What is the loudest thing you have slept through?

a burglar breaking in, eating and falling to sleep cause he is so high on my couch
I sleep with a white noise app turned up as loud as it will go, to cover the sound of my husband snoring. I sleep through just about anything. I’m always afraid I won’t hear an intruder or a smoke detector.
Horrible thunderstorms and tornados.

Dh laughs because I will sleep through the worst and loudest weather but let one of the kids when they were little or the grand kids now make a peep to slightly sound like the start of a cry and I am up like a shot!

Now I will wake up at the beginning of a a storm to let the dog in and to remove his collar (it will ping-the “shock” part is turned off-if the electricity goes off) and then go back to bed and sleep like a baby.
I slept through the fire alarm at my old apartment building once. My sister lived in the same building at the time and everyone evacuated and waited in the street while the firefighters cleared the building and my sister and her husband decided that since I wasn't outside I must have been at work (I worked alternating overnight and day shifts back then)... nope I was upstairs asleep - thankfully it was a false alarm!
An occasional thunder and lightening storm. I am a very light sleeper so for me to sleep thru that is amazing, I must of been tired. I used to hear my babies when they just started that first "peep" or "shriek" of a cry.

Now my husband sleeps thru me kicking him and telling him to stop snoring!!!
Not me, I'm a pretty light sleeper but we used to always joke that my Mother could sleep through a tornado - until she actually did. It completely destroyed 2 of her immediate neighbors houses and did some damage to hers. By the time she woke up and realized she needed to get to the basement it was already over.
When I was a kid, I could sleep through pretty much anything. When I was 8 or 9, a tornado hit in the middle of the night about 2 blocks away (destroyed a bank and a bookstore)...I slept through not only the sound of the tornado and the thunderstorm it came with, but also my stepfather picking me up out of bed and carrying me into the interior bathroom where the rest of my family was already huddled. I only woke up when my stepbrother physically shook me awake, and even then I was mostly out of it and dropped right back off to sleep when everyone went back to bed. I only have a very vague memory of that night, but my mother still tells the story at every family gathering :rolleyes:

I'm still a relatively heavy sleeper when it comes to noise, but movement will definitely wake me up (to the point that I find it very difficult to sleep with someone else in bed with me) and lights sometimes will.
When I was 12, our neighbors car caught fire and exploded in their driveway. The fire department came to put it out - sirens blaring, lights flashing (according to my mother). My bedroom window overlooked their driveway and I slept through it all. I was super confused when I woke up later that morning and looked out my window.

I used to be a sound sleeper...then I had children. Now I wake up to every little thing. I miss sleeping soundly.
Fire klaxon in my college dorm, complete with flashing lights. It was 140db, and about 15 feet from my bed. (Not only am I a very sound sleeper, but I've also got about a 25% hearing loss.)

My DS once slept through the Tarzan show at Animal Kngdom, for those who remember that. DD has slept through the Lion King show there on several occasions, normally seated somewhere in the first 10 rows.
I can sleep through anything other than someone snoring!! I have slept through rock concerts, shows, movies, parties- pretty much anything other than snoring!
When I was young, I slept through our neighbors house burning in the night. Old neighborhood, houses were approximately 12' apart. Unfortunately our neighbor and her 15 year old son both died.

Now as an adult, and mom, I can sleep through a thunderstorm, but all it takes is one of my kids whispering "mom" and I am wide awake.

I need to pick up a weather radio/alarm because with the windows closed with A/C I can't hear our nearest tornado siren.
Another light sleeper. My fan helps with white noise to drown out quieter sounds, but anything loud will wake me up.
Not the loudest, but I did sleep through pretty well my whole labour with my first! I was supposed to be induced the next morning, so they gave me something to sleep so I would wake up refreshed and ready to go. Half an hour later, my water broke, they announced that I was in real labour already and gave me an epidural. Nice and relaxed, I woke up 6 hours later fully dilated :).


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