“It’s for your safety.”

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You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to feel the way I do. There's no reason to call someone really ridiculous just because you don't share their concerns. Am I freaked out about this? NO. But as I stated, the situation described by the OP would make me very uncomfortable and makes Disney appear very out of touch with current society. Like it or not, companies are getting in hot water left and right for less than this.

Yes, exactly this. I’m not actually worried that anyone is going to get attacked because of this (possibly, but not terribly likely) but I’m not going to call something okay because my likelihood of physical harm is low. People, especially women, yes, are dang tired of being made uncomfortable in public and they are certainly not going to put up with being made uncomfortable in PRIVATE, which is what a hotel room should be. And that doesn’t even address all the extremely legitimate other reasons why a family would want privacy in their room, from illness, to sleeping kids, to sex.
You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to feel the way I do. There's no reason to call someone really ridiculous just because you don't share their concerns. Am I freaked out about this? NO. But as I stated, the situation described by the OP would make me very uncomfortable and makes Disney appear very out of touch with current society. Like it or not, companies are getting in hot water left and right for less than this.
Note, the thing I said was ridiculous was wrapping it up in to the #metoo movement.
And I didn't call the person ridiculous either, just the thought of connecting Disney checking rooms and #metoo
This policy would not have prevented what happened in LV. Housekeeping had actually been in that guy's room. This policy actually won't prevent a whole lot. It's a smokescreen of security showmanship.
Do you know that for a fact? I sure don't.
Agreeing to “minor inconveniences” in the name of safety from the infinitesimally small likelihood of something like a mass shooting is precisely the beginning of the slippery slope to more and more “inconveniences” up to and including actual loss of rights.

There really aren’t a million different issues at play here, there is one: the fact that people who say they don’t want to be disturbed should not be disturbed. Wait an hour, send a text, check who is actually booked into the room and use your brain to see if there is a likelihood of them being a true security risk. There is ZERO NEED for this new policy much less the way it is being implemented. This will stop ZERO attacks and could instead endanger guests or at the very least negatively affect their stay.

Yeah, it’s easy to dismiss something like an assault as an inconvenience until it happens to you. Which do you think is more likely - that Disney will stop a mass shooting or that some Disney employee (or even non-employee who gets wind of this policy) will take advantage of this new protocol? Heck, even if every single person is safe as houses, that doesn’t excuse having a policy that is GUARANTEED to cause issues for hotel guests either mentally or physically.
In my opinion the odds of either happening are too small to measure.
Interactions with housekeeping can be as simple as seeing them in the hall. You say you've read he had housekeeping in the room. And I've read he didn't. I think we all know how reliable things read on the Internet are.
The fact does remain he could have had housekeeping and could have still had the weapons in the room and stored away.
You are correct in that a security check would have likely NOT prevented his attack. We don't know one way or another as no one know exactly how he had things in that room as no one here was in that room before hand. Nor was anyone else, no matter what folks say online.
But, hotels do feel they need to do something. An eyes on check of every room is something. It's about all they can do. Or do you have a better suggestion.
Clearly, there is a better way to do an eyes on check of every room, there is no question there. But I'm not going to blame them for wanting to do one. Now they need to figure out the right way to get it done.



And yes I know what interactions can mean. But I suppose if you have more questions you could contact the representative for MGM Resorts.

But I mean really that's neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things. The attack happened at night regardless of having housekeeping come that day or not or having a security check or not you're not having someone at 10pm at night (which is around the time of the attack). And it is just as easy for someone to see that housekeeping was done or that their security check was over and do something.

The poster said "I’d rather have a minor inconvience in my day than something like what happened in LV." That kind of stance sounds an awful like cause and effect type thinking. Security/housekeeping (aka minor inconvience)=something like what happened in Vegas not occuring.

Hotels feeling like they need to do something is more likely because of how MGM Resorts is being sued. I'm not blaming Disney (I don't believe I said that) but I do want Disney to be clear and transparent about it and handle it in the most professional way possible. I'm not one to have housekeeping everyday but if you were to tell me that the catalyst for having a person knock on my door randomly (or that I need to schedule--again scheduling sounds strange when you think about it) needing to enter my room to do a quick peek around was me declining housekeeping for more than 24 hours I would have just simply used housekeeping everyday to prevent that. That is me personally though I get what other people issues are and what issues present when you're in the room the whole day. But in order for me to do that I need to be clearly told this is what happened and what to expect if I do decline housekeeping (as in the procedure). It needs to be done in a uniform way so that all guests have the same information in order to make an informed decision.
Agreeing to “minor inconveniences” in the name of safety from the infinitesimally small likelihood of something like a mass shooting is precisely the beginning of the slippery slope to more and more “inconveniences” up to and including actual loss of rights.

There really aren’t a million different issues at play here, there is one: the fact that people who say they don’t want to be disturbed should not be disturbed. Wait an hour, send a text, check who is actually booked into the room and use your brain to see if there is a likelihood of them being a true security risk. There is ZERO NEED for this new policy much less the way it is being implemented. This will stop ZERO attacks and could instead endanger guests or at the very least negatively affect their stay.

Yeah, it’s easy to dismiss something like an assault as an inconvenience until it happens to you. Which do you think is more likely - that Disney will stop a mass shooting or that some Disney employee (or even non-employee who gets wind of this policy) will take advantage of this new protocol? Heck, even if every single person is safe as houses, that doesn’t excuse having a policy that is GUARANTEED to cause issues for hotel guests either mentally or physically.
I guess in my mind if people are that scared of a Disney employee knocking on their door to do a quick walkthrough then maybe they should stay somewhere else. There are plenty of places I personally wouldn’t visit as a solo female traveler but it’s not something that I complain about.
You know in Iceland you have to get naked in a public shower and visibly wash yourself before you can get into their pools/hot springs? Some people may not like this...so they just shouldn’t do it.
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And yes I know what interactions can mean. But I suppose if you have more questions you could contact the representative for MGM Resorts.

But I mean really that's neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things. The attack happened at night regardless of having housekeeping come that day or not or having a security check or not you're not having someone at 10pm at night (which is around the time of the attack). And it is just as easy for someone to see that housekeeping was done or that their security check was over and do something.

The poster said "I’d rather have a minor inconvience in my day than something like what happened in LV." That kind of stance sounds an awful like cause and effect type thinking. Security/housekeeping (aka minor inconvience)=something like what happened in Vegas not occuring.

Hotels feeling like they need to do something is more likely because of how MGM Resorts is being sued. I'm not blaming Disney (I don't believe I said that) but I do want Disney to be clear and transparent about it and handle it in the most professional way possible. I'm not one to have housekeeping everyday but if you were to tell me that the catalyst for having a person knock on my door randomly (or that I need to schedule--again scheduling sounds strange when you think about it) needing to enter my room to do a quick peek around was me declining housekeeping for more than 24 hours I would have just simply used housekeeping everyday to prevent that. That is me personally though I get what other people issues are and what issues present when you're in the room the whole day. But in order for me to do that I need to be clearly told this is what happened and what to expect if I do decline housekeeping (as in the procedure). It needs to be done in a uniform way so that all guests have the same information in order to make an informed decision.
He had cameras, wires, over 20 guns, computers set up...but obviously everyone is entitled to believe what they want.
Note, the thing I said was ridiculous was wrapping it up in to the #metoo movement.
And I didn't call the person ridiculous either, just the thought of connecting Disney checking rooms and #metoo

I was one of the people you quoted and I did mention the me too movement, so your comment did seem aimed at myself and others who made the same points here. In my opinion, Disney is "really ridiculous" for implementing this policy in the way that they have.
He had cameras, wires, over 20 guns, computers set up...but obviously everyone is entitled to believe what they want.

That stuff was set up that day, shortly before the attack, unless you believe the cart he installed a camera on in the hallway somehow stayed in the same place for multiple days. The sheriff who looked at the room afterwards said that his arsenal was hidden away.
I was one of the people you quoted and I did mention the me too movement, so your comment did seem aimed at myself and others who made the same points here. In my opinion, Disney is "really ridiculous" for implementing this policy in the way that they have.
And I agree with you there.
But I'm not backing off the thought that this really has zero to do with #metoo.
And I agree with you there.
But I'm not backing off the thought that this really has zero to do with #metoo.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that it is directly related but instead that IN THIS CURRENT CLIMATE, enacting a policy that is obviously going to put single women. in particular, at a disadvantage is simply going to be viewed as unacceptable no matter how you slice it.
Going back to the OP here for a minute, I had a thought, is there any way the housekeeper could have thought you were at risk for some reason? Did you look ill and being alone could she have been concerned? Did the headache give you black eyes? I know some can get them from extreme headaches. I just wonder if she somehow misconstrued your situation and got security to come check on you for some reason?
While that by no means excuses it, just offering up an explanation that struck me just now.
I say it doesn't excuse it because a housekeeper should be making that type of evaluation really.
That stuff was set up that day, shortly before the attack, unless you believe the cart he installed a camera on in the hallway somehow stayed in the same place for multiple days. The sheriff who looked at the room afterwards said that his arsenal was hidden away.
That wasn’t the only camera. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion.
I don’t think anyone is arguing that it is directly related but instead that IN THIS CURRENT CLIMATE, enacting a policy that is obviously going to put single women. in particular, at a disadvantage is simply going to be viewed as unacceptable no matter how you slice it.

Thank you. That is the point I was trying to get across but I guess I wasn't communicating clearly enough.
Going back to the OP here for a minute, I had a thought, is there any way the housekeeper could have thought you were at risk for some reason? Did you look ill and being alone could she have been concerned? Did the headache give you black eyes? I know some can get them from extreme headaches. I just wonder if she somehow misconstrued your situation and got security to come check on you for some reason?
While that by no means excuses it, just offering up an explanation that struck me just now.
I say it doesn't excuse it because a housekeeper should be making that type of evaluation really.

From the OP's description, the security officer did not seem that concerned about her. He asked if her lights were working as he walked into her room?? I can totally understand why she wouldn't feel comfortable going back to her room until her family got back. That would creep me out and have all of my bs alarms going off.
Going back to the OP here for a minute, I had a thought, is there any way the housekeeper could have thought you were at risk for some reason? Did you look ill and being alone could she have been concerned? Did the headache give you black eyes? I know some can get them from extreme headaches. I just wonder if she somehow misconstrued your situation and got security to come check on you for some reason?
While that by no means excuses it, just offering up an explanation that struck me just now.
I say it doesn't excuse it because a housekeeper should be making that type of evaluation really.
I realize we are just speculating, but if for some reason the housekeeper was concerned, shouldn't she have quickly touched base with the RPC CL CM's?
I am still wondering if the OP talked to someone on the RPC CL staff.
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