No Show Today

rteetz - that is a valid point. However, I think most would agree that what is important is having a reliable, consistent show over a Live show. It seems that the priority in them doing a Live show is effecting the number of of the Unplugged Shows they are able to produce. Most other quality YouTube channels produce a show and are consistent in having it up and are not as focused on the live aspect. But you know the show is going to be there - that is what matters.
I agree. I do not feel that the prerecorded Dis Unplugged Tuesday shows are any worse than the live ones. I do miss it when they do not have a show at all though. I dont see an issue with them doing this week's show in a few days when Pete is feeling well, or them just having another site to do a show and Craig runs it or something (but it is always best with Pete).
Hey come yous guys, can't you just wish the team good health and move on?? (This isn't applicable to everyone on here of course)

There's still plenty of other content to watch/listen to!
While I miss the Tuesday show, I just looked at shows put out in May so far
DISUnplugged Podcast 5/1
Best & Worst 5/2
DISUnplugged Universal 5/3
Connecting with Walt 5/4
Disney Dining Show 5/4
Dreams Unlimited 5/7

It's only May 9th. This does not even count VLogs
Daaaang. You guys are savage! It's just a show. There are other very fulfilling things in your lives to fill time.
That’s kind of our point... I have a finite number of hours to listen to stuff during the day, and it’s very easy for me (and probably countless others) to take this show out of rotation; and it may neve reclaim its place. I’ve gone from listening to Jim & Sam most days to never at all, from listening to to all of the disunplugged shows the moment they came out to just catching up with them when I can... they stopped doing the universal show live and that feels like it’s almost vanished, the disneyland show has gone... they can’t expect people to pony up $50 a month for Patreon content when the main stuff isn’t consistent.

I guess as the song goes, “if I hadn’t seen such riches, I could live with being poor”....
While I miss the Tuesday show, I just looked at shows put out in May so far
DISUnplugged Podcast 5/1
Best & Worst 5/2
DISUnplugged Universal 5/3
Connecting with Walt 5/4
Disney Dining Show 5/4
Dreams Unlimited 5/7

It's only May 9th. This does not even count VLogs

Ya rly.
If people dont know, those other shows are on separate podcast feeds, so sub to them to get more #content
I guess as the song goes, “if I hadn’t seen such riches, I could live with being poor”....

I think Zero was talking about the DIS when he said this...

“Lord who made the lion and the lamb,
You decreed I should be what I am
Would it spoil some vast, eternal plan,
If I were a wealthy man?”

Daidle deedle daidle
Daidle daidle deedle daidle du
While I miss the Tuesday show, I just looked at shows put out in May so far
DISUnplugged Podcast 5/1
Best & Worst 5/2
DISUnplugged Universal 5/3
Connecting with Walt 5/4
Disney Dining Show 5/4
Dreams Unlimited 5/7

It's only May 9th. This does not even count VLogs
I think the point myself and others are making is the Tuesday show is their flagship show, and the one that is the more generalized in content. I don't get into most of the other shows they do as I don't have the same level of interest. I do watch Best and Worst but none of the others. There is no reason the DIS show needs to be live as they dont take comments from youtube live and discuss on the show itself or anything like that. There is so much content on youtube that they can end up getting pushed aside as youtube will recommend other channels based on what you watch. I would hate for the DIS to lose viewers and supporters because they start reducing their main content because they feel a need to make it a live show.
I think the point myself and others are making is the Tuesday show is their flagship show, and the one that is the more generalized in content. I don't get into most of the other shows they do as I don't have the same level of interest. I do watch Best and Worst but none of the others. There is no reason the DIS show needs to be live as they dont take comments from youtube live and discuss on the show itself or anything like that. There is so much content on youtube that they can end up getting pushed aside as youtube will recommend other channels based on what you watch. I would hate for the DIS to lose viewers and supporters because they start reducing their main content because they feel a need to make it a live show.
But someone in the thread complained about the 7in7 being put in place of the show while they traveled, which is pre-recorded content. I have also seen them put up a Vlog in the parks when the Tuesday show was cancelled. So only a pre-recorded format of the Tuesday show is acceptable?
I don't know all the reasons it is live, but there is also only so much pre-recording of the Tuesday show that can be accomplished and it still be what it is. Personally, I think that show needs to be very timely. I'm guessing it does for you as well, otherwise the other content would be acceptable to you. Many of the people in the Tuesday show have other jobs, so say they didn't do it live, they still have to have a preset time to record it every week or shows would be missed. It's not like they can record 4 of the "flagship shows" on May 1st and then put them out the rest of the month. News discussion and rapid fire wouldn't work in that format.
I sincerely hope Petes health improves soon .
And Craig-thanks for all keeping us in the loop.
Pete’s not feeling well and asked us all to stay away from the studio today. Sorry!


We have just returned at the weekend and visited some of your faves for foodie delights.
Hoop dee doo -a big whoop!!

Gasparilla island grill- the chicken & Brie gave my dd the mouth feels also. :rainbow:
Hope Pete gets better! At least we got a whole sentence out of Craig! :) The last time we had a thread with this title his post was one word. I'm waiting for the sentence "Pete had to bail Teresa out of Jail" maybe he needs to get a little creative.
Hopefully this helps answer some questions...

1. Pete is the boss and we listen to him. He wants his show live and we make it happen and when he wants to sub in for pre-recorded shows we listen, and at the end of he day it is all his choice and we are doing his bidding.
2. The shows are recorded out of Pete's house and when he says we can't come over, we can't come over and that's that.
3. We realize that it does throw people out of their loop when the podcast doesn't come out, but 99% of the time we try to make up for it with extra content. We know this is benefits video viewers more than audio listeners, but we could just do nothing and leave it at that.
4. The Universal Show sadly will never be live again. At this point we struggle to get it pre-recorded in the studio in the days that we have over there to do so and we'd lose another day of park time to being in the studio and it's kind of hard to proclaim that you're experts at helping plan perfect vacations when you never spend time in the parks.
5. The Disneyland Show will be back soon - it will be different, but it will be back soon.
6. Finally, Ryno and I both loved doing DIS POP, but it just wasn't working as a weekly show and the audience retention didn't help the case. It's essentially the same as a TV show you love getting cancelled after the first season. If only more people would've tuned in, the network probably wouldn't have cancelled it.
Hopefully this helps answer some questions...

1. Pete is the boss and we listen to him. He wants his show live and we make it happen and when he wants to sub in for pre-recorded shows we listen, and at the end of he day it is all his choice and we are doing his bidding.
2. The shows are recorded out of Pete's house and when he says we can't come over, we can't come over and that's that.
3. We realize that it does throw people out of their loop when the podcast doesn't come out, but 99% of the time we try to make up for it with extra content. We know this is benefits video viewers more than audio listeners, but we could just do nothing and leave it at that.
4. The Universal Show sadly will never be live again. At this point we struggle to get it pre-recorded in the studio in the days that we have over there to do so and we'd lose another day of park time to being in the studio and it's kind of hard to proclaim that you're experts at helping plan perfect vacations when you never spend time in the parks.
5. The Disneyland Show will be back soon - it will be different, but it will be back soon.
6. Finally, Ryno and I both loved doing DIS POP, but it just wasn't working as a weekly show and the audience retention didn't help the case. It's essentially the same as a TV show you love getting cancelled after the first season. If only more people would've tuned in, the network probably wouldn't have cancelled it.

I'm not sure how it works but do you guys look at both YouTube views and podcast downloads on deciding whether or not to renew a show?
I do recall a few months ago Ryan and Craig did do a live Q&A from the Grand Floridan(?) in place of the in studio show. I understand that's not always feasible but something like that every now and again could be something to replace the live show if an illness comes up.


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