up and thought you know what? I CAN do this. Can I tell you how many people were shocked that I would travel all by myself with my 6 year old? I'm still not sure why, it was the best trip of my life and I'm glad I got over myself enough to be able to feel like I deserve that happiness now. Our situations are obviously different but I was not as independent post breakup as I could have been and it has taken me a long time to become that way... so I really admire you for your independence and your great outlook. Your emotions will settle themselves when you are through the process of grieving and you are beautiful, strong, and funny and some guy is going to be the luckiest guy in the world to be with you when you're ready! But til then you are doing it all right! Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, that is another lesson that was very very hard learned for me. Enough with the old lady talk now ;)
@SilSprBea :boat::boat:

I am seriously in the exact same boat! What is up with our TAs? I know there are GREAT ones out there!!

Disney can help you take over your account. They don't just automatically cancel your vacation at 30 days out if you've not made your final payment. You WILL have to cancel/re-book if you can't get your TA to make the payment on your behalf but Disney will help you through the process. Will you lose your rooms? Nope, even though POR is completely full (we have preferred booked and I wondered this). Will you lose your FPs and ADRs? Nope! :yay: Is it annoying? Yep! Will I ever use a TA for a Disney trip again? I'll let you take a stab in the dark on that one. ;)

I refuse to let the ball dropping and incompetence of my TA interfere with the joy of anticipating and planning this trip. We can't control others' actions, but we can control how we react to those actions. It's not fair, and your TA is clearly in the wrong, but please don't let her take away your joy and turn it into a nightmare. I refuse to let mine ruin this time for me. I'm considering it a snag, akin to a problem to solve, nothing more. I simply will not allow it to overshadow this fun and exciting time. I'm stubborn like that. ;) Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

My advice is be proactive, call Disney, get your ducks in a row, and have a plan in place for your 30-day mark if your TA doesn't get back to you and/or make the payment. Your trip is NOT at her mercy, but you've got to grab the reins (or have your DH grab the reins!!) I did this just this morning and I feel a bazillion times better! Unfortunately, this situation is one Disney is well-versed in handling and they'll work with you to make it right. Where I sit at the moment is I'm giving my TA until noon on Monday (my payment is due 11/2), then I'm calling Disney to have them take over. I'm no longer fretting because I KNOW we're going to Disney, with everything just as I've obsessively planned it...and SO ARE YOU!!

Are you a Jimmy Buffett fan by any chance? He's got a great lyric that's become a mantra of mine...."Breathe in, breathe out, move on". The path to get there might look different than you initially anticipated, but you're going to end up on a Disney family vacation that looks just the way YOU have obsessively planned!! It's all going to work out. :flower1:
Sorry to hear about your TA too. That's just crazy how some TAs are... it's great you have a good handle on it and have an action plan. I hope everything is going well with you besides this :) we miss your cheeriness and positivity here! :flower:
Neat! DH used to live in Humble, TX and still has a lot of family there. So he'll be my tour guide for the most part. I hear good things about cruises, even though I was pretty set against one. So now I'm considering it, but don't have any near term plans.

Those credit card bonus points are awesome! We are flying to Disney and back and to Texas and back on the bonus reward points from our Chase Sapphire card this year. Can't beat that!
honestly I was too before my first one. I couldn't imagine a trip where you just lazed around all day. Well we didn't but we did laze around a lot and i indulged in a lot of naps. Part of why it is costing so much is I indulged in a verandah (just a partially obstructed one) but it was $341 more so why not? this way if kiddo needs to go to sleep early I can sit on the verandah with a glass of wine and my kindle and just relax, which is something I so rarely do. And while our vacations are about spending time together, he is looking forward to the kid clubs and I will indulge in some spa treatments and other adult things while he does that... what I don't know, maybe some evening shows. After my whole thing about independence above I am honestly not very good on my own and I have a year and a half to get to the point where I am totally comfortable doing things by myself because I want to enjoy the cruise too and not pine for my kid or the boyfriend while kiddo is in the kid clubs (the boyfriend thing is VERY complicated but vacations on that scale together are off the table and it's really for me and kiddo).

but I totally digress. I didn't think I'd like it and I LOVED it. I am actually castaway cay gold club because we did 5 cruises, but the last was in 2005 before kiddo, before life falling apart, before everything changed. dual income no kids is quite a different lifestyle than working single mom, lol.
honestly I was too before my first one. I couldn't imagine a trip where you just lazed around all day. Well we didn't but we did laze around a lot and i indulged in a lot of naps. Part of why it is costing so much is I indulged in a verandah (just a partially obstructed one) but it was $341 more so why not? this way if kiddo needs to go to sleep early I can sit on the verandah with a glass of wine and my kindle and just relax, which is something I so rarely do. And while our vacations are about spending time together, he is looking forward to the kid clubs and I will indulge in some spa treatments and other adult things while he does that... what I don't know, maybe some evening shows. After my whole thing about independence above I am honestly not very good on my own and I have a year and a half to get to the point where I am totally comfortable doing things by myself because I want to enjoy the cruise too and not pine for my kid or the boyfriend while kiddo is in the kid clubs (the boyfriend thing is VERY complicated but vacations on that scale together are off the table and it's really for me and kiddo).

That sounds really awesome! I'd have a hard time not splurging for the veranda room either. If you are going on vacation, you gotta live it up at least a little.
That sounds really awesome! I'd have a hard time not splurging for the veranda room either. If you are going on vacation, you gotta live it up at least a little.
this is the room I booked based on these photos (exact room lol). there aren't many obstructed verandahs. I figure since it will likely be just me out there most of the time it is enough open railing


IF anyone cares lol.


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