Game of Thrones Season 7....(WARNING SPOILERS)

Wish he wouldn't survive but I am guessing he will. And I agree with above...that Tyrian will save him. Who knocked him out of the way of the flames...Bron or Dickon? I too loved the look on his face when he saw the dragon head pop around. Gosh that was so awesome!

IMO it had to be Bronn. We had a glimpse of Bronn lying on the ground after jumping off the scorpion and his gaze went to 3 riderless horses going by, two of which were white. The person that knocked Jamie into the water was also on a white horse and clearly had no armor on as Dickon did. We also saw Bronn's bag of gold spilled during the battle. He gets zero payment if he cannot bring Jamie safely back to Cersei, because Cersei will repay the debt of dead or captured Jamie with death, not gold or a castle.
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't want to see Jamie killed off. He was the one who talked Cersei out of a painful death for Olenna, he is the one who knows that Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey, etc... I agree with the PP who said that they wouldn't have shown him in the water if they were just going to kill him off, but it's GoT, so who knows, lol. Loved the Sansa and Arya reunion for all the reasons mentioned above. Agree, too, that it doesn't make sense that Dany would burn the food. She needs to feed her army, too, so wasting that was stupid.

With Bran, I think it's kind of fascinating. Usually in stories, the seer is old and has been sort of odd as long as anyone can remember. Here, we get to watch a seer from the beginning. Really cool.
I could be wrong…I thought she was on the list because of the part Sansa played in Ned's death?
Sansa was absolutely not on Arya's list, ever. That is unless Arya ever had a list for messing up people's hairdos, staining their beautiful dresses or tying knots in their embroidery threads. If so, then you can bet Sansa was at the top for Arya.
It was Bronn that pushed him over, and if they're smart, Tyrion/Dani will want Jamie alive.
Wish he wouldn't survive but I am guessing he will. And I agree with above...that Tyrian will save him. Who knocked him out of the way of the flames...Bron or Dickon? I too loved the look on his face when he saw the dragon head pop around. Gosh that was so awesome!
I think so too, and it will be Tyrion's undoing. I don't think he could ever harm Jamie, but Jaime's character, on the other hand, is so far gone into Cersei's madness that he will finish Tyrion on her behest - he wouldn't have done that up until now. :sad1:
I could be wrong…I thought she was on the list because of the part Sansa played in Ned's death?
No - Sansa was definitely never on the list.

Tonight's Hero: Dracarys the dragon
Tonight's Villain: Bron (for shooting Dracarys the dragon with Cersei's catapult/cross-bow thing)
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Also, the Tarley dad commented that the gold had already made it to Kings Landing so all Dany burned was soldiers and food. I think she thought she was burning the gold though. I hope Tarley was wrong. Don't want Cersei to get her mits in the gold.
It's interesting that Dany went against the advice of both Jon and Tyrion. Not sure if I'm proud of her for it. But one thing is for sure... tonight's battle was AMAZING!

Oh and yey for the Stark reunion!

You might say she employed the nuclear option.
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Loved the episode and all its earlier interactions and the later battle. It would have been a travesty had Jaime died in it because it would have been the halt to a great (and unfinished) redemption arc. I don't think he'll survive, but he has t hings to do yet.

(Dany fans will probably hate me, but imagine the ramifications had he succeeded and killed her. The dragons would go wild, everything would have been changed. It would have been Ned Stark beheading x1000.)

I had the disconnect I had when I saw previews. 1. Horses and dragons. I can't remember if it was ever addressed, but horses are skittish creatures. It would take a lot to get them to tolerate a dragon--a mucking humongous predator who no doubt eats horses--in the distance, much less flying above them in "attack" mode. 2. Horses and fire. I don't see any horse leaping through flames. This is not something you can easily train. Maybe a circus horse, but that's individual. How could Dothraki set up a wall of fire to fire train horses? They live in grassland, where wildfires are common, but uncontrollable. I doubt they'd set a fire that could destroy everything just to train horses for a very rare occurrence. Anyway, it made for some great effects, but they lost me a bit. I'm still trying to figure out how they got the Dothraki all the way down there. I guess they had more ships left at Dragonstone than I had thought.
Loved the episode and all its earlier interactions and the later battle. It would have been a travesty had Jaime died in it because it would have been the halt to a great (and unfinished) redemption arc. I don't think he'll survive, but he has t hings to do yet.

(Dany fans will probably hate me, but imagine the ramifications had he succeeded and killed her. The dragons would go wild, everything would have been changed. It would have been Ned Stark beheading x1000.)

I had the disconnect I had when I saw previews. 1. Horses and dragons. I can't remember if it was ever addressed, but horses are skittish creatures. It would take a lot to get them to tolerate a dragon--a mucking humongous predator who no doubt eats horses--in the distance, much less flying above them in "attack" mode. 2. Horses and fire. I don't see any horse leaping through flames. This is not something you can easily train. Maybe a circus horse, but that's individual. How could Dothraki set up a wall of fire to fire train horses? They live in grassland, where wildfires are common, but uncontrollable. I doubt they'd set a fire that could destroy everything just to train horses for a very rare occurrence. Anyway, it made for some great effects, but they lost me a bit. I'm still trying to figure out how they got the Dothraki all the way down there. I guess they had more ships left at Dragonstone than I had thought.

I agree, they made it look like Euron burned most of the fleet last episode. But she must have had a ton of ships left to get all those Dothraki off Dragonstone. Also not sure why Danaerys wasted so much of her army on the ground when the dragon pretty much laid waste to everything. These plots are literally flying by, it's like everyone got a teleporter and they all just show up at the next event. Game of Thrones has had pacing issues since the beginning but this season takes the cake.

I didn't think they were going to kill off Jamie (but plate is awfully difficult to float in :scared:) so I assume he is going to live. I'd like to see him fulfill the prophecy from the books (even though they have veered away from it in the show, it's not too late for them to make it happen).
I agree, they made it look like Euron burned most of the fleet last episode. But she must have had a ton of ships left to get all those Dothraki off Dragonstone. Also not sure why Danaerys wasted so much of her army on the ground when the dragon pretty much laid waste to everything. These plots are literally flying by, it's like everyone got a teleporter and they all just show up at the next event. Game of Thrones has had pacing issues since the beginning but this season takes the cake.

I didn't think they were going to kill off Jamie (but plate is awfully difficult to float in :scared:) so I assume he is going to live. I'd like to see him fulfill the prophecy from the books (even though they have veered away from it in the show, it's not too late for them to make it happen).
By prophecy do you mean Cersei's valonqar prophecy? Cause it might not be Jaime..
By prophecy do you mean Cersei's valonqar prophecy? Cause it might not be Jaime..

Yes that's the one. In the books she seems to think it is about Tyrion (and thus, reason # 831 to want him dead) but I thought it was foreshadowing to the twist that it was Jamie. Admittedly their relationship in the books to print is 100% different than it currently is in the show, so I'm not sure they will play the valonqar prophecy out on screen.
Come on, Jon. We all know you drew on the cave wall.
I think my favorite thing from this episode was when Sansa said to Arya that she can't wait for her to reunite with Jon. She said something like "he was happy to see me. When he sees you his heart will probably stop".

That would be funny if he did do the drawings. :rotfl:
By prophecy do you mean Cersei's valonqar prophecy? Cause it might not be Jaime..

I've always thought it would be Jaime and not Tyrion. Cersei has always thought it was Tyrion, which has been one of her problems with him all along. The moment Cersei used wildfire, I've been waiting for Jaime to fulfill the prophecy. It would be really disappointing if anyone else did it, even Dany. Though I could get behind Arya knocking Cersei off her list.
I think it will be one of these, and in this order...

Arya ( as herself or wearing someone's face, like Jaime or the Greyjoy pirate guy)
Jaime himself
The Hound
Jon (not as likely)

Edit...changed my mind
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