Fast pass not honored for flight of passage

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Don’t see any reason to close this at this point despite the fact we’re kind of going in circles. Just please be respectful in the discussion and follow DIS Guidelines when posting.

Thank you.
Why? What would you rather have happen?

Who said that?

The OP likely made a FP for the ride. But as hiro laid out early on, if another FP they had got changed and then they got in the line early or late, them the wrong FP is going to be read.

It’s not that the FP they thought they were using was an anytime.

If only people would pay attention to the plans they are making for themselves and read their FP info there would be no need for them to assume...

And anyone who has worked in customer service knows that sometimes you are answering to thebitter best of your ability and still the customer doesn’t understand you.

At Disneyland years ago I had a situation with my AP where it had halfway “died”. Got me into the parks but wouldn’t get me FPs. The CM
I asked was answering to the best of his ability. I was listening to the best of my ability. But I wasn’t understanding his answer and he wasn’t understanding what I wasn’t understanding. We nearly just stopped the convo with me angry and him confused. But I persisted and finally heard what he was saying. Once we came through that we could explain what we didn’t know we needed to explain. Before, it seemed so obvious that we didn’t know what more needed to be said.

I ended up getting my “FP ticket” and he got a major official kudos from me for not giving up.

Exactly. Assuming he scanned it, they only see what they see.

If a cm has never seen that situation they can’t know to ask about it.

Every friend I have who goes to Wdw has managed to figure it all out with only Disney’s info. They have had better trips than I have. And they haven’t had info from me bc they tend to announce trips way late and with no time for me to help.

The weren’t told there was no FP line.

The OP said that the family said there was no FP line.

There was no fast pass line and the regular line was past the lion king show.

“When the asked a CM, they responded that Animal kingdom attendance is almost to capacity and the only way you will ride is to wait like others in the standby line

“The CM also said you can use that fast pass on any other ride in the park.....”


Um. The people saying it can’t happem have been to the parks a gabillion times, are pretty much experts in the parks, and know how things work. These are people to listen to.

A ride that has a single rider line might sometimes not have a single rider line. But a line that has a FP line will always have that open.

That’s too bad, because conversations like this require that fine distinction to be made.

Where is the defending of CMs? Seriously?

It’s all “this cannot have happened I’m the way you were told. Please get clarification or know that it can’t happem like that and your trip will be fine.”

I don’t.

I believe a guest might think they heard that. But even in the op’s description it doesn’t say the cm said that. It says that there was no FP line, and “when they asked the cm”... But asked them what, is my question.

It doesn’t even say what the family member asked the cm.

Angi said that if the ride was closed ALL lines would be closed, and if the ride is open the lines are open. You want a possibility to exist where the ride is open but the FP line is closed. You’re mixing up what Angi is saying entirely.

I don’t think CMs *change* FPs like that.

The system changes it, or the cm issues an Anytime FP.

So no, I don’t think it can happen the way you want it to happen.

On the first couple of pages several said the CM likely gave the Op’s brother bad information. This is hardly the first time someone has said that they were told XYZ by a Disney employee and while not saying its “ok” its pushed aside as though everyone should just understand that employees give bad information.

Do you really think the op has to spell out a direct quote of what was asked? There was no line, they asked the CM. Pretty obvious what they asked or asked about.

If someone walks up to me and asks me about a line, I scan for their FP and see that it can’t be used on that attraction, it seems to me the next bit of conversation is going to be clarifying that they did or didn’t have a FP for that attraction and then saying what happened. It’s called customer service and being helpful.

I find it hilarious that someone comes here almost every day with confusion about FP and yet when anyone says it shouldn’t be this confusing they get hit with all these stories about these people everyone knows who have never been and figured it out in a nano second.

The first time I used FP+, I found it rather simple. I made three, I used three and went on about my day. Not staying on my phone all day. But if someone else finds it confusing I am certainly not going to act as though they must be crazy, I am still going to say that going to a theme park should not be this hard.

You talk about emails and checking them. Not everyone has their email even linked to their phone. I don’t. My main email is my work email. I don’t want that mess bugging me outside of work. And I do not check it while on vacation.

This whole thing started with the op being concerned that the scenario with her brother could happen to the op on her trip. Could it?

If it could, perhaps some info that will tell her how to figure it out ahead of time would be helpful rather than saying her brother is lying, leaving things out, whatever. If the ride being down at some point could have issued different FP for them or if they were out of their FP window and the scanner picked up a different FP that they were given or whatever, perhaps that info would help answer her question.
Why? What would you rather have happen?

Who said that?

The OP likely made a FP for the ride. But as hiro laid out early on, if another FP they had got changed and then they got in the line early or late, them the wrong FP is going to be read.

It’s not that the FP they thought they were using was an anytime.

If only people would pay attention to the plans they are making for themselves and read their FP info there would be no need for them to assume...

And anyone who has worked in customer service knows that sometimes you are answering to thebitter best of your ability and still the customer doesn’t understand you.

At Disneyland years ago I had a situation with my AP where it had halfway “died”. Got me into the parks but wouldn’t get me FPs. The CM
I asked was answering to the best of his ability. I was listening to the best of my ability. But I wasn’t understanding his answer and he wasn’t understanding what I wasn’t understanding. We nearly just stopped the convo with me angry and him confused. But I persisted and finally heard what he was saying. Once we came through that we could explain what we didn’t know we needed to explain. Before, it seemed so obvious that we didn’t know what more needed to be said.

I ended up getting my “FP ticket” and he got a major official kudos from me for not giving up.

Exactly. Assuming he scanned it, they only see what they see.

If a cm has never seen that situation they can’t know to ask about it.

Every friend I have who goes to Wdw has managed to figure it all out with only Disney’s info. They have had better trips than I have. And they haven’t had info from me bc they tend to announce trips way late and with no time for me to help.

The weren’t told there was no FP line.

The OP said that the family said there was no FP line.

There was no fast pass line and the regular line was past the lion king show.

“When the asked a CM, they responded that Animal kingdom attendance is almost to capacity and the only way you will ride is to wait like others in the standby line

“The CM also said you can use that fast pass on any other ride in the park.....”


Um. The people saying it can’t happem have been to the parks a gabillion times, are pretty much experts in the parks, and know how things work. These are people to listen to.

A ride that has a single rider line might sometimes not have a single rider line. But a line that has a FP line will always have that open.

That’s too bad, because conversations like this require that fine distinction to be made.

Where is the defending of CMs? Seriously?

It’s all “this cannot have happened I’m the way you were told. Please get clarification or know that it can’t happem like that and your trip will be fine.”

I don’t.

I believe a guest might think they heard that. But even in the op’s description it doesn’t say the cm said that. It says that there was no FP line, and “when they asked the cm”... But asked them what, is my question.

It doesn’t even say what the family member asked the cm.

Angi said that if the ride was closed ALL lines would be closed, and if the ride is open the lines are open. You want a possibility to exist where the ride is open but the FP line is closed. You’re mixing up what Angi is saying entirely.

I don’t think CMs *change* FPs like that.

The system changes it, or the cm issues an Anytime FP.

So no, I don’t think it can happen the way you want it to happen.
Lol, you must have a photogenic memory or maybe mine is just that bad, but I know the ins/outs and completely understand the system, but most days I have to check and recheck my fastpass times because I can't remember every detail and each time of every fastpass/adr etc.
Last week FOP was temporarily down during our FP window. The email I received indicated that the replacement one they provided us with wasn't valid for any of the following rides: Alien Swirling Saucers, Frozen Ever After, Navi River Journey, Rivers of Light, or Slinky Dog Dash. We were going to use it at MK when we went to MNSSHP later that afternoon, but we decided to check FOP again before we left the park for the day. It was up and running again so we used it there.
On the first couple of pages several said the CM likely gave the Op’s brother bad information. This is hardly the first time someone has said that they were told XYZ by a Disney employee and while not saying its “ok” its pushed aside as though everyone should just understand that employees give bad information.

Do you really think the op has to spell out a direct quote of what was asked? There was no line, they asked the CM. Pretty obvious what they asked or asked about.

If someone walks up to me and asks me about a line, I scan for their FP and see that it can’t be used on that attraction, it seems to me the next bit of conversation is going to be clarifying that they did or didn’t have a FP for that attraction and then saying what happened. It’s called customer service and being helpful.

I find it hilarious that someone comes here almost every day with confusion about FP and yet when anyone says it shouldn’t be this confusing they get hit with all these stories about these people everyone knows who have never been and figured it out in a nano second.

The first time I used FP+, I found it rather simple. I made three, I used three and went on about my day. Not staying on my phone all day. But if someone else finds it confusing I am certainly not going to act as though they must be crazy, I am still going to say that going to a theme park should not be this hard.

You talk about emails and checking them. Not everyone has their email even linked to their phone. I don’t. My main email is my work email. I don’t want that mess bugging me outside of work. And I do not check it while on vacation.

This whole thing started with the op being concerned that the scenario with her brother could happen to the op on her trip. Could it?

If it could, perhaps some info that will tell her how to figure it out ahead of time would be helpful rather than saying her brother is lying, leaving things out, whatever. If the ride being down at some point could have issued different FP for them or if they were out of their FP window and the scanner picked up a different FP that they were given or whatever, perhaps that info would help answer her question.
THANK YOU! I'm so perplexed as to why it seems soooo hard for others to accept and understand that the system and CERTAINLY the communication with employees at Disney isn't perfect (my personal opinion about the misinformation from CMs is that it's way worse than less than perfect and really unacceptable, but that's a topic for a different thread) and that it would not be hard for any guest to get confused from time to time.

There's no reason to automatically pounce on a poster asking a question and being disappointed that they feel things weren't handled well. It doesn't make them crazy, stupid or trying to cheat the system, especially in a situation like this.
Someone early on said that they wouldn’t know of a FP hadnxjamged bc they don’t check their email or MDE.

And I gotta say...get over your wish to not use those things. If I have to accept that FP is never coming back and that we all must wear rubbery toddler bangles, then those people have to accept that email and app are how Disney communicates with is. If we want to use FP+ properly, we have to be willing to bend on the technology thing.

If you won’t, you don’t get to complain when you don’t know of a change being made.
Lol, do you want to know how many times rides went down and no one in our party of 11 got the emails? Sometimes 1 or 2 of us did, sometimes all, sometimes none, sometimes it just showed in the app etc....bottom line, it's not consistent.
Personally I take screen shots of the fast passes. They have disappeared for me in the past and I detest the long lines at guest services. Unfortunately I had to endure them this week at MK when my magic band froze. DH’s worked fine. PIA. Got a Peter Pan fast pass out of it. Trust me not worth the wait in line.
THANK YOU! I'm so perplexed as to why it seems soooo hard for others to accept and understand that the system and CERTAINLY the communication with employees at Disney isn't perfect (my personal opinion about the misinformation from CMs is that it's way worse than less than perfect and really unacceptable, but that's a topic for a different thread) and that it would not be hard for any guest to get confused from time to time.

There's no reason to automatically pounce on a poster asking a question and being disappointed that they feel things weren't handled well. It doesn't make them crazy, stupid or trying to cheat the system, especially in a situation like this.
I didn't really see anyone pounce on the poster. Sounds to me like everyone thinks there was a whole lot of miscomunication and not enough information to figure out how that miscomunication occurred.
All I know is if I saw a standby line back to FOTLK, that’s my queue to head straight back to the resort pool and :beach:.


I haven’t been to Pandora enough during peak times lately enough to know, is that normal?

It wasn't that bad when we were there the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. As I have said on other threads that was the most crowded park day I ever experienced.

The last week of posts has me a little scared of going next year for fall break. And I am not one to be intimated by crowds.
Not if you are staying CL. There currently is a trial program where you can purchase 3 extra FP's with no tiering at 90 days out. This was brought up in PP's so I didn't think I need to restate it in mine.
You're assuming they were staying club level. I'm assuming they weren't.
Why? What would you rather have happen?

Who said that?

The OP likely made a FP for the ride. But as hiro laid out early on, if another FP they had got changed and then they got in the line early or late, them the wrong FP is going to be read.

It’s not that the FP they thought they were using was an anytime.

If only people would pay attention to the plans they are making for themselves and read their FP info there would be no need for them to assume...

And anyone who has worked in customer service knows that sometimes you are answering to thebitter best of your ability and still the customer doesn’t understand you.

At Disneyland years ago I had a situation with my AP where it had halfway “died”. Got me into the parks but wouldn’t get me FPs. The CM
I asked was answering to the best of his ability. I was listening to the best of my ability. But I wasn’t understanding his answer and he wasn’t understanding what I wasn’t understanding. We nearly just stopped the convo with me angry and him confused. But I persisted and finally heard what he was saying. Once we came through that we could explain what we didn’t know we needed to explain. Before, it seemed so obvious that we didn’t know what more needed to be said.

I ended up getting my “FP ticket” and he got a major official kudos from me for not giving up.

Exactly. Assuming he scanned it, they only see what they see.

If a cm has never seen that situation they can’t know to ask about it.

Every friend I have who goes to Wdw has managed to figure it all out with only Disney’s info. They have had better trips than I have. And they haven’t had info from me bc they tend to announce trips way late and with no time for me to help.

The weren’t told there was no FP line.

The OP said that the family said there was no FP line.

There was no fast pass line and the regular line was past the lion king show.

“When the asked a CM, they responded that Animal kingdom attendance is almost to capacity and the only way you will ride is to wait like others in the standby line

“The CM also said you can use that fast pass on any other ride in the park.....”


Um. The people saying it can’t happem have been to the parks a gabillion times, are pretty much experts in the parks, and know how things work. These are people to listen to.

A ride that has a single rider line might sometimes not have a single rider line. But a line that has a FP line will always have that open.

That’s too bad, because conversations like this require that fine distinction to be made.

Where is the defending of CMs? Seriously?

It’s all “this cannot have happened I’m the way you were told. Please get clarification or know that it can’t happem like that and your trip will be fine.”

I don’t.

I believe a guest might think they heard that. But even in the op’s description it doesn’t say the cm said that. It says that there was no FP line, and “when they asked the cm”... But asked them what, is my question.

It doesn’t even say what the family member asked the cm.

Angi said that if the ride was closed ALL lines would be closed, and if the ride is open the lines are open. You want a possibility to exist where the ride is open but the FP line is closed. You’re mixing up what Angi is saying entirely.

I don’t think CMs *change* FPs like that.

The system changes it, or the cm issues an Anytime FP.

So no, I don’t think it can happen the way you want it to happen.
Your answer is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about.

Thanks @luvsJack for explaining some of the same things I was trying to say but then got reprimanded for my opinion.
We will likely never know the full story here but I agree with @AngiTN that something has likely been lost in the communication of the series of events from one person to another over time.

During my second-ever Disney trip, we had some unfortunate issues involving ride downtime and anytime FPs. Due to a guest relations issue, we received two anytime fastpasses that were good (at the time) on any ride at any park, except for Frozen Ever After. We also had a Frozen Ever After fastpass. On the day of our Frozen Ever After FP, the ride went down, giving us another anytime FP good for any ride INCLUDING Frozen. We found ourselves at Soarin', and I explained my situation to the FP attendant there. I wanted to ride Soarin', but I was afraid it would take my one anytime FP good for Frozen, instead of one of the other two that were good for anything EXCEPT Frozen. He told me to scan and it would be fine. So I did, and took a few steps into the Frozen queue to find that my Frozen anytime was gone, and the other two anytimes remained. I went back to the front of the FP line and the attendant told me I would need to go to guest services to get it sorted out.

Is it possible that these folks somehow found themselves in a situation where TWO of their FPs turned into anytimes, one for FoP and one for everything except FoP? Sometimes one of my FPs changes to an anytime and I don't even realize it because the ride is running again when I get there. If this group had a FOP FP go anytime, AND an Everest go anytime, and they decided to ride Everest before FOP, they really could've had some unfortunate luck.
IMO, what people are trying to say to the OP is "no, this is not a usual thing, and as long as you have a valid FP booked for a certain ride, and that ride is not down, go to the FP entrance at that ride at your FP time, and you should be fine."

The rest is because we are trying to figure out what actually happened/what went wrong, which we can only speculate on because of the clues.
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