Chicago Cubs fans - Rebuilding Year 2023

What a game for WILLSON!!!!!!!!!!!!6 RBI game!
Holy cow, coming back from 6-1 against Greinke, never quitting (well, maybe a coupla our relievers and starting pitcher :rolleyes1) So bummed we didn't get the W for Willy.

Nice triple for Javy& heads up steal of home on the wild pitch! Schwarb's striking out in the 7th with guys on, that hurt :sad2: but good at bats by Rizzo and KB, Jay(always), great catch by Happ. Goldschmidt a force to be reckoned with, and Martinez~lucky . The head scratcher is Rodney (and that dumb arrow) he was total garbage on the Cubs..lasted like, 6 weeks? Well, have to hold on to the beauty of Willson, he's just getting started. I hope to catch highlights as took MIL for her birthday lunch/dinner..the rain delays and actual length of game allowed me to catch almost all of it. I want to see that balk by Pedro.I know a LOT of people love Happ, and I know KB was the strike out King his Rookie year...but unless it's a fast ball, he just cannot connect and every team knows it~ but as I said, good defensive play in CF. Thus ends the Contreras/Goldschmidt game. That series felt a lot longer than 3 days, as did the Brewer one. Another tough match up starting tomorrow, but no Trea Turner this time, no Strasburg and no word yet on Scherzer, and no closer for us :worried: Kyle on the bump tomorrow...LETS GO!
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I like they way they fought back to tie it all up. Really stinks to lose in the 9th though.

Hoping for a W tonight but maybe they got all that out of their system. Here's hoping!
Willson on his last at bat:

Attempting to get on base in the ninth inning with a bunt, down two runs, was probably the wrong play. Contreras, the second batter of the inning, tried the bunt with Anthony Rizzo on first on nobody out. He eventually struck out.

“I was trying to get on base,” he said. “I was not trying to hit a double or a home run. If I hit a double we are still down one run. We had two lefties hitting be"I'm still disappointed. I feel like I didn't do enough to help the team win," said Contreras, who is hitting .343 with seven homers and 24 RBI since July 9. "I'd rather go 0-for-5 with a win than 3-for-5 with six RBIs."hind me. I wanted to get on base. I was not thinking of me, I was thinking of the team.

I adore him.

The Venezuela native has opened some eyes around baseball. To think he is playing his first full season in the major leagues and putting up great numbers is astounding. This is a player who will tell you that defense comes first for him. He now leads all catchers in baseball with 13 home runs and 34 RBI since June 19.
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I like they way they fought back to tie it all up. Really stinks to lose in the 9th though.

Hoping for a W tonight but maybe they got all that out of their system. Here's hoping!

Stinks to lose in any inning. :tongue:
I was not at all happy on that called 3rd strike on HAPP. As they said, that's a pitch the pitcher throws to try to get someone to swing at a bad pitch. Called strike? Load of male cow excrement.
Willson on his last at bat:

Attempting to get on base in the ninth inning with a bunt, down two runs, was probably the wrong play. Contreras, the second batter of the inning, tried the bunt with Anthony Rizzo on first on nobody out. He eventually struck out.

“I was trying to get on base,” he said. “I was not trying to hit a double or a home run. If I hit a double we are still down one run. We had two lefties hitting be"I'm still disappointed. I feel like I didn't do enough to help the team win," said Contreras, who is hitting .343 with seven homers and 24 RBI since July 9. "I'd rather go 0-for-5 with a win than 3-for-5 with six RBIs."hind me. I wanted to get on base. I was not thinking of me, I was thinking of the team.

I adore him.

The Venezuela native has opened some eyes around baseball. To think he is playing his first full season in the major leagues and putting up great numbers is astounding. This is a player who will tell you that defense comes first for him. He now leads all catchers in baseball with 13 home runs and 34 RBI since June 19.

In a way yes, in a way no. I understand wanting to get on - yes. Faking a bunt and taking a pitch right down the middle - no. Fouling off the next pitch attempting to bunt and leaving yourself 0-2 - no. I guess, also, when you're hitting that well, not the time to bunt. If he hits a double, we're 1 run down with a man on 2nd and no outs.

On the other hand, it's also possible he'd hit into a double play and that would have been worse (same end result though - we lose :sad2:). That's the thing about can't predict what would have happened otherwise. If he had successfully bunted, folks would've been saying genius.
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I think the more concerning uh-oh/ circling doubt is Q's pitching, followed by C.J. walks again, & J. Wilson's second outing. Wade, while it stinks, I think the rain delay def affected him and well, the guy IS human after all, lol. The offense fought back hard , but when the new pitching that is supposed to be your "seal the deal" falls apart on the same day as your dependable pitching, that overshadows phenomenal cosmic power like Willy (to quote the Genie :thumbsup2)
I remember way back in the beginning of the season when there was a pitching discussion and Q was brought up, and I was like, mmmmmeh, he is not an Ace, maybe a 3~ and then when we got him I was like, Sox blood at Wrigley, not so good..(and I know Avila is ex Sox too, we shall see)Then his debut against the Oriole's was fantastic so I happily ate my words and thought being a Cub was a the shot in the arm Q needed. Not getting 7 out of him is brutal enough,but then hearing he gave up 8 to AZ in the past (I think) and he repeats it :rolleyes:it just completely sucks that when we had enough to beat Greinke, our own pitching fails us. Wilson was to be the left arm to deal with the Goldy's/Harper's out there...and I know he just got here etc., but chop- chop, KWIM? Sonny Gray blew his game yesterday as well so I know the guy I did want also had a hic-cup. I know everyone blaming Willy for attempting the bunt, and it WAS the wrong thing to try, and I guess he felt the 2 lefties coming up were a better match for success off Godfrey than himself, but that was not what lost the game. Fingers crossed Q improves to at least 7, finds his command and Wilson finds his. Would be nice if TB and the Twins give the Brewers a repeat of their last road trip too :rolleyes1

I'm also not happy that Greinke got his first Wrigley win:mad:
I don't have the Cubs lineup just yet, but here is the Nat's~
Goodwin CF, Kendrick LF, Harper RF, Murphy 2B, Rendon 3B, Lind 1B, Wieters C, Difo SS, Roark P

definitely cold today, and no sun to boot. Hopefully this is just what the Professor ordered. Pretty windy by me...gusts and then calm.
Addie on the DL...:( he's been clutch. Right foot strain, retro to Aug 2. Should give shoulder a rest as well. Lefty Rob Z up..who I believe, has only been off his lengthy DL about a week.

here's the lineup~ KB and Bryce gonna have to shelve that friendship for 3 days, lol.


Nats rotation the rest of the weekend Edwin Jackson will start Saturday Erick Fedde will go Sunday; Gio will go on paternity leave. Considering Jackson owes us around 26 million, I'll take a W as a down payment. Hope to see some of his wild fast ball pitches and runs he gives up got good this year.

I will believe this when I actually see it. If it holds true, we just caught a break and need to get at least 2/3. However, they did amp up their bullpen at trade's.
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Addie on the DL...:( he's been clutch
Really need a dislike button. Not that I dislike you, but I very much dislike the message. Especially since Javy has been having such a hard time holding onto the ball. :sad2:
Well Kewz, not sure if you were at today's game as well as going to tomorrow's~but if you could maybe, just pop on over to the Nat's dugout and offer Murphy some exlax brownies I'd be ever so grateful. If that guys gone, shut out today. Kyle had another great game and went 103? He's almost 100% back and we need him. Kinda glad I didn't get to see it, as all I could picture was our guys dead tired from yesterday and the Nat's fresh from a day off. Schwarb's windmill again,CJ with the walks again, Jay most reliable again and Javy with the Full Javy. Rizzo dp hurt and hope he finds a groove again, especially with Willy so hot. I imagine Willy will not play tomorrow, needs the rest. Glad JHey at least connected in the 9th. Hoping since Javy has a steady start now for the week, that he settles in. I'm a HUGE Tampa Bay fan right now, but out losing streak needs to end now. Hopefully we are going to repeat the recent trend of losing the first game and taking the next 2 for the series.
Robin and Kristen..have a GREAT time tomorrow..get the birthday W! I would love to see last Tuesdays lineup but no Addie and Willy has to rest sometime.

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Tired - that's a good word for today's game. They were trying but about the only consistent thing we did today was give a double play to the Nats. Sigh.

With the wind I was expecting a homerun derby but sadly that didn't pan out too much in our favor.

Loved seeing the stadium though! What a treat to be there. Finally!

Saw Zobie and Happ (he's going to marry my daughter. Not that he knows that yet :rolleyes1) up close but no autographs. Took pics so that's good.

And Fin, I finally made that special purchase today.... I am now the proud owner of a #18 jersey! And man was I glad for the extra layer of clothing. It was chilly!!
Tired - that's a good word for today's game. They were trying but about the only consistent thing we did today was give a double play to the Nats. Sigh.

With the wind I was expecting a homerun derby but sadly that didn't pan out too much in our favor.

Loved seeing the stadium though! What a treat to be there. Finally!

Saw Zobie and Happ (he's going to marry my daughter. Not that he knows that yet :rolleyes1) up close but no autographs. Took pics so that's good.

And Fin, I finally made that special purchase today.... I am now the proud owner of a #18 jersey! And man was I glad for the extra layer of clothing. It was chilly!!
upload_2017-8-4_17-54-16.jpeg Look how happy he is!

You know the Zobrist's live a few blocks from the just might see them out and about this weekend!

Also you should have sun in about a half hour or less....will be warmer tomorrow. Sorry about our weather. Chicago , well, is challenging.
No apologies needed for the weather! Loved the cool temps today. Happy birthday to me!

We're actually staying in Wrigleyville so I've been on the lookout for the Zobrist home...:smooth:
well, let's try this again~ Willy not catching, but he IS playing LF ! So much for a day off, lol. No way can we lose his bat, he's carrying the team. So here's ya go (was worried Zobie might not be starting today for Kewz...whew)
Add on to our first place lead!!!!!!!!!

In other baseball news, Sean Rodriguez has been traded back to the Pirate's

statement from Gatorade:
No apologies needed for the weather! Loved the cool temps today. Happy birthday to me!

We're actually staying in Wrigleyville so I've been on the lookout for the Zobrist home...:smooth:
Happy birthday Kristen. Hoping you get a W tomorrow. Well, hoping we all get it, but mostly you. :cool:


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