ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

It's been far too long since I've commented on your trip report. I have been reading it and your other one.

Climbing the steps down off our safari-mobile, we hungrily approached Jiko: The Eating Place again.

Others have already mentioned that it is Jiko: the cooking place but if it equates with eating with you that's fine by me! :thumbsup2

Without missing a beat, and with a 100% completely straight face, she announces, “Oh, you’re in luck then! This called a Quit Yer Whinin’! I serve them to all the parents who come in here after a day at the Magic Kingdom with 2-year olds.”

That's great she entered into the spirit of your quest.

I know better. I really do. But it was so delicious! I knew I’d pay for that irresponsible extravaganza.

I always find this to be the case with Indian cuisine. We have some fantastic Indian restaurants here. I love all the starters so much that I'm full by main course. Indian buffets are the worst - one minute you seem Ok and then that last mouthful puts you over the edge.

greet the rest of the family to surprise them that AKL was our home for the next 3 nights and to find out myself that Concierge was how we’d roll.

What a great surprise!

But for me, that's not the best part. I have been told so many times that online friends aren't REAL friends.

We all know that's not true - We enjoy spending time with you. We are your real friends we tease you online just like we would in person.

Fantastic progress with your Sierra Leone trip. It certainly isn't easy trying to organise giving much needed aid. Great to see your determination in making things happen.

Here's the deets as I know them.

Sits down....

has sucked all of my free time including roughly 40 hours a week (very likely more). On top of the 20-25 hours a week I'm doing my day job.

:faint: Holy smokes.
And I thought I was busy!!!


the total for all of the donated and purchased medical supplies, including surgical supplies, medications, antibiotics, etc came to over $130,000!

No way!!! That's wonderful!!!!
Holy crap!
So happy for you and your team.
It's great that your African medical relief to Sierra Leone is progressing so well, hopefully it will continue to go smoothly for you and your team.It is absulutly brilliant what you have achieved so far.
I've seen the pictures of your table setting for holidays and gatherings. They are always a great combination of elegance and warmth. They are very welcoming.

Aw, thanks! I think that since we usually do "managed potluck-style" meals for our holidays, I can put in a lot of extra time to making the table especially nice. Loads of fresh flowers, some sort of handmade, themed place setting decoration, the silver and china, and the linens my MIL passed on to me.

... until total disappointment sets in.

All good things must come to an end. (However, if they end Dole Whips, there will be issues.)

Hey now!

Oh, wait.
That just sounds dirty.

As long as it only sounds dirty!

It is!

Uh... my definition of "warm" may differ from yours.

OF this I have absolutely zero doubt. Cold: anything below 60 degrees.

You have got to be kidding me!!!

"Hey! Guess what! Bill Gates is offering to take us on a tour of his private yacht while touring the Mediterranean and then Elon Musk wants to take us for a ride around the world in one of his Space X rockets."
"Nah. Sounds boring."

I know! I couldn't believe it! I gave Zach the choice of this or the seeds tour and he chose the other, but since the seeds tour is so little, I could take the 4 of us. The Wanyama wasn't so cheap, so in the end it was okay it was just the two of us. But, yes, I too found it a little strange.

Actually, I think you made the wise choice.
I like macro photography, but... I use my wide, far more often.

I think you're right. I'm having REALLY hard time trying to decide which len(s) to take on my trip. Shnikey it's hard!

You want to get your instrument rating?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Congratulations! I didn't even know you'd won the lottery!

Someday perhaps. VFR is so darned limited in where and how one can fly. But, yeah, the $$ thing might be a bit of a stretch for me. If I win the lottery, I'll be traveling, not flying.
YOU ATE THE ANIMALS!?!?!?!? :eek:

Only 3. Sheesh what do you think I am, a pig?

(Don't answer that!)

More food? Weren't you full? I suspect a giraffe and a gazelle or two would be quite filling.

Why yes, I was full. How did you know?! (Ever tried to get a while giraffe down?)

Oh, there's a reason. "jiko" is Swahili for "You can't eat here". It was just Jiko for a while, but some visitors from Africa kept avoiding the place and asking where they could eat. So they had to tack that on.


I'm not sure. Could you tell me again?

Well, the risk of being redundant, Jiko, which is Swahili for "you can't eat here", has recently changed its name to Jiko: Where Liesa Pigged Out, and We Had to Call in Maintenance for a Handtruck to Remove Her from the Table.

I'd say that is an excellent reason to splurge. ::yes::

I agree!
You're pretentious.

I didn't want to say it, but you said I must.
Do I get points for that or something?

No. Why you ask?

Because I can't even keep up with the normal chatter, let alone with the Contest.

Yeah, @Captain_Oblivious
Real nice, Mark.


You KNOW that's who I was thinking of. ;)

Then you're doing it wrong.
Make someone else pay for it.

But that would be presumptuous and not very nice.

(How does one go about this?)

Actually, I noticed that before I read that! :laughing:

She's a good girl. Too snarky for her own good and very feisty, but a good girl nonetheless.


True story:

In Crapistan, the national dish is called Beshbarmak, literally meaning 5 fingers. Here's a photo:


Disregard those spoons, those were for the salads you see in the distance.

A layer of hand-rolled noodles, boiled meat (usually sheep), boiled potatoes, and onions.

The method of eating that we used EVERY SINGLE TIME WE ATE this dish:

From the community dish in the middle of the table, shared by about 6 people (if there were more at the table, multiple platters would be brought), you would scoop up a noodle and use it to grab a piece of meat or potato. Then you shove it in your mouth. If you were a man of say more than 50ish, you were allowed to slurp it, and make disgusting noises as you ate. If you were a woman over about 50, you could belch loudly at the table after the meal, (they used the excuse of indigestion or heartburn). Your fingers would be completely greasy and messy, so each guest was usually given a handtowel to wipe with along the way; no hand licking was allowed. And yes, there was actually a little bit of platter etiquette. It is polite to stick to your own pie-shaped wedge that is closest to you and it is super rude to take stuff off another's place. For honored guests, more meat would be be constantly shoved your way.

Eating with fingers is actually kinda fun and pretty efficient. ;)

I'm not a fan of being around strangers overly long... but this I could do.
Will admit that I'd probably shut down about halfway through.

And that's okay, that's about when food coma sets in.

... as she drinks more in one week than I do in a year.

Shush you.

dry? No. High?... :rolleyes1

Not overly. In fact, only at V&As that trip. I was pretty good at spreading it all out.

Wow! With a name like that, it was pretty much a sure thing that she'd become a server.

You know it! Destiny at its finest.

I call foul!

That's like if you can't find "X" and you say
"Hey! Bartender! Shake up a third of an ounce of Bailey's cream, then a third of an ounce of Frangelico and a third of an ounce of Kahlua. Add about two ounces of milk in the shaker and call it an X-ray!"

Okay... so that actually is an X-ray, but the point is... you should have to order a drink that actually belongs with "Q". Not get a no-name drink and the server decides to call it something just to make you happy. Tomorrow that same drink will be called "I'm sorry you puked on a giraffe".

Oh come on! This totally counts! It's my game and I say so.

Besides, if she can think that fast on her feet, then my one drink I claimed this way should be in her honor and whatever Letter is needed should go straight to what she says.

I've certainly not heard of it before.
You may have started a new trend.

Yeah, I doubt it.

Who, me? :rolleyes1:

yes. you.

Must always leave room for mac 'n' cheese!!

Here, here!

Whoa.... That looks... amazing.

IKR?! I'd go back there again! But, I kinda actually like Sanaa more.

Hoping the birth wasn't too painful.

Everything came out just fine. ;)

I didn't know it was that kind of a dinner!
dinner and a show! Woot!

My shirt was long; don't get too excited!

:lmao: Good thing you were wearing your pregnancy pants.

Every pair of pants is a pregnancy pair of pants if it has a button and zipper.

Uh, oh.
Well... I guess not entirely unexpected.

No. We all know what happens with this level of stupidity.

I almost never order it too.
For the reason you mention in "C".

No sense in suffering for a night for a few bites of sweet. Unless it's crème brûlée. Then all manner of suffering is completely worth it.

I happen to know that some of those are mine!
Not too late to donate!

Yes, they are! :cheer2: You were very generous and I can't thank you enough on behalf of some village children in remote West Africa who will be very blessed. The school supplies will be well used!
It's been far too long since I've commented on your trip report. I have been reading it and your other one.

It's been a rather slow and dismal TR lately. With so little free time, it's hard to have the kind of banter I really enjoy with my Homies here. But, once December rolls around and I kick off a brand spanking new TR, I'll have more time to get out faster replies and chatter more. No contest though next time, I'm afraid. Unless it's very simple and easy (for me). ;)

Others have already mentioned that it is Jiko: the cooking place but if it equates with eating with you that's fine by me! :thumbsup2

Well, if I cook and no one eats, I get pretty bent out of shape. Does that ever happen to anyone else? You spend a good portion of time shopping and planning and then actually cooking and you get the: "I had a big after-school snack." or "I don't really like that." or "I'll eat later." spiel. So annoying!

That's great she entered into the spirit of your quest.

It was fantastic! I loved her wit and humor in the whole interchange.

I always find this to be the case with Indian cuisine. We have some fantastic Indian restaurants here. I love all the starters so much that I'm full by main course. Indian buffets are the worst - one minute you seem Ok and then that last mouthful puts you over the edge.

All of our Indian buffets suck. They food is not very fresh and super dumbed down with hardly any flavor. There in one place in Portland that is out of this world and I think I may hit it up the night before my flight. MMM! Now my mouth is watering!

We all know that's not true - We enjoy spending time with you. We are your real friends we tease you online just like we would in person.

Oh I know WE alll know that, but I hear a lot of people who have never been involved in one, who just don't "get it", say some pretty unkind things about internet friendships. Whatever. Their loss, right?

And yes, I do get a fair amount of teasing here. LOL! I can't count the number of times I've said some reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly stupid things and got ribbed for a long time.

And then there was that time I miscounted on Mark's thread and messed up his top of the page tradition. That cost me weeks of teasing. ;)

Fantastic progress with your Sierra Leone trip. It certainly isn't easy trying to organise giving much needed aid. Great to see your determination in making things happen.

It'll be very worth it in the end! But right, now, yes, I'm tired. The good news, is....

I'm almost 100% packed for Disney (yes, to keep my own sanity, I did pack 2 months ahead of time) and can now switch my focus almost entirely to the Lesson Plans for our teaching seminars and packing for Africa. Kinda feeling a little bit like the homestretch.

I wish I could help financially but we just don't have any extra this month. I am praying for you and the team.

Oh, it's so okay! As we all know, prayer goes an awfully long way and I am very, VERY grateful for that too! And then when I come home and share the stories and photos, you can know that you too were a part of what happened while we were there. :hug:
Sits down....

Good boy. Would you like a treat?


:faint: Holy smokes.
And I thought I was busy!!!


It's stupid crazy.
But you know what? I have a trip coming up....

IN 60 DAYS FROM TODAY to help me relax and unwind and enjoy after all this hard work!

FiP DAY!!!! FiP DAY TORORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I fully intend to use that trip to just have some fun, celebrate, and play!!

Remember, Work Hard, Play Harder.

No way!!! That's wonderful!!!!
Holy crap!
So happy for you and your team.

It's far, far more, and far, far bigger than I'd have imagined. So cool to see it all come together!

It's great that your African medical relief to Sierra Leone is progressing so well, hopefully it will continue to go smoothly for you and your team.It is absulutly brilliant what you have achieved so far.

Thanks, Stuart! It's been a long slog, and full of plenty of defeats along the way, but I am confident that all the work will make a difference and be very rewarding. :)
X is for: X-tra Hot Italians, an X-rated Lemonade, and Some Random X-tra Food Photos

Italy has many things. Ugly men is not one of them.

They have marble fountains, handblown, colored glass, romantic spots to enjoy world class wine, and spaghetti. Don’t forget the spaghetti. My thighs don’t. They love it and put it in little thigh tissue Tupperwares and store it. Italy also has pizza. Another pretty dope food they crank out. (Good thing my 15-year old is sitting here to give me that fresh new adjective to slide in there.) Seems like a no-brainer to deposit a pizzeria smack in the bowels of the Italy Pavilion. This Pavilion on a whole has always been a bit lackluster to me. Via Napoli fixed that. Oh, sure the pizza was okay (I’ve had better), but let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Ladies, this one’s for you. ;)

We checked in, but as usual, unless your entire group is there, “No, (that’s Italian for “no”) you can’t be seated." So we kinda loitered until we all showed up- which wasn’t long at all.

The first thing that struck me was this:


I mean, who wouldn’t want this little piece of Goodwill ghetto in their own entryway at home?! I’m pretty sure the Disney Decorator’s went straight to Liberace’s basement for this beaut! It screams bordello and would certainly hype anyone up for a pizza after gazing on its… unique originality.

When we all gathered together and could be seated, we the center, big long table right in front of the show kitchen. You know, where those giant, flaming mouths are that spew hot air? They remind me a lot of our folks who work at East Capitol St NE and First.


Looking the other way were the poor folks who didn’t get the up close and personal view that we lucked out with.


If you’re keeping track, that’s at least twice we scored a show kitchen-side table. Maybe it was the perennial “I’m celebrating” grin that was plastered all over my face for the entire 2 weeks? :D << It looked a bit like that.

Pretty soon, the show began.

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


Exhibit C:


The pizza being tossed was a nice bonus.

Yes, we ordered pizza. That’s what you do at a Pizzeria. We ordered wine too. Because Italy. I thought it odd that Mikki, only 4 months out from her 21st didn’t get carded. It became pretty apparent in none too short a time why. Stick with me here, Folks….

It was a fairly loud venue, but that didn’t stop our group from making our own ruckus. There was plenty of laughter and heckling going on. For good reason.

At first, we found it amusing that our water glasses were constantly being filled. Umm, not that I minded or anything. Drink up, Girls! After about the 20th water glass fill, the teasing turned focus to Mikki who was obviously just as smitten as the boys who seemed to hover quite a lot more than normal. (She STILL talks about how gorgeous they were. And they were. But I personally think the accents may have been what swayed her opinion.) This lasted the entire meal.

“Please Sir, may I have some more?”

Clearly they had good reason to be smitten. But I’m not biased or anything.


We had pizza too. It was okay, not amazing, not bad. And certainly not enough. It was supposed to feed 8 of us, but didn’t quite.


Pat and Marv were the masters of the “It’s Steppe’s Birthday” running joke. I couldn’t escape it wherever I went, even across the oceans in Italy. Every time we met up, no matter which day, they were faithfully wearing their “It’s Steppe’s Birthday” buttons. They got me some hilarious attention at Yehaw Bob, and apparently, they were about to get me into trouble here too!



That’s the: You. Did. Not! (But I sure love it) Look.

Then again, I would admit to 1,000 birthdays to be serenaded by this:


I’ll bet if I’d asked for a photo with them, one on each side, they would have. You know, like some other people I know have done in similar fashion in Vegas. :rolleyes:

3, 2, 1…. Make a wish. (It wasn’t too terribly hard to come up with one given what was directly off my port and starboard sides.

I felt badly for my tablemates, not getting their own dessert and all, and since my daughters were asking, Marv suggested the powder-sugared cheeseballs.


(Sorry, blurry food photo alert)

Everyone ate them in no time, while I concentrated on the warm, liquidy chocolate sauce myself.


How could I not?! They set the thing down RIGHT in front of me! Best be efficient with it, no?

It was a nice meal. If you're looking for a GREAT pizza, leave Disney. If you're looking for an "okay" pizza in a fun atmosphere with hot, young men, this is your place. (That really makes it sound like I am out looking for hot, young men, doesn't it?) The company is what ultimately makes a meal go from simply eating to dining. I had the pleasure of dining with some very wonderful company that day.

Now, what Steppe Chapter would be complete without a Hidden Mickey? Here is one that is pretty well known. I don't think it'll be too hard to find. Well one is. The other is as hard to find as bringing vaccines into Africa. Hint: It's not where you'd think.


And now, we're almost there, Folks! The final few Drink-Through-the-Alphabet offerings.

Today's was something at Via Napoli; a Pinot Noir for Letter 'P'. (duh) That was definitely one of my easier ones! 'X', on the other hand, a few days later, was NOT so easy, but did Steppe do it?

Of COURSE she did! (duh)

The day before we left, (I'll get to U and Y, the final 2 letters in the next updates.) I trekked over to the pool in search of some quiet to myself. That would be a perfect time to try to knock off (back?) the difficult, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE it turns out!, letter 'X'.

Meet Kim:


Kim knows her stuff. Even if it is a little X-rated, like this:

X-Rated Fusion Liqueur is a blend of French vodka, Provence blood orange, mango, and passion fruit.

I will admit. I loved this drink. Sweet and tart when mixed with lemonade. Mmmm! Yummy!

I took my time, sipping by the pool. Mike was reading the paper in the Concierge Lounge, and I really didn't care what the kids were doing. (Even if I had written it down, which I didn't, so have no idea.) I had a whole glorious hour of doing my own thing, and I loved every serene minute.

So, that brings us to the List as it stands:

A- Air Pirate Mule at Jock Lindsays
B- Blood Orange Marg at The Ditch (to go)
C- Cyprian Sunset at Morocco (yuck)
D- Dawa Mary at AK (YUM!)
E- Eppo Sangria at AK
F- Fuzzy Navel at The Big Blue Pool at AoA
G- Gin and Ginger and the Coral Reef
H- Hana Fuji Sake at Yak and Yeti (Holy cow yum!)
I- Island Mary at Dawa Bar AK
J- Jack and Ginger at Abracadabar
K- Some wine that started with K at V&A
L- Another wine that started with L at V&A (remember my server helping me out here?)
M- Moscato at V&A (by then I should have been done, but wasn't)
N- Not Your Father's Root Beer at F&W
O- Orange-spiked Tea at Hops and Barley F&W
P- Pinot Noir at Via Napoli
Q- Quit Yer Whinin' at Jiko: The Eating Too Much Place
R- Raspberry Mojito at Victoria Falls Lounge
S- Sokol Blosser Pinot Noir at Artist Point
T- Tanqueray Twist at Trout Pass Pool bar, WL
U- Not yet
Vinum Cellars Pinot Noir, Monterey (with a scallop apparently- my receipts saved me on this one!)
W- Wine at Food and Wine (duh)
X- X-rated Infusion at AKL Pool
Y- Not yet
Z- Zignum Mezcal at The Ditch

So there ya have it. The progress as far as I've written about. Not too shabby, and oh so tasty.

Now, this brings me to a bit of random food porn, since we're getting all X-rated... How about some shots of Flame Tree goodness? It was good, but not, in fact, as good as I'd remembered it in the past. Partly because of the bad table my family chose. I really wanted to be down by the little ponds and fountain area with the view of EE, but instead they chose the nearest table up by the condiment stations and seating area entrance. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm acting like spoiled little diva, but the times we sit down for a meal, CS or otherwise, I want it to be relaxing and pretty and quiet. This table offered nothing of that. The birds that stole fries though were pretty entertaining. I about died laughing when one made off with and entire top bun from the kid at the next table. (No, I wasn't sad or incensed, it was a toddler that wasn't going to eat it anyway. And mom and dad could have gotten a new one if they'd wanted it.)

Anyway, I have not a lot to add to this "eating experience". We ordered, my salad came without its dressing, Mike waited in line for 20 minutes to get me some (no exaggeration), we ate, we laughed at stealth bird antics, and left. Ho hum. The food was pretty good though. My salad was very nice and filling, the pulled pork sandwiches were nice, and Mike's ribs and chicken were okay.

As a side note, I have NO idea why there was a fruit salad plate available at the time we were there; it no longer appears to be on the menu? But, I was thrilled to have some roughage, if you KWIM. You heard it here first: Disney (non)diets can be tough on the digestive tract. Unless you're making a point to get some fruits and FRESH veggies, you'll have loads of extra time in the bathroom to read mediocre Trip Reports like this one.

Now, without any further ado, here are the photos you've all been waiting for:


The salad dressing worth 20 minutes:


Only in America would we give a crap about a half eaten sandwich:



Beans coulda been saucier in my book! ^^

The mystery fruit salad:


And that brings us to the conclusion of yet another update in this randomized, alphabetical approach to Trip Reporting. Hang in there with me Folks! We're almost there. Only Y and Z left. And then we're off the Keys for a Bonus TR! Plus a 1 chapter Pre-Trippie just for your bathroom reading pleasure.

OH and the Contest Results and the Announcement of DA WINNAH!! Just in time too; I can pick up a prize on my trip in November! ;)

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All good things must come to an end. (However, if they end Dole Whips, there will be issues.)
You got that right!!

As long as it only sounds dirty!

Darn. Oh, well...

OF this I have absolutely zero doubt. Cold: anything below 60 degrees.
You call T-shirt weather, cold???

How odd.

I think you're right. I'm having REALLY hard time trying to decide which len(s) to take on my trip. Shnikey it's hard!

Take 'em all.

Someday perhaps. VFR is so darned limited in where and how one can fly. But, yeah, the $$ thing might be a bit of a stretch for me. If I win the lottery, I'll be traveling, not flying.

Well, I suppose. Yet.... many, many people get around just fine with only that.

Only 3. Sheesh what do you think I am, a pig?

(Don't answer that!)


Keeping mouth firmly closed.

Why yes, I was full. How did you know?! (Ever tried to get a while giraffe down?)

Not a whole one, no.

Well, the risk of being redundant, Jiko, which is Swahili for "you can't eat here", has recently changed its name to Jiko: Where Liesa Pigged Out, and We Had to Call in Maintenance for a Handtruck to Remove Her from the Table.


No. Why you ask?

Because I can't even keep up with the normal chatter, let alone with the Contest.



But that would be presumptuous and not very nice.

(How does one go about this?)


True story:

In Crapistan, the national dish is called Beshbarmak, literally meaning 5 fingers. Here's a photo:


Disregard those spoons, those were for the salads you see in the distance.

A layer of hand-rolled noodles, boiled meat (usually sheep), boiled potatoes, and onions.

The method of eating that we used EVERY SINGLE TIME WE ATE this dish:

From the community dish in the middle of the table, shared by about 6 people (if there were more at the table, multiple platters would be brought), you would scoop up a noodle and use it to grab a piece of meat or potato. Then you shove it in your mouth. If you were a man of say more than 50ish, you were allowed to slurp it, and make disgusting noises as you ate. If you were a woman over about 50, you could belch loudly at the table after the meal, (they used the excuse of indigestion or heartburn). Your fingers would be completely greasy and messy, so each guest was usually given a handtowel to wipe with along the way; no hand licking was allowed. And yes, there was actually a little bit of platter etiquette. It is polite to stick to your own pie-shaped wedge that is closest to you and it is super rude to take stuff off another's place. For honored guests, more meat would be be constantly shoved your way.

Eating with fingers is actually kinda fun and pretty efficient. ;)

I have absolutely non problem with eating with fingers. And... that sounds fun!

Do guys over 50 get to fart too? Asking for a friend.

Shush you.


Not overly. In fact, only at V&As that trip. I was pretty good at spreading it all out.

So you only like to get snockered at high-falutin' places.

Got it.

Oh come on! This totally counts! It's my game and I say so.

Besides, if she can think that fast on her feet, then my one drink I claimed this way should be in her honor and whatever Letter is needed should go straight to what she says.

Nope. Nope. Nopity nope. Totally doesn't count.
And I can say that based on the fact that you only have a few letters to go and I'm pretty sure I guessed that you wouldn't be able to do the entire alphabet.

IKR?! I'd go back there again! But, I kinda actually like Sanaa more.

Oh, really.

Everything came out just fine. ;)


My shirt was long; don't get too excited!


Every pair of pants is a pregnancy pair of pants if it has a button and zipper.

Good point.

No sense in suffering for a night for a few bites of sweet. Unless it's crème brûlée. Then all manner of suffering is completely worth it.

This is a truism.

Yes, they are! :cheer2: You were very generous and I can't thank you enough on behalf of some village children in remote West Africa who will be very blessed. The school supplies will be well used!


Good boy. Would you like a treat?


Yes. Of course.

It's stupid crazy.
But you know what? I have a trip coming up....

IN 60 DAYS FROM TODAY to help me relax and unwind and enjoy after all this hard work!

FiP DAY!!!! FiP DAY TORORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I fully intend to use that trip to just have some fun, celebrate, and play!!

Remember, Work Hard, Play Harder.

Good luck with the FPs!

Now going back to read the update.
Italy has many things. Ugly men is not one of them.

Okay, here's the thing.
I thought "Ah ha! I'll show her!"
So I Googled "ugly Italian man", and.... got nothing. Guess you're right.

handblown, colored glass

You can top right there.

Still bummed that we didn't make it to Murano. (stupid back)

and spaghetti

I take it back. Now you can stop.


My thighs don’t. They love it and put it in little thigh tissue Tupperwares and store it.


Italy also has pizza.


They may have invented it, but it was perfected on this side of the pond.

Another pretty dope food they crank out. (Good thing my 15-year old is sitting here to give me that fresh new adjective to slide in there.)

She's no dope!

Via Napoli fixed that. Oh, sure the pizza was okay (I’ve had better)

yep. Much better, I'm sure. At least I have.
Zero idea why people rave about the pizza here. Maybe they've never had good pizza or are purists.

Ladies, this one’s for you. ;)

Stops reading.

oh, okay. I'll read the rest anyway.

We checked in, but as usual, unless your entire group is there, “No, (that’s Italian for “no”) you can’t be seated." So we kinda loitered until we all showed up- which wasn’t long at all.

Where were the rest? Just on their way?

The first thing that struck me was this:


OMG! The chandelier fell on you?!?!?

I mean, who wouldn’t want this little piece of Goodwill ghetto in their own entryway at home?!

Me. That's who. It would totally not fit in with our décor.

It screams bordello

And you would know because.... ????

They remind me a lot of our folks who work at East Capitol St NE and First.


Looking the other way were the poor folks who didn’t get the up close and personal view that we lucked out with.

We were farther, but I liked our little table just for two. Plus I don't think Kay would like to sit with strangers very much. She did for Teppan Edo... but she knew that going in.

If you’re keeping track, that’s at least twice we scored a show kitchen-side table. Maybe it was the perennial “I’m celebrating” grin that was plastered all over my face for the entire 2 weeks? :D << It looked a bit like that.

I am keeping track! And... those are the best seats. Period.

Nice capture!

Yes, we ordered pizza. That’s what you do at a Pizzeria.


You don't order seafood at a steak place.

Then again, Ruby always orders chicken at a steak place. Well.... she orders chicken at every place.

I thought it odd that Mikki, only 4 months out from her 21st didn’t get carded.

Hmm... That is odd. Despite your following comments.

After about the 20th water glass fill, the teasing turned focus to Mikki who was obviously just as smitten as the boys who seemed to hover quite a lot more than normal.

Awwww.... get any numbers?

“Please Sir, may I have some more?”

With brown sugar please. Lots of it.

Clearly they had good reason to be smitten. But I’m not biased or anything.

No. They had good reason. Two very pretty young ladies. You have reason to be proud. :)

We had pizza too. It was okay, not amazing, not bad.


Every time we met up, no matter which day, they were faithfully wearing their “It’s Steppe’s Birthday” buttons.

:laughing: I think I like them.

OMG! That expression on your face! Love it!!

That’s the: You. Did. Not! (But I sure love it) Look.

::yes:: Exactly!

Awwww!!! I'm having a hard time figuring out which expression I like more...

I’ll bet if I’d asked for a photo with them, one on each side, they would have. You know, like some other people I know have done in similar fashion in Vegas. :rolleyes:

Nah, you have to have a certain amount of panache to pull that off... and I have no idea who you're talking about.

3, 2, 1…. Make a wish. (It wasn’t too terribly hard to come up with one given what was directly off my port and starboard sides.

oh my.

Family board!

Marv suggested the powder-sugared cheeseballs.

Hmmm... that doesn't sound appealing to me. But I take it they were tasty.


If you're looking for a GREAT pizza, leave Disney.


(That really makes it sound like I am out looking for hot, young men, doesn't it?)

Actually... Yes it does. What was Mike thinking about all this?

Now, what Steppe Chapter would be complete without a Hidden Mickey? Here is one that is pretty well known. I don't think it'll be too hard to find.

Found the one, only. Then again, didn't look overly hard for the other.
Sometimes I wonder... Are they really deliberate Hidden Mickeys? Or just three objects? That does happen.

I took my time, sipping by the pool. Mike was reading the paper in the Concierge Lounge,

Okay. I was going to ask earlier if Mike was there, but that answered it.

I really wanted to be down by the little ponds and fountain area with the view of EE, but instead they chose the nearest table up by the condiment stations and seating area entrance.


but the times we sit down for a meal, CS or otherwise, I want it to be relaxing and pretty and quiet.

Sure. That's not diva. That's just smart.

I about died laughing when one made off with and entire top bun from the kid at the next table.


Mike waited in line for 20 minutes to get me some (no exaggeration),

That's a good man you got there.

you'll have loads of extra time in the bathroom to read mediocre Trip Reports like this one.

Oh, pbbbbttttt... to you.
Hardly mediocre.
Fun and entertaining.

The salad dressing worth 20 minutes:

Brings a tear to my eye. A thing of beauty. :sad1:

Beans coulda been saucier in my book! ^^

Beans coulda been omitted in my book.

And then we're off the Keys for a Bonus TR!


Plus a 1 chapter Pre-Trippie just for your bathroom reading pleasure.

Yay again!
X is for: X-tra Hot Italians, an X-rated Lemonade, and Some Random X-tra Food Photos
Kind of a stretch since most of those should actually be an "E" :rolleyes1

You know, where those giant, flaming mouths are that spew hot air? They remind me a lot of our folks who work at East Capitol St NE and First.

“I’m celebrating” grin that was plastered all over my face for the entire 2 weeks? :D << It looked a bit like that.
You're still wearing that grin on your face, aren't you?

It was a nice meal. If you're looking for a GREAT pizza, leave Disney. If you're looking for an "okay" pizza in a fun atmosphere with hot, young men, this is your place.
Alright... first of all, it is better than okay. Maybe not the best pizza I've ever had, I'll give you that. But it is certainly better than okay!!!

And what about the Italian ladies? They've got some good eye candy there for the guys too, just sayin...
Great update.

I agree with your assessment of Via Nappoli. We ate here for the first time in May. It was just Dennis and I. I loved the light fixture when you first walk in. So colorful and fun. There were lots of attractive male cms. The pizza was just ok. Maybe it would have been a better meal if we had a large group of fun people. I enjoyed reading the fun y'all had. Sounds like your daughter enjoyed the environment too.
Finally! I've finally caught back up with you, dear Queen Steppe! I'm so excited for you and the adventure you're about to take! You and your team will be in my thoughts and prayers. Could you remind me of where to donate if you're still looking? We came home with a little extra money from our honeymoon budget (what!?? That NEVER happens!) and might be able to come up with a small donation.

I've so enjoyed your alphabetical TR, and am looking forward to the last couple of letters. :)
Finally! I've finally caught back up with you, dear Queen Steppe! I'm so excited for you and the adventure you're about to take! You and your team will be in my thoughts and prayers. Could you remind me of where to donate if you're still looking? We came home with a little extra money from our honeymoon budget (what!?? That NEVER happens!) and might be able to come up with a small donation.

I've so enjoyed your alphabetical TR, and am looking forward to the last couple of letters. :)

I've been watching your progress as you've worked your way through the alphabet this morning! LOL! When you're gone as long as you were, yes!, it takes forever to get caught back up. I try my best, but sometimes it's all you can do to read, and I love that you've chosen to read mine and hang out with us! By the way, I'll say it again here: Congratulations on your, what looked like, amazing and magical wedding!

Here is the link to the Foundation we are partnering with:

ZaindrissFoundation dot org

We still need approximately $1,000 for travel/airline tix, room and board. Any gift is perfect and will be used to the very best of our ability. We have some useful and helpful trainings to impart and are prayerful that they will make a lasting difference. :)


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