Welcome to WISH-topia! March 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Honestly.... I know this is a Disney board and as such we all love Disney... but that is TRULY my answer! DISNEY! It is HONESTLY and TRULY my happy place! I've analyzed a bit about WHY Disney makes me so happy and there are a few reasons, but I am just RELAXED and HAPPY at Disney!

LOL I know, right!?! -- I was thinking of mine too and was like this is such an obvious answer but Disney it is for me too! I love traveling the world and there are certainly places that just have my heart forever (Cliffs of Moher comes to mind as my top non-Disney place) .....

BUT Disney is my go to get happy place. In fact, when DH and I are having a tough time and just burnt out on life, jobs, whatever, we can totally tell and one of us will turn to the other and say, "It's time to go to Disney." It just recharges our batteries in its magical little way.

@sweetpeama Thanks for sharing the recipe! I am trying to meal prep on Sundays and things that I can make in bulk and pack up for DH's lunch are in high demand!
Woohoo Wednesday - March 15


What are you WooHoo-ing today!?
My woohoo today is that I have worked out twice this week so far and that we had the day off yesterday. Nothing big this week. We are just plugging along in the week. I am also glad that we didn't get the 12 inches of snow they were saying we were going to get. The east side got the snow from the lake affect but the west side was spared. Hopefully this is it and we can move onto spring.
I make an individual casserole for every person....

I love shepherd's pie and haven't made it in forever since the DD is now a vegetarian. I never considered making individual pies for everyone. Now I have to make it.

My woo-hoo is that DH and I did a St. Patrick's Day 5 Miler this past Saturday in 30 degree weather. There were lots of hills but I still had a great run and only finished 4 minutes behind my DH. My final time was 1:01 which I was really happy with and I wasn't sore afterwards. Progress is being made!

Honestly.... I know this is a Disney board and as such we all love Disney... but that is TRULY my answer! DISNEY! It is HONESTLY and TRULY my happy place! I've analyzed a bit about WHY Disney makes me so happy and there are a few reasons, but I am just RELAXED and HAPPY at Disney!

If I had to name a second (non-Disney) place, I'd say the lake here in NH where we go on our family vacation every summer.



Hey all! So we are dug out of the 18+ inches of snow we received yesterday. :cold: I went out about 7:15 pm to snow blow so that DD could get out early this morning. It took me 90 minutes and I didn't even completely finish.... but I was mostly done and the snowblower ran out of gas, so I took that as a sign to call it a day! :thumbsup2 That being said, I exceeded my step goal by over 1000 steps without even hitting the treadmill!

School has a 2 hour delay today, but I've already driven over 2 hours to take DD to the nearest train station. I was really concerned about her driving in the snow this morning.... so I drove her and DH will pick her up this evening (I have to work online). I don't want to "baby" her and I know she can drive, but she doesn't have much snow driving experience and I had NO idea what the roads would be like at 4:30 am. But she definitely could have done it.... the roads weren't bad.... even the rural back roads.

I made shepherd's pie last night for our "Pi" day dinner. :goodvibes I don't bake and obviously between 2 Weight Watchers and one Atkins follower in the house, we don't really want to have pie around here! So a healthy sheperd's pie seemed like the best alternative! It was really yummy and it is something I can customize for everyone's particular needs. I make an individual casserole for every person.... beef, a teeny-tiny bit of corn, and mashed cauliflower for DH, weighed portion of beef, measured portion of corn, mashed cauliflower/potato combo for DD and I, and a traditional shepherd's pie (meat, corn, potatoes) for DS. It really isn't at all difficulty and makes it easy for everyone to enjoy the same meal without going to nutty with different dishes. Sometimes I make an extra for the freezer if I have enough ingredients, but I didn't this time.

Okay..... I have ONE hour left. I won't be hitting the TM because I am already dressed for work (I didn't know about the 2 hour delay when I left at 4:30 am to drop off DD, so I had to be ready for work then). I think I will indulge in "wasting" some time on Pinterest! TTYL............P
We went to the neighborhood pie shop for our "Pi" day... they are always popular but were filled wall-to-wall with people, so I guess a lot of folks got the pi message.
My woohoo... had another Rolfing appointment this morning and she was able to get in much deeper and really trigger some releases that were painful but are now feeling pretty good. I've been noticing how much stress I'm carrying around in my body, so this is a big help. My Rolfing gal told me she and the local nutritionist are putting together a group showing of Embrace in a couple weeks, and I am planning on going.

I got couple days in taking my thyroid meds twice a day, then left the house without them this morning, dang it. But it is starting to help, so yah :).
Woohoo Wednesday - March 15


What are you WooHoo-ing today!?

Well..... hmmmmm.... I made it safely to the train station this morning with DD, despite the snow. School had a delay so I was able to get home and relax with my breakfast instead of driving straight to school. And I took tomorrow off to spend with my kids while they are home on break. I do have to do my WW meeting in the evening, but DD will probably come to the meeting with me and DS and DH have tickets to a comedy show, they they will be busy.


Evening all! Nice short day at school today. Practice testing for some online standardized testing coming in April and working in the office before and after that hour, so the day went very quickly.

Soup for dinner (light cheddar broccoli) is done and we will eat together once DD and DH get home. I'm working online 6:45 pm - 8:00 pm, but I can eat and work simultaneously. It is yummy, but tends to be a "light" dinner when I don't serve it in bread bowls (which are saved for special occasions, as they are really caloric), but we will probably have some popcorn or Halo Top during Survivor tonight, so just as well.

Hope you all are well and looking forward to hearing about all of your St. Patrick's day traditions and shenanigans!...........P
Well today went a little sideways for a bit. I had a feeling my daughter was getting sick. She woke telling me head felt very heavy and falling to one side. I am guessing she was dizzy. I decided to send her to school after giving her some triaminic. She was been really congested again so I thought this would help. I still had my husband drop me off at the train so I didn't have to walk in the cold. Well that wasn't a great idea. I was stuck at work and got a call that her ear was hurting. We keep motrin at the school because she gets headaches a lot from her eye issues. They were able to give her some to help her feel better until I could get their. With my husband in meetings all day I couldn't get her until 3:15. We picked her up dropped my husband off since he needed to be home for our son and headed to the doctors. She has a double ear infection and feeling really blah. She snuggled with me on the couch after dinner. It was so hard to get and work out. I got the motivation and she let me go with the promise of playing speed when I get home. So I am here at the rec on a treadmill. 30 more minutes to go. Hopefully tomorrow will better.
The dress 12 year old is making for her sister is done though we are thinking of adding some ribbon loops to the side seams to hold the sash. I was able to sleep in today and still got up with enough time to get a rise and bake loaf of bread into the pan before heading out to sewing.
The dress 12 year old is making for her sister is done though we are thinking of adding some ribbon loops to the side seams to hold the sash. I was able to sleep in today and still got up with enough time to get a rise and bake loaf of bread into the pan before heading out to sewing.

I very hearing about your daughters 4-h projects. I was in 4-h growing up. I did sewing as well along with photography, cake decorating, dogs, a bunny and who knows what else over the years. Some of my best memories growing up.
10 minutes of walking done today in an even shorter area because someone has decided she does not approve of me walking and is doing everything possible to prevent me. 9 year old has started developing a bit of an attitude lately and let's say I am not liking it one bit. Total minutes so far this month 306.
Hey all..... happy Thursday! Woke up INSANELY hungry this morning for my 4:30 am online shift, but managed to ignore it until about 7:30 (partially because I fell back to sleep for a bit after my shift). Banana and coffee to start the day (bananas were a little under-ripe, but not much else available), then avocado toast with just egg whites instead of a whole egg and I cut up a whole pineapple that I bought as a treat for DD. YUM! My eating hasn't been exactly picture perfect lately and while I haven't gained yet, I won't be surprised if I show a gain tomorrow (blaming the evils of COOKIE DOUGH). But kids go back to school and I'll have NO MORE EXCUSES next week. I want to be at the low end of my maintenance range for my 25th wedding anniversary in May, so no more fooling around!

I'll try to pop on again later!..........P
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 16





Disney poking fun at itself in this movie is a treat!

Anyway, Cheif Bogo is right.
Wishing and dreaming (and singing!) are all fine, but they don't get you where you want to be on their own.

It takes planning and determination.

We are half way through the month, so how is the month going for you?
How is your plan panning out so far?
What do you need to do to finish out the rest of the month strong?
Question of the Day - Thursday, March 16





Disney poking fun at itself in this movie is a treat!

Anyway, Cheif Bogo is right.
Wishing and dreaming (and singing!) are all fine, but they don't get you where you want to be on their own.

It takes planning and determination.

We are half way through the month, so how is the month going for you?
How is your plan panning out so far?
What do you need to do to finish out the rest of the month strong?

Ugh!!! this month is not going great. Those dang Girl Scout cookies and Malley's fundraiser. It hasn't been horrible though. More so this week. I also working out was nonexistent last week because of headaches. I have made sure I have worked out everyday this week so far and will keep it up. Hopefully I will finish with a lower weight then I started. I will even take just a pound at this point.
We are half way through the month, so how is the month going for you?
How is your plan panning out so far?
What do you need to do to finish out the rest of the month strong?

I am a slightly behind where I should be percentage wise towards my exercise time goal. My body is starting to rebel against the weight loss and I am getting to the point where I am exhausted all the time. We have a lot of dead and dry grass that was buried under a bunch of snow starting to show up again which is not helping my allergies. Add in the late nights keeping everyone up including me in order to go pick DH up at 1 am or later and it makes for a tired me. Busy this month with 12 year old's activities ( and she say she has no life) Bible Quiz practice tonight, waiting for a call to see when we can schedule a time for her to work on her video ( hopefully some time today), Sewing on Saturday, Bible Quiz, Service, and an special county 4-H officer ( she is the club reporter) event on Sunday.
I have some herbal teas that have worked for weight loss in the past that I need to get back on to see if they help especially with my borderline ( numbers barely in the range 1-3 numbers into normal but even though you have the symptoms we won't treat) low thyroid. ( According to the medical establishment I need to just exercise more. I am over the 20 minutes 3 time a week they recommend averaging at least 15 minutes a day and even watching what I eat and the scale went up again today so tell me how much do I need to exercise and how low do I need to put my calorie intake before you people quite going by just the numbers around her and look at the symptoms as well like they do in some parts of the country).
28.5 laps in 21 minutes of walking plus 8 minutes of toning and strengthening exercises using my ball, hand weights, and bands. Total today of 28 minutes. Monthly total so far of 334 minutes. Not as many toys were out today so they actually got picked up and I was able to have my full walking area.
We are half way through the month, so how is the month going for you?
How is your plan panning out so far?
What do you need to do to finish out the rest of the month strong?

It's going pretty good for the first time in a few months! I have tracked my eating every day so far, even when I didn't eat the best. Making that my goal has made be more conscious of everything I put in my mouth since I know I have to log it. I've also learned that sometimes things I think will be really bad calorie-wise end up being better that I think - even when I think I really don't have any good choices, sometimes, one or two of them aren't as bad as I initially would have thought.

To finish out strong, I need to continue tracking and get the devil out of my head that keeps taunting me. Since I'm back to making good choices and losing again, I can't get it out of my head that I've already lost these pounds last year. I lost 30 pounds last year and then gained about 15 of them back. I'm now about 9.5 from my lowest and it's really bugging me that the scale could look so much better if I hadn't gained back half of what I lost. Then the good side will come along and tell me that I just had to pick myself up and keep on keeping on! Hopefully that side wins out!
Those dang Girl Scout cookies

Girl, you aren't kidding! They find a way to find you even when you are avoiding them! lol

I am a slightly behind where I should be percentage wise towards my exercise time goal. My body is starting to rebel against the weight loss and I am getting to the point where I am exhausted all the time. We have a lot of dead and dry grass that was buried under a bunch of snow starting to show up again which is not helping my allergies. Add in the late nights keeping everyone up including me in order to go pick DH up at 1 am or later and it makes for a tired me. Busy this month with 12 year old's activities ( and she say she has no life) Bible Quiz practice tonight, waiting for a call to see when we can schedule a time for her to work on her video ( hopefully some time today), Sewing on Saturday, Bible Quiz, Service, and an special county 4-H officer ( she is the club reporter) event on Sunday.
I have some herbal teas that have worked for weight loss in the past that I need to get back on to see if they help especially with my borderline ( numbers barely in the range 1-3 numbers into normal but even though you have the symptoms we won't treat) low thyroid. ( According to the medical establishment I need to just exercise more. I am over the 20 minutes 3 time a week they recommend averaging at least 15 minutes a day and even watching what I eat and the scale went up again today so tell me how much do I need to exercise and how low do I need to put my calorie intake before you people quite going by just the numbers around her and look at the symptoms as well like they do in some parts of the country).

Wow! Yes, that does sound busy-- Hopefully you find some time to relax a little this weekend and get some more sleep!

To finish out strong, I need to continue tracking and get the devil out of my head that keeps taunting me. Since I'm back to making good choices and losing again, I can't get it out of my head that I've already lost these pounds last year. I lost 30 pounds last year and then gained about 15 of them back. I'm now about 9.5 from my lowest and it's really bugging me that the scale could look so much better if I hadn't gained back half of what I lost. Then the good side will come along and tell me that I just had to pick myself up and keep on keeping on! Hopefully that side wins out!

I hear ya! But that's awesome that you are making progress and are close to being back where you were :-) I have a similar demon that keeps saying "if you just started working out like this 3 years ago, you would have never gotten to this point..." Which is true, but not helpful! Gotta let the good side vibes win out in the end though!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Question of the Day - March 17








On this fun Friday, tell us a joke!

Bonus: Any fun plans for St. Pats? Or the weekend in general?
I'm back! My trip for work was fun but definitely did not help my progress any. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning after I've had another full day on track to see where my weight is at. I killed my legs this week and I'm feeling stronger which is very exciting. If I could just get my eating under control I'd be well on my way. But it's definitely a work in progress and I'm loving my gym/active time. I have no obstacles for the rest of the month and actually have no money to spend on fast food or happy hours until after the 7th of April. That should help some as well. I hope everyone had a fabulous week!


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