HELP!! Pass got revoked (not my fault)

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OMG I was reading through here wondering to myself what the drugs were since cannabis is now legal in CA. I'm like, was this guy SMOKING CRACK at DISNEYLAND???... Finally noticed the date lol

yes things have changed. A few weed smokers on the Disney Wonder last month
Well....yes, but I didn't. But I still assume responsibility for not stopping them when I found out. The security never saw or took anything. They just asked what we were doing and I was honest. that's it. So they have no proof technically. I just want my pass back and am willing to buy a new one. Possibility?

I have several thoughts.

  • The first is that, while it sounds like perhaps you exercised poor judgment, I also believe you didn't mean to break any rules or do anything wrong. You get some sympathy from me but you're not entirely blameless. Live and learn.

  • When you say “..they have no proof technically,” you’re correct. But they also don’t need any. They’re not prosecuting you. They’re kicking you off private property, which is well within their rights, as I’m sure you realize.
  • This is not directed towards you, personally. Again, it sounds like you made a mistake that you regret. But from my POV, I’m glad that DL takes drugs and such things on property very seriously. I don’t want any of that nonsense in or near the park. If someone wants to use drugs, by all means, do so -- that’s a personal choice. But do it at home. Don’t bring it/them to what’s primarily a children’s park.
  • FWIW, someone I know works at the DL main gate. She sees guests have their passes revoked regularly (usually for being drunk/disorderly). She told me recently that once it’s revoked, guests still have to make their monthly payments (if they’re on the monthly-pay AP plan).
  • I wonder (just speculating -- I truly have no idea) if the police weren't called as a matter of policy. Maybe Disney doesn't want official police records of drugs on their property?
  • (This is directed at others with suspended passes -- the original post is now ten years old) -- A few posters have suggested that you buy a single-day ticket. I wouldn't if I were you. If you get caught on property, it's possible they'll charge you with trespassing (read the letter carefully -- I suspect it says you're suspend and not allowed in the park for a year). If you're charged with trespassing, they may ban you permanently. I wouldn't risk it.
sorry i opened this can of worms. i will definitely remember to look at dates, especially on the links that show up on bottom of the screen.
why do those old, old links come up, anyway?
i know, it was my first and LAST time, believe me. And of all people, it happened to me =( It was in the downtown disney parking lot also. Damn me!

Sounds to me it was a blessing in disguise, and/or a wake up call on how you are handling adulthood. FYI, life isn't fair. Sounds to me, you got off easy. Bide your time working and saving your money so when the time comes, you can purchase that new AP.
Sounds to me it was a blessing in disguise, and/or a wake up call on how you are handling adulthood. FYI, life isn't fair. Sounds to me, you got off easy. Bide your time working and saving your money so when the time comes, you can purchase that new AP.

The original post in this thread was written over 10 years ago. The OP has not posted since January 2008. Hopefully they have learned from their mistake, otherwise I fear that it may be too late to ever reform!

I have to thank whoever reinvigorated this zombie thread, though, I enjoyed reading it myself.
I did enjoy reading it too. With the way teens act, I thought it wouldn't hurt to post to the thread. It seems, no matter what year it is, teens have rock heads and want to learn things the hard way.
I did enjoy reading it too. With the way teens act, I thought it wouldn't hurt to post to the thread. It seems, no matter what year it is, teens have rock heads and want to learn things the hard way.

I feel so dumb and lucky with some of the things I got away with as a kid. I feel bad for that OP, but am glad the learning opportunity did not involve a criminal record.
I feel so dumb and lucky with some of the things I got away with as a kid. I feel bad for that OP, but am glad the learning opportunity did not involve a criminal record.
Common thought with hubs and I... "Gee, I'm so thankful there wasn't social media when I was a kid!"
Generally if it is your car it is your responsibility. Had the police been called you would have gone to jail in all likelihood. Honesty, I doubt Disney will bend, maybe write a letter explaining and enclose letters from the friends that takes the blame off of you there is a chance, but equally possible you just have to sit out a year
Generally if it is your car it is your responsibility. Had the police been called you would have gone to jail in all likelihood. Honesty, I doubt Disney will bend, maybe write a letter explaining and enclose letters from the friends that takes the blame off of you there is a chance, but equally possible you just have to sit out a year

Just to let you know, the OP wrote this 10 years ago, so I think it's all settled now.
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