Please Stop Trying to Hold My Hand...We're Going to Conorado Springs! - A May 2018 TR *COMPLETE 11/8


DIS Veteran
Jan 7, 2017
Hello, humans, and welcome to another trip report!


My name is Lindsey, and I will be your ghost host, your skipper, and your narrator for this adventure. :wave: This May 2018 trip to WDW was a girls’ trip for me and my cousin in celebration of the end of our freshman year of college.:flower1: We had an absolute blast, and I already wish we could go back and do it again. If you’re interested in reading all about the planning that went into this trip, you can find my PTR "We Survived Freshman Year...So We're Going to Disney!" HERE. But, for now, everyone please keep their hands, arms, feet, legs, flippers, and fins inside the clam shell at all times as we present...

Please Stop Trying to Hold My Hand…We’re Going to Conorado Springs!

(And, yes, I know I misspelled Coronado. :thumbsup2)

"WHEN Do We Have to Get Up?" (Travel Day)

Part 1
Part 2
"This Is Not Infinity War!" (Day 1)
Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5
"Can You Come with Me for a Second?" (Day 2)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"It's George and Martha Washington's Wedding!" (Day 3)
Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
"Conorado Springs" (Day 4)
Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

[URL=""]"The Bangs!" (Day 5)[/URL]

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First things first: who
ARE we?

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Hi, there! I’m
Lindsey, and I’m a 19 year-old college student and lover of all things Disney. This was my 12th trip to WDW. Some of my Disney favorites…

Favorite Ride: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Character: Tinker Bell
Favorite Princess: Belle or Moana
Favorite Disney Restaurant: Be Our Guest
Favorite Disney Snack: Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich or Frozen Lemonade Slushy
Favorite Disney Song: “Go the Distance”

My partner-in-crime is my cousin
Kelsey! We’re the same age, and we have been best friends our entire lives. This was her 4th trip to WDW. Some of her Disney favorites…

Favorite Ride: Tower of Terror
Favorite Park: Disney’s Hollywood Studios
Favorite Character: Kiara
Favorite Princess: Belle
Favorite Disney Restaurant: Be Our Guest
Favorite Disney Snack: Raspberry Lemonade Slushy
Favorite Disney Song: “We Are One”

That’s us! The two of us always have so much fun together, and this trip really was the best way to celebrate the end of freshman year!

So, now that you know the WHO, here’s a little more basic info for our trip.

WHO: Kelsey and me
WHAT: A Girls’ Trip to WDW!
WHEN: May 7-12, 2018
WHERE: Art of Animation and Coronado Springs
WHY: We survived freshman year!

That's pretty much it for the basic info. I’ll be back soon with the first real update: travel day!! :cool1:
I'm here!!!!

I was just thinking yesterday whether I had missed you starting your new trip report! Good timing! Can't wait to hear all about your trip.
Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

Happy to have you!!

Sounds like fun! Joining in!

And congratulations on surviving your first year of college!

Welcome!! And thank you!!

Hi! :wave:


Yayyy!! :welcome:

I'm here!!!!

I was just thinking yesterday whether I had missed you starting your new trip report! Good timing! Can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Glad you're here!!

Following! Congrats on completing your first year, just a few more to go :goodvibes

Thank you so much!
"WHEN Do We Have to Get Up?"
Travel Day

Hi, friends! Welcome to the first official update for this TR!
Our adventure started very…very…very…early. We were leaving from Kelsey’s house, which is about 7-8 hours away from my house and the airport that we were flying out of. Kelsey’s older sister Emyle (pronounced Emily…my aunt swears she saw the spelling in a book somewhere, but we love to tease her about it) had graduated from college that weekend, so my mom and I had driven up for her graduation. Because of some other factors outside our control (see my PTR for the whole story), we couldn’t leave Kelsey’s house until early Monday morning.

So, my alarm went off at 3:15am. :scared1:

We all slowly got up and moving, and eventually we were functioning on some sort of basic level. We loaded up the car and were on the road by 4:15am. :car:

Kelsey went back to sleep almost immediately.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

I, on the other hand, was not allowed to sleep, because somebody had to keep my mom company while she drove.

Around 7:15 or so, we stopped at a Panera for breakfast. We placed the order to-go, made a quick bathroom stop, and were back on the road.

Because of the ungodly hour at which we left, we encountered very few other cars and were back at my house around 10:45am (probably the fastest we’ve ever made that trip basically ever).

My dog Bailey is literally obsessed with Kelsey, and vice versa. So much so, that Bailey completely ignored me when we got to the house and ran straight for Kelsey. It’s fine, I’m fine.

We ate lunch, did some last-minute packing, and put some makeup on (because that certainly didn’t happen at 3:30 in the morning). We loved on my puppies some more and were leaving for the airport sometime between 1:30 and 2:00pm.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Traffic wasn’t bad at all, so we made it to the airport in no time. We got our boarding passes, hugged my mom, and got in line for security.

Security didn’t take very long, and when we got to the other side, it was 2:20pm. We sent our moms this picture.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Our first stop was Starbucks! I tried to order a white chocolate mocha frappuccino, but they were out of the white chocolate mocha. Then I tried to order something else, but they were out of that too, so I ended up getting a caramel frappuccino. Kelsey tried to get an iced almond milk latte, but they were out of almond milk, so she got an iced soy latte. I also got a bag of popcorn, and Kelsey got a bag of salt and vinegar chips.

Coffee and snacks in hand, we made our way to our gate!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Following along. I was there at the same time - part solo / part with my brother and his family . Looking forward to reading about your adventures .
So, my alarm went off at 3:15am. :scared1:
:laughing: I know those early morning alarms are rough, but not quite as bad when they're for a Disney trip! I am not a morning person at all (and neither are my boys) but I do love taking early flights and getting to Disney early in the day, so I deal with waking up around 2-3 am for that.

Our first stop was Starbucks! I tried to order a white chocolate mocha frappuccino, but they were out of the white chocolate mocha. Then I tried to order something else, but they were out of that too, so I ended up getting a caramel frappuccino. Kelsey tried to get an iced almond milk latte, but they were out of almond milk, so she got an iced soy latte.
Uh-oh, my DH is a District Manager for Starbucks and he would NOT be happy to hear this! They should never be out of anything; unfortunately the Starbucks in airports aren't corporate stores and often don't follow the guidelines they're supposed to. Not that you care lol, but something I happen to know :D
Our first stop was Starbucks! I tried to order a white chocolate mocha frappuccino, but they were out of the white chocolate mocha. Then I tried to order something else, but they were out of that too, so I ended up getting a caramel frappuccino. Kelsey tried to get an iced almond milk latte, but they were out of almond milk, so she got an iced soy latte.

Wow, did they have anything?

Can't wait to read more!
Following along. I was there at the same time - part solo / part with my brother and his family . Looking forward to reading about your adventures .

How fun! Thanks for joining in!

:laughing: I know those early morning alarms are rough, but not quite as bad when they're for a Disney trip! I am not a morning person at all (and neither are my boys) but I do love taking early flights and getting to Disney early in the day, so I deal with waking up around 2-3 am for that.

Yes, thankfully, it didn't take long for us to remember that it was Disney Day, and that made everything so much easier!

Uh-oh, my DH is a District Manager for Starbucks and he would NOT be happy to hear this! They should never be out of anything; unfortunately the Starbucks in airports aren't corporate stores and often don't follow the guidelines they're supposed to. Not that you care lol, but something I happen to know :D

It flustered me a little bit because that's never really happened before, and I'm such a creature of habit that I almost always get the same things!

Wow, did they have anything?

Apparently they did have caramel:rotfl:
"WHEN Do We Have to Get Up?"
Travel Day, Part 2

Our flight was delayed by about 20 minutes or so, which wasn’t too bad. We started boarding right around 4:00 CT.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

The flight was blissfully uneventful. Kelsey took some anti-nausea medicine before our flight (she hadn’t been on a plane since she was 5 and wasn’t sure how she would handle it). About halfway through the flight she looked at me and said, “I actually really like this.”

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

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by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

She did say later, though, that she thought she probably would have felt sick if she hadn’t taken that medicine.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Then, right around 6:50pm ET, we were landing in Orlando!!

After happily disembarking from the plane, we made a quick bathroom stop before hopping on the fake-o-rail.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Of course, we had to stop to take pictures with the WDW sign.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We quickly made our way to the DME area and were shown to line number 6.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We had the whole line to ourselves! We only waited about 15 minutes or so, and then we were on our way!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

Soon, we were driving under this beauty!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

AoA was the first of 3 stops, and we arrived just before 8:30pm. We checked in and were soon off to the Little Mermaid section! We were staying in building 9: the Triton building!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We were on the top floor, which was great! Our room was just adorable, and we loved it!

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We dropped our stuff off before heading back to the food court to get something to eat. We had originally planned to eat in Disney Springs, but we were so hungry by this point that we didn’t think we could wait that long. We decided instead to share a make-your-own-pasta plate: linguine with alfredo sauce, chicken, and spinach.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

We also bought our refillable mugs at this point (we weren’t on a DDP, but we wanted the mugs anyway and used them a ton!).

It was so yummy, and we devoured it so fast.

by the2ndstar2theright, on Flickr

After we finished eating, we made our way to the Disney Springs bus stop. We waited about 15 minutes or so, and it was around 9:45pm when we reached Disney Springs. I got turned around, and we went the wrong way at first, but we eventually made our way to guest services. What we were told would be a 30 minute wait ended up being more like a 50 minute wait. Finally a CM took pity on me and helped me even though I don’t think my name was next. It quite literally took her 60 seconds to activate my AP, which was good because we were very ready to get back to the room at this point.

We were back at our bus stop at 10:40pm and waited about 15 minutes. When we got back to AoA, we stopped at the desk to get our grocery order. The CM found it, but she said that the box was really big and heavy. She said that if we didn’t mind waiting, someone could deliver it to our room the next day. Since the Little Mermaid rooms are a bit of a hike from the main building, we decided that was probably the best option.

So, we made our way back to our room, quickly washed faces and brushed teeth, and then crashed into bed right around midnight.
That is terrible about the Starbucks being out of everything I would have stumped as to what to order if I was confronted with "we're out of that" with every attempt to order.


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