I really fail to see how anyone can think Paul is a strategic player...what a whiny, arrogant man-child!
He is a classic bully who when he doesn't get his way gets others to take cheap shot after cheap shot at Jessica and especially Cody's character and so many times this season, they have crossed way over the line of decency. .
You are 100% right @Chernabog#1fan this all came about because Cody didn't jump on the Paul bandwagon in the beginning. I wasn't crazy about Cody and Jessica in the beginning but after Cody came back, really like them.
I don't think I have ever seen a season where the majority of the house are all doing the dirty work if one player and there isn't even strategizing by any of them to get Paul out!
So disappointed in Alex, in the beginning, I really thought she was going too be a strong player but she caves to everything Paul says.
The way the show is edited is pathetic....if fans who do not access BBAD could see the real behaviours of Paul and his minions there would be a huge outcry...mind play is a massive part of this game but this season it is bullying not strategic at all.
No one thinks for themselves in this season, very hard to watch and the excessive bullying. I live BB but really thankful for DVR this season and the ability to fast forward through most of it.
I really fail to see how anyone can think Paul is a strategic player...what a whiny, arrogant man-child!
He is a classic bully who when he doesn't get his way gets others to take cheap shot after cheap shot at Jessica and especially Cody's character and so many times this season, they have crossed way over the line of decency. .
You are 100% right @Chernabog#1fan this all came about because Cody didn't jump on the Paul bandwagon in the beginning. I wasn't crazy about Cody and Jessica in the beginning but after Cody came back, really like them.
I don't think I have ever seen a season where the majority of the house are all doing the dirty work if one player and there isn't even strategizing by any of them to get Paul out!
So disappointed in Alex, in the beginning, I really thought she was going too be a strong player but she caves to everything Paul says.
The way the show is edited is pathetic....if fans who do not access BBAD could see the real behaviours of Paul and his minions there would be a huge outcry...mind play is a massive part of this game but this season it is bullying not strategic at all.
No one thinks for themselves in this season, very hard to watch and the excessive bullying. I live BB but really thankful for DVR this season and the ability to fast forward through most of it.

If Paul is the reason that nobody thinks for themselves, why isn't Paul a strategic player?
It wasn't just wanting him out of the house. Cody was disrespectful about the way he went about doing it and completely dismissive of Paul. Karma.

Not sure what you mean by Cody being "disrespectful about the way he went about doing it"....he came right at Paul because he didn't like/trust him.
Cody thought Paul was someone who needed to be gotten rid of and he was right...chop off the head of the snake. It backfired, now the snake controls it all, making the game no longer a game, it is all about @&& kissing Paul.
Cody has done nothing even remotely close to the ignorance of the tiny little dictator Paul.....i liked Paul by end of last season but really hate who he is this season.
If Paul is the reason that nobody thinks for themselves, why isn't Paul a strategic player?

It's called jumping on the Paul bandwagon and started out with everyone being awe struck by the veteran player who obviously is getting a major helping hand by the producers of BB.
Now they are stuck, no one wants to step out of line as they see how horribly nasty this little man-child is if you turn against him and no one wants to be the cross-hairs of his tirades
Not sure what you mean by Cody being "disrespectful about the way he went about doing it"....he came right at Paul because he didn't like/trust him.
Cody thought Paul was someone who needed to be gotten rid of and he was right...chop off the head of the snake. It backfired, now the snake controls it all, making the game no longer a game, it is all about @&& kissing Paul.
Cody has done nothing even remotely close to the ignorance of the tiny little dictator Paul.....i liked Paul by end of last season but really hate who he is this season.

We will have to agree to disagree.
Elena is a radio DJ or personality, her behavior is making me think she thinks she is a female Howard Stern. I wonder if she has a conduct clause in her radio contract. But Jessica is apparently right behind her with her antics. But a hotel VIP concierge may not have a any conduct issues to worry about ;).

It shocks me on the first night of BBAD they let loose with talk like I heard about.

I'm just now catching up with this thread and frankly I'm stunned that many here are being so harsh toward the women in the house. Do you also wonder if the men have conduct clauses at their jobs?

I am not a fan of the 3 girls who immediately hooked up.

What about the 3 guys? Female shaming is alive and well here.
Were you asking this when BB was protecting Jody? Now what sort of new rule will CBS come up with to keep Jody safe for another week?

So glad Josh won. Jess looked like she wanted to cry, hahahaha!!!! Buh byeeeeee
That's not what I'm talking about (and yes I did). CBS showed very little of Paul's involvement in the horrible behavior from the other night. They did not show him telling Raven to pretend to cry. They did not show him telling everyone to get Cody to "crack" , get him to hit someone or self evict. They did not show him trashing Cody's military service. Paul's behavior was despicable and they only showed Josh's antics and Raven's arguing.
I absolutely understand that this is a numbers game, and that loyalties are a fleeting thing.

But they HAVE the numbers. It's pretty much the house against Jess and Cody, and t has been for weeks. I don't see those numbers changing significantly.

So the bullying is simply for fun. It's not strategic. There's no goal in mind other than to be mean to the 2 people that most of the house wants gone.

And I find that reprehensible.
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Serious question for the board, did you watch Evil Dick's season? What Paul is doing is nowhere near as despicable as what Dick did. And Dick won!
I'm just now catching up with this thread and frankly I'm stunned that many here are being so harsh toward the women in the house. Do you also wonder if the men have conduct clauses at their jobs?

What about the 3 guys? Female shaming is alive and well here.

Apparently, you haven't read the whole thread because I have bashed Paul, I have bashed Kevin, I have bashed Cody and I have bashed Josh..........
I am an equal opportunity basher!
Paul is doing it to drive Cody insane. So once Cody leaves (Jessica is the only one who wants him in the house), it will stop. Paul didn't do it last season and he wouldn't have done it this season if not for Cody's antics.

Paul didn't do this last summer because he, along with victor, was the underdog. It's flipped this year and now he has some help from BB and vet status.
He doesn't need an insane Cody for Cody to leave. He just needs a vote where they can apply the numbers they have. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

It seems to me that they're beating a dead horse. He's going. But they're behaving like high school "mean girls" at best.

I'm not a Cody fan. I think he has serious anger issues and needs counseling. But that doesn't justify-- I can't imagine any scenario that would justify-- the behavior of the house.

Those who don't stand up to Paul and Josh are every bit as guilty as the ringleaders.

At some point, adults are supposed to have learned basic human decency. And CBS has apparently found an entire house full of people who don't understand that.
Serious question for the board, did you watch Evil Dick's season? What Paul is doing is nowhere near as despicable as what Dick did. And Dick won!

True, he was worse. There's a reason he goes by Evel Dick. But he did his own dirty work and didn't need to round up a bunch of people to bark at his adversary or tell someone to get the pans and generate a mob mentality. So yeah, Dick did more things to house guests than Paul but that's because he didn't recruit a bunch of helpers to stand behind. This is why I don't like how Paul is playing this year - he made the game extremely personal and took it down to level that even ED wouldn't go to (which he said as much on twitter). On the other hand, I didn't like Paul last year but I rooted for him because I didn't like Nicole.

But the only reason ED won is because of America's Player. Poor Eric Stein was directed to get him off the block or some how stop his eviction.
Ugh....the show last night. REALLY???? Josh as HOH?

And again, Paul uses false victimhood as an excuse to unleash havoc..aka bullying...on Jess and Cody. He claims that it is Jess's fault for using the hex and not honoring their deal. Hello? He wasn't going to hold up the deal. He was lying to her. It is so frustrating to see how little of Paul's involvement is aired on TV. At least they finally aired some of Raven's real personality. The words and actions coming from her are definitely NOT what she claimed to portray at the beginning of the season. Definitely not the sweet Southern girl who is living life as a happy little elf while battling a terminal illness that will prematurely claim her innocent soul any day now........:crazy2::crazy2::crazy2::crazy2:
Ugh....the show last night. REALLY???? Josh as HOH?

And again, Paul uses false victimhood as an excuse to unleash havoc..aka bullying...on Jess and Cody. He claims that it is Jess's fault for using the hex and not honoring their deal. Hello? He wasn't going to hold up the deal. He was lying to her. It is so frustrating to see how little of Paul's involvement is aired on TV. At least they finally aired some of Raven's real personality. The words and actions coming from her are definitely NOT what she claimed to portray at the beginning of the season. Definitely not the sweet Southern girl who is living life as a happy little elf while battling a terminal illness that will prematurely claim her innocent soul any day now........:crazy2::crazy2::crazy2::crazy2:

I can't like this enough!!
Apparently, you haven't read the whole thread because I have bashed Paul, I have bashed Kevin, I have bashed Cody and I have bashed Josh..........
I am an equal opportunity basher!

No, I have. It's what you're bashing the women for that I have a problem with. I called it "female" shaming to avoid points.
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