Marathon Weekend 2018

Anther question. This time regarding the chEAR squad. My wife is in the platinum chEAR squad. How do ChEAR squad members get to Epcot? Do they take standard DIsney buses to the park, or are they permitted to ride with the runners? Sorry for the stupid questions.
@camaker I'm so sorry you are sick! But SAME! I woke up this morning with a sore throat and just generally feeling achey and hurting everywhere. DD28 stayed with me for the whole race, basically dragging me along. I’m trying not to ruin her vacation as I get sick every time we come to Disney! I have no idea how tomorrow is going to happen at this point either. Super bummed as this is my first Dopey and I’ve trained since July, also on a @DopeyBadger plan. My plan is to just start if I feel alive at all in the morning, doped up on DayQuil. I hope you feel better and are able to run. :(
Another rookie question. Sorry. Do I need to carry ID with me during the marathon? Just wondering how the checked gEAR bag works, and how I will retrieve t without a license? Unless of course i's ties to magic band or race bib. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
although you dont necessarily need id, I would advise it. Mostly for emergency reasons so medical personnel would know who you minimum fill out info on back of bib.
@camaker I'm so sorry you are sick! But SAME! I woke up this morning with a sore throat and just generally feeling achey and hurting everywhere. DD28 stayed with me for the whole race, basically dragging me along. I’m trying not to ruin her vacation as I get sick every time we come to Disney! I have no idea how tomorrow is going to happen at this point either. Super bummed as this is my first Dopey and I’ve trained since July, also on a @DopeyBadger plan. My plan is to just start if I feel alive at all in the morning, doped up on DayQuil. I hope you feel better and are able to run. :(

Feel better and well wishes!
Anther question. This time regarding the chEAR squad. My wife is in the platinum chEAR squad. How do ChEAR squad members get to Epcot? Do they take standard DIsney buses to the park, or are they permitted to ride with the runners? Sorry for the stupid questions.

I think any park after MK requires a park ticket if I remember correctly.
Anther question. This time regarding the chEAR squad. My wife is in the platinum chEAR squad. How do ChEAR squad members get to Epcot? Do they take standard DIsney buses to the park, or are they permitted to ride with the runners? Sorry for the stupid questions.
if you are referring to the race start and finish, then YES they can come on the bus with you or later on the runner bus.
@camaker, sorry you’re dealing with this! Hope you wake up feeling like you can give it a try.

Question: is there anywhere to change in the finish area post race? I want to change before my afternoon in Epcot, but not sure whether to have my family hold my stuff and change in the park or if there’s somewhere I can change at the finish and therefore I should check my stuff.
@camaker Pixie dust to you. We all wish we had magic healing powers (I'd take a few myself)

As for me, 3 down. So far so good (except for a chafing problem that I will NOT provide details of). Ran 5k at slow goal pace. 10k, a random guy ran with me cause he forgot his watch and asked what pace I was doing. First time I have ever done a race running with another person. We were okay the first few miles but then sped up a little.

Totally random...met the same guy again today and did first mile together. Ran my race a little faster than I wanted. Stupid on ramp with Sarge was my fastest mile.

Have to say, it's sorta fun to run not race. I was pretty smile-y..... definitely not me!

Tomorrow will be a challenge due to fatigue and chafing, but gotta get it done!
In case you're wondering, that was me who shouted your name just before the finish! We were waiting for some family members and I saw you go by. Good luck tomorrow!
Congratulations to everyone who had a great race today!

I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm flying solo this trip and could really use a shoulder to cry on.

I've had issues with getting to WDWMW injured the two times I've run it in the past. So Billy and I set up a plan designed to get me healthy to the starting line this year. Everything went just about as well as it could have and I came into the weekend planning to take it easy in the first three races and then take a shot at a marathon PR.

The 5k went great. Then Friday morning I got up with a cough that had settled into my chest. The 10k was run at one of my easy training paces and felt like the effort of a tempo run! Uh oh! I haven't been sick in years! I can only imagine that it was the combination of the stress of travel, my wife's surgery right before Christmas that didn't go well, and the abnormal cold and crowds here I'm not normally exposed to.

I hit the cold with everything they had in the gift shop here and didn't leave the resort yesterday. I came up with an energy conservation plan for the half using intervals I've had good luck with in the past. They worked. Right about to the MK. Fatigue started to set in and I couldn't forestall it. My stomach, abs and ribs ached from the cold air and coughing. I couldn't get warm. I fought it til the end, walking a lot of the last 5 miles. Hands down, the worst race of my life.

I don't have anything left in the tank. I'm drained. I don't want to risk another cold morning start and turning this cold into pneumonia if I don't have a realistic shot at finishing. I was supposed to support a coworker running her first marathon with her nerves in the corral. I'm going to let her down.

Now, I'm sitting in the room just down. This weekend was the culmination of anticipation that started with last year's cancelled half. A training plan of 522 miles executed to perfection to get me here and ready. All for nothing.

I shouldn't say all for nothing, I guess. I've enjoyed the morning pre-race meet ups. I was really looking forward to Hurricane Hannah's yesterday. And at least I'm here. Not everyone who signed up made it. At any rate, thanks for reading my pity party. I really needed to get it out to folks who would understand. I hope everyone running has a great marathon tomorrow!

I hate to read this. If you find yourself not starting tomorrow, are there any marathons local to you in 4-6 weeks you could enter? I know it is not the same as completing this challenge, but you have put in the work and deserve a race day!

I’m on track for this as well! :D

Slowest half ever for me today, which I knew going in, but really had to keep my ego in check. :rolleyes: Cone alley was extra painful. And by the time I made it to the sports beans, they were gone! I have never encountered this at a RunDisney event before.
I hate to read this. If you find yourself not starting tomorrow, are there any marathons local to you in 4-6 weeks you could enter? I know it is not the same as completing this challenge, but you have put in the work and deserve a race day!

Thanks for the suggestion! The training won't go to waste, regardless. I'm already signed up to attempt my first ultra in March.

You guys are a terrible influence. I felt some better getting out to the parks today. It was good to get my head clear and my chest even cleared up a bit with the combination of Mucinex and movement. I'm leaning towards trying the Mucinex pre-race and seeing what I can do. It would make a huge difference being able to breathe with a clear(ish) chest. Starting in Corral B gives me a big buffer on the balloon ladies, so maybe that in combination with some less aggressive intervals will get me across the line. Thanks again for the support and urging me to reconsider or at least not make a hasty decision.
We snagged a last minute Bay Lake Tower reservation, and I’m not sure if the monorail or bus is a better idea to get to the race? Anybody have any input? Please and thank you!
Did anyone catch a monorail or bus between 3:30 to 4 am today and have any issues? RunDisney emailed me that 4am was ok but of course the guide says 3:30.

I left the GF on the monorail at 3:35 and I slowly made my way to corral A and arrived there just before 5AM.

Tomorrow I'm leaving at 3:20 to 3:30
We snagged a last minute Bay Lake Tower reservation, and I’m not sure if the monorail or bus is a better idea to get to the race? Anybody have any input? Please and thank you!

Take the monorail and make sure you take the monorail back afterwards. Quick and easy.

Today the return bus took 1 hour!
Definitely do the monorail there and back - I stayed at Poly for Princess last year and the monorail was super fast going. I took a bus back (stupid move, my brain wasn't working) and the bus also took about an hour to get back which was not what I wanted.
Thanks for the suggestion! The training won't go to waste, regardless. I'm already signed up to attempt my first ultra in March.

You guys are a terrible influence. I felt some better getting out to the parks today. It was good to get my head clear and my chest even cleared up a bit with the combination of Mucinex and movement. I'm leaning towards trying the Mucinex pre-race and seeing what I can do. It would make a huge difference being able to breathe with a clear(ish) chest. Starting in Corral B gives me a big buffer on the balloon ladies, so maybe that in combination with some less aggressive intervals will get me across the line. Thanks again for the support and urging me to reconsider or at least not make a hasty decision.

I ran the first dumbo challenge under the mucinex fog and honestly don’t think I took a deep breath the whole 2 days.. it was my worst finish at the time but it still hold a bittersweet place in my history.. my goal was to just start and take it mile by mile.
Anyone got any last minute strategies for surviving the AK-to-HS section? I've heard it can be incredibly boring, so anything to make the time go by quickly (other than running faster) would be appreciated
My 5k/10k bib dropped somewhere in World Showcase. Mad at myself right now. Guess at least it isn’t the one I need tomorrow

You could always try calling lost and found if you really would like it back for the sentimental value. Someone may have picked it up/turned it in out of concern that it might be the one you need to run tomorrow!
Checking in.

1. I enjoyed meeting everyone at HH yesterday (? it seems like a week ago.) Thank you @Keels and @FFigawi !
2. I had a bad day today. Finished in around 2:15 but the ITB is shot. Combo of RCM a month ago and a 500 mile car trip. I expect a long day tomorrow. Seems only fitting that I kicked the marathon's butt a month ago and now it is time for it to kick my butt.

Good night all and have a good race tomorrow.
We’re in the room lounging in bed. Alarm is set for 2:45am. As Shaun wants the pre order jacket. I’m going to try to buy it for him tomorrow morning at the merchandise tent since they told me that is when extras would be done. Maybe I’ll see you all tomorrow at the meet up!

I’ll then head to ttc to cheer until he passes then back to the boardwalk until he gets near dhs. Good luck tomorrow!


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