The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: I don’t need recovery after a 5K or 10K. I have only run one half marathon (2017 PHM). After the race I stretched, showered and took a nap. I felt great and went to MK in the afternoon, ate a huge dinner at BOG and stayed through the fireworks. Monday was when it hit me. My 3 hour drive home felt like 6. I slept the afternoon away. I wasn’t sore at all, but the fatigue was really bad!
Monday ATTQOTD: I have not ran for a charity. However, my dad owns a gymnastics facility and he puts on charity functions from time to time. Since my husband and I like to race, he got in touch with Relay for Life and they want to work with us to put on a 5K! We're hoping to do it sometime this year, but it'd be cool to do it this June and mark my mom's 1-year cancer free anniversary.

Today's ATTQOTD: I am so hit or miss with recovery. Sometimes a simple 4 mile training run will knock me down and sometimes I'm perfectly fine after a tough race....I have no idea why. Typically though, day 2 is the worst.
Haven't for any race, although I've supported family doing it (American Cancer Society) and have met some lovely people supporting charities during races (was really impressed with the Crohn's/Colitis team at RNR NOLA last year). I've got similar misgivings about fundraising as others, not least of which is that it feels like I'd essentially be asking others to subsidize my entry to a race. I know that's not really the case, but that's what it feels like to me...

I cannot speak to other charities, but I once attended a Team in Training organizational meeting and that is exactly what it is - soliciting donations to subsidize your race. As I recollect, you had a choice of several races. Local races required a minimum fundraising threshold and significant travel required a much higher threshold. Donations up to the threshold covered your expenses (entry fees, flight, hotel) and beyond that the money went to the charity. If you did not solicit the minimum requirement you would be personally responsible for covering the difference.

The organizers were not shy about this and neither were many of the attendees. For some it was simply a way to have an expenses paid trip to a nice location.
ATTQOTD (Monday): I didn't necessarily run for a charity, but I did fund raise for the Run Across Georgia last year that benefits House of Heroes. I raised a whopping $150, thanks to my parents, grandparents and in-laws. LOL. I was always too afraid to post on social media.

ATTQOTD (today): 5ks, 10ks and half marathons I have found I am normally okay after, unless I race them with a hard effort. Then normally immediately following the race is the worst for me. It is pretty much the same after a marathon because I hurt the worst right when I finish and the soreness starts to go away once I keep moving. I have never sat down for an extended period of time after a half or full, so I think that helps. I am also normally in a weird daze right after the finish line, so this Sunday I wandered around like a lost child with my snack box, Powerade, water and all that other stuff they handed me until I found my mom and headed back to the hotel.
I cannot speak to other charities, but I once attended a Team in Training organizational meeting and that is exactly what it is - soliciting donations to subsidize your race. As I recollect, you had a choice of several races. Local races required a minimum fundraising threshold and significant travel required a much higher threshold. Donations up to the threshold covered your expenses (entry fees, flight, hotel) and beyond that the money went to the charity. If you did not solicit the minimum requirement you would be personally responsible for covering the difference.

The organizers were not shy about this and neither were many of the attendees. For some it was simply a way to have an expenses paid trip to a nice location.

The charity I'm racing with will subsidize travel and other costs up to $600 if you reach a certain amount of donations over the $500 minimum (I would need to get to just shy of $5,000 to any sort of reimbursement or money toward my race). I will not be getting any money toward my hotel or travel - everything is on me. I'm hopeful that means that the $500 that I am donating will go straight to the organization!

That said, there are some charities where clearly the money raised goes right back into the runners instead of the organization. That's why I really stress the importance of making sure it's a charity that you believe in and feel good about working with!
ATTQOTD: I usually figure a few days of being sore after a half, with the day after being the worst. As others have said, I definitely was less sore after my Disney half due to all of the walking, but at the same time, I was considerably more exhausted.
WOW! When I ran with a charity bib in 2013 the min. was $4,000 plus some fees and entry into the race. I was lucky and had a few people make most of the contribution, but if they had not I was prepared to pay whatever mark I did not make. 10k is a lot and fundraising is not a easy task.

The minimum is now $5,000 plus the entry fee. However, the average last year per entry was something like $11,000 raised. Even if you qualify for Boston on time, but want to run with the charity you are still required to raise the minimum. People around here don't really have a hard time raising the money. They do big fundraising events many times in the form of silent auctions and usually get the prizes donated. Marathon Monday is such a big deal around here that people usually have no problem donating, which is nice. Still too rich for my blood.
I cannot speak to other charities, but I once attended a Team in Training organizational meeting and that is exactly what it is - soliciting donations to subsidize your race. As I recollect, you had a choice of several races. Local races required a minimum fundraising threshold and significant travel required a much higher threshold. Donations up to the threshold covered your expenses (entry fees, flight, hotel) and beyond that the money went to the charity. If you did not solicit the minimum requirement you would be personally responsible for covering the difference.

The organizers were not shy about this and neither were many of the attendees. For some it was simply a way to have an expenses paid trip to a nice location.

With mine I'm paying the cost of my registration with my own money. So that the money people donate to me goes right to the charity. I personally would feel weird if I got a paid for vacation when that could go towards a charitable cause?
I’m a bit behind this week.

ATTQOTD Mon: I have not had experience yet running for a charity, so stay tuned for my recap in October. Like some have mentioned, I have registered with Girls on the Run for the Chicago Marathon 2018. I was very close to signing up with them even prior to the lottery because I have stopped at their expo booths on at least three or four occasions because I’ve just be drawn to their charity/programs. But I decided to go the lottery route and was not accepted that way. It didn’t take me long to decide this was my year to both run the marathon but also to get involved. By waiting until after the lottery, my minimum went up $500 so I probably should have just signed up from the get-go, but at least now the charity will get more from me.

It was not an easy decision because of all the reasons everyone listed here already. I sell stuff all day at work, but this is different. I never wanted to get to a point where I was being pushy so I’ve left everything very open (and I will never get upset that any particular person does not donate…I’m more surprised by how many people have donated!) I also told myself that I would only do it if I was OK with fronting ANY cost I could not raise. And I 100% want to be involved way more than just running with a bib and special singlet. So I will be volunteering at all of their 5k races this year, mentoring, and if I can find a program close enough I’d like to commit to an assistant coach role if possible. That part may need to wait until post October, but I’d like to be involved past my race anyways. I’m at 70% of my goal and I have a lot of people here to thank. I never expected that. I have family, my company, and soon my husband’s company to thank too and then I think I’ll be at my 100% before the end of the month. But I’m still going to volunteer and mentor…that’s super important to me!!

I’ll get back to you all on perks…since I haven’t done it yet.

ATTQOTD TUES: The day off I tend to be running on some kind of adrenaline. I usually feel it more the day after a race. When I stick to training I tend to recover very well. Even after my last two halfs, I didn’t feel demolished. It took me what felt like a month (but less) to recover from my first 10k because I had been sick leading up to it and wore shoes that were way too old.

I still like to take it easy for a few days and definitely with running – just easy miles – and on the easy end of my paces for a little while!!!

A date late and somewhat off-topic.

I volunteered as an assistant coach for GOTR for the first time this past Fall. It was fun and challenging at the same time. Challenging because we are DINKs and I do not interact with children much. The 5k was a lot of fun and again, challenging, as I had to take over the role of head coach because the head coach could not be there. Seeing the girls complete the race was very rewarding! Being a coach provided an opportunity I would not have had other wise - our chapter hosted Loretta Claiborne for a showing of the movie about her life and Q and A then pictures with her afterwards. You can also find her speeches on YouTube. (sorry if this is a repeat of this story, I know DH posted about this).

On the topic of fund-raising, during my training class some of the other coaches inquired about fundraising; if someone they knew wanted to donate. Honestly, this had never entered my mind and I am uncomfortable asking people for money. About a month later DH and I were on vacation and met the CEO of a company in the town where we live. Right before Christmas I sent him a personal letter asking him to consider supporting GOTR. I was not optimistic but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I had not read my emails in a few days and on Christmas saw there was an email from him. To my surprise he said he would be happy to support the highest contributor level listed in the Sponsorship packet I had sent!!

I am looking forward to coaching again in the Spring and experiencing the challenges and rewards that come with mentoring Girls!!

QOTD: How long does it take you to recover from a hard race? Which day seems to be worse?

As a slower, less mileage, interval runner, my recovery tends to be more mental. After my best half to date, I don't think I wanted to run for like a month. haha. Luckily, I had another race coming up, but my heart really wasn't in it. Also, most of my irritations come from being dehydrated (headaches usually). Just living dat-to-day I'm probably in a constant state of dehydration. lol.
Hello... leaving Disney and feeling bummed! Had a great weekend but def carried some mixed emotions. I signed up for the 1/2 in early “17, had never run in my life but started. My motivation took me to 6miles and I gave up. Had no idea what I gave up on until I stood at the finish line this Sunday watching and listening to such inspirational people cross that finish line. I stood there watching & cheering - super proud of my BF for working through his challenges this year and crossing that finish line. So disappointed in myself for not listening to his support & encouragement when I gave up.
Met some very supportive people at the meet up Monday. I’m looking forward to 2018. I’ve set new goals for myself I want to accomplish. I’m tired of being disappointed in myself and having no confidence. I want to start running again, I want to drop 50lbs and feel happy with myself. I’m signing up for a 10K for June.
My BF told me you guys have been a great group of support for him and I was hoping to find some positive vibes from you all!
Thank you :earsboy:
And congrats to all those who ran dis this wkend!
ATTQOTD: At least initially, I have had very different experiences with my two marathons. In October, I hung around post race for about 30 minutes, then had to get in a car for 5 hours. Every time I did have to get up I was very sore and stiff. But I woke up feeling better than expected on Monday. And I think I ran again for the first time Wednesday, slow and short.

Sunday after WDW, I felt ok, went into Epcot, had lunch at San Angel Inn, walked around a bit, did the Mickey and Pals character stop for pictures, then back to the resort late afternoon before heading out to Citricos for dinner. Felt ok the whole time. But Monday, I was sore, my shins in particular, which I never recall being particularly sore after any run or race. Walking around AK all day was doable but slower than normal at times. I think this week it will be at least Thursday before I attempt a run. Maybe Friday. I don't normally need much recovery after 10ks or even halves, but I don't run too fast either ;)

@LSUlakes here's my update for this weekend:

I was recovering from an upper respiratory illness both days so I took it easy with lots of pictures and rode RnRC enroute to the marathon finish:)

05 - DCVFan1994 - WDW 10k (NG / 1:07:15)
07 - DVCFan1994 - WDW Marathon (Finish/6:21:59)

While the marathon is over 1:15:00 greater than my first, the 18 picture stops and roller coaster ride made the extra time totally worth it!
QOTD: How long does it take you to recover from a hard race? Which day seems to be worse?

I take a week or so to recover from a hard marathon. The soreness is usually gone within a few days (day two seems to be worse), but the exhaustion lingers for a bit longer. I find swimming and light spinning on the trainer help get me going in the meantime.
I take a week or so to recover from a hard marathon. The soreness is usually gone within a few days (day two seems to be worse), but the exhaustion lingers for a bit longer. I find swimming and light spinning on the trainer help get me going in the meantime.
Day 2 is usually the worst day for me too. Haven’t done a full for nearly 10 years but I well remember the pain and the looong break from running. When I did my half last year I was back our running a couple of days later, but I think that was more because I was in a good running habit, rather than running for the event.
QOTD: How long does it take you to recover from a hard race? Which day seems to be worse?

ATTQOTD: The duration for recovery varies for me. Shorter races typically dont have the long lasting effects of the marathon distance, but do require some easy runs. Post marathon, I find it take about two weeks before I am ready to start any hard running again. The day after the marathon is usually the worse for me. Coming in second is about 2-3 hours after the race. I deal with frequent leg cramps during both despite my best efforts to take fluids and nutrients. The sore legs the next day only add to it. By day 3 I am usually over the soreness, and will try a easy run by day 4.

It really depends on the race and how I feel after. I have had 10k's where I was more sore than a 1/2. I have three marathons under my belt and the 2nd I wasn't sore at all which is ironic, since that's the one I tore my tendon. I am still in a decent amount of pain from Sunday's race. I went to AK Sunday night and Epcot all day yesterday both of which hurt. But, it's only pain.

Hello... leaving Disney and feeling bummed! Had a great weekend but def carried some mixed emotions. I signed up for the 1/2 in early “17, had never run in my life but started. My motivation took me to 6miles and I gave up. Had no idea what I gave up on until I stood at the finish line this Sunday watching and listening to such inspirational people cross that finish line. I stood there watching & cheering - super proud of my BF for working through his challenges this year and crossing that finish line. So disappointed in myself for not listening to his support & encouragement when I gave up.
Met some very supportive people at the meet up Monday. I’m looking forward to 2018. I’ve set new goals for myself I want to accomplish. I’m tired of being disappointed in myself and having no confidence. I want to start running again, I want to drop 50lbs and feel happy with myself. I’m signing up for a 10K for June.
My BF told me you guys have been a great group of support for him and I was hoping to find some positive vibes from you all!
Thank you :earsboy:
And congrats to all those who ran dis this wkend!

Let me be the first to welcome you. It sounds like you had a good experience watching the race Sunday. Motivation comes from manly different places. It sounds like you have a really supportive boyfriend, you should listen to him. We all have a story on this thread. If you follow along, participate in the question of the day. We usually have a question where everyone shares their story. You will see you aren't alone. Here's the thing, I have passed blind people during marathons, people with prosthetic legs, etc... there are a millions reasons NOT to better yourself if you look hard enough, but if you fight for yourself and do the work, the payoff to tremendous.

@FFigawi- John, it was nice meeting you in person. Thanks to you and @Keels for putting the meet up together. I didn't get to say bye to you Monday. We have a great group of people and it was nice meeting everyone. Hope to see you all again at a future race.
QOTD: How long does it take you to recover from a hard race? Which day seems to be worse?

It depends. For my last 2 marathons, I was running the next day, although very slowly. The hardest part was the middle of the night bathroom trip the first night. If I am not injured, I usually feel fine within a week or 2. 5k's beat me up. My lungs will hurt for 2 days from the burn.

I have really enjoyed reading everyone's recaps and stories. I have glanced ahead to next year and keeping WDW marathon on my radar. It is a week later next year which works so much better for my schedule. I don't know how you all do it right after the New Year.
Has anyone ordered shoes from runningwarehouse. com? Had ok luck?

They have my current shoes on (mega?) sale for $60... weird to get the exact same color?
I order from Running Warehouse frequently. There is always a coupon code online for more savings. They have a great return policy also. I typically wear the same shoe so it makes ordering easy. For the price of shoes, I never care what they look like even if I had that color scheme already.
I order from Running Warehouse frequently. There is always a coupon code online for more savings. They have a great return policy also. I typically wear the same shoe so it makes ordering easy. For the price of shoes, I never care what they look like even if I had that color scheme already.

Thank so much Wendy! I looked up a coupon code and feel like I just got the deal of the century on running shoes.


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