Disney Dining Plan Price Increases

I've stayed on site and off, and enjoyed both for different reasons, but definitely prefer on at this point. Our stays are short (because we're cramming a few days with grandparents and a few days at Disney into a nine-day school break) so the "bubble" is important to us right now. I could see off site working for us if it was a longer trip, but right now, DH wants a vacation from driving, I want a vacation from being in charge of meals, and DS wants to live and breathe Disney 24/7!
I have 3 little kids who are all pretty sparse eaters. I definitely enjoy being off site with the ability to make breakfast and coffee in the room, pack a light lunch for the park, and then eat out for dinner somewhere. We've eaten dinner on property several times, but I'm also completely fine with taking a break from the park in the thick of the large afternoon crowds to go off property, eat a more moderately priced dinner, let the kids have a little rest in the car, then return to the park for evening activities. Disney restaurants are OK and I don't mind eating at them here and there, but they're not so amazing that I feel upset to miss them. Now I will splurge on snack things here and there like ice cream for the kids or a Dole Whip, or I might supplement what we packed for lunch with a quick service item. But we just don't eat enough food in the course of the day to utilize a dining plan, based on what the plans seem to cover.

I think if we are ever to be able to afford to stay on site, I'd rather do a moderate that can accommodate the 5 of us (choices are limited for that, and while I'm pretty low maintenance my one caveat is I don't dig sleeping crammed in a double bed with my [wonderful but snoring and restless] husband for the duration of a vacation, so I guess a value is off the table) and would rather try to get some kind of room discount rather than paying rack and having the dining plan. I do get the allure of having it all taken care of ahead of time, sounds nice. But I guess I'd rather pinch my pennies a little and get to the real reason we go there (the parks) so we can enjoy a family vacation rather than not go at all. Right now it's tough to justify the cost of an on-site when we can get so much more space for the 5 of us, and amenities, for a fraction of the price. Perhaps in time that will change but I will cheap out on some things so my kids can experience travel (not just to WDW of course) and have some fun.

And I do like to do laundry the night before we leave -- 1 quick load (my kids clothes are all still small), fold 'em up while watching a show before bed, and that's one less thing I have to do when I get home -- I only have to put the clothes right back in the drawers. That's just a nice feeling for me. :)

Anyway... like everything else...we are all in different walks of life and it's OK because Disney and Orlando fortunately have so many options that we can make what we like work. It's all good.
We then hit the parks all day from about 10am-7 or 8pm (leaving at close or for our offsite dinner plan),

This is where staying offsite loses me. Dinner at 8pm is just not me at all. - I'd be starving and cranky!! (Not to mention missing out on the lower crowds first thing in the morning!)

And fully leaving and coming back seems like such a production number to me. - I'm afraid after a long day, we'd be too tired to go back! (First world problem - I know!)
And if you leave the parks at 8 you're missing all the nighttime shows. We leave the room in the morning and don't come back until the parks are closed; we do at least one of the nighttime shows every day (on occasion we've managed two). It's completely worth it to me to spend a little more money to eat in a park and not lose all that park time.

We used to travel with extended family who are DVC. They'd go back to the resort in the afternoon for a rest and drinks and then never get back out to the parks. They like it, but it drove me nuts. I'm not at Disney to relax.
This is where staying offsite loses me. Dinner at 8pm is just not me at all. - I'd be starving and cranky!! (Not to mention missing out on the lower crowds first thing in the morning!)

And fully leaving and coming back seems like such a production number to me. - I'm afraid after a long day, we'd be too tired to go back! (First world problem - I know!)

For us, it's flipping dinner and dessert (yes, my kids have that separately). Through the snacks we bring or buy in parks, "dessert" gets done before dinner and dinner becomes the last meal of the night. So, they normally eat at 5:30pm (heavy) and 8-8:30pm (light) at home...and we do the same in the parks just with different foods - no one is usually eating heavy at out "back in room" meal if we eat that late - they are all having something light, fresh, and rehydrating...if we are planning a meal offsite, we'll leave closer to 6pm, so they'll eat about 6:30pm at the restaurant, get back to the room and have time to swim in the pools or jacuzzi in the room from 8:30pm-10pmish for the kids...we never make them wake up b/c they are night owls (as are we), so we never lose rope drop...we'd never do it anyway (even when we stayed onsite pre-kids, I can honestly say I closed parks every night and NEVER was in them before an hour after opening:)...
And if you leave the parks at 8 you're missing all the nighttime shows. We leave the room in the morning and don't come back until the parks are closed; we do at least one of the nighttime shows every day (on occasion we've managed two). It's completely worth it to me to spend a little more money to eat in a park and not lose all that park time.

We used to travel with extended family who are DVC. They'd go back to the resort in the afternoon for a rest and drinks and then never get back out to the parks. They like it, but it drove me nuts. I'm not at Disney to relax.

Well, 1st, Universal's night shows are not that "amazing" - we watch it once per trip, usually on the day we go in at 4pm...since we can see all the Disney EPCOT and HS shows from our condo's balcony, we sometimes actually watch the Disney ones when we go back to our room...
And if you leave the parks at 8 you're missing all the nighttime shows. We leave the room in the morning and don't come back until the parks are closed; we do at least one of the nighttime shows every day (on occasion we've managed two). It's completely worth it to me to spend a little more money to eat in a park and not lose all that park time.

We used to travel with extended family who are DVC. They'd go back to the resort in the afternoon for a rest and drinks and then never get back out to the parks. They like it, but it drove me nuts. I'm not at Disney to relax.
This is very common for dvc members. I've actually come to really love cooking in the villa. Some of our best Disney memories are back at the resorts in the evenings. Drinks, appetisers, roasting marshmallows, a nice dinner and a movie. Maybe fireworks viewing from our balcony.

Again that's why Disney is great. Something for everyone. No wrong way to do Disney.

We eat out once a day. Usually lunch. Thoroughly enjoy it but I think that's because we don't get restaurant overload. Love coffee and breakfast in the room.
This is where staying offsite loses me. Dinner at 8pm is just not me at all. - I'd be starving and cranky!! (Not to mention missing out on the lower crowds first thing in the morning!)

And fully leaving and coming back seems like such a production number to me. - I'm afraid after a long day, we'd be too tired to go back! (First world problem - I know!)

On a full day, we will rope drop and do Disney till 2ish. Head back to room, relax and grab some dinner and head back out for an evening. If we sleep In, we hit the parks at 10 or 11ish, stay till 5 or 6 and head out for the day. We never stay in the parks that from rd to close.
Dear Everyone,

1. Rent condo with full kitchen off site.
2. Cook easy meals or eat off site.
3. Stay rigid schedule free.
4. Save thousands of dollars.
5. Use thousands in saving to go to Disney more often.
6. Return to this thread to thank me.
I think it just depends if eating/trying out the dining options is part of the fun of WDW to you. For me, it is. Even when I know I might be able to eat cheaper/better elsewhere.
They don't normally do all 3 meals "in their room." A standard theme park day (this was Universal) for my family involves getting up, putting the coffee on while I take a shower and sunscreen, coming out and getting my coffee while slicing up some apples or strawberries, pulling out cereal, toast, butter/jelly and bacon (cooked the night before) and getting kids fed as they wake up (and then getting them dressed/sunscreened - spouse handles the sunscreening). Each kid starts the day with a "main", some fruit, and some juice/milk, so they aren't starving as we enter the park. While the kids are getting full and ready, I throw together a soft-sided cooler bag with some water, Capri Sun Roarin Waters, and a soda for me and then the day's "snacks" - rice krispie treats, homemade trail mix, and fruit squeezables are common. We then hit the parks all day from about 10am-7 or 8pm (leaving at close or for our offsite dinner plan), and we normally have a single CS meal onsite - although we have also done TS if we feel like it b/c we have done the dinner/movie/golf deals. We then head to a nice offsite place to eat or if our meal/snacking was heavier that day, we head back to our room for sandwiches/smoothies.

Now, we go in September, so Universal almost always has their CS BOGO 1/2 daily plan for AP holders...and we use that on the days I want a butterbeer or a big pink donut. On those days, I pretty much bring nothing to the parks (although we still eat breakfast and dinner offsite) b/c the plan is more than enough food and drinks to keep us going all day. Sometimes we have leftover "items" on the cards to use other days...and we do.

Sometimes, b/c we have APs, we only hit the parks in the evening after having breakfast/lunch/swimming/resort activities all day (offsite, we tend to stay 11-12 days at Bonnet Creek). So, for 4-5 hours once the heat of the day is passed, we also walk in with about nothing and can enjoy and then head home for dinner. We love doing this on days there's a huge storm around 2-3pm b/c parks clear and make riding rides really easy.

Also, Magical Dining Month is always going on in Sept, so the spouse and I wear the kids out at a theme park or other Orlando activity, take them home for sandwiches (or a frozen pizza - this is a favorite for them) and smoothies and then go out ourselves to high end restaurants for a steal! And helping a local charity to boot!

PS - This plan, starting with fruit and juice or milk (and ending with nightly fruit smoothies), also keeps the kids systems "consistent" and lets me never say "no" to "crap" in parks...if they want nuggets and fries for every park meal, that's fine b/c they are eating 2 non-crap meals a day...

You made My point...that's so complicated I couldn't finish...

And nobody has ever accused me of "underthinking"
You made My point...that's so complicated I couldn't finish...

And nobody has ever accused me of "underthinking"

It's not complicated...it's kids (especially little ones). To do any vacation, they have to be gotten up/dressed, fed, sunscreened, and transported...and then reversed at the end of the day (when it's transported, fed, washed, and put to bed). When you do it all the time, it's very easy to handle in no time at all if you have the normal resources at hand - multiple bathrooms, multiple bedrooms, a kitchen (with a dishwasher, fridge, and oven), available food, a car...when you don't, it sucks...and when you have 2 parents, it's an easy process to split up and execute...once kids are up, we are always out the door in 30 minutes or less, but I'll never wake them up, b/c then you have cranky, tired kids who you expect to walk miles in heat...ah, that's a recipe for disaster!

And having food at hand, one kid can be up at 7am every day and fed and playing their 3ds, while the rest sleep in til 8:30am...been there, done that for an entire trip once...
I spend a full day in the park every day

We have a different definition of a full day in the park then, and thats fine. But there is no way I'd fit in everything you noted, and a "full" day in the parks for myself.

Not to mention after spending a full day in the parks, the last thing I want to do is cook a meal and do dishes.
We have a different definition of a full day in the park then, and thats fine. But there is no way I'd fit in everything you noted, and a "full" day in the parks for myself.

Not to mention after spending a full day in the parks, the last thing I want to do is cook a meal and do dishes.

LOL!!! My "full day" is probably close to many other peoples "1/2 day", but at Disney I still do not want any extra work. I think it is funny how we all have different viewpoints about vacations. WHen my kids were young I would have accepted that any vacation included "work" but it really did nto seem so because the level was vastly reduced from the responsibilities I had at home. My sister and I often chose to vacation together, and had I been able to afford airfare to DIsney, I would not have thought twice about a house or a resort offsite, and been darn glad that was an option for us. There was 7 kids between us, so getting the heck out of Dodge and having space for them to spread out would have been the best way to keep them all alive.

Today, getting away has a different meaning to me. I am exhausted just after reading a few of these posts! I used to be able to manage a family with my eyes closed, and one arm tied behind my back, but now? I am in awe! My DGD really wants a beach vacation, in a cottage! I know that is different, and woudl not have any issues with a different vacation plan, but at DIsney? Nope.
We have a different definition of a full day in the park then, and thats fine. But there is no way I'd fit in everything you noted, and a "full" day in the parks for myself.

Not to mention after spending a full day in the parks, the last thing I want to do is cook a meal and do dishes.

When I was a kid we were squeezing 5 people into a regular 4 person moderate/value hotel room (I was the youngest, I got the air mattress) and we packed breakfast bars to eat before leaving the room. It only got difficult when we hit our teens and all wanted to shower in the morning, rather than some of us showering before bed.
This wasn't just at Disney, either, but standard for most of our trips.
It's not complicated...it's kids (especially little ones). To do any vacation, they have to be gotten up/dressed, fed, sunscreened, and transported...and then reversed at the end of the day (when it's transported, fed, washed, and put to bed). When you do it all the time, it's very easy to handle in no time at all if you have the normal resources at hand - multiple bathrooms, multiple bedrooms, a kitchen (with a dishwasher, fridge, and oven), available food, a car...when you don't, it sucks...and when you have 2 parents, it's an easy process to split up and execute...once kids are up, we are always out the door in 30 minutes or less, but I'll never wake them up, b/c then you have cranky, tired kids who you expect to walk miles in heat...ah, that's a recipe for disaster!

And having food at hand, one kid can be up at 7am every day and fed and playing their 3ds, while the rest sleep in til 8:30am...been there, done that for an entire trip once...

I have two kids and a daily routine with activities..

...vacation to me is doing my best to leave all of that nonsense at home...that's just me. Take or leave as much as we can.

They havent died of starvation or sleep deprivation...yet ;)
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Vacation to me means getting away too. However I'm fine with off site restaurants and I also don't mind driving since I'm a bit of an explorer. Orlando is blessed with good restaurants and attractions.

I agree that cooking is no good though. I'm OK with sandwich fixin's and snacks but that's about it.
I have two kids and a daily routine with activities..

...vacation to me is doing my best to leave all of that nonsense at home...that's just me. Take or leave as much as we can.

They havent died of starvation or sleep deprivation...yet ;)

You aren't outnumbered, so it's easier - try doubling the # and doing the same:)...
Clearly, Disney has created a market for off-site dining. I wonder what would happen if they put their food prices in line with off-sites and this way people wouldn't go elsewhere...

I think the world would end.


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