Hurricane Irma?

So, the other week in another thread I was quite vocal about it being silly to worry without better info, that it was too far out to predict, etc. I still stand by those statements. That said: We have the better info now - and lots of the models are in relative agreement of this very powerful storm making a Florida strike. Florida is flat and wet. Our peninsula probably won't weaken the storm much on its journey north from Miami and/or the Keys. If it cuts straight up the middle of the state (which is not a sure thing - it could still go east or west) this has the potential to bring us some very strong winds in the WDW area.

If I were an out of state tourist with plans to visit in the next week, I would stay home. I personally don't think a Disney vacation is worth even a slight risk of experiencing the full force of a major hurricane.

I'm no panicking alarmist, but I may well board up my house's windows and brace the garage door if my landlord gives the okay, depending on what models show in the next couple of days. As of now, Disney expects me at work as usual or I'd consider a road trip to see some friends in Huntsville, Alabama. I'm not scheduled a day off until the 12th. We'll see.

If you do come, and I think most people won't change their plans that much, CMs will be there to take care of you as best we can. In return for our dedication to show up for our jobs when we probably shouldn't, please heed all warnings and instructions we give you, to ensure your safety and ours.

As someone who has experienced the devastation of Sandy I would never dismiss someone's concerns. I have a daughter in the college program who has been there about a month. I know she already has her supplies and I am trying my best not to feed into any fears she may have. Her role was not listed as one that could sign up to work the ride out crew. However I'm concerned about housing - they are not allowed to board up the windows. They have some pretty big windows so I anticipate if it gets bad the group of them may very well end up in the closets! Part of me is wondering if I should try to book her a room at a resort? So many people are cancelling, I know I could get a value room & would totally let her roommates go with her. Am I being paranoid?

Folks, I keep seeing Disney is ready and will be prepared.

While that might be true to a degree, this could be something like they've never seen.

Worth noting while Disney may be prepared that doesn't mean their employees are. Keep that in mind if mandatory evacuations are told to Orlando area.

THAT's what I'm most worried about. If my DD does have to evacuate I have no idea where she will go.
I think it is weird that the CM told me nothing was available for my dates, because when I look online I see many more options available???

Also the CM told me, "I know people watch the news and that is scares them, but no one thinks it is really going to be that big of a deal and that people love to go to disney during hurricanes. They just flock to Disney during hurricanes probably bc of the warm fuzzy feeling Disney gives them..." I have mixed feelings about that statement.
That CM is an idiot and is more than likely not anywhere close to Florida.
I'm hoping for all of you that Irma spares this iconic land. I was a bit nervous back in 2014 when Hurricane Gonzalo skirted around the area; fortunately it stayed out on the ocean and all we felt was a blast of humid air on our first day. But it was for that very reason that I bought the travel was worthwhile for the peace of mind, and something I always recommend people buy if they are planning their trip anywhere from August-November. Disney offers it as a rider on their sites, take it! Re-schedule your trip a full year out if you need to, you can do that.
Gas gouging has begun. My daughter (whose car we shipped from CT and just arrived this morning) just saw regular priced at $6 a gallon.
That's probably the Shell station, it's always that high. It's a complete rip off and most have the kids have been warned to stay away. Have her use the gas buddy app, it tells you the lowest prices in the area.
I waited on the phone for over an hour to change our reservation by pushing it back a little to 12-19th. I was told that the only thing left was Copper Creek two bedroom villa which with loosing the dining plan etc, would come to a $6,000 difference for us... then she said all she saw for the 13-19th was All Star Sports. I didn't pull the trigger. I can't give up free dining and AKL to stay at all star sports. But now, I think I should have done that so I don't loose out on all my ADRs and Fast passes. So I guess I'm still waiting.
I'm betting more will open up as we get closer to the weekend. I'm pretty sure we will be canceling our CBR reservation (under Free Dining)
I assume you are not familiar with hurricanes and tropical storms. 50 mph IS a tropical storm as defined by the SS scale. I think you are greatly minimizing the potential if a hurricane of this magnitude hits near Orlando. It also is not all about the wind. There are usually dozens of tornadoes spawned and depending on the speed and track, potential for dangerous flooding. Additionally, if the eye is passes slightly east (or even worse, west) it could still do a lot of damage.

All of this. We live in NW Houston, and Saturday and Sunday the weekend of Harvey, there were over 140 different Tornado warnings in the Houston area alone. Several hit the ground all the while Harvey's center was around 100-140 miles to the west. We had sustained winds of 25-40 mph, and see plenty of houses with Tarps on the roofs covering up damage. Harvey stayed a Hurricane for almost 2 days after coming on shore.

Irma is more compact, but more dangerous. Everything about this says Fla is going to get hit, even if the center stays off-shore to the east or the west.
Yes, I can see that. Having never booked a trip to WDW I didn't know this until now, my travel agent didn't mention it, and in all the research I did it somehow didn't come up. I can see this situation is entirely my fault for not doing even more research, I feel bad enough as it is as I'm sure everyone else does. Its not like I'm a veteran traveler that would have known better. I tried to be educated.

Mid Aug-Mid Sept is peak hurricane season. It seems every year around the mid to end of Aug storms keep forming and heading toward FL. Some fizzle out, some swing out to sea and some make landfall. It has been a very active time for hurricanes the past few weeks.
FYI for Canadians, Looks like Air Canada is allowing those with flights between now and the 11th to any airport in Florida, to reschedule free of charge to any time before October 1.
I think it is weird that the CM told me nothing was available for my dates, because when I look online I see many more options available???

Also the CM told me, "I know people watch the news and that is scares them, but no one thinks it is really going to be that big of a deal and that people love to go to disney during hurricanes. They just flock to Disney during hurricanes probably bc of the warm fuzzy feeling Disney gives them..." I have mixed feelings about that statement.

I had the same experience last night. The CM said nothing was available and she searched for several different dates (some for only one night.) While she was searching I searched too and I found lots of rooms online. Finally she called guest services and was able to modify my reservations to one of the rooms that I found online. There seems to be no issue with finding a room for a new reservation but nothing available when you try to modify. So, you may want to see if you can get guest services to help.
Well we are contemplating moving the trip a week or more...assuming there is availability and we can rebook with our DVC points. Will make the call late tomorrow/early Thursday. Since we drive, I'm concerned finding gas will be hard or there will be traffic/road closures from storm damage making it difficult to get home. We are disappointed about this as it would mean missing out on some things we had been looking forward to (like the DVC member event at AK on Wednesday next week). It would also take a LOT of tap dancing to try to rearrange the days we've taken off work, arrange coverage for the farm etc.

I'm pretty deflated about all of this right now. Part of me wants to just forget the whole dang vacation. What was an exciting, fun, totally looking forward to event has become an anxiety causing burden. Our trips were the one thing that erased the worry. the wahmbulance. Sorry, not sorry.
Some years ago, I heard of a hurricane prep tip, that I thought was smart. This person had a chest freezer that he didn't use for day to day use. In the beginning of hurricane season, he filled it up with gallon jugs of water. First sign of a storm coming his way, he turned on the freezer. In case of power loss, he had cold/frozen water and he could take jugs out and put food in. Or course, not everyone has the space to have a chest freezer just laying around the house all the time. But still, I thought it was a great idea.

I wish I had a chest freezer.


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