It’s Disney, Four Hours of Sleep is Normal! Mother Daughter 2018 F&W TR! (Updated 9/22!)

I have some of my best Disney memories from Typhoon Lagoon when my daughters were young. Such a fun place! I haven't been there in far too long. It seems like there's never enough time. Glad you two enjoyed yourselves.

Your mom is quite the trooper!

Aw, I know, Typhoon Lagoon is such a gem! Love the tropical theme, and it has such fun slides!

And oh my goodness I know, I'm so impressed with her! My mom really hung in there this trip considering how jam packed it was! Although at the end of the trip she made me promise to make next years trip a bit less hectic!
What a fun start to your trip report. I can't wait to hear more! So glad neither of you experienced flight delays - that must have been nerve wracking! Love, love, love the Beach Club! :love: I think Baseline does have employees who come around and clear and might help you carry a tray/paddle but agree it's somewhat odd there aren't servers. I find the whole set-up inside to be a bit odd. There's no line - you just belly up to the bar at any spot like you would in a "real" bar... but Disney guests are so conditioned to standing in line that there's almost always a line and then you look like a jerk for actually doing what you're supposed to. :confused3 They really need to fix that. And I'd be so annoyed if I couldn't get a table b/c people were coming over from other spots. If it's that way now, with the park not all that popular, I can only imagine what Galaxy's Edge will bring.

I had no idea that Trader Sam's was still so popular the line formed that early! Good to know as I'm hoping to get a nautilus mug on my upcoming trip. That guy sounds very odd and very annoying. He was probably lonely and you guys looked welcoming so kudos to you for an act of kindness!

I'm so excited for Food & Wine I can't stand it. I've made a few day trips but it's been so miserably hot I haven't tried a fraction of what I want to. Really looking forward to hearing about PFTS this year. Think we were at the same one last year with the various snafus on registration and the hidden bar. :rolleyes: I did see your post in the F&W thread so happy to know it was better organized this year. I've been debating attending the one on 10/20 but it's the one with just a partial chef list (still) and what is listed seems very heavy on pastry and I don't have a sweet tooth.

6am is an awfully early wake-up but looks like EMM was totally worth it. 10 rides on Slinky?? :worship: Typhoon Lagoon sounds fun!
Typhoon Lagoon! My kids looove that wave pool. We always head to the back near the ropes, too. You got a ton done in your 2.5 hours there. Crush n Gusher is so fun. We also like the new family raft ride...Miss Adventure, but our fave is the family raft at Blizzard Beach....Teamboat Springs.

Cute pics with the gator mascot at the front of the park. On our first visit there, my family and I waited....and waited ....and waited to get pictures with that these two twenty something ladies took fashion pose after fashion pose with the gator. They were playing some fashion song on their phone while they did it. It was hilarious! I cannot imagine what the “get ready routine” must be like for them if waterpark selfies with a statue call for music and 20 different poses.....each. Hee hee.
Love the artwork you bought!

SOunds like so much gun at TL! I love that your mom loves all the water rides!
What a fun start to your trip report. I can't wait to hear more! So glad neither of you experienced flight delays - that must have been nerve wracking! Love, love, love the Beach Club! :love:

Thanks, and :welcome: And oh my goodness, isn't the BC amazing? Love that place!

I think Baseline does have employees who come around and clear and might help you carry a tray/paddle but agree it's somewhat odd there aren't servers. I find the whole set-up inside to be a bit odd. There's no line - you just belly up to the bar at any spot like you would in a "real" bar... but Disney guests are so conditioned to standing in line that there's almost always a line and then you look like a jerk for actually doing what you're supposed to. :confused3 They really need to fix that. And I'd be so annoyed if I couldn't get a table b/c people were coming over from other spots. If it's that way now, with the park not all that popular, I can only imagine what Galaxy's Edge will bring.

HA! Oh man, I'm happy I'm not the only one who though the setup in there was odd. When I walked in there was this one long line, but there was another bartender just standing there, so I "cut" the line and went to him to see if I could order and I could! People really love their lines in Disney!

I had no idea that Trader Sam's was still so popular the line formed that early! Good to know as I'm hoping to get a nautilus mug on my upcoming trip. That guy sounds very odd and very annoying. He was probably lonely and you guys looked welcoming so kudos to you for an act of kindness!

We were so surprised how early the line formed. Our original plan was to explore the Poly for 20-30 minutes before getting in line, but that plan obviously went out the window!

I'm so excited for Food & Wine I can't stand it. I've made a few day trips but it's been so miserably hot I haven't tried a fraction of what I want to. Really looking forward to hearing about PFTS this year. Think we were at the same one last year with the various snafus on registration and the hidden bar. :rolleyes: I did see your post in the F&W thread so happy to know it was better organized this year. I've been debating attending the one on 10/20 but it's the one with just a partial chef list (still) and what is listed seems very heavy on pastry and I don't have a sweet tooth.

I can imagine! The weeks (or months) leading up to our trips are so hard, we just can't wait to get there and start trying everything! PFTS was SO much better this year compared to last year. The addition of the Minnie Van hotel pickup and dropoff backstage at the event was amazing. Plus when we got there being able to wait inside was another huge plus. I commented to my mom during the even that it seemed that Disney listened to every single one of my complaints from last year and fixed it, I was impressed! And I'm with you on the pastry's, I don't think I'd be interested in going to a party that was more sweets focused.
6am is an awfully early wake-up but looks like EMM was totally worth it. 10 rides on Slinky?? :worship: Typhoon Lagoon sounds fun!

Haha, yeah, that wake-up wasn't fun, but the event made up for it! I couldn't believe how empty it was, the only line we saw the whole morning was to meet Woody and Jessie, the rides were all walk-on! I really hope they keep this event around for next fall as well.
Typhoon Lagoon! My kids looove that wave pool. We always head to the back near the ropes, too. You got a ton done in your 2.5 hours there. Crush n Gusher is so fun. We also like the new family raft ride...Miss Adventure, but our fave is the family raft at Blizzard Beach....Teamboat Springs.

Hmmm, I'm not sure if we've ever tried Teamboat Springs, might have to add Blizzard Beach to our plans for next year!

Cute pics with the gator mascot at the front of the park. On our first visit there, my family and I waited....and waited ....and waited to get pictures with that these two twenty something ladies took fashion pose after fashion pose with the gator. They were playing some fashion song on their phone while they did it. It was hilarious! I cannot imagine what the “get ready routine” must be like for them if waterpark selfies with a statue call for music and 20 different poses.....each. Hee hee.

HA!!!! Oh my goodness, what on earth?!?! I would have laughed so hard if I saw this!
Day 2, Part 5: Back to the Food Booths!

After a much needed break, we got ready and made our way over to Epcot a little after 4:00. Our first stop was Soarin to use our FP+ which was about to expire!

We made our way into the park…and of course had to quickly stop at the PP photographers!

Next up, FP+ time! We got there in time and soon were flying!

One thing I noticed this trip, is they no longer tell you to take off your flip flops before flying…I still did out of habit, but found it interesting they no longer ask you to!

Once we were done with our trip around the world, it was time to hit up some food booths! Our first stop was the Light Lab where I got the RGB flight and my mom got the Cider Flight.

The flights were ok, of the beer flight I only really liked the Red beer, and of the cider flights I only liked the rose one. My mom however loved all three of the ciders!

Our next stop was the Eats area again, this time I picked up the Steakhouse Blended Burger from Earth Eats, and grabbed the Crab Cake from coastal eats for my mom.

Both were really good!

After finishing up our food, we made our way over to the festival center to do some serious F&W merch shopping!

Of course we had to stop at the PP photographers on the way!

We had all the goodies we bought shipped back to the hotel so we didn’t have to lug the big bag around with us the rest of the day, then swung by the wine shop where I got the red flight.

There were all really good, and it was nice to be able to sit and enjoy them in AC!

Oh the way out we of course had to get pictures in front of the giant wine bottle

Eventually we decided to move on, and made our way over to the Chocolate Studio where mom got the Pumpkin Spice Chai Tea with Caramel Vodka. She took one sip, and was shocked at how strong it was, so handed it over to me to taste. I noticed when I took it, that there was clear liquid on top of the frozen slushy portion, so I realized it was the vodka they had just poured on! I took a sip as well, and yup, I only got the vodka!


I went and got a spoon and then mixed the drink, which made such a big difference! It was actually really quite good after it was mixed!

Our next stop was the Wine and Dine Studio where my mom got the Butternut Squash Ravioli, and I got the Artist Palatte of Wine and Cheese.

The ravioli was fantastic! Loved the flavors. The palatte of wine and cheese was also really good!

Up Next: Yup, we’re still eating!

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I've never worn flip flops in the parks, so I didn't know they used to ask you to remove them on Soarin'. Soarin' is my favorite ride, but everyone keeps telling me that Flight of Passage will change that once I finally get to ride it this December.

I've read a lot of good things about that Blended Burger. It looks delicious and that wine and cheese palette is really cute!
Thanks for sharing, sounds like such a great trip! Typhoon Lagoon is the best water park I've ever been too. Sadly we won't be going this trip since we're going in January.
I wonder why they did stop telling you to take off your flip flops! I thought I had just almost forgotten to take them off on my last trip but I guess it was really the lack of instruction!
I just found your TR and am following along

Trader Sam’s, and were shocked to see a line had already started to form! It was only 2:56!
Wow good to know to get there that early.

I ended up ordering the Krakatoa punch as well
Loved that drink and DH had to buy the Tiki mug it came in.

he grabs the chair, then pulls it over to our tiny little table and asks if he can sit with us instead of the other table.
How weird
I've never worn flip flops in the parks, so I didn't know they used to ask you to remove them on Soarin'. Soarin' is my favorite ride, but everyone keeps telling me that Flight of Passage will change that once I finally get to ride it this December.

Well they used to...I guess they don't anymore? :confused3 And oh my goodness, Flight of Passage is great! Totally blows Soarin' out of the water!

I've read a lot of good things about that Blended Burger. It looks delicious and that wine and cheese palette is really cute!

The burger was so good! I mean, I love burgers so it was an easy sell, but I thought the flavors were fantastic! The wine and cheese palette is always good, we get it every year and it's always different cheese and wine that pair really well together!
Thanks for sharing, sounds like such a great trip! Typhoon Lagoon is the best water park I've ever been too. Sadly we won't be going this trip since we're going in January.

Isn't Typhoon Lagoon great? Love that place! Is it actually closed in January or is it just too cold to go? One year I went just after Christmas and was shocked how cold it was...and that was coming from a winter in New England! I totally packed wrong and was freezing the whole time I was there!
I wonder why they did stop telling you to take off your flip flops! I thought I had just almost forgotten to take them off on my last trip but I guess it was really the lack of instruction!

Yeah, no idea when they stopped! It was so odd, they have trained me so well I just automatically take them off now, but realized they didn't tell us to, so looking around I saw a few others who were also trained well, but most just kept them on. I just couldn't break tradition though and left mine on the ground!
I just found your TR and am following along

:welcome: Thanks for joining!

Wow good to know to get there that early.

I kinda suspect we may have been on an odd day. Most reports I've read have the line starting 3:30-3:45.

Loved that drink and DH had to buy the Tiki mug it came in.

It was SO good! I was surprised by the taste, it wasn't what I expected from the description!

How weird

Haha, yes! It was so weird! We tried being nice, but just couldn't last too long and had to leave!
Oh gosh, i don't know how I missed that you started a trip report!

So tip, if you get to DME and see one long line but a bunch of cast members standing around with no line, don’t assume you have to get in the long line! The queueing instinct is real folks!
That's awesome that you didn't have to wait in that line! Same goes for all of Disney though, really. We were at AK and there was a long line at one of the windows at Pongu Pongu, but no line at the other--we asked if they were open, and they said they were, so boom, no long line for us! It's hard to fight that queueing instinct though :)

After wrapping up our lunch, my mom and I decided to make our way out of the park to check out our room. On the way out we ran into one of the janitors “painting” the characters! We’ve never seen this in person before, so we stopped to watch. It was really awesome to see!
How fun!! Isn't it neat to see them? We saw them in person for the first time at MK and it was really fun.

Also, upon entering the room, I was shocked to find that my luggage was already in there waiting for me! It was so fast this year!
Oooh, jealous! We had troubles with Bell Services at the Boardwalk.

I had heard with all the construction the walk was significantly longer now, but I figure it was still early and relatively (for Florida) cool outside, so we decided to try it out.
Dude, even in the early morning it was crazy hot that day! But without the sun beating down I imagine it was a fairly pleasant walk. And hey, you got there in plenty of time! :)

The ravioli was fantastic! Loved the flavors.
This ravioli was amaaaaazing.

Can't wait to read more! :)
Isn't Typhoon Lagoon great? Love that place! Is it actually closed in January or is it just too cold to go? One year I went just after Christmas and was shocked how cold it was...and that was coming from a winter in New England! I totally packed wrong and was freezing the whole time I was there!
It is!! I believe its closed for refurbishment but Blizzard Beach is open. It's definitely to cold for this California girl to go to a water park, I need hot weather!!


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