Just off of the Wonder & Alaska

Did you plan time to visit Vancouver? It’s a huge mistake if you didn’t. There are businesses that will take your luggage to the airline and wait for you to pick him up at the airport after you’ve had your time visiting a local attraction. Like the bridge, the park, the market, absolutely amazing places that will be a huge mistake for you to miss.
I had no idea Vancouver was that interesting I am so glad I stayed two days before and two days after plan on spending a week there and I’ve never felt that way about a city before

We're arriving 3 days early to meet up with family flying in. Have lots planned for them to see the city and surrounding area. This is our second cruise to Alaska and their first.

Also I'm in graduate school and trying to minimize the away time.That's why we are arriving early for (US) Labor Day weekend.
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You're welcome. Another suggestion I have is the sky train. It's a 5 minute walk from the port. It takes you directly to the airport in about 20- 30 minutes and the cost is minimal. I thought it faster then waiting for a taxi. We left Cabanas at 830 and we're at the airport by 930.

Love the SkyTrain. This is our second cruise to Alaska but it's been 7 years and I couldn't remember the disembarking time. Airline threw us for a loop moving our departure time up almost 3 hours.
Well, DCL called me back about the kids' club incident.

Let's just say it was handled poorly on their end, with some pretty silly suggestions as my options.

I'm going to sit on this for a while and process the call. I might call back next week to ask to speak with a manager, but frankly, I don't even know what about.
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We just got off of the Wonder recently as well. We were on the San Diego to Vancouver cruise last month. It was our best cruise ever. Sure the food isn't fine dining but I liked it just the same. Staff was great. Our room steward, Wetan, was the best ever. Our server Ashle and Anna in the restaurant were outstanding. Disney did a great job pairing us with a family of 5 from Alabaster, Alabama. They were awesome. We miss them dearly.
Well, DCL called me back about the kids' club incident.

They basically put the blame on me for not talking to the clubs about it, which we did. We spoke to the Oceaneer CMs about it, who did not even apologize for not tending to our kid after the incident. Why anyone who is in charge of supervising kids not take an injury report, however minor or perhaps dramatic, seriously, I don't know. Why wouldn't you at least ask, "are you ok? Would you like me to call your parents?" if you didn't want to deal with it?

The rep I spoke to blamed me for not going to guest services, ok, fine. Again, I reiterated, I didn't go to guest services because my child didn't want me to, because he wanted to continue going to the clubs and not have tension or animosity with the staff there for reporting them, so I respected his wishes. That does not excuse the fact that your own trained CMs did not do their jobs! Which is what I want to address! I'm not writing to you to threaten a lawsuit. I want you to make sure people in charge of children DO THEIR JOBS! and help parents like me feel safe having their children under those employees' care.

The rep blamed me for not calling security...on who? On the kid that kicked mine, and took off without leaving his name, and no way to know where he was what room he was in before he took off? What do I say? My kid did the right thing. He told an adult in charge, which was an Oceaneer CM, right as it happened, when he could've pointed to and identify the kid who kicked him, and CMs did nothing. Other CMs also did nothing when we went back to report it and get ice packs. In fact, even then, the CMs didn't apologize for dropping the ball, they said, "I'm sorry it happened." Yeah, us too, but things like that do happen with kids, and we understand that, but why didn't you do your job? Often times, guests, especially parents dealing with an upset and hurt child don't know what the cruise line's procedures, chain of commands, are for situations like this, but their employees should. And really, what parents involves authorities for something so minor as one child kicking another? Why didn't the trained Youth Counselors do their job and at least check on the child when he said he was kicked, but instead, told him to quit faking it and to help pick stuff up? If calling security was warranted, why didn't the CMs know that was the procedure, and do it when we went back to tell them about the incident? Why wasn't the incident handled properly in the first place? The DCL rep didn't have an answer, but just told me that if I want to report it to the cops/authorities that I can, and they will cooperate. Report what? That a child under your care, kicked mine, kid didn't leave a name or contact info, and your employees didn't do what they were supposed to? Who do I report? What do I even tell the cops? She explained to me that DCL's policy is that the CMs will talk to the parents of the kid who is being unruly and if that doesn't stop they can be asked to not come back to youth activities. She also told me to call the cops because it was a guest to guest incident...but yeah, it happened in YOUR clubs, under the care of trained youth counselors who did nothing even when we did report it, including breaking your own policy of talking to the kid's parents.

I asked, how is a parent to feel safe with their child under a brand like known for being family-centric when their own trained youth club CMs couldn't do the basic human thing as to ask if someone is ok when they say they're hurt. She deflected it back at me saying, "since this isn't your first time cruising with us, you know this doesn't happen often." (Well, since this was only our 3rd time, there's like a 33+% chance of it happening? Soooo if we're going to base it on that...but I didn't say that.) But it did happen. And I know it happened to at least one other family on our sailing as well, whose complaint is also sitting on their desk, but I know they're not at the liberty to talk to me about it, and that's fine. The fact remains, it did happen. And now you're blaming the parent for not following your company's procedures, when your own employees, who are suppose to know, didn't. All I wanted now was, how do you instill faith back to your customer? With most businesses, if they screwed up, they're happy to give you something to ask you to try them again. I once had raw chicken in my noodle bowl with a local chain of restaurants, they spoke to management of that location, and sent me a gc nearly 3x the cost of that bowl (that I didn't request, I simply Tweeted them to say, "heads up you guys are serving under cooked food".) I certainly didn't expect 3x my cruise fare from DCL or even anything remotely close to that, but they didn't even offer so much as $5 a Dole Whip to my kid as an, "I'm sorry we dropped the ball. Please give us another shot to see that we have fixed our Youth Club problems, and we are STILL the premier vacation choice for families. Be our guest. Put our service to the test," and all. In fact, she didn't even really have an apologetic attitude, but one of blame.

I'm going to sit on this for a while and process the call. I might call back next week to ask to speak with a manager, but frankly, I don't even know what about. It's not like I'm going to demand compensation...I mean, what, how? But I do think a small something even like a fun graphic $5 gc like the ones they have with Disney Movie Rewards would've been a nice gesture to say, "I'm sorry your kid got hurt, and we didn't follow our procedures. We hope this will bring some magic the next time you sail with us." I want things to be fixed, and good customer service, not a free cruise, though duh, it's not like I or anyone would turn that down either. :P And certainly not be blamed for not doing all the right things by their policies and thoughts when I contact them about it. This is the reason why people don't report things.
I agree child care providers should be able to manage young children's bad behavior. Kicking, hitting, biting, teasing, bullying is stuff that goes on everyday in child care centers and schools. Why in the world would you call security on small children? Cops are you kidding? How stupid was the CM you spoke to? What would guess services do? If it was teenagers then yes call security because that could escalate out of control.
When my kids would go to the child care center at our health club which was a huge free for all similar to Oceaneers club. The counselors would always call me if one my children got hurt. They would also put my kids in timeout if they were naughty. Hitting another kid was immediate removal by the parents. Of course they could come back the next day, but it left an impression on the kids. Kids aren't perfect, but if there not disciplined by the CM's its not helping the kids learn how to act around others.
I have to admit that your story has me considering canceling our Mexico and Alaska cruises. I’m so sorry this happened to you.
I have to admit that your story has me considering canceling our Mexico and Alaska cruises. I’m so sorry this happened to you.
Really? This was an isolated case and you have one side of the story. I certainly wouldn't base a huge decision like canceling a cruise on one story. I'm sorry their child was hurt, but I wouldn't consider this a usual event or handling of the situation.
Really? This was an isolated case and you have one side of the story. I certainly wouldn't base a huge decision like canceling a cruise on one story. I'm sorry their child was hurt, but I wouldn't consider this a usual event or handling of the situation.

I totally agree. Cancelling a cruise based on this incident is a complete overreaction. Our kids use the clubs every time we cruise and have never had anything close to an incident like this happen.
Thanks for responding. I don’t think I will cancel.
I wouldn't cancel over this. I thought the CM's response was a little ridiculous. The kids clubs are a little crazy, but you really need to handle any problems onboard. After the fact doesn't do a lot of good.

Disney likes to leave it up to the parents meaning if your kids having a problem with a kid they expect the other kids parents to take care of it. Most of these incidents are isolated. In 20 cruises I have onlly heard a couple of things happen in the teen club
I can't remember any issues in the kids clubs.
I wouldn't cancel over this. I thought the CM's response was a little ridiculous. The kids clubs are a little crazy, but you really need to handle any problems onboard. After the fact doesn't do a lot of good.

Disney likes to leave it up to the parents meaning if your kids having a problem with a kid they expect the other kids parents to take care of it. Most of these incidents are isolated. In 20 cruises I have onlly heard a couple of things happen in the teen club
I can't remember any issues in the kids clubs.
Thanks for responding. I have young kids and can be reactionary sometimes. I won’t cancel. ETA: my kids would kill me! It’s a Disney Cruise - what was I thinking!
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That’s a fair point, I’m sure not everyone is totally consistent in what they want. But for us, we drink the same thing without fail. And it took FOREVER to get drinks some nights. My toddler also made dinners really tough and where most people might be dying for a “drink”, I was dying for a Diet Coke each night. So it would have been great to show up and just have them on the table.
I've never cruised before with DCL, so I have a question. If I ordered a drink from one of the lounges, would I be permitted to take it into dinner with me? Thanks!
I've never cruised before with DCL, so I have a question. If I ordered a drink from one of the lounges, would I be permitted to take it into dinner with me? Thanks!
Absolutely. No questions asked. The only minor restriction in terms of taking drinks around the ship is that you shouldn't take glass to the pool deck.
Well, DCL called me back about the kids' club incident.

Let's just say it was handled poorly on their end, with some pretty silly suggestions as my options.

I'm going to sit on this for a while and process the call. I might call back next week to ask to speak with a manager, but frankly, I don't even know what about.
I think the rep's poor handling (described before you shortened the post) speaks mostly to the fact that the rep is a corporate spokesperson rather than a childcare professional. The rep was wrong, but isn't someone I'd really expect to know better.

The people who should have known better were the kids' club workers & managers, and if they fail to protect a child, that should be reported to Guest Services on board so that it can be addressed immediately.

I get that your child was scared of making it worse. I'm a teacher & see that kind of reluctance all the time, but I know not to let it stop me from setting a situation right.

The wait & tell a generic Disney rep after the cruise approach was predictably ineffective. They're not on the ship and don't have direct access to the people involved, can only hear one side of the story. So when they get the complaint from you, their emphasis predictably is on calming you down rather than fixing what they view as only a possible problem that the guest didn't take seriously enough to report while onboard. That's why they reacted as they did.

I'm sorry this happened to you and your child. It was wrong on DCL's part and they are to blame. But if you want to actually correct a problem, next time, report it onboard. You must decide to protect and advocate for your child; your child doesn't get to decide that for you.
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I agree the afterwards telling part isn't the best option. I had an incident with a particular CM on the very last night of my Alaska cruise last month. I was really in doubt whether or not I wanted to tell DCL about it because I'm doing the Panama cruise in October and I know a 100 percent sure that particular CM will still be there. Since she works in an area I have a lot of interaction with and I was scraed 'to complain' and have it backfire at me in October. I gave it a few days, also I knew another party that was part of the incident complained the night itself at gr, and couldn't forget about what happened so decided to e-mail.
I explicitely asked to not discuss it as a complaint with the particular CM but still wanted to allert DCL since I found they had to know, also supporting the other parties' complaint (they told me the next monring when I ran into them at disembark they had complained about it, otherwise I would just have joined them there and then)
I got a very nice e-mail back from DCL, with a lot of recognition for being Platinum and having some reservations coming up at etc. (Im a customer service manager myself and I was very impressed how nice the e-mail was without being generic and over the top) but it also said, we have handed your feedback over to the ship but it might take quite a while to hear back. To be honest I don't need to hear back, and I sincerely hope the CM didn't find out I have written this e-mail, and meanwhile I stay a bit 'scared' for that aspect of my Panama cruise.
Hindsight is always 20/20. Sure, there's a lot that can be corrected and done NEXT time, which I hope there isn't a next time for me, or anyone else. Which is the reason why I did follow up with it after I got home. There are still PLENTY DCL could've done to remedy the situation, and provide some customer service to a guest where their employees failed to do their jobs. The fact is, I did report it. At the time, though not to the level that everyone with hindsight saying, "you should've done this and that." Those CMs in charge of keeping children safe also didn't do their jobs. So now what? The fact remains, it was reported, directly to Oceaneer within the hour of it happening. The ball was dropped at Oceaneer, and at the corporate level. If corporate is so apathetic about it, what makes me think the people in between would've been any better, especially since those directly involved didn't even so much as say, "oh no, I'm sorry we dropped the ball. Is your child OK?" That is a human decency thing too. Wouldn't any semi-decent human being stop to check on someone else who seemed hurt? What's the excuse for that? Plenty of people do not report issues, including crimes for fear of retaliation, trauma, and a number of reasons. It doesn't mean it should be forgotten and say, "well you should've done this and that...back then." It still happened, the issue is still there, and something can and should be done.

I'm sorry this happened to you and your child. It was wrong on DCL's part and they are to blame. But if you want to actually correct a problem, next time, report it onboard. You must decide to protect and advocate for your child; your child doesn't get to decide that for you.

At the time it happened, because it wasn't serious, I trusted my parental instincts to respect my child's wishes and hear his voice on the matter. None of us wanted to spend our vacation time embroiled in a witch hunt for a child doing child-like things. We're not Permit Patty type of people. My kid is old enough to have an opinion, and should be respected. Children are not stupid, they are inexperienced, and situations like this help them learn. It has also been a relatively low-risk learning experience for him as well, and for that, I am grateful. I also trusted DCL to be an upstanding, responsible company, based on previous experiences with them, and figured they would listen to me, and care if I were to write to them about it, even though I did report it to Oceaneer and it wasn't handled properly then. I am trying to advocate for him now, but now I'm being told I'm doing it all wrong. As a parent, you're probably familiar with the, "have no idea what I'm doing, but everyone else does" feeling.

The issue here isn't so much an injured child any more, but lack of compassion. The Youth Club CMs lacked compassion to ask another human being if they were ok. Corporate lacked compassion in that they blamed the parent of a child hurt under their care, and their CMs didn't respond according to their own policies. If SOMEONE along the way simply stopped to ask another human being, "are you ok? Would you like me to contact your parents?" everything would've been just fine. The world might even be a better place in that if nothing else, we as adults, have shown a child how to care for one another.
OP- not trying to bash you just providing another perspective. I think where you might be getting pushback from DCL is in how you’re framing your complaint. If you’re complaint is the CM wan uncaring and didn’t appropriately respond to my injured child than I totally agree with you. Their response on the spot was bad and they should have shown more compassion (this would go for a deliberate kick or just the random injuries kids get playing). It’s hard for them to respond onshore because it sounds like one bad apple.

I think where you’re running into resistance though is when you talk about unruly kids and bullying. It sounds like the phone rep was treating this as if you were wanting to complain about an assault and from your first post it sounded like a running problem around the ship. That triggers all kinds of different liabilities and why they brought up security and why they need to be overly cautious with anything they say and not have the onboard crews side.

I know you deleted it but someone quoted the longer post and it sounds like you thought there might e a little compensation or pixie dust. With this type of problem though I’d be surprised if there was anything they’d offer- maybe onboard they might send your son a get better stuffed animal or lithograph but after the fact anything could be construed as an admission of fault.

Just another perspective on their response. I’d be upset if my son was kicked too though so you aren’t alone.
@Ravenne —I think the drink is The Bayou Moon: bayou port, ruby spiced, Veev acai, fresh lemon juice and fresh blackberries. Looks complicated!
Why wouldn't you?
I dunno- seems like a simple enough request- but all these complaints about waiting on drinks made me think maybe there was a reason people didn't just carry them in. We have a large family, so we usually get slow service, so I often get drinks from the bar at restaurants (even if it is just coffee or soda) to tide me over and keep me from being whatever the 'thirsty' version of 'hangry' is.


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