Game of Thrones Season 7....(WARNING SPOILERS)

Cersi is still one of my favorite characters. She is just so evil!

I was underwhelmed with the meeting between Dani and Jon. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.

I cried like a baby when Bran and Sansa were reunited. I can't wait until Arya is thrown back into the mix.

1) Cersi is probably the most vile villain on TV. She needs to die a horrible death and HBO needs to show us every gruesome moment of it. I was so looking forward to Joffrey's horrible death, and all he did was choke a bit and collapse. Anti-climactic.

2) OMG!!! So funny! I loved this: "I am Daenerys Targaryen....Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons...yada yada yada"

Jon {looks at Darvos}

Darvos: Um......this is Jon Snow........King of the North. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

3) When they called Sansa to the gate and there was hubbub, I was jumping up and down "IT'S GONNA BE ARYA!!!! IT'S ARYA!!! IT'S ARYA!!!" Then it was Bran. Slight disappointment, but still another Stark children reunion. So I was happy. I choked up a bit.

Cersi is still one of my favorites too.

And it's really not even that she's so evil - she's just doing what's been done to her & leading like her father trained her.

Cersi, I think, really did love her children. And she killed the Sand Snake daughter in the same way her daughter was killed & left her there for [I can't remember her name] to watch. And, really, [I can't remember her name] started it - she killed Cersi's daughter first.

The same with Olenna - although Jamie did say he talked Cersi out of a more violent death.

Out of the 3 Lannister siblings (Cersi, Jamie, & Tyrion), Cersi is probably the one her father would be the most proud of - she learned well from him & leads in his manner. However, while he was alive, he never entrusted anything to her - when, in reality, she was probably the one most qualified - but she was continually marginalized in place of her brothers.

And I have noticed, like some others have mentioned, that Sansa probably learned a lot from Cersi - and she's now wearing her hair like Cersi used to wear her hair.

And Jon Snow is wearing his hair like Ned Stark used to wear his hair.

My favorite part of the whole episode was the exchange when Jon was introduced to Dany!!

And Tyrion had some good lines too.

Dany is getting a little uppity.

Thank you! I'm not sure of the spelling of any of their names & was just going by what someone else had posted. I can't even remember many of their names!

I binged-watched "Game of Thrones" last year to see what all the fuss was about it, & this is the first season I'm actually watching as it happens. LOL!
Thank you! I'm not sure of the spelling of any of their names & was just going by what someone else had posted. I can't even remember many of their names!

I binged-watched "Game of Thrones" last year to see what all the fuss was about it, & this is the first season I'm actually watching as it happens. LOL!

Whoa, how long did it take you to get through them all? This would be a head trip of a show to binge watch if you hadn't read any of the books.
I liked the Jon and Dany meeting. The show seems to have wanted to brush over the meeting and make us all go 'meh', shrug our shoulders and move on to focus on other stuff. BUT I feel like something big is coming with those two and the show wants it to be shocking. Now that big thing might be great allies crushing their enemies, discovering they are relatives and teaming up, a love affair or marriage...or mortal enemies. But the entire series is called a Song of Ice and Fire for some reason and I feel it bubbling just below the surface and cannot wait. I loved that tease of a meeting.
I liked the Jon and Dany meeting. The show seems to have wanted to brush over the meeting and make us all go 'meh', shrug our shoulders and move on to focus on other stuff. BUT I feel like something big is coming with those two and the show wants it to be shocking. Now that big thing might be great allies crushing their enemies, discovering they are relatives and teaming up, a love affair or marriage...or mortal enemies. But the entire series is called a Song of Ice and Fire for some reason and I feel it bubbling just below the surface and cannot wait. I loved that tease of a meeting.

I thought they were going for awkward and tense, which I loved. Obviously the relationship is going to tilt dramatically in the future -- personally I'm not hoping for a romantic pairing.

I think the actual dragons are going to produce the Song of Ice and Fire eventually.
Whoa, how long did it take you to get through them all? This would be a head trip of a show to binge watch if you hadn't read any of the books.

I have not read any of the books.

I started out watching some Youtube clips & decided I really wanted to watch the whole thing. I think I watched all of Dany's "storyline" through Youtube first. LOL!

And I can't remember exactly how long it took me to binge-watch. Maybe 2ish months? We bought it by season first & then by episode of the last season through Amazon Prime - until we caught up & had to get HBO. I caught up half-way through last season (if I'm remembering correctly). And this is the first season I started watching w/ the premiere.

And, now, it feels soooo slow having to wait between episodes - not to mention the long wait from one season to the next! I was able to immerse myself in the show a lot easier when I was binge-ing it.

Originally DH was watching w/ me, but he got bored w/ it.
Cersi is still one of my favorites too.
And it's really not even that she's so evil - she's just doing what's been done to her & leading like her father trained her.
Cersi, I think, really did love her children. And she killed the Sand Snake daughter in the same way her daughter was killed & left her there for [I can't remember her name] to watch. And, really, [I can't remember her name] started it - she killed Cersi's daughter first.
The same with Olenna - although Jamie did say he talked Cersi out of a more violent death.
Out of the 3 Lannister siblings (Cersi, Jamie, & Tyrion), Cersi is probably the one her father would be the most proud of - she learned well from him & leads in his manner. However, while he was alive, he never entrusted anything to her - when, in reality, she was probably the one most qualified - but she was continually marginalized in place of her brothers.
And I have noticed, like some others have mentioned, that Sansa probably learned a lot from Cersi - and she's now wearing her hair like Cersi used to wear her hair.
And Jon Snow is wearing his hair like Ned Stark used to wear his hair.
My favorite part of the whole episode was the exchange when Jon was introduced to Dany!!
And Tyrion had some good lines too.
Dany is getting a little uppity.
:sad2: Nope, nope, nope - Cersei had the Mountain kill Oberyn Martell (Ellaria's lover and the father of the Sand Snakes). That was an EXTREMELY stupid and reckless thing for her to do, given that Myrcella was being held in the Dornish court, but her hate and rage at Tyrion blinded her. (Oberyn stepped up as Tyrion's champion for the Trial-by-Combat after Joffrey's murder. He did it so that he could exact revenge on the Mountain for killing Elia Targarian; crown princess of Dorne and sister of Oberyn and Doran.)

Whoa, how long did it take you to get through them all? This would be a head trip of a show to binge watch if you hadn't read any of the books.
DH binged the entire series in about a month and finished the day this season premiered. He hadn't read the books either, nor was he very familiar with fantasy-genre in general. It took hours to get through an episode with all the pausing and asking questions he did. But by about the end of the 3rd season, when all the major characters had been introduced, he pretty much had it figured out.
:sad2: Nope, nope, nope - Cersei had the Mountain kill Oberyn Martell (Ellaria's lover and the father of the Sand Snakes). That was an EXTREMELY stupid and reckless thing for her to do, given that Myrcella was being held in the Dornish court, but her hate and rage at Tyrion blinded her. (Oberyn stepped up as Tyrion's champion for the Trial-by-Combat after Joffrey's murder. He did it so that he could exact revenge on the Mountain for killing Elia Targarian; crown princess of Dorne and sister of Oberyn and Doran.)

DH binged the entire series in about a month and finished the day this season premiered. He hadn't read the books either, nor was he very familiar with fantasy-genre in general. It took hours to get through an episode with all the pausing and asking questions he did. But by about the end of the 3rd season, when all the major characters had been introduced, he pretty much had it figured out.

Thank you for the names! Yes, Cersei had the Mountain kill Oberyn, but Oberyn was in place of Tyrion. Cersei hates Tyrion & always has. She would have been happier had the Mountain killed Tyrion, I think.

I don't like the Mountain at all, & Cersei's relationship w/ the Mountain is probably my least favorite thing about her & what tips the scale for me in Cersei's character & not being able to ever really like her.

However, even though Cersei used her children for her own advantage, I think, if there is anything in her life she truly ever loved, it was her children. Cersei may have started the feud w/ Ellaria when Oberyn was killed, but Ellaria killed Cersie's daughter - but really Oberyn was trying to exact his own revenge & got mixed up in Cersei's revenge againt Tyrion. Oberyn was an adult who made his own decision to try to get revenge for his sister - something that was completely separate from Cersei. An "eye for eye" revenge would have been if Ellaria had killed Jamie.

And what is the Lannisters' family motto? I can't remember the exact wording. A Lannister always pays his debts. Cersei is getting revenge in the same way people have acted against her.

That's not to say I don't want her to get what's coming to her, but there's a little bit of the tragic character within her.
DH binged the entire series in about a month and finished the day this season premiered. He hadn't read the books either, nor was he very familiar with fantasy-genre in general. It took hours to get through an episode with all the pausing and asking questions he did. But by about the end of the 3rd season, when all the major characters had been introduced, he pretty much had it figured out.

It's a different thing to do if you're either binging with someone who knows the show or book and show. I sold DH on the series while it was in production because I've been reading since around the time book two was published. This is his genre style, not mine, and I honestly cannot tell you how it is that I came to read this at all. He started trying to listen to the audio books commuting to work. I believe he finished book one, possibly started book two. He gave up once the series started and just stuck with the show. Just this season we've had a couple of family tree discussions regarding Targaryens, Mormonts, Starks, Reeds to name a few. He had very little understanding of a lot of that based on the show.

p.s. Can I get a pat on the back from anybody for not even giving a flicker away about things like the Red Wedding, Joffrey, Tower of Joy, etc. until he saw them on the screen? GOT discussions at our house were incredibly challenging for me when he would want to discuss the show and I knew things as a book reader and didn't want to spoil a thing for him, while trying to answer his questions or talk about the show in general.
It's a different thing to do if you're either binging with someone who knows the show or book and show. I sold DH on the series while it was in production because I've been reading since around the time book two was published. This is his genre style, not mine, and I honestly cannot tell you how it is that I came to read this at all. He started trying to listen to the audio books commuting to work. I believe he finished book one, possibly started book two. He gave up once the series started and just stuck with the show. Just this season we've had a couple of family tree discussions regarding Targaryens, Mormonts, Starks, Reeds to name a few. He had very little understanding of a lot of that based on the show.

p.s. Can I get a pat on the back from anybody for not even giving a flicker away about things like the Red Wedding, Joffrey, Tower of Joy, etc. until he saw them on the screen? GOT discussions at our house were incredibly challenging for me when he would want to discuss the show and I knew things as a book reader and didn't want to spoil a thing for him, while trying to answer his questions or talk about the show in general.

The Red Wedding was probably the thing that intrigued me the most! I saw it being discussed on all the various sites, so I watched it on Youtube - w/o a clue who the characters were.

So I knew what was happening when it came time for that episode (although knowing the characters & the storyline made the scene much better in a tragic way); DH, though, was completely unspoiled when we watched it. He also didn't know about Ned Stark in season 1.

There were a lot of little things (like family lines) that I would look up online so I could keep it the storylines straight in my head.
...p.s. Can I get a pat on the back from anybody for not even giving a flicker away about things like the Red Wedding, Joffrey, Tower of Joy, etc. until he saw them on the screen? GOT discussions at our house were incredibly challenging for me when he would want to discuss the show and I knew things as a book reader and didn't want to spoil a thing for him, while trying to answer his questions or talk about the show in general.
Absolutely!! :goodvibes I was practically vibrating through the entire first 40 minutes of "The Rains of Castomere". The look on DH's face when the wedding went "red" was priceless! :scared1:
1) Cersi is probably the most vile villain on TV. She needs to die a horrible death and HBO needs to show us every gruesome moment of it. I was so looking forward to Joffrey's horrible death, and all he did was choke a bit and collapse. Anti-climactic.

2) OMG!!! So funny! I loved this: "I am Daenerys Targaryen....Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons...yada yada yada"

Jon {looks at Darvos}

Darvos: Um......this is Jon Snow........King of the North. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

3) When they called Sansa to the gate and there was hubbub, I was jumping up and down "IT'S GONNA BE ARYA!!!! IT'S ARYA!!! IT'S ARYA!!!" Then it was Bran. Slight disappointment, but still another Stark children reunion. So I was happy. I choked up a bit.

I believe she is on her way back to Winterfell, no?
Cersi is still one of my favorites too.

And it's really not even that she's so evil - she's just doing what's been done to her & leading like her father trained her.

Cersi, I think, really did love her children. And she killed the Sand Snake daughter in the same way her daughter was killed & left her there for [I can't remember her name] to watch. And, really, [I can't remember her name] started it - she killed Cersi's daughter first.

The same with Olenna - although Jamie did say he talked Cersi out of a more violent death.

Out of the 3 Lannister siblings (Cersi, Jamie, & Tyrion), Cersi is probably the one her father would be the most proud of - she learned well from him & leads in his manner. However, while he was alive, he never entrusted anything to her - when, in reality, she was probably the one most qualified - but she was continually marginalized in place of her brothers.

And I have noticed, like some others have mentioned, that Sansa probably learned a lot from Cersi - and she's now wearing her hair like Cersi used to wear her hair.

And Jon Snow is wearing his hair like Ned Stark used to wear his hair.

My favorite part of the whole episode was the exchange when Jon was introduced to Dany!!

And Tyrion had some good lines too.

Dany is getting a little uppity.

Not the same with Olenna. It has not been revealed that Cersei and Jamie knew about that. And from what has been revealed, I don't think they did. We knew she did it ever since she revealed it to Margaery. But Cersei didn't know and had she known, I doubt seriously if Jamie could have convinced her to make it painless. We also know the Jamie never believed Tyrian did it but at that point at least, Cersei did believe it and that Sansa was in on the conspiracy. I don't think they knew until Olenna told Jaime. Even in death the Queen of thorns got her last laugh.
I believe she is on her way back to Winterfell, no?

YES!!! That was why I was so excited when there was hubbub at the gate.

Not the same with Olenna. It has not been revealed that Cersei and Jamie knew about that. And from what has been revealed, I don't think they did. We knew she did it ever since she revealed it to Margaery. But Cersei didn't know and had she known, I doubt seriously if Jamie could have convinced her to make it painless. We also know the Jamie never believed Tyrian did it but at that point at least, Cersei did believe it and that Sansa was in on the conspiracy. I don't think they knew until Olenna told Jaime. Even in death the Queen of thorns got her last laugh.

They did not know, and you could tell by Jaime's facial expression when she confessed. It was like someone had knocked the wind out of him. My favorite part of that scene when she was confessing, she referred to Joffrey as "his son". I think that took him aback, because aside from all of Robert's bastards having black hair, and all of Cersei's kids are tow-heads, I think both he and Cersei felt it was a impenetrable secret. (they killed to keep).

I am going to miss Olenna. She was one of my favorite characters. But if her death meant we got that exchange....I loved it!
Absolutely!! :goodvibes I was practically vibrating through the entire first 40 minutes of "The Rains of Castomere". The look on DH's face when the wedding went "red" was priceless! :scared1:

Honestly, the show passing the books has been an immense relief for me in a certain sense. He'd want to talk about the show and I would have to measure each word that came out of my mouth, constantly worrying that I would forget that some smidge of what I was saying hadn't been shown onscreen yet. I'd sit there watching the show like a block of wood most of the time.
I believe she is on her way back to Winterfell, no?

My son thinks that after her exchange with the wolf (can't remember it's name) and she said "It's not who you are", she changed her mind and is heading back to Kings Landing.
...I am going to miss Olenna. She was one of my favorite characters. But if her death meant we got that exchange....I loved it!
:scratchin But they didn't exactly show her dead and buried, did they? It's possible we may see her again.


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